To Grandma's House...

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The ride to visit the Old One was a peaceful one. Peace was something that Xael welcomed after the emotion filled morning she had. It was a two hour drive out of the city to the next tribal area. The area was wooded as well. Xael had only been out there a few times when she was younger and it was always with her Grandmother. But today was different, very different. They drove down a wooded side road similar to the one her Grams lived on.

The Elder Shado was taking it slow as he drove down the bumpy road, halfway down, Xael growled then whimpered loudly. Startling both of the Alpha's, Shado's dad stopped his vehicle. Xael lowered the window and inhaled deeply. She suddenly began to clap excitedly.


Xael looked at Shado's dad, a huge smile on her face.  What Xael didn't know is that her eyes were now gold.

"Oh my God..." The Elder Shado was even more mesmerized than before.


"Hm?" Xael whipped her head around to her Mate causing him to gasp. Xael had smelled wolves, one in particular had her very very excited. "We have a furry escort. Look!!" Xael pointed to the treeline as numerous wolves started to appear.

"But your eyes..."

"My eyes?" Xael moved to look into the rearview mirror. Xael gasped also. "Adam?"

Xael looked at Adam just as confused as they were. The Elder Shado looked at both of them.

"Xael, have your eyes ever done that before?"

"Only when I'm healing, but I'm not touching anything!"

"Let's get to the house, make sure you're buckled up." The Elder shifted the vehicle into 4-wheel drive as the road was worsening, he also kept a watchful eye on the wolves as they started run in front of his vehicle. He was thankful that they were a safe distance ahead of him but still; he'd never encountered anything like this before.


At the Old One's cabin, her dogs were going bonkers. Scratching at the door and whining to get out. She walked towards the door.

"Calm down you little furry shits!" 

As she walked towards the door she saw them. The front of her house was teaming with wild wolves. She'd never seen so many. They were pacing nervously. Knowing that she had guest on the way, she immediately called her grandson. But not before her very old pet wolf Taza, blind and crippled made it's way to the front.


Adam's dad fumbled with his phone so he just let it fall and hit the call answer button on the steering wheel.  Adam, who'd climbed his large frame up to the front passenger seat, was looking out the window. Xael meanwhile had her window down, she was absolutely giddy, but she was the only one.

"Grandma? We're almost there."

"Don't come any closer!! The entire front of the house is filled with wolves!"

"What? I can't hear you Grandma, you're breaking up."

The call only got worse and he had no choice but to hang up. Xael meanwhile had suddenly starting feeling strange and she was burning up. It wasn't heat induced but something else, something she had never felt before. She screamed out from the intensity of it.

"Xael what's wrong?"

"I don't know, I...I don't feel so good all of a sudden."

"Dad? Somethings wrong with Xael!"

"Hold on Xael, we'll be at the house in...HOLY SHIT!!" Adam's dad had to slamm on brakes as the road was now packed with wolves. Like the ones at the house they were pacing around nervously. Xael began to sweat, her body heat increasing.


Xael was curled up in backseat, the wolves getting closer to the vehicle.  Without warning they all began to howl, and it was deafening. Xael curled into an even tighter ball, her hands over her ears trying to block out any of the sound.

"I need out!" Xael was trying to get out of the seat belt.

"No! You can't go out there Xael!!" The Elder Shado was panicking as Adam tried to keep his Mate inside the vehicle.

Xael was dizzy, she'd never felt anything like what she was feeling, but it wasn't fear.  Xael moved faster than Adam could respond and was out the vehicle.


This time Adam used his Alpha voice on her but it had no effect on her. Just then a familiar and extremely large wolf appeared at the front of the pack.


The Elder Shado was frozen in his seat.  Adam quickly turned and saw Xael's Grandfather, the Pack Alpha. Xael was now standing beside her Mate but on the outside of the vehicle. She looked at Adam and smiled, causing him to relax. Xael approached the large pack of wolves. The Elder Shado snapped out of it.


"It's okay dad. That's her Grandfather."

Adam's dad looked at him, not sure he believed what he had just heard. Xael quickly walked up to the Large Alpha and dropped to her knees, her face nuzzled against his.


Back at the Old One's cabin, one of her pups managed to get the door opened, allowing both of them to dart out and join the others. Her old and feebile Taza, who was using all that he had left, slowly crept outside.


The old pup turned and looked at her. It had been such a long time since he had ventured out. She could tell that doing so was killing him. He made it onto the front porch and collasped. The Elder quickly rushed to his side, cradling his head in her lap.

"Ohh my poor sweet boy..."

The old wolf was struggling to breathe.


Xael jolted up and looked back at the two Alphas in the vehicle. Her eyes were now glowing gold as she took off down the road towards the house. The wolves, right behind her.

{Follow me!! Somethings wrong}

"Follow her dad!"

It took his dad a few seconds but he came to and trailed behind them in his jeep. Xael was running faster than anything he had seen and was having trouble keeping up with her due to the condition of the road.

Suddenly her Grandfather howled. It thundered through the sky and the forest; reaching the cabin. The old wolf managed to open it's eyes, trying to raise it's head but couldn't.

Xael sensed the urgency and before the Alpha's eyes, she shifted. She didn't care if they saw her true form, her only priority was reaching the cabin. Now in wolf form, Xael and her Grandfather could reach their true speed. Their large paws thundered on the ground. Adam's dad was struggling to keep his vehicle on the road but soon they all reached the cabin. Throwing it in park, both of the Alpha's jumped out of the vehicle.

The Old one was now standing, awestruck at the two beautiful and majestic creatures in front of her. All she could do was point at them.  Adam and his dad both ran to the deck as Xael, now in wolf form, slowly approached the dying wolf.

Head lowered, she gracefully ascended the steps, never taking her eyes of the fallen wolf.  Adam, his dad and Great-Grandmother all stood watching the scene in front of them. They were all too terrified to move.

As Xael neared the dying wolf, her Grandfather gently nuzzled it.  Xael began to whimper as if she was in pain. Both Xael and her Grandfather laid down on each side of the wolf, placing their heads onto him very gently. Xael, who was facing the trio, cast her eyes up at them, then closed them. The Old one finally seeing them, she faltered, Adam quickly catching her. The two wolves continued to lay on the fallen one, his house mates were now sitting in front of him. The Pack Alpha raised and sat, he looked at the Grandmother.

{Please get her a blanket}

Without thinking, she went into the house but stopped inside the door.

"He just linked me!!" Again she was frozen, her arm extended pointing at the large Alpha. Xael's Grandfather turned to one of her pups and growled softly. The pup trotted into the house and quickly returned with a blanket. He dropped it infront of Adam. After a minute or so, Xael whimpered.

{Cover her up} 

Again the Alpha linked the humans. Adam walked around to her and placed the blanket over her just in time. Xael shifted back to her human form. The Alpha nuzzled the wolf again causing him to spring to his paws.  After a good shake, the old wolf was no longer old. His fur was shiny and thick, his eyes clear and bright. He approached the old woman and nuzzled her hand. Her eyes filled with tears, she thought she was about to loose him and here he was now. Young, strong and healthy. He reared up to her and carefully placed his forepaws on her shoulder, licking her face. She giggled like a little kid.

Meanwhile Adam had picked up Xael who was now unconscious. He tried linking her but got no response. Adam wasn't too worried as he knew her Grandfather wouldn't let anything happen to her. The Grandmother's wolf lowered himself and went to nuzzle her other two dogs. He looked back at her.


She knew what that look meant. He was leaving her. The licks he had given her were kisses saying goodbye and thank you. She smiled. There was no sadness only joy because she knew he would have a second and better chance at life. She walked up to him, knelt down, hugged him and kissed him one last time. She waved for Adam's dad to help her up.

"Go Taza. Go be happy my sweet boy!"

With that he leapt gracefully down amongst the other wild wolves. The large Alpha ran off into the forest followed by the others and Taza. Before he disappeared into the treeline, he turned and howled. The Grandmother blew him a kiss and he was gone.

...yeah, i know this chapter was a bit 'out there''s about werewolves so. :)

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