Chapter 2

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I left and people flooded towards me.
"Has it happened yet?"

"Did they kiss?"

"Did you leave because it was get steamy?"

"Of course not, would they really do it on the train?"

"Well why not?"

"It's Hermione Granger."

"Are they engaged then?"

"What's going on? Why are there so many tall people? I thought this was for first to seventh years?"

"Huh? Oh... The train leaves tomorrow kid."

"But I've got my trunk and everything!"

Conversations buzzed around me as I was shot with several questions at once.

"SHUT UP!" I roared. "Yes, he asked. Yes, she said yes. No, it's not "getting steamy". No, the train wasn't supposed to leave today, so you're early. I don't know if they've kissed, I left."

"Well whatchoo do that for?"

"I was giving them privacy. And personal space. Apparently, a lot if you haven't heard of that. Just let me go."

"Someone's on their man-period."


"It was her." She pointed to the figure on her right. Who wasn't even a "her". "I mean the one to his left? No, right."

"Gracie, why don't you-" Mollie began, but was cut off by somebody who was diving through the crowd. He entered Romione's compartment. I sent a look at Mollie.

"Alright everyone, clear out! Thank you for playing your parts, but the time is up. Thank you and goodbye." She called.

People groaned, but scattered sharply when Kat sent menacing glares at them.

I slipped into the cabin, onto my seat.

"Well, well, well. Everybody down the train is saying that there's a couple in here who got engaged to be engaged. That'll be you, will it?" Malf- Dra- y'know what? Dralfoy looked at Ron and Hermione.

"Er, yes?"

"My name's Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." I sniggered.

"Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. Green eyes, scruffy hair and a lightning bolt scar? You must be The Potter."

"The Potter?"

"Harry? No, no, no. Potter, you're ruining it!"


"Anyway." He turned back to Ron and Hermione, getting back into character/his eleven year old self. "You really want to hang around with famous blokes like him. It'll be a great friendship. Until he knocks Weasley II up." Ron shot a murderous look at me. "Until. If she was, she'd be showing by now. Calm down Wease- Ron."

"Er... Dralfoy?"


"I wasn't sure if it was Draco or Malfoy. We established Malfoy, but if you're establishing a name, it seems that it should be first names. Draco seems weird to say, and Malfoy seems too arch-enemyish. People don't really have archenemies. Not in real life. That's just in books-"


"Oh, right. Anyway, I was just gonna ask why you're being nice." He shrugged.

"They deserve it. I never thought I'd say this, but Hermione Weasley works. And Ron, you deserve her. Good on you."

"This is just getting weird now. I'm gonna go. Again."

I got up and left. It was weird being on that train again. As I did on the platform, I realised something: the next time I stood here, I'd be waving to my child. That was a weird thought.

I apperated home, and called up to Ginny.
"Give me two minutes, and I'll be down." She replied.

I went through and put the kettle on, pouring is each a mug of tea. When she came in, I almost dropped one of the mugs.

"Are you okay? Gin, you look so-" I couldn't think of a wire to describe it without offending her. "-pale?" That was true. Colour had left her skin, and her eyes were wide. She looked... Shocked... unsure. Worried, yet excited.

"I'm- I'm fine."

"You don't sound it." I noted.

"Look Harry, just leave it. Just- please."

"Okay, fine. I just wanted to make sure."

"Well there's nothing wrong with me!" I held to my hands in surrender.

"Sorry for checking that my wife's okay." She sighed.

"I'm sorry. I'll just a bit stressed, that's all."

"Come here." I opened up my arms, and she came forward. I enveloped her in a hug.

We stood there for a moment. By that, I mean for a while. Then we drank our tea and went to sit down by the fireplace.

Gin ended up having to go out for a sudden last-minute practise for her next game. I just spent the day doing paperwork and work stuff.

The next day, as I sat down and started to butter my toast, a wolf patrons bounded into the room.

"Come quickly to Mungo's. Fleur's in labour."

I glanced at Ginny, who looked right back.
"Do you want me to go and get-" she nodded.

I raced upstairs and grabbed the presents we'd bought them. It was a selection of baby stuff: a Sully onsie (from Monsters INC)/a Boo costume (it would be whichever one was the right gender); a pink/blue hat; some toys; a new cot (Victorie had destroyed hers). There was also a fairy costume for Vic, so she wouldn't get jealous.

We apperated to St Mungo's, and were directed to the room. Outside, Bill was pacing anxiously.

Everyone was silent, and then - after a while - the nurse came out.

"Mr Weasley?"

"Yes?" Chorused Bill and Arthur. Arthur blushed, looking away.

"You can come in now."

He stirfe in, and we heard a cry of delight. The parents started to discuss something, and then we were allowed in.


Everybody crowded round, admiring the new Weasley addition. The child was a girl, and ginger hair adorned her head, the colour being the Weasley's trademark red. Naturally, as she was newborn, she was plump and her face was red. As everyone crooned over her, Ginny tugged my sleeve.

"Can I talk to you for a minute please?"

"Sure." She dragged me into a random, deserted corridor. When she stopped, I noticed that she had tears glistening in her eyes - whether they were tears of joy or sadness, I had no clue.

"Gin? What's the matter?" She simply shook her head, and store at the ground. I shook her shoulder lightly. "Ginny? Are you okay? What happening?" No movement. No sound. "Gin? You're-you're scaring me now. What's wrong sweetheart? Ginny, please tell me. You're scaring me!"

Tears were in my eyes, too now. But as they ran a salty path down my cheeks, I tried to calm myself down. More minutes of silence. "Gin, what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked softly.

"Us." I nearly jumped for joy as she looked into my eye and started forming the word.

But as soon as those two letters left her mouth, my heart dropped.

"W-what? You're not- Ginny, please tell me you're not-" I couldn't form the words for fear that they were true.

When I first liked her, there was another reason that I tried to hide my feelings; if she rejected me, or if she just dropped me at any point, when I was happiest with our relationship.

And now it was coming true.

I couldn't run, as my feet felt like they were glued to the ground.

Only one thing made me think that it couldn't be what I feared was true; why would she wait so long? Why would she wait until we're married?

I frantically searched her eyes, but there was not a hint of... anything. Anything but worry, and... she looked scared.


How could I tell him? From the look in his beautiful green eyes, I could tell that he thought I was going to break up with him - or rather get a divorce.

But I was going to tell him something much, much worse.

"No." He sighed in relief. "But Harry... I'm-" I took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant."

There was no time for the news to sink in, because at that very moment, Ron came hurdling round the corner.

"Quick!" He puffed, as he tried to catch his breath. "Something... wrong... with... the... child..."

I realise his rush, and Harry seemed to too. Ron lead us back, and the three of us ran as fast as possible, and reached the ward. Inside was everyone except the child.

"What's happened?" My question was answered a minute later, as a Healer walked in.

"Mr and. Mrs Weasley, I'm don't know how to say this gently... but your child has an incurable... "condition"-"

"What? What eez et?"

"Yeah, what's- what's happened?"

"Your son... Well, he's showing the symptoms. And of course, we could be wrong. It could just be a misinterpretation-"

"What's wrong?"

"You're daughter is... well, she's going to be a fangirl. Everything from Doctor Who to pretty much any fandom. I'm- I'm sorry. It'll be hard, and she may go on a bit. But the best thing will be to try and support her."

"Zat ees all?"

"What? It's a - it's a serious condition-"

"No. Eet could be much worse. And "fanhirling" will geev 'er somsink to love, to grow up with. Somesink for 'er to relate with, and be devoted to. She will leev 'sousands of lives, and she will 'opefully deal wiz sings before she 'as to deal wiz zem first 'and."

"Er... sorry, are you foreign? I don't mean this offensively, but I couldn't really understand you."

"She said that it could be much worse. And that fangirling will give her something to love and grow up with, something to cherish, and relate to. She'll be devoted. And she'll live thousands of lives from all the reading she does. She'll hopefully deal with things as a character before she has to deal with them first hand, in real life. And of course we'll support her. She's our daughter."

"Very well. I'll just go now- leave some time to the new family."

She bustled away, looking slightly abashed.

"So is it going to be-" Bill began, looking at his wife for conformation about something-or-other.

"Yeah, I 'sink so." She agreed.

"Alright. We've got a name."


"Dominique. Dominique Weasley." Everyone congratulated the pair, then resumed their cooing, before Ron turned to the two of us and asked a question that caused everyone stop and turn to stare at us.

"So what happened back there? How come you were looking so nervous, and Ginny so sad? You didn't like - break up with her did you? Because if you did..." He glared at Harry, who turned beet red. Then, he looked at me, and it seemed the news was able to sink in.

"Hang on..." I nodded, smiling questioningly. "Oh my wizard God! Yes! Yes, this is brilliant!" He picked me up and spun me round.

"Whoa! Okay Harry, that's enough." He settled me down and blushed.

"Sorry. I just... Ginny, this is brilliant! I love you, you know."

"Yes, I know. I love me too." He smiled.

"Oh wow! I'm so- I'm so estatic!"

"I'm glad. It'd either go this way or really, really badly."

"Oh, like I'd be sad about something as fantastic as this! I can't believe it-

"Okay, what the hell is going on?"

"Ron, baby!" Bill pointed to his child.

Mum looked at the pair of us, a knowing look in her eyes, and she smiled brightly - hopefully.

I decided to take the situation into my hands.

"Oh, right. Well, it was nothing like that, as I think you've probably just realised."

"What was it then?"

"I er- well, I guess there's no other way to say this..."

"Spit it out."

"Just promise you won't do anything to Harry."

"You did break up with her!" Ron roared, and was about to launch himself across the room before Hermione caught his back.

"No, no, no-"

"Just promise."

"Fine. But if he did I take it back."

"Fine. But the rest of you need to promise too."


"Okay. It better not be anything bad."

"If it is we'll all kill him, but alright."

One by one, my family members agreed and looked at the two of us nervously.

"Actually, maybe it'd be best not to say it right here right now. In a public place."

"Ginny, you can't say that. You start saying something, you have to say it."

"Fine! I just-" I looked at Harry. "-It'd probably be best for Harry to say it." He gave me a panicked look, and shook his head, miming his head being cut off.

"Nuh-uh. I'm not-"

"Potter, speak."

"Well..." He began nervously, "Dominique will be the newest addition to the family for about-" Harry glanced at me questioningly.

"-er, around 7 months?"

"Okay. So yeah, she'll only be the youngest grandchild of Molly and Arthur for about 7 months, and then there'll be another addition."

"Are you saying that Ginny's-"

"You knocked up our baby sister?!" Ron exclaimed, outraged.

"You said you wouldn't harm him unless he broke up with me." I reminded him, silently praying that he'd stick to what he said.

"Yeah, well this is- it's-" he looked around, as though searching the air for a word.

"It's brilliant!" Mum finished for him, smiling brightly at the two of us. "Your first child! And then you'll have a family of your own! Oh, this is fantastic! Ooh, do you know the gender? Or due date? Or-"

"Calm down Molly, by the sounds of things Harry only found out a few minutes before us! And if there's 7 months left, Ginny's only 2 months in, so I doubt she'll know anything yet." Dad told mum, trying to tame her excitement.

"Actually, I said about 2 months in. I'm not entirely sure yet." I said awkwardly.

"Well, as I said to Bill and Fleur, if you need any help, you can come to me at any time. And Harry dear, I'm sure Arthur'll have some tips and pointers for you, both during the pregnancy, and after. Won't you dear?" Harry and dad both looked at each other, and I could they were both feeling rather awkward at that prospect.


"Yes, you will. Now Harry, it may get a bit difficult at times, and she'll have violent mood swings, but just remember that it'll all be worth it."

"Um, okay-"

"Congratulations by the way. And boys, don't do anything to either of the, but be nice. If you stress Ginny out, that could have an impact on the baby."

"But mum-"

"No. You weren't mad at Fleur for having three children with Bill, so why should you be allowed to get mad at Harry for giving himself and Ginny a new path?"

"Well, Ginny's our only sister for one thing-"

"And the youngest for another-"

"And we can't exactly get mad at Fleur."

"Plus, it's kind of code to congratulate Bill for it-"

"But you can't congratulate Harry? He's basically grown up as your brother, and legally, is your brother."

"Yeah, but brother-in-law."

"And him growing up as the younger siblings' brother mum. Me and Bill didn't meet him till he was like fourteen."

"Besides, being a brother practically makes it incest."

"Ron, stop now. Harry's practically my brother too you know, and Ginny's one of my best friends. I imagine this is what it's like to him about us two. Leave the pair of them alone for a bit. Congratulations by the way."

"Yes Bill. Congratulations 'Arry and Ginny. I am very 'apply for 'ze pair of you."

"Well done, and congratulations." Audrey told us.

"Good on you Ginny." Angelina told me. "And well done Harry?"

"Thanks guys."

"Well, for now..." I began, drawing the attention away from us, "Dominique is lying there, wondering where all her Aunts and Uncles have gone."

Bit of a filler. Sorry. But James is known. ;)

Oh, and my country's gonna become even more shit because if the election and David Cameron is staying. :|


Sorry, but I can't be bothered to do any more PE. It takes effort.

Tell me your thoughts on the chapter :)

Two updates this week, you mucky people. I love you all!

-Alice xoxox

EDIT: I have had some comments asking who the new child is out of Louis and Dominique.

When I originally wrote this chapter, it was about Louis. I then realised that it was a mistake because if Louis had just been born the timeline would be messed up.

So to clear it up, DOMINIQUE is the newest Weasley.

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