Chapter 3

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Btw, one of the wedding presents was a house painting, where painted Lily and James live. Someone else gave them the dlae, but for Sirius, abd there was another for Remus and Tonks. But they all come into Jily's house sometimes.


Everyone turned back to the little child, and I took Ginny's hand, squeezing it gently.
"Want to go for a short walk?" I asked softly. No one noticed.

"Sure." She replied. So we slipped away into a corridor.

"Sorry for getting a bit er-"

"Excited? Harry, it's fine. I couldn't have hoped for you to have taken it better."

"Well, we'll have our own family! Ginny, this is fantastic! And you're gonna be the best mum the world has ever seen." I promised.

"And I'm sure you'll be a tremendous dad too."

"Hmm. Hang on-"

"What is it?"

"I'm going to be a dad!"

"Yes Hun, that's kind of the nature of this-" She told me amusedly.

"Yeah, but- but what if not good at it? I mean, I can't really remember mine, because after a year I was raised by the Dursleys! So- so- so I don't even know what it's like to have a dad, let alone be one! And I bet I'll be really embarrassing too. Which isn't good, nuh-uh-"

"Harry." She cut me off, "You'll be brilliant. You've had my dad, you've had Remus, you've had Sirius, and Dumbledore's been your granddad. So trust me. You'll be fine."


"Do you trust my judgment?"

"Well yes, b-"

"Then trust it this time. Please."


"Harry. For me. And for this child." I looked into her soft brown eyes.

"Of course love." I replied gently. "Of course I do."

I heard a low chuckle from behind me, one I could recognise anywhere.
"S-Sirius? Mum, dad? What are you- how-"

"I er- I hope you don't mind, but I went to your house quickly. I thought you might want to tell them. But I was sort of- well, quite excitied, and couldn't wait. Sorry if I- if we were interrupting."

"Hermione? Thank you! Well, I guess you've realised..." I told the portraits awkwardly. Remus slid in.

"Oh right, sorry. I was here, I just went to see if there was any food left in my other portrait - there wasn't. Sorry."

"But Remus, you have an endless supply of chocolate! No ones gonna believe you!" He shrugged.

"My chocolate."

"Anyway. Out of guessing, that's why I laughed Harry." Sirius told me, grinning slyly from me to my dad.


"When your mum first told me, he spied on us, too." Sirius shrugged.

"What can I say? You were both 19, had dated for a year and a bit, suddenly wanted to talk... I wanted to be there, y'know. Moral support." Remus snorted.

"Moral support? Sirius, you've never supported anything but prank ideas, and you have no sense of moral at all! Face it. We all know you're just nosy."

"Nope. I'm not nosy, I was curious."

"Sirius, you're nosy." Mum told him.

"Anyway, you and dad were really like well, like this?" I gestured between me and Ginny. "I mean, dad you and mum both had parents - not that I'm having a go at you, not at all."

"Harry, I'm not sure if you knew this, but... grandma and grandpa Potter were quite er-" Mum looked at James, who nodded slightly, and tried to stay calm and collected. "-er, well. They were quite... old when they had your father. And in seventh year - our seventh year - they-"

"They died." Dad told me hollowly. "And er, I was left alone. They didn't really have much time for me as a kid, if truth be told. They were already getting sore backs by the time I would run around and want to play on the swings, so the house-elf would push me."

"Oh, I'm... I'm sorry."

"That's why you never met them sweetie. But I'm sure they would have loved to see how their grandson grew up to be."

"Yeah. I didn't spend that much time with them, but I still knew them well Harry. And they'd be as proud of you as we are." Dad said, putting an arm around mum. "And I guess you sort of wouldn't be here right now if they hadn't been so ill and frail."

"What do you mean?"

"After I got the letter, I barricaded myself into my dorm, and cried for days. Mummy - mum now, I guess, big leap - anyway, your mum found me there and realised I actually do have a heart. I sort of matured up from then on, and wouldn't hex people for the sake of it, or play as many pranks with the others. And then Li- mum realised it, and soon began to fall for the Potter charm-" he winked at his wife, which was kinda weird. "-and then we started to go out. So yeah."

"Woah. I'm er- I'm sorry about your loss, and yet I'm also kind of weirded out, because I've just realised something."


"You two are the same age as me. I mean, soon I'll be a whole year older, but... technically speaking, I am older than you."

"And I'm the same age." Ginny pipes up. I realised that she hasn't spoken since their presence had been recognised, and instead was watching the five of us with a small, sad look in her eyes, which contrasted with a bit of happiness that was there too.

"Oh, hi Ginny. And congratulations by the way." Mum greeted her. "A little birdie told me you had some news. And although we've all guessed it, you haven't actually told us yet..."

"Mum!" The word slipped out of my mouth in embarrassment, as my cheeks flames up.

"Yes sweetie? Was it something said?" She laughed. "Sorry dear. But I've got a lot of embarrassing to catch up with."

"You've been here for like two-" My eyes widened as I looked at Ginny. "-two months! And bedsides, we all know what's happened."

"This conversation went on too." Sirius commented. "But between me, James, Lily, Remus, and - wai... no. No one else who matters."

"Grown up without us, but you've still got our genes, eh?" Dad chuckled.

"Apparently so. I mean, the mischief and adventure element was definitely from mum." I joked.

"Is that so mister? Well, that leaves the walking-into-dangerous-situations to your dad." I laughed.

"So who gets the surviving-hundreds-of-times? Because it sure had came in handy." Ginny put in.

"That would be me." Dad boasted.

"Yeah, if you count avoiding detection from the caretaker as 'surviving'." Remus told him, shaking his head to himself.

"Er guys, I can't really hold these much longer-" Hermione's voice came from behind the portraits.

"Oh, sorry. Here, pass them to me." She gently put them down, and I levitated them.

"Oh, I didn't think of that." She said, blushing.

"Well now we can all speak to them. Perhaps not in such a public place though... How about we go back to Dominique and the others, and you can see your new er- what is it when it's your son's wife's niece?"

"Great niece-in-law?" Ginny suggested.

"Oh please no, that 'great' makes me feel old." Mum said. "But let's go."

On the way there, the Marauders were whooping because apparently, "gliding through the air in your house is really fun".

"Oh yeah, so any ideas for name yet Harry?" Dad asked casually.

"James, of course they've not had time to discuss that sort of thing yet!" Mum scolded him.

"Unless. Ginny, is that why the other day you were saying-" she nodded, smiling. "In that case, we do have a name."

"Well we've got one if it's a girl. If it's a boy, we have nothing."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Harry really, really, really wants a little girl. So we didn't get a chance to discuss for a boy."

We entered the room again, and Mum and Dad looked at Dominique.
"Oh, she's beautiful!"

"Yup, she'll be a right little heart breaker." Sirius chimed in, causing Bill to frown.

"Well not until she starts dating. Which won't be for... at least the rest of her life? Give or add a few millennia." He was a protective father, to say the least.

"Obviously. I uh... I meant if she ever dated she'd be a heartbreaker." Sirius had been threatened before to have his face scrubbed away so that he couldn't speak. He couldn't bear the thought of losing something "as beautifully perfect" as it, so many to route the line.

We didn't a while with the baby, before leaving to let Bill and Fleur sound some time with their new child.

When we got home (with the house portrait and all), I got excited again, much to Ginny's amusement. I placed the pair down, before-

"Harry? Harry, you can stop now."

"Stop what?" She gestured towards me.

"Jumping up and down, squealing." I stopped. "No, that does not mean that you then start doing the dying beetle on the floor."

I looked up at her from where I was lying down. One by one, my arms and legs stopped waving around madly.

I got up, and went over to the lounge, taking the portrait through and hanging it back up. I patted the seat on the did which was next to me. Ginny came over.
"Okay then, let's discuss names for a boy."

"Call him James!"

"No, Sirius! Think, they'll be a while new generation of people making puns."

"But I'm his dad!"

"I'm his Godfather!"

"But James doesn't sound so old-fashioned."

"So it'll be more mainstream."

Thus went on for a while, until I ended up stopping them both.

"If you two continue, we'll call him Remus!"

"Did someone call me?"

"My son wants to name his son after you!"

"Nah, it's fine. Sorry Harry, but... If I'm gonna have someone named after me, I'd like to be alive, and get to know him or her."

"It would be for a guy..."

"Remus is a unisex name."

"No, it's not." Me, Ginny, Sirius, Mum and Dad all chorused at once.

"Anyway what were you thinking Gin?" I turned back to her.

"To be honest, I don't know. How about ladies first? I know we ort if talked about Lily, but didn't decide on a middle name."

"Okay. Lily... Lily Molly?"

"But then we'd have matching middle names. I doubt she'd grow to like that."

"Okay. Well if we were to have the wedding again, who would be your laid of honour this time?"

"Luna." She said automatically.

"Lily Luna then?" I suggested.

"Lily Luna Potter..." She pondered for a moment, before nodding her head. "I like it."

"For a girl, Lily Luna Potter."

"We could always wait to see what name we think suits it if it's a boy."

"Great, that's sorted then. I can't wait."

Dull. Filler. I know.

Should I skip to Romione's wedding, and then to little James, or actually include the events in between, like I did in ILYONA?

Thoughts on this dull, dull chapter?

-Alice xoxox

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