Chapter 4

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For the next few chapters there'll be a time skip by a few months in between them.


I woke up to the sound of feet rushing towards the bathroom, and then somebody puking. I stood up, and hurried in.

I found Ginny with her face above the toilet, and lifted her hair up, holding it out of the way. When she was done, I went downstairs, and returned with a glass of water.

"Thanks." She croaked.

"No problem love. Did you want anything else?" I searched her chocolaty eyes.

"I'm fine. Or rather, I'll be fine."

"Good." I kissed her forehead. "D'you want to go back to bed?"

"I think I need a bit of a shower first. I smell gross." She gave me a small, tired, grin.

"Alright, I'll leave you to it." I went back to bed, my feet padding softly against the wooden floor. I slid into the giant bed we now shared, and lay on my side. As ever when I awoke, it took a while for sleep to return. Just as I was slipping into it though, I felt a warm figure slide in next to me, and a smile entered my face.


When I reawoke I found Ginny still snoring. As silently as I could, I made my way downstairs and cooked breakfast for her. Once it was done, I carried the tray adorned with scrambled egg, bacon, toast, grilled tomatoes, fried mushrooms, sausages and some baked beans.

I knew that the sickness was just from the pregnancy, and she'd probably - hopefully - be hungry from getting rid of her dinner. Gently, I placed the tray onto her bedside table, along with a note.


When my eyes opened, I winced at the lighting; I had woken up late, and light was streaming in through the closed curtains. I yawned, stretching. My jabd hit something on the table, which turned out to be a tray of food. Accompanying it was a note.

Dear Ginny,
Hope you're feeling better! The breakfast should stay warm - heating charm. I wasn't sure if you'd be hungry or not, as the vomit is a side affect of being pregnant, so I assumed it was that rather then being ill. I'm downstairs, call me if you need/want anything.

- Harry. Xxx

P.S. I know you're independent and don't need someone to help you, but let me this time, please?

I smiled to myself. I have the sweetest husband. Just saying.

I was feeling much better, and it'd be a waste of food, time, and good cooking to leave it uneaten, so I ate a bit of it.

I had another shower, then git dressed abd went downstairs, where Harry was sat, playing with Teddy.

"Hello Mr Teddy. I see you wanted to but some more... Beans."

"And chocolate and- and milk. And this-"

He shoved the plastic corn on the cob into Harry's face.
"Lovely." Harry took it and "scanned" it against his till. "That will be £5.60 please."

"No! It's £5.59. It says so!" He pointed at the till, which said "£5.59".

"Okay. Sorry sir, here is your 1 pence change."

"Now Ginny's the shopkeeper." Teddy instructed. "Come on Harry, let's GI shopping!" He grabbed Harry's hand, getting him to stand up. I sat there, opening and closing the cash register, when they e back, with items from around the house. Harry shrugged.

"Here you are. Harry goes first." Teddy commanded. So that's how it went, until my husband was stopped.

"You can't buy that sir." Teddy told him, pointing to a bottle of Butterbeer.

"Why- why not?"

"Because you're not old enough. You have to be over 21. I guess I will have to buy it for you, but you have to promise to pay me back."

"I promise."

"Okay." Ted took the bottle, and placed it in his own basket. He stood there, tapping his foot impatiently as I "scanned" the items. When I was done I told him the amount, and he handed over the money.

Harry then gave Teddy the money for the Butterbeer. This is play money btw.

"Ginny, can we go shopping soon?"

"Okay. In an actual shop or here?"

"Both. Ralph sayd that his mummy does the shopping at his house, and that daddy's don't."

"Hmm. Who's Ralph?"

"Ralph is my friend at nursery." He paused for a moment. "Where's my mummy and daddy?"

I looked at Harry.
"Well... Your mummy and daddy are with my mummy and daddy." Harry told him.

"Where's that?"

"Er- well..." He looked at me for help.

"It's somewhere people go-" I began gently, "-when they-" I was saved by a knock on the door. "Don't worry about it Ted. But they love you very very much. And we have a very special picture of them which talks, moves, and can say hello to you. Do you want to say hi to them?"

He looked to be in deep thought for a moment, before nodding. "Alright then. Harry, you get the door. Ted, you follow me."

I left him to The Portrait Room. It had all the pictures of our loved ones from the wedding, along with James/Lily, Sirius, Remus/Tonks houses. But we were thinking of getting one done for a certain Marlene McKinnon (Sirius didn't shut up about her, but denied that).

"I've never been in here before!" Teddy was amazed. I went over to the house for Remus and Tonks. Crouching down, I bekoned Teddy towards me. Slightly hesitantly, he came over.

I took the house down carefully.
"Remus? Tonks?" I couldn't see them anywhere. "Anyone home?"

"Ginny? What's wron-" Tonks stopped at the sight of Teddy. She looked at me. "Is that-" I nodded. "Teddy?"




"Did someone say Teddy?" Remus appeared. "Teddy. It's- you're very tall."

"I'm the second tallest at nursery." Teddy said importantly. Then, he looked at Tonks. "Are you my mummy?" She nodded.

"Yes. I'm your mummy. And this is your daddy."

"Hello." Remus looked too happy to be able to speak.

"Hiya Mr Moony Jr." Sirius called, causing Teddy to jump. "Oh, er... Sorry."

"Why don't we go downstairs? There's that empty house you can all go to. Fred, James and Lily too."


"Someone call me?"

"Yeah, just wondering if you want to go to the house downstairs."

"Sure. I'll tell you what, thud portrait-transfer thingy is much simpler than apperating. Do you think I can apperate-" and he was gone.

"Ted, shall we go." He nodded, before rubbing down.

"CAN'T CATCH ME! CAN'T CATCH ME!" He yelled, giggling. I jogged after him, smiling.

Waiting downstairs was Draco Malfoy, pointibg his wand at my husband.

"Now what's going on here?"

Super duper short I'm afraid.

But hey, update.

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