Chapter 5

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"He started it." They said at the same time, before glaring at the other.

"Don't lie Potter. I came here because I wanted to announce that I'd like you both to be at Diagonal Alley, outside Flourish and Blotts at 1 fourty-five." Malfoy declared.

"Why would we go there, then, with no explanation whatsoever?" Harry sneered.

"Because I was waiting until Ginny came down to explain. Basically, I am planning on proposing to Kat." I tried to keep in my squeal. "I want all of her friends there because that's how she'd want it. Which means that I have to invite the pair of you."

"Well you could've and should've said that before." Harry replied. "Rather than just barging into my house."

"Look. Harry- Potter- Whatever. I need this to be the most amazing, most memorable day of Kat's life - excluding the wedding that is, so long as she says yes."

"We're not going for something for you. For Kat perhaps, but if you're involved I'm not going." Harry stated flatly.

"Please. I never thought I'd say this, but Harry... I'm begging you." Malfoy's words were laced with desperation.

"I'll go. Harry, it's your choice whether you'll do something to be a good friend or not, but you can't stop me."


"No. If I want to, I can go out."

"I know. I just- It's not.... Its not part of my programming to accept anything from Malfoy. He made my school life so much more difficult than necessary, even when I had Voldemort after me!"

"And it isn't in my programming to fall in love. It isn't in my programming to ask a Potter for help. It's not in my programming to be nice to a Weasley-Potter. But I'm starting to edit my programming because there are some things that you think are bad, but are the complete opposite." Malfoy looked at me. "I know I can't right all my wrongs. But can we just be acquaintances? I don't want to be the bad guy anymore."

"Well... I'm not sure. Thanks to your father I was possessed by Yo-Voldemort. Thanks to you, I was humiliated on numerous occasions. I was made fun of, and was bullied. So I'm not sure about becoming acquaintances. Not quite mortal-enemies, though."

"Oh. Right."

"But I'll be there tomorrow."

"Thank you."

"Bye Malfoy."

He exited, and Harry rounded on me.

"Why'd'you say you'd go?"

"Because Kat is my friend!"

"Yes, but-"

"Ginny, Harry, who was that?"

"Er... Have you met Kat, Ted?" He nodded. "That is Kat's boyfriend."

"Ew. Yucky! Harry?"


"Come here! My mummy and daddy want to say hello." On cue, everyone (bar Fred, who was already there), slid in.

"Okay... Oh, hi Remus, Tonks."

"Hiya Harry-"

"Hang on, Teddy, put that down. You know you have a limit on how much chocolate you're allowed!"

Looking guilty and sheepish, Teddy dropped the chocolate bar and pretended he hadn't done anything wrong.

"There's not a trace of badly-behaved rabbit in him, so we think he got your chocolate obsession instead." I told Remus, making Tonks laugh.

We talked for a while and Remus and Tonks caught up with their son (thzbnibg us after he'd gone to bed).

Time skip to next day.

I apperated, Harry by my side.

"Come on! Since you decided you'd take forever, we're late and it may have already happened!" I yanked him down the street to Flourish and Blotts. We weren't late, but sightly early - I wouldn't tell Jim that though. I was the only one with a watch on.

"Says the one who took forever to apply her eyeliner." He grumbled.

"Says the one who took forever to apply his guyliner!" I retorted. Indeed, a line traced his eyes.

"Guyliner is eyeliner for men. If women can wear stuff to look more appealing, then why can't men? It is very masculine, I'll have you know." This was his argument every time.

"It's not to look appealing, it's to look nicer."

"Then why do teenagers wear it?"

"Because it enhances your eyes and makes you look nicer."

"Hang on... We aren't teenagers any more!"

"Yep. I know. Honestly, I don't know how you've survuded everything. It Seels to me that I married an idiot."

"It was Hermione who did the thinking."

"I know. Now hush."

A few minutes later, Kat appeared. Harry and I ducked behind a couple of barrels. She stood there, trapping her for impatiently.

Then, Malfoy came out of the shop.
"Kat!" He gave her a peck in the cheek.

"Finally! I've been waiting for like ten minutes!" He let out a chuckle.

"I saw you from the window. You've only just arrived." She blushed.

"Ah well. It was with a shot."

"And so is this."

"What is?"

"Well, truth be told, I never did like your surname. Kat Lucas... It doesn't seem quite... I just don't like it. You should change it."

"To what exactly?" But Kat knew the answer.


A boy who could be Harry's brother - black hair and sea green eyes - appeared. "Oh sorry- er, I thought you were someone else." He shook his head and wandered off, talking about an Annabeth person?

Yes, I just went there.

"Anyway. It doesn't matter."


"Kat." He mimicked. "I was just going to day that Kat Malfoy sounds good. I could help you change it." With that, he walked off.


She stormed over to his retreating figure. But he was (literally) a step ahead of her, then disapperated.

But not before she grabbed hood of his jacket.

Mollie popped up beside me, laughing with Gracie.
"And they say he has class."

The pair returned shortly. Kat looked at us all (Me, Mollie, Gracie, Luna, Hermione, Angelina and Katie - Harry abd Ron had gone into the bookstore they were that bored).

"Were you there that entire time?" We all nodded. "Do you saw-"

"Everything." Nodded Mollie.

"All of it." Agreed Gracie.

"Didn't miss a second." Katie contrcontributed.

"Not a-"

"I get it."

"Well Kat, seeing as you know what I'm about to do, I guess I don't have to explain why. But I'm going to choose to regardless."

She gasped as Draco Malfoy knelt down on one knee before her, and pulled out a box.

"Kat. I love you. I would literally die for you. I'd even give up Pigfarts, and you know that that is something only you can get me to do." She smiled. "I made many wrong choices. I may many wrong friends. I made many wrong enemies. I am just a bundle of many wrongs. But I want to make a right this time. You've helped me change my ways, you've helped me try to make amends and new friends. You've taught me how to be good. And the thing is, is that you know how much I love you. Heck, you think you know. I love you to infinity and back, and our infinity is one of the bigger ones out there. Sometimes though, infinity isn't enough. Kat Lucas, will turn do the most irrational and impulsive and fantastic thing that could ever happen, and do me the immense honour of marrying me?"

"No." She replied dead panned, causing Draco's eyes to widen. Yes, I called him Draco. Because maybe he can be human. Anyway.

Kat burst out her suppressed laughter, unable to shake the smile off of her face. "Of course I will Draco! As if I'd say no and actually mean it!"

Draco sighed a sigh of relief and slid the ring into her finger, before grinning widely. They kissed (completed with oo's and aah's from passer-bys). When they stopped, they talked for a moment, before Kat literally bounded towards us (a manic glinting in her dark blue eyes).

She squealed, jumping up and down. The rest of us joined in (bar the boys). Eventually she stopped. Thank Merlin, I thought; my legs were starting to hurt. Kat turned to Mollie.
"Maid of Honour? Please?"

"Me? But what about-"

"It wasn't a question Mollie."

"Oh. Right. Well, thanks, I'd love to!"

Cue the giggling, chatting, and a couple more squeals. Draco - I'm the end - stole Kat back, but not before Gracie yelled to the entire street:

I thought I'd leave it there. KsushkiesCumberpatch calm down. Deep breaths.

Hope you all enjoyed, and please leave feedback :)

I love you all!
-Alice xoxox

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