Chapter 6

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This is just going to show some of the moments between Harry and Ginny during the pregnancy, and will go up to Christmas. I feel like I'm skipping things, but seeing as it's going up until James goes to Hogwarts, this will go quite fast.

A couple of months later...

"Harry!" I yelled up the stairs, "Harry come here right now!" His feet scurried down stairs, and he entered, looking frightened.


"I just felt the baby kick!" I said excitedly. His expression was first "I rushed down to hear about a kicking baby", before it progressed to say-

"Really? You mean, our baby? It- it just kicked?"

I laughed.
"No, I meant the baby Ron and Lavender had."

"What? When did that-"

"Harry. It didn't, I was being sarcastic. Of course I meant our baby!"

"I knew that." But the red blush which had dispersed across his cheeks said otherwise.

"I'm just kidding with you Harry. Anyway, sorry. I was just excited."

"But that means that the little one is- It's all becoming real big Gin. I mean... 1) we're having a kid! An actual, real child! And 2) it's coming up to be an entire year since we got engaged!"

"Merlin's Robes, it is. It's- Harry, its Christmas in just over two weeks. Why didn't you warn me? I need to get presents and-"

"Ginny, calm down."

"-and I should've gone ages ago, because it'll be hard waddling around, whilst carrying everything-" I rambled on.

"Stop." I looked at Harry.


"Just... calm down. Take a seat." I followed his instructions. "Good. Now listen. Gin, I'll be with you. Remember how you, me, 'Mione and Ron are going to have some tea? We're going shopping after that. So I can carry it all. And then you and Hermione can go off together so I can get one for you, vice versa, and Ron and Hermione can get them for each other."

"That's... That's actually all a good idea. Hand on, when are we going though?"

"Later on... It's been on the calendar for weeks." I quickly shuffled to the calendar, where - sure enough - it said "Meeting up with Ron and Hermione at Doris' Delights - 2 o'clock.".

"But it's already gone twelve! I need to get ready!" But Harry had other on plans.

He grabbed my arm, and stood up, turning me do that I faced him.

"Ginny, you don't need to get ready. You're already beautiful." He murmured, before kissing me softly and gently.

When it was over, I had little dragons in my tummy.

He smiled at me.
"Which is why our kid is gonna be a sexy little thing. With us as the parents, he or she will have no say in the matter." I laughed and shook my head, as Harry winked. Then, he shrugged. "Well, I must not tell lies."

Xmas day


I opened my eyes groggily, and stretched my arm out from under the duvet. I patted around for a bit, before hitting the snooze button on the alarm.

"What's the time?" Ginny asked from next to me.

"Half eight."

"HARRY, GINNY!" Came an excited yell. Footsteps padded forth.

"Ugh. Oh Merlin, the child is up." I muttered.

"Well act happy." Ginny told me, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. "This is his first Christmas here."

Teddy bounded in, as I was putting my glasses on.
"Hey little guy."

"Guess what? Guess what?"

"What is it?"

"Santa came! And we all have presents and my stocking has lots and lots in it! Can we open them, please?" He said all of this quickly, grinning brightly.

"Er, just wait a minute, yeah? Harry and I have only just woken up." Ginny told him.

"'Kay. When will you be down? Can I start?"

"No. Wait for us. I'm going yo use the bathroom, then Ginny will."

"Okay." With that, he zoomed away.

"I'll be quick." I told Ginny.

A few minutes later, I was dressed. U headed downstairs, where Teddy kept up at the slightest sound, grinning excitedly.

"Wait for Ginny too."



"Fine!" And there I was, thinking I'd be able to wait until the teens before that tone came into play.

"Good man. Now come on, I bought some pastries the other day for breakfast."

We went into the kitchen, where I took the pack of croissants, pain au chocolats, and cinnamon swirls. I put them in the oven to heat up.

"You can do that with magic you know." Came a whisper in my ear. I turned round and kissed Ginny.

"I know." I murrmured once we'd pulled apart. "But Ted doesn't. It was a way to keep him in here whilst we waited for you."

"Well I'm here now."

"As I can see." I kissed her again, until-

"Get a room!" Startled, we jumped apart, much to the amusement of our interrupter.

"Sirius!" I hissed, feeling myself start to grow red.

"What? We were all thinking it."

"You are such a guy." Ginny laughed.

"Oi!" I cried, along with Sirius, Lupin, and dad.

"You don't count Harry." Gin told me, causing mum to grin at her.

"Is that in a good way or a bad way?!"

"Your choice." I sighed, shaking my head.

"You're impossible sometimes."

"Don't you know it."

"In fact, you're my impossible girl."

"And you're my... Well, I can't say impossible too, so I'm afraid you're my dead guy." I couldn't help laughing. "Fine, living dead guy."

"Repeating my earlier statement; get a room."

Just then, the timer for the oven went off.

"Or not."

I took the tray out, and called Teddy through (he had run to the other room to wait earlier on).

"Now wife, sit down." I pulled the chair for her, and put the baked goods onto a plate. I took it over and set it on the table. ithin moments, Teddy was a chocolaty mess.

Once everyone was done, I set the dishes to aart cleaning themselves. Having Mrs Weasley as a mother-in-law certainly had plenty of perks.

Teddy ended up dragging us through and setting us both on the sofa.

"Alright, alright. C'mon." I replied, when he began begging to start in the presents. "But there's only a few here because we're going to Molly and Arthur's later, okay?"

I didn't get an agreement before he was over there and tearing the paper off. Suddenly, Teddy turned around, his face in shock and excitement. His hair turned teal and he began to grin. He launched himself at my legs, then Ginny's. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He cried.

In front of him was a toy broom (an upgrade from his old one, which was begin to go a bit unreliable due to the amount of times it had crashed. Along with it was a quaffle. Ted had taken after Ginny in the way that he loved to play as chaser.
"No problem. You'll need it because when you go to Hogwarts, I think you'll be very good at Quidditch." I ruffled his hair. "Oh, what's that one?"

I pointed to a bubblegum pink package.
"To Teddy from mummy and daddy." He read, before unwrapping it. It was a toy wolf, several chocolate bars ("Don't eat them all at once." warned Ginny), and a toy that was a farmyard metamorphus; it changed from a pig to a duck to a sheep e.c.t. The presents weren't actually from Remus and Tonks, as in they weren't from their money. But they were from them in the sense that it was way to connect with their son in a way.

At the Burrow (Yeah, I have writers block)...

Everyone was laughing, as the joyful atmosphere infected the residents of the house. Even the paintings were drunk.

"Hey - hic - Angelina!" Fred grinned. "How - hic - are things between you - hic - and George?"

"Um... Fine thanks. And er... I'm sorry. I don't want to seem like I just hop from one twin to the other. Honestly, I-"

"I told him to go after you." Fred interrupted. before it happened.

"R-really? When? Why?"

"I told him that if anything were to happen to me, that he should go for it. You'd comfort each other, and I'd know you were being taken care of. Obviously I said this before y'know."

"Yeah. I er... I'm sorry about that by the way."

"Why? It's not your fault, or your problem. It's me. I'm dead. Fred is dead. Dead is Fred." Tears start to pour from Angelina's eyes.

"Stop! You're just reminding me- please, stop."

"Why? It's true! Fred I am, dead I am. Am I Fred? Nope, I'm dead." Molly heard this and stormed over.

"Fredrick Gideon Weasley, stop that this instant! We all care for you, and you're parading our loss in our faces! You lost your life, but had no pain from it. All of us-" she gestured to everyone in the room. "-suffered. We still are. I didn't raise you to act like this." She shook her head. "I'm disappointed in you."

"Well, mother, I'm disappointed in you. The last action you had with me was pushing me aside to hug twat-face over there." I - along with the others in the room - turned to look at Percy who was standing guiltily. "The very last time I had physical contact with my mother was to have her shove me out of the way to greet and hug my brother who had always been favoured by her, but who had left our family. Abandoned us." Everyone looked between the two of them. A portrait and a parent.

"And now, this has caused a scene. So Merry Christmas. Merry-fucking-Christmas."

With a final shake of his head, Fred slid away.

Slowly murmurs broke out - all whispering about what had just happened. Ginny went to comfort Angelina.

And then, people noticed the absence of Teddy, Victorie, Dominique, Gracie and Mollie.

Well this was turning out to be a cheery Christmas.

Sorry, I've had majors writers block and so viola, you get this crappy chapter.

Sorry guys, for:
1) how bad it is, and
2) the feels I may have caused.

On this happy note,

Love you all,
-Alice xoxox

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