Chapter 23

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What do you think of my hair? I dip-dyed it purple :D

The song on the side has nothing to do with the chapter, it's just the one I was listening to whilst writing this chapter.


Winter approached swiftly, and quicker than you could say "Quidditch" it was getting darker earlier on.

There was a crisp feel to the November cold as Ginny, James, Albus and I walked along the streets.

Lights were hanging from several houses that were eager for the Christmas holiday; a frosty ice coated the lawns; children were hoping desperately that it would snow.

Albus was now 1 and a bit, and had proudly said his first sentence the other week:
"James did it."

The two of them were wrapped up warmly, each wearing a puffer jacket, mittens and hats.

On this cold November evening, we were going out to Hermione and Ron's house for a meal.

James and Albus were eager to see their cousin again.

Little Rose had - like Albus - grown and whilst Albus was evidently rather observant, it was already evident that Rose took after her mother.

Her head already had long ringlets that were the signature Weasley-ginger. Her eyes were a browny-blue, and were the shape of Ron's. Despite her being over a year old, Ron was still delighted when he saw her, and would grin proudly when she called him "Daddy".

When we got to the Weasley's house, it was to see their silhouettes, which were cast onto the large cream curtains that were drawn across the curved window that would otherwise show their living room.

Ginny rapped on the door, heavier than usual because otherwise her woollen gloves would soften the sound so much that it would become inaudible. After a few moments had passed, the bushy-haired figure walked away from the window, and the door opened.

"Harry, Ginny, James, Albus. How are you all?" She stepped aside to let us in. We did so, happy to be out of the cold.

"We're good thanks." I told her as she closed the door and Ron popped his head into the hallway. "How are the pair of you and Rose?" I helped Albus out of his coat, gloves, and hat, sticking the latter two into the sleeve of his coat. Ginny did the same with James, despite the kid's protests.

"I can do it myself mummy." He told her. "I'm not stupid."

"Ow-bus, Jam!" Rose toddled into the room, pointing at her cousins.

"Hey there Rosie. Gosh, you've grown, haven't you?" Ginny greeted her. Rose nodded importantly.

"Remember what we said about your letters Rose?" Hermione asked her daughter as everyone went through to the living room. "It's James, not Jam."

"Jam." Rose said insistently. "Jam, Jam, Jam."

"No honey-"

"She's a kid 'Mione. This is her only chance to get it wrong." Ron told her

"But she-"

"I never thought I'd say this," Ginny began, "but Ron's right. It's only natural. I mean, Albus only said his first sentence the other week, I think Rose's pronunciation is fine. Loads of young children can't pronounce names." Hermione said nothing for a moment, biting her lip nervously as she watched the small girl.

"Are you sure it's okay? It's not unhealthy or anything? Only Mum and Dad said that I spoke in full sentences at one and a half, with only the slightest speech impediment."

"That may be the case, but remember that she is still half me." Ron pointed out.

"Yeah, and even I could speak better than him, even though I'm a year younger." Ginny said, earning a glare from her brother.

"Mum just says that so you feel better about yourself, you're not that bright." Hermione's eye caught mine and we both held back a smile at their childish sibling bickering.

"You say that, but the film cameras prove otherwise."

"And since when have you seen a film with both of us, where we were talking when we were younger?"

"Ron, we've both seen them. Your red ears are giving away your embarrassment of being wrong."

I decided to intervene before my best mate was embarrassed even further.

"So James, Al and Rose, what do you want to play?" I asked. "Hide and seek?"

Ginny looked at me like I was crazy. "Hide and Seek? With James? Are you out of your mind?"

"What do you mean?"

"Harry, do you remember what happened last time? He fell asleep in a trunk. I was beyond panicking-"

The memory soon flashed over me. "Okay, not hide and seek."

"Why?" Albus asked.

"Because James was naughty last time, we were shouting for him and he wouldn't tell us where he was. Even when we said that we had given up."


"Because he can be naughty sometimes." Ginny told Al.


"Because I'm like daddy." James told his brother.


"Because daddy likes trouble."

"That's one way of putting it." Hermione muttered.

"Oi, I'll have you know that I-" I began, before my two best friends cut me off.

"Don't go looking for trouble, trouble usually finds you. We know."

"Why?" Albus asked again. Ginny and I had had a feeling that it was his new favourite word, and as we shared a glance we mutually agreed that that suspicion was confirmed.

"Because he said that when there was some trouble."


Hermione and Ron looked at Ginny and I. "Do they know?" Ron asked. "About... Y'know... Everything?"

"Not really. We've not exactly hidden it, but not outright said anything either." Ginny told them.

"What you hiding?" James asked.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Jam, Ow-bus, hide and seek." Rose said.

"We can't play hide and seek Rosie." Ron told her.

"Jam w's bad?"

"Not bad at the game, but he was naughty."


"What do you mean?"

"When Jam bad?"

"A few months ago." Gin supplied.

Rose looked though she was concentrating very hard.
"Jam old'r now. Daddy count."

"You want me to count?" Rose nodded. "What about mummy?"

"No. Daddy count." Ron looked so proud of himself.

"Okay then. James, Albus, we're playing hide and seek. I'll count to ten. Ready-"

"Daddy go to corner." Ron did as he was told. "Go!"

The three children ran off in different directions, as Ron counted loudly from his corner. Ginny, Hermione I sat down as he finished counting and went to look.

"So, how are you?" I asked Hermione.

"I'm good thanks. How're the two of you?"

"I'm well, Harry's never been quite right though. He's always been a bit strange."

I turned to face Ginny, and was about to reply when she laughed.
"I'm kidding. You're not strange Harry, you're wonderful."

"And you're not wonderful, you're-"

"Think carefully about your next words, Potter."

"I already have, Potter. What I was going to say, was that you're not wonderful, you're... Brilliant."

"You know, you've had him wrapped around your pinkie finger since sixth year." Hermione told Ginny, grinning. "He forgets that I "proof-read" his homework, and so I had to be the one to erase the doodling of you, your name, you're name with a different surname, and the likes."

"You saw all of that?" I asked, feeling blood rush to my cheeks.

"Well given the fact that you forgot to, get rid of it, I most certainly did see it."

"I always thought that I remembered to get rid of it myself, and that that was the reason none of it was ever there when I got the homework back."

"You were wrong."

"Wait, you actually did that?" Ginny asked me. I blushed again. "How come you never told me 'Mione? You knew that I still liked him."

"You say that, but I didn't really. And it would be a bit unfair on Dean - dumping him and then going out with his dormmate..."

Ron entered the room, and looked at me for a second.
"You didn't."

"I didn't what?"

"Please tell me you didn't."

"I didn't what?"

"You didn't go out with Hermione, did you?"

Hermione, Ginny and I all looked at him as though he had traded his head for all three of Fluffy's.

"No." I said slowly, as though to a child.

"What would give you that idea Ron?" Hermione asked. "I mean... No offence Harry, but you're not exactly my type. And we're just friends. That's all we've ever been Ron."

"But you said something about dumping someone, then going out with his dormmate. So I thought-"

"That Hermione dumped me, then went out with you." I finished for him. "Nah. Sorry Hermione. I kinda have to pick Ginny over you as a wife for life." I told her.

"And I'd pick Ron as a husband. I mean, I have picked Ron as a husband."

"And if it helps Ron, I'm not incest, so I'd go for Harry." Ginny chimed in.

"I know, I get it. Anyway, the kids are upstairs playing Healers."

We talked for a whole longer, let the kids play, ate dinner and then ended up walking home, with James and Albus falling asleep pretty much as soon as we got home.

It was a good day.

So, this chapter is way overdue... Sorry :3

I was going to make it longer but then it just worked to end there.

I am once again sorry about the punctuality (or rather, lack of) of this update; as well as Scouts/Explorers, I now also volunteer at Cubs for my DofE, I had both a French controlled assessment and a maths tests today, I have fencing after school on a Friday, and in Product design I've had lots of homework, including making a card model - to scale - of the chocolate box I'm making, complete with mini cardboard chocolates. I've had more homework on top of that... And overall I've been super busy.

However, I have a week-long break next week for half-term. So I'll try to get a chapter done then.

My updating has been pretty bad in general this school year, as I am now doing my GCSE'S, which means a lot of homework, and nearly everything that we do counts towards something other.

Anway, I'll try to update again super soon,

-Alice xoxox

Edit: I actually tried to publish this last night but it wouldn't for some reason. :/

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