Chapter 24

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So, I've wrote this a few times and it's been deleted. Well done Wattpad. This has led to me getting annoyed, and not really having much motivation. Plus, I've been super busy. 

Sorry for the super-duper-über late update, but those are the reasons for it. 

Dedicated to hufflepuffkid and mukeeatscake.

On with the long-awaited chapter though...

Thor's point of view

I looked in the mirror, and straightened my yellow tie. My hair was tousled, and the shirt was simple: white. The suit itself was a light shade of blue, whereas my polished shoes were dark blue. My friends who had seen the outfit joked, saying that it looked like I had become the sky, but assured me nonetheless that it looked good.

In the mirror, a figure approached me from behind, placing a hand on my shoulder, smiling.
"Look at you. You're a grown man. I'm proud of you, Thor."

I smiled back at him, before a thought hit me, which made the smile wane."
"What is it?"

"Cedric should be here." That was all that needed to be said. 

Dad stood in silence, as his own jolly expression turned sombre.
"I know, son. But he isn't. So we have to live life as he would have wanted us to; remaining happy, being kind, and show the traits that he showed to others."

I sighed and repeated his words.
"I know." I glanced in the mirror again, and held the tie for a moment. "There's a reason I chose yellow. It's my big day, my wedding, and I'll remember it forever. And I'll remember that I chose this tie to commemorate my brother and his house."

Dad smiled at me softly.
"Gracie's changed you. What happened to the non-mushy son, who told me that he'd never marry, because girls were yucky?" He joked.

"Dad, I was probably like 5 then-"

"More like 15."

I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, I'm allowed to tease you."

"And I'm allowed to roll my eyes at your comments." I retorted, rolling my eyes to prove my point.

Dad looked at me for a moment, shaking his head to himself.
"How can you be so calm when you're about to get married? Your uncle was so nervous. He was shaking."

"I don't really have a reason to be nervous. I love Gracie, and know that I want to spend the rest of my life with her. And I know that things will always work out between us, because after arguments, when one of us has calmed down, we'll just tell a bad joke. We'll both know that it's bad, but that's what will make it funny. Then we'll apologise, sort whatever it is out, and be back to normal."

"You always complain when I tell bad jokes."

"You're not Gracie. Bad jokes and puns are kind of our thing."


I stood at the alter, hands clasped as I turned around for the sixth or seventh time. 

"Thor, be patient." Ron - my best man - told me.

"For me, this is patient." I turned around again, and was about to turn back to the way I was supposed to be facing before I spotted her.

Gracie walked slowly down the aisle, grinning. Her hair was in an elegant do, pulled back in loose waves. Her dress suited her perfectly, as it hugged her figure and fanned out at the bottom. It had a slightly see through part at the top, which - like the body of the dress - was adorned in glittering jewel-type sequins. 

As she approached, her father stepped forth, taking the flowers and giving a slight nod to me. Gracie joined me, and the pair of us held hands. The wedding officiant cleared his throat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I would like to thank you for coming here today to witness the marriage of a young couple: Thor Joseph Diggory, and Gracie Anne Farthing." He turned to me. "Mr Diggory, Miss Farthing, I believe you have created your own vows?"

We nodded. 
"Please proceed, Mr Diggory."

"I, Thor Joseph Diggory, take you, Gracie Anne Farthing, to be my lawfully wedded wife. I take you to be my companion, and I promise to always be there. Throughout thick and thin, good times and bad, health, sickness, and anything inbetween. I love you so much, and here, with our friends and family as witnesses, I promise that when times are not-so-great, I'll go up to you, give you a hug and tell a joke. I'll make you smile and laugh at them, just as much as I'll make everyone grimace. I swear to you Gracie, I'll be your dream guy and more. And on top of all of that, I promise to stay this handsome, so that our kids will be just as attractive." A few people laughed, and Gracie shook her head, smiling. "I told you I'd make you smile. Anyway, I love you Gracie, and I always will."

"Miss Farthing."

"I, Gracie Anne Farthing, take you, Thor Joseph Diggory, to be my lawfully wedded husband. You've gone and taken my lines about telling jokes and puns to cheer you up, but I guess that shows what an essential part they play in our relationship. Thor, I love you and will stick by you. Throughout everything. Happy times, sad times, illness, health, poverty, wealth, all of it. Together we will get through it, because together we can. I am so happy that we're going to spend our lives together, and I'd rather it was you than absolutely anyone else. As for your remark about promising to look handsome... I don't really think you need to worry about that. With me as the mother, of course our kids will be beautiful. I'm not marrying you for your looks though; I'm marrying you because I love you and when I see you I can't help but smile. You brighten my day, and I promise that I'll be there to brighten yours."

"Beautiful, both of you. If the ring bearer could step forwards?" 

Lola - Gracie's younger sister - stepped forth, walked up to us and presented us with the rings.

"With this ring, I wed thee." I announced, putting the ring on Gracie's finger when cued to do so.

"And with this ring, I wed thee." She replied, sliding the other ring onto my hand.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, Mr and Mrs Diggory. You may kiss the bride."

I did so, leaning in. Gracie matched my actions, leaning in. We kissed lightly, breaking away to the applause of the guests.



We were now in the large room we had booked for the reception. It was round, and the walls were white. Circular tables littered the room, organised in a way that allowed there to be a clear area in the middle for dancing. 

Thor and I were sat together, Holding hands as we were congratulated over and over. 
"Time for the first dance." Hermione told me. 

I let go of Thor's hand as my father walked towards me. Together, we walked to the centre, and the voices in the room died down, leaving silence other than the music that was playing. Dad and I danced together.
"Look at you. My little girl, married." He commented.

"I know." I paused. "It's odd, but at the same time not. I always thought that I'd be... almost scared when it happened. But I'm not scared, in the slightest." I looked at him, properly. The signs of old age had crept into his appearance; grey hair, a few wrinkles... "I guess I'm not so little any more."

He nodded.
"The years have whizzed by. It seems like you were Lola's age only a couple of weeks ago."

The two of us glanced at my sister. She was four and a half, and was already sarcastic and stubborn. The song ended, and my dad stepped away. Thor took his place, and it was only a few minutes until our song began to play.

"Your love is bright as ever
Even in the shadows
Baby, kiss me
Before they turn the lights out
Your heart is glowing
And I'm crashing into you
Baby, kiss me
Before they turn the lights out
Before they turn the lights out
Baby, love me lights out-"

"I love you." Thor told me seriously. "And I feel like I've said those words too much. That they're not enough. But I just want you to know that."

"Thor, we're at our wedding. I know you love me. And in case you can't guess by the fact that we're at our wedding, I love you too."

The rest of the song passed without another word between the two of us; no words needed to be spoken. Instead, we twirled and spun, stepping as though we were one. 


"Ahem, speech time." Thor stood up, taping his fork against his glass, gathering the people's attention. "Right. Here we go. So firstly, I'd like to thank you all for being here. Gracie and I think of you to be the most important people in our lives, so we're both glad that you attended. Talking about Gracie and thanks, I'd like to thank Gracie." He looked over at me. "Thank you Gracie. For being kind, caring, loving me, and agreeing to this whole thing. Seriously, thank you. Without you, my life would be entirely different. I honestly can't think of someone better than you to be sat there ext to me. Another honest thing for me to say, is that this speech wouldn't be right without me cracking some not-so eggcellent jokes and puns. You see, a friend of mine tried to annoy me with bird puns, but I soon realised that toucan play at that game." I laughed, along with some other people. Many of the guests shook their heads. "That's exactly why I chose that one rather than a chemistry joke; I knew it'd get a bad reaction. No? Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now. On a different note, what do clocks do when they get hungry? They go back four seconds. Does anyone need an ark? I Noah guy." Again, I laughed. "I know that lots of you were cringing right then, but don't worry, there weren't the sealiest I've ever heard or told. Did anyone sea what I did there? I'm shore at least one of you did."

"Thor, stop being so shellfish!" I replied, smirking.

"Oh clam down. Anyway... Gracie is fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And do you know what? So am I." 

Harry looked at him for a moment, eyes going wide as he understood the reference. 

"All jokes aside though, you are brilliant. Brilliant, kind, super and all-round amazing. Words cannot describe my happiness at the fact that we are married, so I get to be around you. Your flaws, traits and personality are what make you you, and I love you for them."

Everyone applauded, as he sat back down beside me. Ron stood up.

"Thor, you're not exactly living up to your name, are you? What happened to being tough? So much for wielding the power of lightning? Gracie's the one wielding the power, and it's the power of having you whipped. Seriously though, you guys honestly work well together, and it's no wonder that it's her you're marrying. Gracie, Thor, congratulations." His speech was short, but kind.

Next up was me.
"Thor, what can I really say? You've once again stolen my lines, and it would be unfair on everyone to add more puns and terrible jokes. I know though, that I can always count on you to have some up your sleeve. It's just one of those things that you can do, and although many wouldn't, I put up with them, as they're just part of you. In some ways, they're like a remedy between us, because they cancel out all anger. I love you Thor, and as I said earlier, I'll always stick by you. Even when I'm right, and you're wrong, I'll wait for one of us to give up. Because honestly, I can't stay mad at you for long. Unless it's really bad, in which case we both know that you'll get kicked out, but I'll wake up feeling guilty, and find an apology-breakfast waiting for me. You'll look adorable, and we'll make up again. I'll apologise, and we'll each blame ourselves for overreacting. I'm so glad that we me in that bookstore, and I knew then, and know now, that it was the start of a terrific relationship."

I sat back down, and my husband kissed the top of my head.
"I'm glad too." He told me. 

Soon enough, it was time to go. I threw the bouquet, and Sophia caught it. We all knew that it was going to be her anyway though; Lucas had popped the question only a few weeks ago.

The confetti was thrown over Thor and I as we kissed, and then we headed out to the car.

We had decided that for the honeymoon we'd travel around Europe. We were starting here, in the UK, and would visit as many countries as possible. Given that there were 50, it would be practically impossible to visit all of them within the time we'd each taken off from work. Still, it would be a tour and a half, and we'd both always wanted to travel. 

Not much time passed before we reached the first hotel, which was in the Lake District. As we arrived at our room, Thor stopped me, before scooping me up bridal-style, unlocking the door, and carrying me in. 

The door closed, and the curtains were drawn. Soon, we tumbled onto the bed in a world of our own, as the most memorable day of our lives turned into the most memorable night.

There you are. 

Again, I am really, really apologetic for the lateness of this chapter; it's way overdue.

Congratulations to hufflepuffkid and mukeeatscake, (who are the creators of Thor and Gracie respectively) your characters are finally hitched!

Goodbye, and once again goodnight.

-Alice xoxox

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