Tag thingy

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I was tagged by writergirl_101 to do a tag thing. I actually wrote this when I got tagged, I just forgot to publish it...

To start, 13 things about me:

1. I am 15 years old.

2. I live in England, and it's not all it's cracked up to be. 

3. My favourite book series is Harry Potter.

4. I share a room with my one of my two sisters, and they are identical twins.

5. I am Indian, Irish, Welsh and was born and raised in England. 

6. I am allergic to some trees.

7. I have no eye colour. Nobody can say what the colour of them is, and it changes with my mood and the lighting. Often, they're a greeny-grey colour, and sometimes have orange in them. 

8. I play Minecraft (computer version). Feel free to PM me if you want to go on with me.

9. I am in many fandoms. Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Merlin, The Hunger Games, Sherlock, Divergent e.t.c.

10. I have too many ships to deal with :/

11. As far as my parents are aware, I do my homework on the day it's set. In reality, I'm the worlds biggest procrastinator. 

12. I once convinced my French class that I have an identical twin called Belinda. One girl genuinely believed me, and ended up giving me a Christmas card to give to Belinda. Belinda isn't real though, so I felt really guilty afterwards :3

13. I prefer coffee to tea.

And here are the questions I was asked, and my answers:

1. What was the last book you read? Skullduggery Pleasant: Last Stand of the Dead Men. 

2. Favourite song? I don't actually have a favourite song. So yeah... I can't pick :3

3. Least favourite subject at school? Probably Citizenship or P.E.

4. Do you have any siblings? Yep, I'm one in four. I have two older sisters , and a younger brother.

5. Favourite TV show? The early series of the revived Doctor Who. I'm not so keen on the current series to be completely honest.

6. What are your opinions on the ship Drarry? I, personally, do not ship it. I mean sure, in an AU perhaps it would be possible, or in fanfics. But going by canon, and the characteristics, traits, and attitudes of them both from the books and films... I don't see it. J.K herself has said that Draco isn't mean to hide a kind person, he genuinely thinks that he's better than muggleborns. Given the amount of times that Hermione has saved his life, Harry's friendship with her is pretty strong, and Draco actually thinks that he's superior to her. I just couldn't really imagine it.

7. Have you ever watched Doctor Who? DUH! My bedroom wall is completely covered with Doctor Who posters. There's actually been an occasion in which someone saw it and did a double take. XD

8. Can you skateboard? No. My sisters' had skateboards, so I sort of know how to, but sort of don't because they were theirs, so my brother and I generally weren't allowed to use them.

9. Favourite author? J.K Rowling.

10. Do you use the Wattpad website, app, or both? Both. I usually use the app, but am currently on the website.

11. Least favourite movie? Twilight is the first to come to mind.

12. Favourite colour? Purple. Blue is a close second though.

13. Last time you were on holiday? August 8th if the travel home counts as the holiday. If the last full day of being at the location counts though, it's August 7th (2015). 

So there you are :) 

The questions I'm asking are:

1. What is your favourite book?

2. What is your least favourite book?

3. All-time OTP?

4. Your biggest NOTP (e.g. Dragrid. Yes, Draco + Hagrid... I have some odd friends...)

5. Do you have any pets?

6. Favourite TV show from when you were little?

7. Do you do your homework the day it's set, at the weekend, the night before/day it's due, or a mix of them?

8. On a scale of 1-10, with the 10 being the highest, how much do you procrastinate?

9. Favourite/Least Favourite film?

10. Team Edward, Jacob, or "Screw that, I'm going to go and read/watch Harry Potter"?

11. Thoughts/Opinion on the Dragrid ship? 

12. Do you have any siblings?

13. If you were forced to live in a different country, and had to live there for the rest of your life, but were allowed to choose your destination, where would it be?

The people I am tagging/asking the above questions to are:











Good luck. You have to post 13 things about yourself, answer the questions I wrote, and then ask questions to other people who you have to tag. That's it, as far as I'm aware.

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