Chapter 7 Pt. 2

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That was the first word I said. "What? But you can't be - no, it's not you."

"Well Harry, that's where you're wrong. It's me! Hiya." He gave a small wave with a smile.

"No. I can't - I won't believe it."

"Ask me anything. Any memory, anything at all."

"Alright then... When did Ginny and I first start dating?"

"End-ish of sixth year, after we won the house cup." He replied in a bored tone.

"What did George lose on my seventeenth birthday?"

"His ear. Left ear. And before you say it, his twin lost his life during the Battle of Hogwarts. Molly killed Bellatrix. Colin Creevy died for you. My brother died."

"I'm sorry. I really am."

"It's too late Potter. If sorry could bring back the dead, either your parents would be alive, or all of us would be dead because Voldemort and Grindelwald would be alive again. Along with the other evil witches and wizard across the ages."

"What's your problem? This isn't you."

"But it is. At Auror training, we were taught how to fight off the imperious curse. So it can't be there. And taking polyjuice potion direct give you the person's memories."

He stepped closer, and I saw him grin a manic smile - one I'd never seen before. It was gloomy, but I could make it a horrible feature like that. It was too out of place.

"Y'see, the thing is... Mollie can't live. She knows it was me. And the whole point of this is obviously to kill you, so…" he shrugged. "Sorry. Expelliarmus. Accio wand." It zoomed from my grip, into his outstretched hand.

"Don't do this mate. This isn't you."

"No Harry. This is precisely me. This? This is not you."


"Oh, is that so? You see the ginger hair, it has to be Ronald."

He stepped into the light.

Percy was there.

His flaming hair had been styled to resemble Ron's. His horn-rimmed glasses were missing, and his ears were red.

"Wait a moment... It was Ron's voice I heard, and believe me, I know a voice's owner when they guy has been my best late since we were eleven. When it's been 12 years."

"You got me. It was a stolen voice. But Ronald and Percival. And Poor Percy had a bit of hair taken from him. Polyjuice is so helpful." He paused. "Do you know what Mr Potter?"


"I'm going to let you and Miss Mollie go."

"Huh? What? Why?"

"Because it'll mess with you. You don't know who I am. You will tear yourself apart because Voldemort was an enemy you knew. When he escaped, you knew the identity of Sirius Black. You know neither me nor my motives."

"And... Who is to say that I won't attack you now?"

"Well I have my wand, your wand, and Mollie's you can't really do much."

"Who are you? Seriously?"

"Well, I guess you could say that I'm being Dead Sirius when I say that it would be no fun in telling you." He laughed to himself.

"Did you just-"

"I most certainly did. I guess you're not into Black humour, ay?" He chucked again. "Sorry, it was too good an opportunity to miss. What an I saying? I'm not sorry that your godfather is dead. I'm pretty glad."

"You're a monster." I hissed.

"I know. That's what humans are." Then, two wands clattered to the floor, and he disappeared...

After sorting everything out, we escaped then found a place, from which we apperated to The Burrow.

"Harry? Is that- HARRY!" A mass of fiery hair was launched towards me. "Harry, thank Merlin you're alright! I was so worried, and then its been hours, and Ron literally couldn't speak for a bit, and we found signs if someone being in Percy's room, and he was found in the-"

I cut her off by pressing a kiss to her lips. We pulled apart at the cough of a Weasley.

"Ginny, I'm here. I'm fine." I tilted her head so that green eyes met brown. "I love you, and I had no intention on leaving you as a widow to raise our child." I told her firmly. "You're stuck with me, Mrs Potter." It still sounded beautiful to call her that.

"Good." She hugged me tightly. After a moment or two, she pupleex away abf turned to Mollie. "Mollie! Are you alright- stupid question, sorry. What happened? Let's all go inside."

So Mollie, Molly, Arthur, Weasley brothers, Ginny and I returned to the inside of the house. We settled down, and Mollie described what happened, I then filled in about how I found the place, and that it was weird that he literally stole Ron's voice.

"To be fair on him though, Harry didn't believe it was you. He kept saying that it wasn't you." Mollie told Ron.


"No problem." Then, I continued with the story, finishing with when we got back.

"Well gang, I guess it looks like we have a mystery on our hands."

Everyone turned to stare at Hermione.

"Did you just-" On began.

"Reference to Scooby Doo?" I finished. She nodded.

"It's a good programme." She replied defensively.

"Hmmm. Right. Well either way, it's true. We need to find out who this guy is. He has messed with the wrong Potter/Weasley family-friend group."

"Or just the wrong people?"

"Yeah... That works too."

Time skip to Kaco wedding.


"Kat, you look amazing!" Ginny cried full in front if me. "That dress suits you so much!"

I simply grinned. "Thanks. But I just… I hope Draco likes it."

"He will love it." Mollie assured me.

"Yeah, he's crazy if he doesn't." Gracie chimed in. "That said, he probably is crazy. So if he doesn't, he'll be-"

"I get it Gracie." I laughed, albeit nervously.

"You'll be fine." She added on softly, smiling. "Honestly."

"I second that. If got through marrying Harry, so you'll be beyond fine marrying Ma-Draco." Ginny told me, beifee a look of realisation dawned upon her face.

"What? What is it?"

"I'm going to have to start calling him Draco."

"Er... Why?'

"Because Kat's going to be Malfoy too, so you won't know who I'm on about!" Ginny exclaimed.

Mollie, Gracie and I shared a look. However, no one pointed out to Ginny that she doesn't call me Lucas, so she won't call Malfoy, meaning that when saying Malfoy, it'd only be Draco that she'd be referring to.

"What? Am I missing something?" She asked, in which I replied with a shake of my head.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." I told her. However, at the word "worry" I realised what was about to happen, and became anxious again. "Draco will definitely be there, won't he?"

"Of course he will Kat! Have you seen the way he looks at you?" Mollie told me.

"Exactly. And I thought the exacte same thing about Harry, but it was fine, and we were both there." Ginny said. "Trust me, it'll be perfect." She smiled to herself, as though remising the big day for her, which was now about half a year ago.

"To be fair though, you and Harry were made to be together. If Hinny hadn't happened, what would? Harry abd Hermione doesn't seem to work - they seem more like friends than lovers. Because they are, but still." Gracie chimed in - not in a particularly helpful way, either. A/N: I know that the Queen said that she should have put Harry and Hermione together. But Hinny.

"Not helping." Mollie hissed to her.

"I'M HERE!" Hermione suddenly yelled, bursting into the room. She is turning less Hermione-ish every day.

"Alright. Er - could you do whatever it is that Mollie tells you to? I have no clue as to what's going on." I said.

Mollie rolled her eyes, but did so anyway.

Once everything was sorted, Theodore Nott ran into the room. "It's time." He told me.

Time? Time for what? I hear you ask.

I, Kat Lucas, am about to get married. And it's time to walk down that aisle.

I didn't leave the cliffhanger for too long. It was from Wednesday to Saturday, so... Four days.

Actual weddingy part of the wedding next. And I have a plan for the evil guy - or girl - behind all of this...

*grins evilly*


Shout out to Weasley_Girl22 because she's my new friend :)

I love you all!
-Alice xoxox

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