Chapter 8

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Do I tell you who he/she is? Or should I just wait? OnlY I KnOW *Evil laugh*


The wedding went perfectly. Smooth, simple and wonderful. It passed in a blur, but Kat's certainly remember it for the rest of her life.

Now though, they were back from their honeymoon and trouble was stirring up...

"Harry!" I tried up the stairs. "Harry, why did you order a crate if crickets?!" He appeared the top of the stairs.

"I didn't." I pointed at the massive crate of crickets and told him,

"Well the box says otherwise. It says on the label that it's for you."

"That wasn't me. Gin, what would I do with a bunch of crickets?"

"Harry, I have no clue what goes on inside your head half the time. How would I know?"

He came downstairs, and examined the box.
"That's crickets. For me. But there's no cricket sound. So..." He squinted at the box, as though tying to assess what it was.

"They could be silent crickets." I suggested.

"But look at the size of the box. And-" he knelt down, inspecting it. "-you can see here. The wood has splintered slightly. Plus, you can see that it's been painted over and is made of different types of wood. This isn't from a delivery service."

He squinted. "And look at that."

"At what?"

"Exactly. Not a single sign of the delivery company. These aren't crickets."

Suddenly, it sprang open.

A rabbit came out.

I pinched myself. Not a dream. This was actually happening.

"Hello Harry Potter." The rabbit... Spoke? "I am Reginald the Rabbit. But you know that guy who lead you to that place with the riddles and weirdness? Well that's me. As in the voice. Not stolen. Altered, yes. But not stolen this time."

"What do you want?"

"I want you to be humiliated. Tortured. I was. So I'm going to give you a little clue. I was a Gryffindor. No, not a Slytherin, like you'd have probably thought. I was a Gryffindor and I went to school at the same time as you. I was not in your year. There you are, Mr Potter. You have your clues, so use them." Reginald hopped away.

"Well that was weird." I commented. Harry nodded, but was deep in thought. All of this was going to kill him. It was messing with his head.

*Draco* on the wedding day. I'm not that evil.

"Draco darling, you'll be fine. Honestly. Stop worrying so much." My mother told me.

"But mother, I don't know if I can- I love her. Yet she deserves someone a thousand times better! And you see? I've become all soppy - I've even apologised to Harry and Ginny Potter."

"Draco, stop. Listen to me now. You two have dated since you were fifteen. You love each other. And don't tell your father I said this, but she's turned you into a better person. So go and marry her."

"Thanks." I whispered to her, before doing something must people didn't think I was capable of doing; I gave my mum a hug.


My dad and I met at one end of the aisle, then linked arms and came down together.

When we reached Draco, he stood there for a moment, just stating, and not moving.


"Oh right." He smiled, he stepped forth. Dad whispered a small warning, but knew that Draco would never hurt me.

Our vows were then spoken:

"I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, take you, Katakin Neola Lucas, to be my lawfully wedded wife. Throughout our good times, and bad, when in sickness, health, pain or happiness. I will be by your side and shall do my utmost to comfort you, and I honourably swear that I shall be faithful to you. I love you so much that I'd jump into to Tartarus for you; I'd sacrifice myself, my sanity, and my mind for you, although the later already seems to be occupied from your constant being staying with me all day and all night long. I love you Kat, and I swear that I'm never going to let you go."

"And now, the bride."

"I, Katakin Neola Lucas, take you, Draco Lucius Malfoy, to be my lawfully wedded husband. No matter the situation, I'll have your back, as I know that you'll have mine. I swear to love you and shall hold dear all of our moments together. I promise to stick by you through think and thin. I love you and vow to do so for the rest of our lives."

"And now for the giving of the rings."

Draco took my hand, and carefully slid the silver band upon my ring finger.
"With this ring I wed thee." He announced. It was - as I said - silver. But the green emeralds that were embeded inside it stood out, contrasting in colour. It had an engravement too; Eternal love.

"With this ring, I wed thee." I repeated, placing the silver snake ring on his finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The wedding-er person announced.

But I didn't listen; I was lost in a world that contained only Draco and I, as we each leant forwards and then our lips sealed the distance separating us. It was heated yet calm, and was over too soon for my - or by the looks of things, Draco's - liking.

The crowd busrt into applause, a couple of wolf whistles and cat calls were sounded (cough, George and Gracie, cough), and I automatically blushed as Draco whispered two little - yet brilliant - words to me:

"You're mine."


"And now for the first dance for the bride and groom..."

Draco and I stood up, and went to the dance floor. There, he wrapped an arm around my waist (pulling me closer). I leant my hand upon his shoulder, so that then our remaining hands clasped together.

"Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?"

I gazed into his gorgeous story grey eyes and coudobt help the grin from spreading upon my face.

"But watching you stand alone,
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow." Draco always said that this was our song, and I had never quite fully understood until now.

"One step closer." He did so, smiling widely as we waltzed on the spot.

"I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more."

The song passed like that: gazing into each other's eyes, and enjoying the moment.

Because it never stays like that forever.

When we had had a few more dances, we sat down. A while later, the guests followed suit, as we ate our dinner, laughing, and - in mine and Draco's case - blushing at the innuendos some of the others were making.

"The knot was tied, I guess now the groom's gonna ride the-"


"What? I was simply commenting on the fact… that soon enough, the newly wed are heading to bed."

"There are kids around!" I hissed indignantly as Draco smirked next to me, and a couple of the others - Ginny, Mollie and (shockingly) Luna being amongst them.

"Well I'm not going to deny it." Draco whispered in my ear, causing me to slap his shoulder playfully, whilst shaking my head to myself.

"I am surrounded by perverts." I said simply. "Perverts and dirty minds."

"Sexy imagination." Gracie "corrected" winking.

"Shut up." Was my amazing retort.

"No. Kaco is love, Kaco is life. Kaco is married. Kaco-"

"Okay, you really can stop now."

"As amusing as this is, I have to agree. It's time for the speeches." Mollie cut her off.

"What? Okay. Uh I'm first, right? Or is it Greg?" Draco had long since gotten over calling Gregory "Goyle".

"You. Up you get mate." Gregory told him.

Draco did so, and amplified his voice.

"Good afternoon everyone. Er, I'd firstly like to think you all for being her to witness mine and Kat's special day, and thank you for celebrating it with us." He looked over at me and smiled. "Kat is amazing. She's spectacular. She deserves so much more, yet chose me, and I'm still marvelling both at how and why. I was mean, cruel and a bully. I was never a guy who would show his fondness for anything. But now, I'd happily use Weasley's Wizard Wheezes fireworks to write a message exclaiming how much I love you Kat. And as I'm sure everyone here knows, when I was younger I never would have even touched a product of any Weasley's. I've realised that I was an ignorant git though, and that is thanks to you." Awws rang through the crowd as I felt a swell of pride rush through my body; my husband is so sweet.

"Unlike many cliché stories, we got on from the start. It took me too long though to admit my feelings for you. And I'm not sure if you remember, but there is an actual reason behind me choosing today for the date if out wedding. It's been exactly 6 years and 1 day since we began dating. So it seems to be about time to get married. It seemed perfect to mark the end of our dating with the beginning of our married life. So I raise my glass, not just to you, but to us."

Everyone copied his action of raising their goblet and taking a sip, toasting to the pair of us.

Gregory went through and said his speech next. It was basically a couple of words about his and Draco's friendship, how ever since Draco and I started dating, he acted different - trying to be more impressive, more macho, more mature and how it gradually turned him into what Greg now realised was a better person.

After that, it was Mollie.

"Okay, I'm going to be honest with you. When Kat and Draco first started dating, it was weird. As simple as that. I mean, I know that Gryfindoors and Slytherins tend to not be friends at all, but we were. And then it was kinda weird because Kat would disappear every so often. Break times, free periods, after dinner... But at the same time, I was - and am - so happy for her. Kat, you deserve him. I know you'd always say otherwise, but you do."

"And d'you know what? It just goes to show that no matter what the stereotype is, you can overcome it. Draco always seemed so horrible but he really isn't. I'd even say that he's nicer than he is mean. But if you ever harm so much as a hair on her head, you will have a whole load of angry girls to deal with. You two are so perfect for the each other it seems impossible. But evidently it is. So to Kaco; to the pair that could survive anything, because they have something to fight for."

"Kaco." The guests chanted back.

Mollie and can looking slightly flustered.
"You did great Molls. Thank you." I pulled her in for a one-armed hug. When it ended, something clicked: "Hang on, did you toast to Kaco?"

"Gracie." Was her reply, which actually explained it all.

"You need to hang out with her less. She's having a bad influence on you. You need to go and meet other people. Like that guy over there." I pointed to someone sitting down.

"And... Who is that exactly?"

"Well I don't know." I gave her a "why-would-I?" look. "But he looks young, cute, and single. If not, pretend you were talking to someone else. Simple."

"Kat, no I-"


"But I-"

"It's my wedding, don't spoil the big day. Now go and flirt." I told her, a superior smirk having settled on my face.

"You're unbelieva-" she was cut off as I shoved her away, winking.

"Go for it." I mouthed. I got a final shake of her head, a "why-am-I-doing-this?" look, and then success, as she went over.

"Aww, look at you. Newly wed and you're already a relationship maker." Came a voice from behind me.


"What? It looks like your inner Aphrodite came to say hi." She teased.

"Mum, please stop-"

Let me explain. My parents are total Greek Geeks. But they take it to a whole new level. I only go by Kat, because they named me Katakin. A Greek name, which means "pure", "torture", and "worthy one". Who name their kid another name for terror? Kat is fine. Most people think its short for Kate, Katie, or even Katniss. Don't get me wrong, the Greeks are amazing, incredibly intellectual and interesting. But when your parents go on about how Hephaestus must be angry at every powercut (by which I mean when the flames die out) it kinda gets annoying.


"Well sweetie, I just wanted to say congratulations. You too Draco. And I know that you won't, and you'll get lots of threats, but if you ever even consider hurting my baby girl I will personally find a way to Olympus and order Zeus to blast you into smithereens. Not to be confused with Slitheens. But I think you get the point." With a sugary-sweet smile she wandered off.

"Kat." Draco turned to me, and gripped my arm. "Kat, I think I understand what you meant by she's crazy." His eyes were widened in-

"Hang on, are you scared of my mum?" I asked, trying to hold back a laugh.

"No- well- ye- no- She is scary."

"Aww, is Dracy-Poo scared of my mummy?" I asked teasingly in a patronising tone.

"Yes." He muttered, a pink tinge tainting his pale cheeks. "She was never like that before."

"I think mum has a kind of thing that once married, we're definite, so she can threaten you."

"Yeah..." We start in slienfe for a coupe of minutes before he leant over and gave me a small kiss.

"What was that for?" I asked, surprised.

"Because I love you." He told me simply, smiling. I sighed, happy with how everything was. Perfect time to ruin it Kat. Perfect time...

Without meaning to do so, I looked at the clock that hung on the wall opposite me, and sat up.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"No, its just that the car'll be here any minute. Draco, its time to go. We're going to New Zealand."

"Indeed we are. Week then, if you their your bouquet..."

"Yep. Alright, I'll go tell everyone." Gracie said from behind us.

"You are so weird." I told her.

"But you love me anyway." With that, she strode off.

"No innuendos!" I called after her. She simply grinned wickedly. "Oh Merlin." I sighed. "Save us now."


Soon, there was a huddle of girls. Some looked excited, others bored, a couple glaring at the others, anxious to catch the flowers.

"One, two, three-" I threw the bouquet backwards, and heard a Gracie squeal. Spinning round, I found that Mollie had caught them.

"Er..." She said awkwardly. "What do I do now?"

"You have them. They're yours." Gracie told her, causing Mollie to roll her eyes.

"Funnily enough, I had guessed that." She told her friend.

"You're the one who asked."

"But I meant-" I didn't hear the rest, as Draco and I had begun to walk to the car, and we're now in it. It was a Knight-Bus kind, by which I mean that it could through the smallest gaps. And things would hop out of the way. However, it was a weird kind - a new model; this car could sort of apperate. The driver would do so, whilst in the car, and so everyone in the car would be transported too. Tricky and strange, but saved a whole load of time and money.

We drove to a little side alley, from which we were transported to New Zealand.

The scenery twisted itself into place, and Draco held open the door for me, picked me up bridal style, and carried me into our honeymoon house.

It was situated on a beach, with trees that fanned out their leaves, providing shelter and shade from the baking heat that contrasted dearly to England's temperature.

The house itself was beautiful, with polished mahogany furniture that had been handcrafted.

Draco carried me upstairs to the master bedroom, where the night matched the day; it was the best one of my life.

Okay, hear me out.

The reason it's slightly late is because this is a sort of 2-in-1 chapter. But then I got stuck with the first part so I went to the wedding, which was promised.

You now have a couple of clues... If anyone guesses it, I'll give you a follow, shout out and dedication.

Less than month 'till the summer holidays!

Love you all,

-Alice xoxox

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