Chapter 9

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Watch the video on the side because it's just so perfect.

Important A/N. I won't update if it isn't answered.
I can either continue with weekly updates that are riddled with spelling and grammatical errors, or can take more time and make them better writing, less mistakes, but in which case it will take longer to update. Which would you rather?

This is set during around 3 months after Kaco wedding.


I stood, surrounded by tall silhouettes of the abandoned houses and shops. Windows were nonexistent; somw were boarded up, with others being smashed in. Ollivander's was empty, as I stepped carefully into the threshold. Automatically, I winced at the sound as the shards of glass crunched under my feet.

With no more than a glance around the place, you could tell that there had been a struggle when the old man had been taken against his will - for that was most certainly what had happend here.

Boxes were scattered upon the floor; splinters of woods lay strewn beside them; there were marks as though someone - presumably Ollivander - had been scratching, clawing at the die frame in a last futile attempt to stay where he was.

I could practically picture the scene unfolding in my mind. And it wasn't pretty.

"Harry Potter... At last, the Boy who lived will die." I instantly whether round, then took an involuntary step backwards as those slited eyes surveyed me, the pale chalky skin contrasting drastically to the darkness that surrounded it. "Actually no. You've caused so much pain that now you will live. Live with pain for eternity."

"No! No, get away from him!"

I tired to call out, tried to warn Ginny to get back but it was too late. As though in slow motion the green jet of light shot towards her, and I watched, helplessly, as her body collapsed and fell to the ground.


The sickening sound was coupled with that of bones cracking. I was rooted to the spot; but not from fear. Voldemort had cast a  spell to stick me there - to force me to watch as he killed my dear, dear Ginny.

I let out a cry of sorrow, as he cackled.
"Do you see now Harry? Do you see what love does to you? It causes pain. Suffering. Anguish. Look at what it did to your friends and family. You kill one and the others begs to be murdered too." A wicked grin stretched onto the pale face as he stepped aside.

Where I thought shelves stood, housing numerous wands, was a mountain of bodies which lay there, piled up, their expressions surely mimicking my own. Fred was there, with George and Angelina beside him, head lolled to one side. Bill, Fleur, Vic, Dom, their little family. Gone. Remus and Tonks.

Mum and dad.

Slowly, Voldemort levitated Ginny's body over to a new pile which had only one other: a small baby, with a tiny tuft of hair that reflected my own in it's scruffy nature. It looked like he had been crushed.

"James." The word escaped my lips before my brain had proceeded it, but even from here I could tell that it was my baby boy. "No! NO! GINNY, JAMES! NO!"

I yelled. I screamed. I cried. I sobbed.

Voldemort watched me with a satisfied smirk. "This is love at its finest Potter. This is what you will live with for the rest of your life."

"No. Please, please no. Kill me. You've won. You've won Riddle. So just kill me! KILL ME!" Begging, I felt a fresh wave of hot salty tears journey down my face.

"No. You've been too much trouble. So now you shall live, forevee knowing that you caused this. You're a symbol of hope. Kill you, and I won't be able to hold everyone off. Keep you alive, entrapped in your own worst nightmare, and the people won't dare defy me. I have Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, weak and helpless. You will stay here, in Ollivander's forever."

Worst nightmare. That had to be it. This was - and is - nothing more than a nightmare.

I clenched my eyes shut and pinches my skin as hard as possible, but nothing happened besides that high, cold laugh.

"This is no dream Potter. This is reality." With that - coupled with a swoop of his robes - Voldemort glided away.

"Ginny." My voice cracked as I tried to crawl over to her, but to no avail. I was stuck in one tiny little spot.

Her body slowly glided towards me across the floor.
"Oh Ginny. Ginny, Ginny Ginny." I stroked her forehead carefully, only to find it ice cold. Her fiery hair was splayed upon the floor as her eyes stared with a fierce, loyal look in them. The life was completely gone.

That was when I completely broke.

"Please! Please, wake up! I need you to wake up, you're scaring me."

"G-Ginny?" But her lips had not parted in the slightest.

"Harry, wake up." My shoulders began to shake, as though by an invisible force, and then my eyes shut, before flying open.

Slowly, I took in the scene before me. The walls were not dark and dreary, but light and pale. The floor had a rug situated in the middle, and the deep red curtains were drawn wide open. Light was streaming in, and right in front of me, alive and well was-

"Ginny." I gave her a hug, tears still streaming down my face. "Oh my gosh Ginny, you're alright. You're okay. You're find. You're fine!" A grin tried to settle into my face but images from my nightmare prevented that from happening.

"Harry, calm down. Harry - Harry. Look at me. I'm alright. It was just a dream."

"But it was a dream that could have actually been real. Gin - it was Voldemort. He- he killed you. And you were dead. So was our child - James. And- and your parents were there, so were all of your siblings and their families. Everyone was gone." My voice cracked.

"Harry, look at me. I'm here, okay? And so is mum and dad. Bill - Fleur? They're alive and well. Our child is safe. I would never let him or her die like that. Alright? I love you."

"I love you too."

"Good. Now, I'll fetch you some water and then we can talk for a bit until you want to sleep, yeah? I understand." And she did she knew that sleep was the last thing I wanted right now. That just talking - just spending some time together was what I both wanted and needed. 

"Thank you."

"No problem love. I'll be back in a minute, okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, of course. Just - scream as loud as you can if anyone's down there. I can't let that be real. I can't."

"I know. Believe me, I know." With that, she kissed me on the forehead and then went downstairs.

I lay back down, as silence ensued, broken only by a couple of creaks on the old, wooden steps. I strained my ears in hope that I'd be able to hear it if there was one too many pairs of feet. Of course, it didn't work.

But Ginny was back soon. I gulped down the water, then lay back down as she slid into bed. She asked me what happened in the nightmare, so I explained it.

"Thank you." I rolled to my side to look at her, as she gazed at the ceiling.

"For what?"

"For understanding. For caring. For staying with me when you have to put up with shit like this."

"Harry." With a bit of effort, she turned onto her side to meet my gaze. "I love you. I saw you when everyone thought you were dead, and that was in reality; I'll always understand. I could never stop caring and you even if I tried. I would never dream about leaving you. This isn't shit, Harry, this is post-war. This is life. This is our life. I love you and our kid. Remember that, yeah?"

"Yeah. Okay. Thanks."

"No problem love."

We lay there in silence.

"Yes Harry?"

"I don't want to sleep. I-I really don't want to."

"Imagine it's a Boggart. You know it's a dream. You know it's not real. Change it. Make Fred dance again, or Mad-eye jump up and do the macerena."

"Hmm. Gin?"


"I really do love you, you know. And our kid. James."

"That's what he was called in the dream, isn't it?"

"Mm-hm. But if it's like a boggart I have to face the fear. James won't die. He looked like a James."

"Then he can be James Sirius. It seems fitting. It seems right."

"Are you sure you don't mind? And don't want Arthur in there?"

"No, I want James Sirius. Or Lily Luna, whoever comes first."

"So you want more than one?"

"Only if you do."

"I'd love to."

"Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens, hey? We'll just have to see how everything goes on from now 'till-"

She cut off as her eyes widened.
"Harry, I think my waters just broke." Sure enough, a trickle of fluid dampened the bed.

I jumped up, and grabbed my wand, magicked some different (clean) clothes on, and helped her up.

"Oh Merlin, oh Merlin, what do I do? Alert family. Right. Expecto patronum." A stag appeared. "Er... Hi, sorry for waking you up, but Ginny's waters just broke so I'm taking her to Mungo's. Please get there ASAP. Thank, Harry."

It galloped off to silver the message to Molly and Arthur, as well as Ron and the Weasleys.

"Sorry Gin, but it's apperation time."

James is born now (I don't really want to go into all that).

"Mr Potter, you may now see your wife." I literally jumped up. My hair was more than likely a mess, my back ached from being slumped on the old, wooden chairs which probably weren't good for spines.

I followed the healer into the room, and grinned widely at the sight before me: Ginny lay there, looking tired, yet proud, worn out, yet delighted, and she seemed to have a sort of glow around her as she held a small bundle of blankets.

"You have had a healthy baby boy, weighing 6 ounces 7."

"Okay, thanks." I strode over to her as she looked up, a proud smile etched onto her face.

"Hewwo daddy, this is our wittwle boy called James." She said in a baby voice, waving James' little fist.

"You were serious about that name? You- he is…?"

"Yes. He is James Sirius Potter. We should probably add on a " The First " if he's anything like his namesakes."

"True, but no one can be anything like our James. And - and he's beautiful."

"Like you said dear, with parents like us how could he not be sexy?"

James opened his eyelids to reveal the blue eyes. The shape of them mirrored Ginny's. They contrasted his hair, which lay in a little brown tuft on his head.

"He's perfect."

Slightly longer chapter, with a bit of Hinny in there :P

Next one will contain the family meeting James. I now it's going quite fast but given that this is going to cover 11 years, it kind of had to.

For those of you not following me, ALL STORIES will go on hold whilst I edit.

So just to clarify, there won't be any updates for a while because I'm going to go through and edit each book. Most - if not all - of my stories will be undergoing editing, not just this one and ILYONA. Of I really can't do any more editing because I'm bored/tired/just can't, I'll be writing bits of chapters.

- Alice xoxox

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