Chapter 10

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"Look at him! He has your eyes Ginny, and that hair is a perfect mix. Ooh, it's your nose Harry-" Molly was getting very excited. "-And look, isn't that sweet? He's got such a cute little smile." She cooed.

"I 'av to agree. 'E is a beautiful child."

"Yeah, you've done alright mate." Ron told me, clapping me on the back.

"Well I think we can ask agree that Ginny did the best. I'm proud of you Gin." I told her, smiling.

"Well thank Merlin for that." She replied jokingly, although her voice was slightly raspy - probably from that horrible screaming I had heard.

"So have you two got a name for the little guy?" Sirius asked from his portrait. I looked at Ginny and nodded.

"James Sirius Potter." She said, smiling.

"Huh. Hang on... What?"

"James Sirius." I repeated.

"You- you actually did name him after me. I- thanks. Both of you."

"Sirius... Are you tearing up?"

"No. Of course not. Sirius Black doesn't cry. Over anything."

No one said anything as he hastily tried to wipe away nonexistent tears; paintings can't cry, it turns out. I guess the lack of tear glands means that they're incapable of it.

"He's gonna be a right handful of troibel if he's anything like his dad." Ron said.

"Well with Gin around, there'll be no room for trouble... Unless..." Ginny nodded at me.

"Unless what?"

"Well, I reckon training him up would fall under godparent duties, so it would be up to you and Hermione, if you're willing?"

"What? God-Godfather? Me?" Ron stuttered.

"Nah, you'd be the godmother if anything." I said.

"Haha, so funny. But I'd be delighted. Cheers mate."

"And I'd love to. Thanks." Hermione chimed in, grinning widely.

"But as Ron said, trouble is probably going to come naturally to him. Harry, with you as his dad, and his namesakes being who they were... I think we may just have a new detention-record setter on our hands." Ginny said.

"Just be grateful there's no Fred or George. Or Gred or Forge."

"You remember that?" George asked, amused.

"'Course I do. It was the first real Christmas I can remember. How could I forget it Gred?"

"Well, given everything that goes on in your life, I didn't really ever think you'd remember something as insignificant as that."

"George, that's as insignificant as it is that you and Fred bewitched snowballs to throw themselves at the back of Quirrell's head."

"How's that insignificant?"

"Voldemort was on the back of his head. You enchanted snowballs to hit Voldemort."

"Oh yeah. Sweet." Fred chimed in from his portrait.

"Honestly, how many times did I tell you two to behave?" Molly exclaimed, shaking her head to herself. "Throwing snowballs at Professor's heads?"

"Technically, we weren't throwing them."

"Yeah, it was the spell."

"Which you casted."

"It was him." The twins said at the same time.

James looked around at everyone, taking in everything.

"Look at that, he's adorable." George quickly said to change the subject. "Oh, sorry. I er... I actually have to go now. Ange couldn't come because she had to drop Fred off at her mum's, but now her mum's going out so I have to shoot off. See you soon, and congrats." With that, an apologetic look, and a last goodbye, he went.

Silence settled into the room as everyone observed James.

"Hey, Harry?" Ron suddenly asked.


"You look different. You... Hang on, you don't look like shi-"

"No swearing in front of the baby." Ginny hissed.

"You don't look like poopy." He amended.

"Gee, thanks. My wife has given birth, we are now really happy because we've got our first child abd you're telling me that I don't look like poopy? Thanks man."

"Did you just say first child? As though you're planning on-"


"Actually, it doesn't really bother me anymore. Go for it."

I gave Ginny a "did-he-basically-just-tell-us-to-have-sex-again?" look, to which she nodded.

"Right. Well, thanks mate."

"It's about time I accepted all this. I mean, I was fine in such year but I guess that was because there was a way going on so I doubted you'd really do that kinda thing. And... I know it would never happen, but... when I saw you and Hermione with the whole Horcrux thing, part of it wasn't the horcrux that thought to were together. I just didn't want you to turn around and break my sister's heart. But you care about her. I've always known that. Just time I accepted it."

"Seriously. Thanks." I told him sincerely.

"Well we ask have to grow up sooner or later. It seems that I finally did. Congratulations mate."

"You too." I nodded at the new ring on Hermione's finger. "I take it was the right time?"

"Yeah. Well we were gonna announce it later today, to be honest. But then with a new nephew and all... We thought it best to say another day."

"Well you probably want to do it soon. I wouldn't want to see an angry Molly Weasley. Because frankly, you'll be getting a furious Molly Weasley if you wait more than... What? Up until tomorrow? Thursday at the latest. If by Friday you've not told everyone, I'll sort out your funeral, don't worry."

"Nice to know you care."

"Who said I care?" I joked.

"Good point. As I said, well done mate. See you soon."

"Within the week." I agreed, nodding.

With that, another congratulations (to Ginny this time), and a call to Hermione, he left.

After finishing her conversation with Ginny, a final congratulations and goodbye, she too left.

Time skip. James is 4 months old.

"Your turn." Ginny mumbled as a wailing filled the air.

"It was me last time."

"No, you slept through the last time, so I had to. Just do it Harry."

Knowing that I couldn't won against a tired - and consequently possibly angry - wife, I slipped my glasses on, got up and shuffled over to the coy hat held the crying infant. I picked up my son.

"Hey there James. It's alright. Daddy's got you. Shh. Shh." I rocked him gently back and for in my arms, whispering. "That's right, it's sleepy time. Shh, go to sleep." Slowly his wails turned to whimpers, which faded into nothing.

I lay him back down gently, kissed his forehead gently, before returning to my own bed, where I, too, settled in.

"How cute. That is so sweet. Honestly. You're both such good parents, but I've got to ruin you." That woke both me and Ginny up.

"Harry, what's-"

"What's going on, dear, is that I'm going to destroy you both. This was about Harry at first, but... It just seems more fitting. Anf by destroying him it'd destroy you, so I might as well do it in a double-bammy." A silhouette stood in the corner of the room, like a living shadow.

"It's you. It's- you're the one who stole Ron's voice and Percy's hair - that sentence will never stop sounding weird by the way."

"So you recognise me. You'll be glad then." Her voice was fading from the disguise one, with her own slithering back into place.

"Glad of what?"

"Well, today I am who I am. No polyjuice. No fake identities. If I'm going to kill your son, I want you to see me do it."

The figure stepped into the light and the final puzzle piece was placed. The bigger picture had been coloured in.

I knew who it was. And the answer wasn't a pleasant one;

"Katie? What are- what are you doing?" A/N it's fanfic. She has a brother called Mark.

"Well, Harry. I'm here to take then torture your son. It'd be ever so kind of you not to interfere. You do tend to get in the way."

"No- no! Ginny, we have to- Ginny? Ginny!"

The Gryfindoor Girl was no longer beside me in bed, instead she was over by the cot, James in one hand, wand in the other.

"No one threatens my son, you bitch." With that, she stunned the unsuspecting housemate, glaring like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh Ginny. You're okay. James is alright. We're fine. We're all going to be fine. And if this is Katie, it'll stat as Katie. If not, the polyjuice will fade." I conjoured ropes, tied her up, and then did a couple of precautions (forcing-into-animagus form to check - she didn't have one), then put her under a sleeping spell.

"No one takes our child. No one should even dare to attempt it."

"I know love. Now, I've put some charms on these types. She can't escape, use magic, or take our child. We can get some rest then take her to the Ministry in the morning."
are you sure? It's- it's safe and it'll all be alright?"

"Ginny, it'll be more than alright. James can even sleep in our bed tonight if you want."

"Yes. Y-yes. I'm sorry, but she can't - no one can take our baby Harry. No one."

"I know. I'll make sure of that."

"Thank you love."

"There's nothing to thank me for. I'm simply being a dad."

"A brilliant dad." She gave me a quick kiss. "Our child has the best dad in the world. And so will the rest of them."

"Well they'll have an even better mum. Bed?"


We slipped into bed. And then, into sleep.


Okay, 2 weeks. I actually have been editing, but I'm afraid most of my time had been consumed by school, due to the fact that I'm moving schools. So it's been a pretty confusing, repetitive process.

Last week coming up though, and tomorrow is my Grandma's birthday, so happy birthday Nanima!

Quick question: Out of the following, which wedding(s) do you want included?
- Nennah (Neville/Hannah)
- Romione (Ron/Hermione)
- Any others (Please specify)

What are you liking/disliking?

- Alice xoxox

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