Chapter 11

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Blame KsushkiesCumberpatch and sofia___mota for the unicorns. And this is going to be a fast-paced book btw.

Also, swearing is used in this chapter alongside implications.

A few months later...

"Merlin Hermione, you're still tight!"

"Harder. I said harder!"

"I am! For fuck's sake, come off now. Aaarg!"


Ron and Hermione's voices were heard from above as Ginny, Molly, Arthur, James, George, Angelina and I say around the Burrow's table, trying to eat our food.

"Oh I'm sorry, but not in this house, at this hour, at that volume." Molly suddenly cried. "Ginny, be a good girl and please tell them to stop."

"What about George? I'm not having a conversation like that with my brother. At least George'll have it brother-to-brother."

"No way. I am... eating with Ange, then off to work. And little Fred won't feed himself."


"I've been scarred enough for a lifetime thanks. Pun intended."

"So a little more won't do any damage." Ginny said.

A few minutes later I was stomping up to Ron's room; my arguing attempts had been futile.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON UP HERE?" Covering my eyes, I entered. "Warning, get your clothes on now. Before it's too late."

After no scrambling sound, I hesitantly uncovered one eye and opened it slightly. Ron and Hermione stood there, completely dressed (thank you Merlin), blushing wildly.

"Ron, I think that sounded wrong."

"No shit Sherlock."

"It wasn't like that mate, seriously." Ron told me.

"Well it done that way from downstairs. Your mother wanted the message delivered that you're not to do that sort of stuff, "in this house, at that volume, at this hour." So please stop. For all of our sake's."

"We weren't though!"


"No, really. Hermione's ring is stuck on her finger. I was trying to get it off."

"You would've used magic if that was the case."

Hermione held up her hand. "Nope. It's the engagement one but I decided to see if it was coming off so that on the day it'd be fine. Turns out it was a tight fit."

"He said you're still tight."

"Well why don't you try altering the ring size? I swear it doesn't work. So I tried altering the size of her finger."

"Look, excuses excuses is all I have to say. Just don't do that sort of thing when or where we can all hear it."

With that, I turned around, exited the room, and headed downstairs. Only Ginny was in the living room.

"How did it go?" She asked, smirking as I scowled at her.

"I am never doing that again. And the excuse was terrible."

"Wait, it wasn't anything about a ring, was it?"

"How did you know that?"

"I accidentally overheard Mum asking Hermione to take the engagement off at some point. Apparently you're supposed to do that, so you know what size the actual wedding ring should be."

"Still... It really didn't sound that way."

A few months later

"Harry, help me!" Ron groaned as he attempted to comb his hair. "My hair is supposed to be the one that obeys, it isn't usually like yours."

"Well unluckily for you, I can't remember that spell my mum gave me. And she's currently with Ginny and Hermione so..."

"So go to Ginny!"

"I can't - really. The doors have a spell thing so no boys can enter."

"But you're not a boy!" In reply I glared at him. "I mean... Just... I need to sort this out."

"Alright. I'll see what I can find." I walked put and into the living room of The Burrow. After picking up some books (which yielded no useful information), I ended up patronusing Ginny, and asked her to ask my mum. A few minutes later, I gave Ron the reply.

"Er... Opolio?" His hair flattened and instantly became combable. "Thank you. That is just - I need to use it more often."

"Same. I'm not entirely sure how I managed to forget the most useful spell created."

"Coming from you, that means it must be pretty damn good. Expelliarmus came in handy for you."

"You know what I meant. Anyway, your hair's fine. The actual ceremony starts soon
You need to get to that alter."

To the ceremony (Lazy time skip)


I tapped my foot impatiently, glancing over my shoulder every few minutes.

Come on Hermione, hurry up so I can marry you already. I thought to myself.

I turned my head again, but this time it stopped when facing the crowd. Gently trotting down the aisle was a unicorn, and sitting on its back was a beautiful girl.

Her usually bushy brown hair was pulled up in an elegant do, and her dress emphasised ...well, I'd say all the good parts about her, but in that case it would emphasise all of her. It just... It was perfect.

Behind her was her father, who ended up dismounting, helping Hermione off, then placing her hand in mine.

"Thank you." Was all he said. With that, he turned around, then sat next to his wife.

Hermione and I walked up to the alter, stood sideways to the crowd, and looked at each other.

"We ate gathered here to today to witness the marriage of two souls, as they become one. Ronald Billius Weasley, do you take Hermione Jean Granger to be your lawfully wedded wife? Throughout sickness and health, good and bad times alike, celebrate the joyous moments and comfort during the gloomy ones, and always remain loyal."

"I do. And er, I also promise to listen. Listen and learn."

"O-okay. Miss Hermione Jean Granger, do you take Ronald Billius Weasley to be your lawfully wedded husband? Through the best and worst memories to come, illnesses and full health, goodness and bad, to support and stay."

"I do."

Fred II - our ring bearer - toddled up to us. I slid her new wedding ring onto her finger.
"With this ring, I wed thee."

Hermione repeated my actions and words.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." I didn't need telling twice. It was over too soon for my liking, but in reality it was quite long.

We rode a unicorn back down the aisle, together.

"Mr and Mrs Ronald Weasley."

At the reception

"Thanks Ron." Hermione whispered to me as we danced slowly in a circle.

"For what?" I could feel the confusion etching itself onto my face.

"For this, being here, loving me... Just all of it. Thank you." I leant down and just her.

"Hermione you are more than welcome. I love you, and am not planning on stopping doing so until after the end of the Universe. I will love you until beyond the end."

"Until beyond infinity?" She smiled at me, as we reached remembered the after of the proposal to one day get engaged, and then married.

"Not just until beyond infinity. Until beyond our infinity." She nodded, before leaving against my chest.

"Our infinity..." She mused. "That can be our little thing."

"I think it already is. Harry said he mentioned it in his speech."



"Make sure Harry's not drunk. Otherwise it's going to get embarrassing."

"Yeah, good point. But before I check on him, one more song?"

Hermione looked up at me, and our eyes met.

"How could I say no?"

So we danced. We danced, laughed, sung (a little), and enjoyed ourselves. I checked on Harry and warned him not to get drunk, so he promised to stay sober.

Now though, it was time for his speech.

"Hi everyone. So as we know, today we're here to celebrate Ron and Hermione's marriage. Ron, you warned me to never hurt Ginny - physically, psychologicaly or emotionally. I'm doing the same. Ginny's your sister, and Hermione's mine. I know you will, but look after her, and stay. Yes Hermione, I know you can take care of yourself. We couldn't survive a day out there without you." Harry caught my eye, and recalled the moment when I told him that to stop him leaving without us.

"If there's one thing to say about your relationship though, it's how bloody long it took to get going! Ron, it was so obvious to everyone but the pair of you that you liked her since the Yule Ball, so there really wasn't any point in Lavender, all it did was make the whole school internally groan at the fact that the pair of you were bickering again instead of making out." Laughter rung among the guests, and some people nodded in agreement. "But what frustrates me, in a way, is both how, and why it took a House Elf to get you together. I mean, really? Look, I know you guys have a little thing, where the pair of you have your own infinity. To symbolise that your relationship will start intact for beyond forever. I'd just like to say how happy I am to be able to witness it expand. That we're all able too. To Ron and Hermione Weasley." He toasted, and everybody did the same.

Harry came back over to us, grinning.
"Told you I'd stay sober." He told me, to which he got wacked on the head by bith my bride and sister.

"You just delivered a heartfelt speech like that, then strut over here and come out with that?" Ginny exclaimed.

"Some people don't grow up, and it seems that both of us have been landed with them." Hermione told her, suppressing a smirk.

"Oi!" Harry and I exclaimed at the same time.

"Some people are just mean." Harry said to me.

"And it seems we've been landed with them." I finished. We high-fived, to which the girls simply shook their heads.

"Harry, let's go." Ginny told him.

"Where to? I've just say down to eat my food." She whispered something back to him, to which he frowned, looked at Hermione and I, then back to Ginny. "Do I have to?"



"Give them some time alone!" She hissed.

"No one gets alone time when Gracie's here, and it sure as hell wouldn't be Romione anyway." A voice announced, as the girl herself came up to us.

"Why not?" Two more girls appeared from nowhere, as one spoke.

"Why d'you think Kat? They've just got married, so time alone equals baby making time." I felt my cheeks heat up, and saw Hermione was blushing furiously too.

"Gracie, I swear you're so..." Mollie began, before deciding it'd be wiser not to finish that sentence. "Y'know what? Don't worry about it."

"Hey Molls." Some guy came over, and kissed Mollie on the cheek. "Hi. Congratulations by the way." He told us.

"Oh, right. Er thanks."

"You too, finally work up the courage to ask Mollie out?" Hermione asked the guy, to which he blushed.

"Yeah, and as you said she she said yes, you were right, I know, I know."

"Wait, you persuaded Josh to ask me out?" Mollie asked, before turning to Kat. "But at your wedding, you pointed him out to me as though you were just picking any cute guy."

"It was all a part of our master plan Mollie. We - being Ginny, Gracie, Hermione and I - already knew Josh, who just so happened to have the biggest crush on you ever. I pointed him to you, Hermione had already told him what was going to happen, and Ginny and Gracie made sure that no other girls would go to him." They all grinned.

"So you guys all decided to set me up with Josh, and you - you got them to? That's so sweet!"

"Mollie, Mollie, Mollie.," Gracie began, "You know how much of a shipper I am. And Jollie is not only an amazing ship, but also an amazing ship name, which is important."

"So who do you ship you with?" Kat asked smirking, trying to get it out of her friend.

"No one." She replied, too quickly.

The girls then started pesteribg her, whilst Harry, Josh and I were sort of just sitting/standing there awkwardly.

"So... Congratulations again." Josh started off. He was a fairly tall guy, with sandy hair and hazel eyes.

"Yeah, well done mate." Harry told me. "As I said before, it took you long enough."

"Hahaha, how hilarious Harry."

"No need to roll your eyes. anyway, I reckon you need to go, what time're you going?"

"A couple of minutes actually. Hermione-" I turned to my wife. "-it's time to go and throw your flowers then go."



"Oh alright then. Er-"

"GIRLS GO AND GET READY TO CATCH THR BOUQUET!" Gracie yelled (still blushing). There were a couple of squeals, then the females gathered up behind Hermione as she threw her bouquet.

One if Hermione's cousins caught it, and smiled as get family began teasing her about it.

As her wide were all muggles, we'd placed a charm so they'd forget anything mentioned to do with magic - it was a useful spell only recently passed as allowed to use by Ministry Members.

Soon enough, petals were thrown over Hermione and I as we kissed, then entered the wedding car.

We arrived at the honeymoon house and marked our marriage.

So for such a long wait - I was on DofE (ew), then had to get everything sorted for my holiday and not to mention that the last day of school was the last day is see lots of my friends, die to me going to a different school. So that was sad.

Also, I had writer's block.

So I'm currently on the Eurotunnel and shall upload this once I get WiFi at my cousin's house.

Love you all!
-Alice xoxox

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