Jessica's Interrogation

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***Trigger Warning.***

When I exit Brexton's room, I put on my game face and prepare to get started on our investigation. I was determined to unravel the dark secrets I knew were under this obnoxious woman's surface. I'd like to believe that people aren't naturally as rude as she is. Something made her the cold, broken shell of a woman that she is today. I wasn't going to stop until I figured out what that something is.

I'm not excited about it but I know what I have to do. The best way to get answers was to join in on the gossip. My nosey coworkers somehow know everything about everyone. It took them less than an hour to discover that I was going back to nurse practitioner school, less than a day to spread the news of my breakup. They truly had a gift.

I scan the halls for Maria, the nurse's aide that Jessica thought was her best friend. Maria walked around like she owned the place, constantly correcting people and telling them what to do. It was no wonder she and Jessica got along so well, or at least pretended to. They both secretly hated each other and talked trash on one another everytime the opportunity presented itself. Typically, I wanted nothing to do with their highschool drama but today I wanted all up in it.

Maria is standing next to another nurse when I finally spot her. She's moving her hands theatrically, leaning against the food cart. I wonder what poor soul's personal information she's sharing now. I wait until the other woman leaves before I walk up to her. "Hey Maria, how's it going?"

"I'm doing good! I'm just happy that Jess finally took her lunch break. She was getting on my last nerve."

Bingo. It's pathetic how easy this is. "Ugh. What'd she do now?"

The judgement is evident in her voice. "She won't shut up about how the guy she's having an affair with is leaving his girlfriend for her. She needs to get a clue! He's clearly using her."

I nod my head to appear interested. "I didn't know she was dating anyone. Why doesn't she date someone who's not in relationship?"

Maria lowers her voice as if she hasn't already said the same thing to everyone on the unit. "She's desperate. She's been seeing him for months now and they're still sneaking around. That would be a hint to most people that it's not serious, but not Jessica."

I shake my head in disapproval. "Do you know who she's seeing?"

She looks thrilled to be asked this question, which tells me I've unlocked more drama. "I do, but I really shouldn't say."

"You have to tell me." I beg.

Maria releases her thick brown hair from its ponytail and takes her time putting it back up. To my annoyance, she's trying to build the suspense. "Okay, I'll tell you, but you didn't hear it from me."

She was acting like she held the key to world peace. I pretend to lock my lips and seal it. "I won't tell a soul." Besides Brexton, but I did say that part aloud.

"Jessica has been seeing you're ex, Jeremiah."The thrill in her eyes makes me want to vomit. She's taking joy in this. She's hoping for some drama out of it. She's probably been waiting for me to ask her about this for months. I move back so I don't attack her.

I control my breathing. Jessica has been sleeping with Jeremiah? I didn't exactly think he was faithful but dang. My blood goes cold as I realize she's the reason he got into the hospital earlier.  My mind wont let me go to the place where a logical person would end up. I can't make myself accept that the man I was dating for four years may have killed a sweet 85 year old man.

Maria gets frustrated with me for not talking. "Lyra? Are you okay?"

I turn and run into the nearest room, which coincidentally ends up being Brexton's. I am not supposed to, but I run into his bathroom and throw up. It was technically against the rules, but I think they'd prefer me not puking all over the floor. I look at myself in the mirror and repeat, "you're okay" a million times until I feel convinced it's true.

"Lyra?" I hear a deep, tired-sounding voice call out to me.

I flush the toilet, wash my hands and adjust my uniform before gradually opening the door. "Hey, I'm sorry. I really had to pee and this was the closest bathroom. I'll disinfect everything, I promise."

He eyes the sleeping security gaurds. Poor guys work so hard they need at least one nap per shift. He motions me over to him.

I make my way to his bed with heavy steps. When I'm close enough, he rasps, "Please remove these restraints."

I obey, assuming that his wrist must be bothering him again. When he's free he pulls me into a suffocatingly tight hug. I hug him back, needing this hug more than oxygen at the moment.

He whispers in my ear. "I heard you throwing up. What's wrong?"

All my words get caught in my throat when I feel his hot breath on my neck. My voice is strained when I finally find it again. "I found out that my ex was cheating on me with Jessica, that nurse you said you don't like. I think she may have let him in here, which means he may have killed Roger."

Brexton searches my face. "You seriously dodged a bullet." He sighs and puts his hand gently in mine. "I wish cheating on a girl like you was a criminal offense, but I'll settle for us getting him locked up for murder. All we need is proof."

"I think I can get it. I need to get Jessica to admit he was here at the time of the crime. Then, we'll turn her against him. Lucky for us he doesn't have many friends ."

His mouth opens to speak, but he's cut off by someone entering the room. He quickly lifts his hand off of mine.

Jessica is in the doorway, arms crossed over her large chest. I suppose Jeremiah did seem to have a thing for girls with big boobs. Maybe that's what his issue is with me. "Lyra, sweetie can we talk?"

"Sure." I give Brexton a small smile as I leave.

Jessica walks to the empty break room and opens the door for me to enter. What is happening? I start to wonder if she's going to try to kill me.

"So, I wanted to let you know that I have been told to switch your assignment just a smidge."

I narrow my eyes at her. "In what way?"

I can see on her face that I'm not going to like her answer. "I have been told to remove you as Mr. McGomery's nurse."

I gasp. "What?! No! You can't do that! I've had him the whole time he's been here. It took me a lot of time to get him to trust me. If you give him a new nurse it's going to set him back."

I'm not surprised to see her emotionless eyes staring back at me. "I'm sorry, it's not up to me. These were strict orders from the manager, she thinks it's best for you two to be separated while this investigation is going on. I know it's upsetting when you develop feeling for a client, but I promise it's for the best." 

She is not seriously going to lecture me about feelings while she's sleeping with Jeremiah. I want to call her out, but I need her trust me right now. "I can assure you anything going on between Mr. McGomery and I is strictly platonic. I know this isn't you're fault though, so I'll just talk to the manger myself and explain and.."

"Unfortunately, she left for the day. So, I'm going to have to give you room 220 for the time being, alright sweetheart?"

Deep breaths Lyra, you are already under investigation for murder, killing her will not look good for you. "Okay, I understand. Would you mind if I am the one to explain things to Mr. McGomery? I don't want him to think he did something wrong."

She raises an eyebrow, judgment evident on her face.  "He did do something wrong, he raped and murdered multiple women. This is exactly what I'm worried about, you don't seem to remember that."

All my cool was officially gone after that comment. "Don't you dare walk around like you're all high and mighty Jessica because that's the biggest joke I've ever heard and it makes you look ridiculous. Brexton hasn't been convicted of anything so until the verdict is in, I'd suggest doing your job and minding your own business ."

Jessica's mouth hangs wide open. "Lyra, I don't know what you're implying."

I open the door and head into the hallway. "I'm implying that everyone knows what you've been up to for the past few months. I'm implying that you need to stop acting like you're better than everyone."

I take a breath, my rant had me winded. "I'll take the new assignment, but you will not stop me from explaining what's happening to my patient. Got it?"

"Everything okay out here?" Brexton says from his doorway, focused on me. There was something  gleaming in his eyes. Was it...pride?

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