Shift Changes

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***Trigger Warning.***

Jessica's speeds off the second she sees Brexton. I can't help but find amusement in her dramatics. I almost laugh until I remember why she and I were arguing in the first place. I wasn't allowed to take care of Brexton anymore. She made it sound like I can't even see him. It brings a sick feeling to my stomach. I didn't like it. I've started to realize that Brexton and I work better as a team.

I look into Brexton's pretty green eyes. "Do you want to go in there so we can talk?"

He stops. "Talk? I should be scared of what you're about to say, shouldn't I?"

I don't respond as quickly as he'd like, so he starts speculating. "Please tell me nobody else died."

Do I lie to him? He probably should be afraid to hear what I'm about to say because I was. "I'm not thrilled about it, but its not as serious as life or death."

This eases him enough to move out of doorway and let me inside his room.

"I'm so happy you're here! Maybe you can explain to him why he can just take off his restraints and leave the room." The security guard's ring leader approaches me.

I glance over at Brexton. "He knows better. He's going to stay in here from now on. Isn't that right, Mr. McGomery?"

He looks amused. "Sure. I just find it amazing that the 6 foot tall, trained guards are telling a young..." He looks me up and down, making butterflies erupt in my stomach. "maybe 5ft tall, possibly 100 pound nurse to control me."

The looks he gets from his comment are brutal. I simply shake my head and walk to his bed. "Time for vitals." I say, hoping he knows that it's time for us to talk.

He does. He sits down, and hands me his wrist. I pretend to be getting his pulse, knowing that the guards won't even realize that I just got it 10 minutes ago. They weren't the most observant people.

I walk my body closer to him and whisper. "I am no longer your nurse."

He squints. "Then, what are you to me? My doctor?"

"I can't be in here anymore." I'm stunned to sense a lump forming in my throat. "I can't be anything to you right now."

His eyes plead with me. "That's it? You're done with our search?"

I can't speak. "I don't buy it. You're not a quitter, what happened? Was it Jessica because I swear I'll..."

"It wasn't her. Well, I mean it was but it's not her decision. It came from my manager, I don't have a choice."

He looks around the room for an answer. "Why would your manager say you can't be my nurse?"

Here goes nothing. "She thinks our relationship has crossed professional boundaries." I stare at the floor, it's embarrassing to even say this to him.

I watch as my words dawn on him. "Shoot, I'm sorry. That's my bad."

"No, it's actually my fault. I've been defending you nonstop to basically everyone here, but as a nurse it's my job to advocate for my patients. I'm guessing either Jessica or Jeremiah spoke to her and exaggerated everything."

His face is centimeters from mine before I notice him moving. "Is that what this is?"

I wasn't prepared to answer that question. What did he even mean by that? "All I know is that I care about you and I won't stop defending you to anyone who has something stupid to say."

The smile on his face is contagious. "Thank you, for everything."

"You'd do the same for me."

His next words are so quiet I almost miss them. "What do we do now?"

I hated to give in so easily, but what other option did I have. "I really don't like to say it but I think I need to dig into my exes past. There's something off about him and I'm sick of ignoring it."

"Is that even safe?" The apprehension is loud and clear in his voice.

The truth was I didn't know. It's sad to say but I had no idea who my ex was. I had no way of knowing what I was getting myself into. "I'll be safe." I respond meekly.

"You better be." He says, flames behind his eyes.

All I can do is nod.

He catches me as I'm about to move back. "Can I write you notes?"

I turn my head slightly to meet his gaze head on. "Notes?"

"Yeah, so we can keep up with each other. I don't think I'll survive this place without talking to you."

I think I may be the grinch because I could physical feel my heart grow three sizes. "I'd love for you to write me notes. I'll write one back every time you do. Do you think we'll be able to be discreet enough?"

"I'll leave mine in the railing outside my room."

The idea of getting and receiving notes from Brexton sends shock waves through me. I swear everything we do has a risk attached to it. "That's perfect."

To my disappointment, he leans back. "I think we're staring to look suspicious." He chuckles and motions to the security guards who's eye were laser-focused on us.

I clear my throat. "You're all set. I wish you the best of luck on your recovery journey."

He smiles, a dark glint in his eyes. "Thank you, it's been a pleasure to meet you."

The only thing on my mind at that moment is that I want to kiss him. I have never wanted to kiss someone so badly. Something takes over me and I head his way, prepared to kiss him. When I am close enough to kiss him, he grabs my waists and holds me back. "I was about to tell you that you dropped your badge." Quicker than the eye can see, he rips my badge off and tosses it on the ground. Then, he bends to pick it up and places it into my hand. "There you go."

My breath catches. At first I am confused but then I sense the same pesky eyes on me. I forgot about the security guards. How could I be so careless? What is Brexton doing to me? "Thank you, Mr.McGomery. Goodbye now." I say and all but run out the door.
I needed air.

"I'm going on my fifteen minute break." I yell to no one in particular. I had to get as far away from Brexton as possible or I may spontaneously combust.

I head for the breakroom to grab my carkeys, intending to sit in my car and blast the AC. When I go to open the door, I realize it's locked. That's weird. It's never locked. Literally everyone uses it. Maybe it was an accident or somebody was new?

I tug the handle with more force. "Hey, is anyone in there? I can't get in."

I hear strange noises coming from the other side of the door. All I can make out are muffled voices.

"Is everything okay in there?" I ask, genuinely concerned.

When I get no response, I track down a housekeeper and ask them to borrow their key to the door. I enter the key and turn the lock to find the most disturbing scene I've ever seen. I see Jeremiah and Jessica having sex.

I scream and vacate the bacteria breeding ground as fast as my feet will carry me. I don't get far before a hand grabs me and yanks me back into the breakroom.

"Lyra, calm down." Jeremiah attempts to soothe me. He is wearing a red button up shirt and polo shorts.

I push him away. "Why are you here?"

He smirks. "I came to see Jessica. Don't worry, I'm not stalking you."

If I were a cartoon character, smoke would have be coming out of my ears. "You do realize you're at a hospital right? In a PUBLIC breakroom? What is this, some sort of kink?"

Jessica steps in, her bra peeking out of her scrub top. "We didn't mean for this to happen here, it just sort of did."

Was she insane? I guess I could thank them for killing any kind of mood building between Brexton and I. "Well, Jessica honey, this is grounds for your suspension. Sorry sweetie, but I'm a mandated reporter." I turn on my heel.

Her cries stop me. "No, please don't! I really need this job! I'll do anything!"

"Go!" I direct her out of the room. I was annoyed at myself for not having the heart to report her. "And grab all the disinfectant wipes we have, you'll need every last one. People eat here you nasty!"

She hangs her head in shame and leaves Jeremiah and I alone. I talk before he can. "Cut the crap, why are you really here?"

He shrugs. "I wanted to see your new boyfriend."

I clench my jaw. Where did he get the nerve? "I don't have a boyfriend, but even if I did, it wouldn't be your business."

"Oh really? Wasn't my message clear enough for you?"

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