Saying Goodbye

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"Look at this!" Y/N held up a booklet filled with equations, angles, radicals, and the like.

Hanako stiffened. He had never seen something so scary.

"This... is going to be in your entrance  exam?" He gaped in disbelief.

Y/N nodded faintly, flipping through the pages.

"How do I study this?nYashiro could only help in English! Kou is great support, but not a great teacher..."

Hanako paused thoughtfully at the frantic girl. She had approached him in the bathroom in the middle of recess.

"I don't know if I'll be of help, but I'll try my best." He gave her a thumbs up, smiling brightly. Y/N felt relief surge through her as Hanako's old, happy spirit was returning.

"Later tonight! Now go off and eat your recess!"

"Huh?" Y/N blinked. "Won't you join me, Yashiro-chan, and Kou-kun?"

"I have to check on the Wonders." Hanako dismissively waved.

Y/N nodded curtly, babbling hasty "thank-you's" and "you're the best's" She hurriedly rushed outside, Yashiro and Kou already waiting for her.


"7th Wonder?" A tired, groggy voice asked from behind him. "What are you doing?"

Hanako turned around in a flash. He held a lot of books to his chest, and one had just toppled over to the ground.

"Tsuchigomori." He groaned. "You gave me a heart attack!"

"Algebra and Geometry?" The teacher ignored his comment, tilting the fallen book in one hand suspiciously. "Since when were you fond of math?"

Hanako cleared his throat, turning to leave. Tsuchigomori had to stifle a laugh; he looked like he was going to fall under the weight of the books he carried.

"If you're going to teach somebody, don't get ahead of yourself." The teacher huffed, a small cloud of smoke puffing out.

Hanako scoffed. "I don't know what you mean."

"7th Wonder, don't pretend I don't know what you plan to do."

Hanako looked to the side, obediently following his teacher's advice. Perhaps he could care to spare a book or two.

"Better." Tsuchigomori nodded approvingly. "Now good luck tutoring."

"You don't even have solid evidence." Hanako rolled his eyes.

"Ah," the teacher smirked knowingly. "You're telling me the Mokke's reports aren't true?"

'The Mokke?'  A furious flash of anger ran through him. 'How long have they been spying on...'

"That was quite a lovely evening you two shared," Tsuchigomori continued snarkily, clearly enjoying Hanako's embarrassment. "But I have to inform you, classrooms aren't the right place to f-"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Hanako forced a grin, stepping out of the library.


"Okay, right here."

Y/N narrowed her E/C eyes as she strained to find "x." She did not quite understand what to do next.

The moon provided a soft, natural light for the two students. A flashlight (which Hanako begdrudgingly asked the teasing Mokke to steal) was a brighter one, which sat across the math book Hanako had got.

"I can't find it." Y/N sighed. Hanako took over, gently taking hold of her tired hand.

"It's to the left!"  He slowly held her to a certain part of the solution; -2 plus 8(6^5).

"Ah!" Y/N instantly looked more happier, weariness gone. "Thanks for all that!"

"Should I explain how to do that?"


Hanako got right into it, his hand still holding hers. Y/N never took it back. He didn't bother complaining.


Five days later...


Hanako joined in with Yashiro and Kou, crowding around Y/N as they jumped up and down.

"I told you you'd pass!"

"Great job!"

"We're proud of you..."

"It's all thanks to you guys!" Y/N said humbly. "I couldn't have done it without-"

"Don't be a saint!"  Yashiro ruffled her hair affectionately
"You did it all on your own!"

"Trust me, I didn't." She shot Hanako a meaningful glance.

But even the spirit shook his head. "Yashiro's right!"

"We should celebrate!" Kou concluded, pumping his fist in the air.

Everyone looked at him, puzzled.

"I mean..." He awkwardly coughed.
"..I know lunch isn't a good time to do that, but..."

"Did someone say 'celebrate'?" A familiar, high-pitched voice squeaked.

Everyone looked down at their feet. There stood a cluster of Mokke, holding up pieces of candy in their outstretched ears.

"Wanna' share?"


Final day...

Ever felt like the days just sped by too quickly?

That was how it felt for Y/N. Before she knew it, she had finished her 4th quarterly exams, feeling a great well of relief.

"Goodbye, Aborochi!"

"Goodbye, Sabiro!"

"See ya, Aoi!"

"Enjoy the summer, Akane!"

Cheery, chattering students scattered off, waving and greeting their friends goodbye. Y/N wished she could join in the happy atmosphere, but she knew she could not.

Instead, she was caught up in a thrill of excitement and anxiety. Today, she would not be going home to spend a frightful summer with her mother.

Today, the Tsukiras would bring her to their new home.

"Heya, Y/N!"

Y/N turned around. There stood Yashiro and Kou, with bright grins on their faces.

However, their eyes betrayed them. They brimmed with sadness and longing. It was there that Y/N realized another thing.

'I'm going to a new home... and I'm leaving my old one.'

Something funny rose in her throat, tears threatening to pour down. She rushed up to her friends, giving them a tight hug.

"We did it." She whispered.

Yashiro and Kou returned the embrace, closing their eyes. Daikon was the first to speak. "Aren't you excited, Y/N? To live with them?"

"So much I can't express it." Y/N admitted. "I'll miss you two. I honestly can't believe I'm not seeing you guys next year!"

"Don't go sappy just yet!" Kou wailed. "We still have phones!"

"Oh!" Y/N remembered she had no cellphone, but perhaps the Tsukiras could get her one.

She hastily pulled away and scribbled her mom's old contact number, which she would use if she ever got one.

"Here, Kou." She gently took his hand, placing the paper on his open palm. She closed her own above it. "Have my number!"

Kou turned red. This was his first time getting a girl's cellphone number.

"Th-thank you-"

"Great idea, Y/N-chan!" Yashiro let out a sigh of relief.


A flash of pink. Y/N found herself being knocked to the ground.

"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WOULD LEAVE?!" A Mokke screeched, hopping on her angrily. A circle of other indignant, whining Mokke surrounded her.

"Sorry guys..." Y/N got up furtively, awkwardly looking to the floor.

"WE'LL MISS YOU!" One-eye snuggled against her; despite there being no tears, its muffled sniffs were enough to tear up Y/N inside.

"Keep it down, you mousebrains!" A white, wiry fox who Y/N had never seen hissed. "There's other people coming!"

"Who are you?" Y/N blinked at the agitated-looking spirit.

"Yako." The fox flicked her tail impatiently. Y/N decided not to press further; she looked as if she were forced to come.

Y/N looked up. There stood a familiar redhead, extending a hand.

"'You need help, Y/N?"

"Sabiro!" Y/N took the hand of her new friend.

"I heard you're going to transfer schools?" He tilted his head.

"You heard right." Y/N sighed, patting down her uniform. The Mokke behind her fumed temperamentally, but kept quiet.

"Well, then... best of luck." He smiled, shyly handing her a slip of folded paper.

Y/N opened it. It was his email.

She looked up to talk again, but he had already gone off to meet his parents. Another cluster of people rushed up to her.

Y/N grew flustered. Just how many people were going to visit her?

"Lots of guests?" Yashiro teased good-naturedly.

"I heard you passed your entrance exam!" Tazumo trilled proudly. "You're a great friend, Y/N! Good luck in Sukora!"

"Yashiro promised to give us your contact," Aborochi smiled. "Don't forget about us!"

Aoi was more straightforward. She bounded towards Y/N, giving the overwhelmed girl a tight hug.

"You've done well!"  She murmured, a hint of pride in her voice.

Y/N stammered thanks as the three pulled away, waving brightly. She sadly reciprocated the act. Suddenly, her excitement was replaced with a pang of regret.

Could she really leave these all behind?

"Don't worry." Yashiro held her hands as if reading her mind. She stared deep into her determined, red eyes.

"We're all with you! If you need a hand, just call!"

"But it won't be the same." She sighed sadly, as the Mokke gave her one long hug on the legs and slowly retreated in single file, the fox scolding them heatedly.

"I know." Kou gently put in. "But hey, change has some good things, too!"

Y/N smiled. These two really knew how to cheer her up when she needed it the most. "I guess that-"

"Hello, Y/N."

The trio slowly looked up. There stood a certain greenete, her frame lean and poise.

"Sakura-chan!"  Y/N exclaimed with surprise.

The older student acknowledged Kou and Yashiro with a polite nod. As for Y/N...

She held her tightly to her chest in an awkward embrace, green eyes dark and serious. Y/N let out a tiny, frightened squeak.

"Be good in Sukora."

"Y-Yes!" Y/N stammered.

"Keep those grades high."


"Promise me that."

"I promise."

A long stretch of silence. Finally, Sakura pulled away, turning her back on the puzzled pair. She shot her with another rare smile.

"I'm proud of you." Sakura finished, her tone softening.

Y/N returned the grin, but it instantly dropped on her next words.

"By the way, Tsukasa wants to see you."

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