"See You Soon."

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The lighthearted feeling in her mind and the spring in her step disappeared as soon as she entered the broadcasting room.

"This time, we've got company." Sakura muttered lowly.

Y/N tilted her head and followed Sakura's annoyed stare at a certain person.

He looked like a student as well; and a familiar one, too.

"Natsuhiko?" Y/N exclaimed in surprise.

"Ah, there you are!"

Y/N immediately took a step back as Tsukasa, and not Natsuhiko, turned to her brightly.

"What do you want from me?" Y/N said rather flatly. She had been threatened by the spirit just a few weeks ago and did not intend to show any friendliness.

"Aww, don't give me that look!" Tsukasa pouted sourly. "Of course I wanted you here... to bid you goodbye!"

"Is that all?" She rose a brow suspiciously.

"C'mon here, you big grump!"

Y/N stiffened uncomfortably as Tsukasa pounced on her, giving her a giant bear hug.

Sakura stood to the side, looking away from Natsuhiko as he pestered her with words Y/N could not hear.

"I'll miss you!" Tsukasa's statement was warm, but his tone was husky.

Y/N's eyes darkened, and she did not bother to wrap her arms around him in return. She looked at the floor.

"Sukora, was it?" He lifted her chin with a finger, forcing her to look up at his slitted eyes.

Y/N strained to fight down her terror at his smug expression. That was it. He had tried to fool her with his fake friendliness.

"I don't really want to-"

"Is it Sukora?"  He demanded more harshly.

Y/N held her breath, reliving the moment he had pressed a knife against her neck. It was like he was planning yet another deceptive move.

She sighed, not wanting to get herself in trouble again.

"Yes." Y/N said shortly.

"I see." He leaned down to her ear, so that Y/N was the only one who could hear his words.

"You'll be back here before you know it."

A shiver went down her spine. Was Tsukasa trying to toy with her?

"That's enough scaring!" Sakura sternly walked up to Tsukasa, lifting the ghost boy by the arms.

Suddenly, his mischievous look was replaced with an innocent one.

"I haven't said enough!"

"Yes you have."

Tsukasa rolled his eyes as Sakura and Natsuhiko ushered him away from Y/N, but he managed to call over his shoulder.

"I have a favor to ask!" He hollered. "Can you get Amane back on his feet? He's been mooning in the bathroom for ages!"

Y/N's eyes widened; the person she could not bring herself to see.


Y/N pushed through the cheery crowd, rushing determinedly through the throng of raucous students as they headed for home.

Everybody seemed to have said goodbye. Everybody was relaxed; they would enjoy the summer and see eachother again.

As for her, this was her last chance to see her best friend.

Finally, she stopped in front of a familiar place; a shudder racked her body as she realized this might be the final time she'd see it.

The third floor girl's bathroom. And when she opened the door with a quiet creak...

"Hanako." Y/N called out.

The young boy had his arms tightly wound from behind, his hakujoudai floating alongside him. His back was to her as he stared out of the window.
Seconds seemed to stretch into minutes as tension rose in the air.

Finally, he turned around, a sad smile on his face. "So. Is this it, Y/N-chan?"

Y/N felt her heart swell. It was like all the bad things her transfer would harbor came crashing down.

"Hanako-kun." She forced her voice to be steady, despite her shaky legs and faint expression.

"Thanks for everything. I'll miss you."

Hanako's smile faltered. He looked as if he were about to start crying.

"Same to you." He tipped his hat respectfully. "And now, I'll break the bond."

Y/N's eyes widened. She refused to bid her friend goodbye with pathetically weak words.

Before she knew it, she found herself tackling Hanako, catching him off guard.

She embraced him tightly, shutting her eyes tight and pressing against him. Her arms were trembling but had a strong grip.

She did not speak any words; but Hanako knew exactly what she would want to say.

He forced back the start of tears and slowly wrapped his arms around her waist, nestling his head on her shoulder.

If Y/N would've counted, Hanako had embraced her for the longest time out of anybody. However, it felt too quick.

"Thank you."  She said one last time, slowly opening her E/C eyes.

Hanako pulled away, doing the same. He ruffled her hair affectionately, forcing in a cheery tone. "Now, good luck in Sukora. Make a lot of friends!"

"You can count on it, Hanako-kun." Y/N promised solemnly.

The ghost smiled, genuinely pleased. As if the hakujoudai felt the same, they brushed up against Y/N gently.

"Goodbye, Y/N."

"Goodbye, Hanako."

She slowly pulled away, as much as it pained her. She headed for the door.

"One last thing!" He called out hastily, rushing to her and holding her wrist tightly.

"Yes?" Y/N spluttered, looking at him with wide eyes.

"Don't forget me; keep what I'll say to heart." He began, a meaningful look on his face. "I-"

"Y/N! Where are you?!"

Her E/C eyes widened. That was C/N's [Cousin's name] voice. The Tsukiras had arrived!

Hanako slowly let go of her wrist, looking to the side. "See you."

"No, Hanako!" Y/N fiercely started, finding whatever he had to say more important. "What did you want to say?"

"Your family is waiting." Hanako cut her off. "Goodbye, Y/N!"



Y/N looked at him one last time. His amused, amber eyes. The mischievous smile.

They both knew all the words were forced; but Y/N realized Hanako was helping her one last time. He was being the stronger one, accepting their fate and encouraging her to follow it.

She returned his grin, fighting her tears. Then, with a look of infinite gratitude, she pulled away and rushed to her new family.

Hanako watched, slowly waving a hand.

The bond was broken. It all started in the bathroom; it would end there, too.

'Don't look back, Y/N.'


Y/N was greeted by a swarm of schoolmates bidding her goodbyes and good lucks.

She smiled and waved through it all, fighting her instincts to walk with Kou and Yashiro, to stop for a little chat, and to stay for long time.

Looking back at the school hurt even more. She had never before wanted to stay in Kamome so badly.

But her family was waiting. And along with it...

"Y/N!" A voice squealed with delight. She looked down in surprise as someone hugged her waist.

She turned to see C/N; her little cousin. They were looking up at her with eyes that shone like stars.

"C/N!" Y/N cried, kneeling down to give them a tight embrace.

"It's been a while, huh?"

"What happened to your mom?" C/N asked. "What happened to your hair?!"


"You look much prettier!"

Y/N shyly smiled, shaking her head and patting C/N.

"Don't exaggerate!"


She tensed at the familiar voice; one she had despised since day one.

She slowly turned around; among the crowd, there was Tobero, still in stilts.

She felt a pang of pity for how bad Hanako had injured him, but at the same time, she felt satisfied. Tobero had bullied and jeered at her for as long as she could remember.

And then, to her surprise, he spoke words he never thought she would hear:

"I'm sorry."

Y/N looked up at him in surprise. Was he joking?

"Are you?" Y/N stiffly asked.

Tobero awkwardly shifted his bent legs.

"I used you to let out my anger in my own issues. I think I have every right to feel bad."

Y/N's eyes softened, but her tone remained cold. "If you really are, then you might as well be nicer to the others  you've hurt."

She held C/N by the hand, getting up.

"There are those who aren't as lucky as me." She said quietly.

Tobero looked at her with wide eyes, but dipped his head in acknowledgement.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." He repeated. "Good luck in Sukora."

As he hobbled away in his stilts, C/N looked up at Y/N in wonder.

"Who's that? A bad person?"

"No, not a bad person." Y/N smiled gently. "Just someone who made a lot of bad decisions."

C/N was surprised. Even Y/N herself was shocked by the audacity she had to be merciful to her tormentor. But what benefit would hostility give, anyway?

She smiled hopefully. If she could learn to do something as impossible as forgiving Tobero, she could learn to let go of Kamome.

She met Tsuchigomori-sensei last before she entered the car where her parents waited. He patted her on the shoulder, smiling gently.

"Good luck, kid."

Y/N tilted her head in surprise. "Th-thanks!"

"No, thank you." He slowly walked away, shooting her a knowing glance.

"Without you, I know Yugi wouldn't be as happy as he is now."

Y/N's eyes widened.

"Y/N!" Mrs. Tsukira called out in a worried tone. "Are you coming in?"

Y/N sealed her lips shut, looking at Tsuchigomori with great confusion and wonder. She finally hopped into the car, sitting at the back with C/N by her side.

The Tsukiras rolled the windows down as they slowly drove off, allowing Y/N to see all her schoolmates for a final time.

"Bye, Y/N!"

"See you, Y/N!"

"Good luck!"

"DON'T FORGET ME!" Yashiro's voice rang higher above the crowd.

"WE'LL CALL YOU!" Kou's voice was louder still.

Y/N bit her lip, holding back her tears as she threw out her arms, waving as high as she could.

But she didn't wave it only for them. She slowly lifted her eyes to that familiar balcony.

There stood Hanako, with a smile Y/N thought was wider than anyone else's. Alongside him was the sobbing Mokke, Yako, and Tsuchigomori.

"Do your best, Y/N!" He called out, but his voice was drowned out by those of other students. Y/N took a deep breath in, and, praying for her lungs, shouted even louder:

"I will! Don't worry!"

She caught her breath, lifting her eyes to see what his reaction was, but she could not see. The Tsukiras had already rolled up the window.

"You have a lot of friends, Y/N." Mr. Tsukira commented proudly.

Y/N felt her throat run dry with emotion. "Yes, I do."

'And I've left them all behind.'

"You'll see them again one day!" Mrs. Tsukira reassured. "Just be patient."

"One day..." Y/N murmured wistfully. She pressed her head against the window, looking out at the clear blue sky above her.

'It's not goodbye. Just a 'see you soon.''

In her heart, she longed for the day she could see them all again. She didn't know when it was, but she hoped it would be soon.


"How could you?!"

Even Yako looked a bit shocked, but the Mokke were the ones who were practically bawling their eyes out. Tsuchigomori stood stiffly to the side, staying quiet.

Hanako made sure he waved until the car finally disappeared from sight. When it did, he shrugged, letting out a small sigh.

"It was not my choice to make."

"You liked  her!" A Mokke stamped its nonexistant foot.

Hanako's eyes glazed over, but he managed an amused tone. "Not quite."

He closed his eyes, drowning out the indignant screeches of the Mokke, Yako's queries, and Tsuchigomori trying to calm down the latter.

He slowly walked away, keeping the truth to himself and reflecting on it alone.

'I loved her.'

But he had to accept what had to happen; he forced himself to smile.

Y/N was the strongest girl he had ever met. If anyone could move on, it was her.

And so he must do the same. He would continue being the 7th Wonder; he would uphold his duty to protect everyone within bounds.

With a heavy heart but new resolve, he leaned against the balcony wistfully.

Sometimes, the most loving thing you could do for someone was to let them go.

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