Chapter Five

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"Okay, I've got this, I've got this, I've... nope! Not doing this! I don't care what Peter B says! Never had faith before and this leap ain't gonna give me any!" Chavonne scurried away from the edge of the roof of the tower, her heart hammering loudly as she clung to the floor.

The woman had been trying to build up her courage for the last hour and, needless to say, she had gotten nowhere. Pushing her hood down, she revealed her hair was tightly braided so it didn't fly into her face.

"I'm a coward." She groaned, her chin on her knees as she curled up into a ball. Unintentionally, or maybe intentionally, you could never quite tell with her, she was dressed up as Jack Frost from Rise of The Guardians. Her bright blue hoodie was covered in frost patterns and her shorts barely hit mid-thigh. Though, unlike the fictional character, she wore shoes, her choice being a simple pair of bright blue converse.

"I take it you're done for the day, Miss Lehmkuhl?" J.A.R.V.I.S inquired politely, having just been about to call the woman in for lunch.

Thanks to the beginning of summer heatwave that hit the city, everyone in the tower was doing their best to be in the same room as her whenever possible. And considering that Chavonne was an introverted creature, she wasn't a big fan of the sudden change of attitude towards her.

"No. No. I can do this. I just... need to get outside my own head." She stood up, inching her way to the edge of the roof again. Shaking out her limbs to relieve the tension in them, she did her best to rid her mind of thoughts. Unfortunately, they kept appearing like pop-up ads.

The wind tugged at her clothes and braid, the woman able to feel the heat albeit quite at the same level everyone else. Suddenly, an idea that didn't frustrate her popped up. "J.A.R.V.I.S, could you play What's Up Danger?" The woman had, albeit very reluctantly, allowed the A.I into her phone, mostly so there were backup copies of her songs.

The music started playing, Chavonne's mind focusing on that instead. 'It's just a leap of faith.' Her breath came out as a puff of steam and she stepped off the edge, her eyes closed and her hood back up.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the tower...

"Has anyone seen Chavonne?" Aldric popped into the communal room that the dimension jumpers had claimed for themselves, looking around curiously. His hopes, however, were immediately dashed when he saw the AC was on at full blast yet everyone was still miserable thanks to the heat.

"Nope." Oscar shook his head, using a bladed fan as a regular one, being careful so he didn't hurt himself. "Nobody's seen her all day."

"I hope she's okay." Roland was on this fifth bottle of iced tea, his blood probably mostly comprised of it by this point. His gummy bears were a melted mess.

Just as the tech controller said this, a whoop sounded outside the window, a speeding blue blur heading straight for the ground passing them by. Instantly, everyone flocked to see what on earth was going on.

"Please be okay, please be okay..." Harmony chanted to herself before her breath was stolen from her lungs when the blue blur shot past them again, this time in the opposite direction with joyous laughter.

"What on earth...?" Alex finally spoke up, her hand resting against the glass before pulling away when frost started coating the edges of the window.

"Sup people!" Chavonne chirped when she finally came into view, her voice muffled thanks to the barrier between them. "Finally figured it out! Thank you Peter B! If you were here, I'd kiss you!" She laughed as she did a few lazy flips through the air, trailing snowflakes as she went.

J.A.R.V.I.S opened the window so the group could talk easier, the snow covered woman landing in a crouch on the window frame. Everyone couldn't help looking at her with a mixture of awe and confusion.

"You used the leap of faith trick?" Harmony's voice was out of her throat before she could stop it, the girl an expert in most things TV and movies. And judging by the smile and nod she got, she was right on the money with her guess.

"Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!" Chavonne was beaming, proud of herself for not winding up a splatter on the pavement. "And let me just say, flying is exactly as awesome as it looks! And as terrifying. Also, heads up: pigeons do not like sharing their airspace. Now if you'll pardon me, I have a city to explore!"

With that, she fell backwards, the group instinctively looking over the edge to check if she was okay. A quick salute and a wink was all the goodbye they got before the woman was off to parts unknown.

"You know... I think there's a training room on the 2nd floor..." Aldric suggested what they were all pretty much thinking, the 5 young adults knowing that if they wanted to make it to Endgame with most of their body parts attached, they may want to figure out their powers.

"Beats wallowing in heat-induced misery." Roland shrugged, a ripple of slight excitement going through everyone. What's the worst that could happen?

3 hours later...

The six dimension hoppers sat in a line in front of a very ticked off set of Avengers, all of the young adults in various states of disaster. None of them were quite up to talking about how they got in their current predicament.

"Okay, let's start with the obvious first: Chavonne. Why did you think it was a good idea to freeze Trump tower?" Tony would admit that he approved of the action but right now, he and the other Avengers had to play disciplinary.

"Cause Trump is a massive dick." Chavonne's answer was out of her mouth before she could wonder if it was a good one, dirt and feathers covering her body and more than a few scratches on her legs and face.

"Lady Chavonne!" Thor wasn't used to Chavonne swearing, the woman normally cleaning up her language in front of people she respected. Or who she thought she would get in trouble with for using a vocabulary most sailors would blush at.

"What? He is! He also looks like a rotten pumpkin that was dropped in a bunch of hair clippings." She huffed, her breath coming out as a puff of steam. Instinctively, everyone crowded near her a little more, thankful for the cold she was giving off.

"Look, even if he is, that's no reason to freeze an entire building." Natasha pinched the bridge of her nose, wondering how the woman even got her powers under control for long enough to accomplish the stunt.

The truth was... she didn't precisely do it on purpose. The actual situation was that she flew into a flock of pigeons a bit too close to the troll's lair and one thing kinda led to another... Didn't mean she regretted it. If anything, she was proud. She even took a selfie of her and her work for Instagram! Sure, she had a pigeon in her hood at the time but it was still a good pic in her mind.

"Okay, next. Who set the training room on fire?" Fingers were immediately pointed, albeit at no one person in particular. Everyone was covered in soot and had various levels of scratches and bruises.

"Alright then. J.A.R.V.I.S?" Tony asked the A.I, knowing that the culprit would be caught pretty easily thanks to all the security cameras.

"Sir, I'm afraid I don't know. The video file is corrupted." Roland was sent a bunch of thankful glances, no one wanting to get in trouble.

The Avengers couldn't help but sigh, each in a various state of annoyance and helplessness. Loki was simply observing everything, snacking on popcorn with a satisfied smile.

Eventually, after a round of questions that got them absolutely nowhere, the Avengers dispersed to go fix the damages caused by their 'wards'. The moment all the heroes were out the room, a collective sigh of relief was breathed.

"I really hate pigeons." Chavonne pulled a feather out her hair, grimacing at it as she held it at arm's length before dropping it. "If you'll all excuse me, I have a shower to take. Bonsoir." She gave everyone a salute before heading off, picking feathers out of her hair every so often.

"Good night, darling." Loki gave Chavonne a matching salute before heading to the nearby kitchen to put his bowl in the sink.

"You don't think...?" Roland was sure to keep his voice down, not wanting Loki to hear him. He didn't fancy being constantly checking his food for poison. Chavonne would probably just blow the idea off with a shrug.

"No way. She's too nice." Oscar knew the white haired girl had a mischief streak but he couldn't imagine her and Loki as anything more than friends.

"Still..." Alice hesitantly put forward her doubt, knowing that stranger things had happened. They were in the MCU after all. If that could happen, anything could.

"Or, he could be referring to her using the Middle English meaning of the word: favourite minion." Aldric gave the much more likely option up and everyone quickly agreed that it was probably the case.

"Shouldn't you all be considering cleaning yourselves up?" Loki walked in on the small gossip circle, his eyebrow raising and his comment sending everyone scurrying off. 'Mortals...' He rolled his eyes, heading up to his and Thor's shared floor.

One hour later...

Chavonne was bored. Sure, it was a state she got in easily but it didn't mean she had to like it. She had scanned through Netflix (didn't find anything interesting), she had combed through all the books she 'borrowed' from Asgard (again, nothing) and her daydreams had hit a roadblock.

"Hmm... Oh! I know! Broadway karaoke!" She sat up on her couch with a grin, getting to her feet. "J.A.R.V.I.S, could you play The Whole Being Dead Thing?" She was so glad she saved many of her favourite musicals to her phone.

"Certainly Miss Lehmkuhl." The floor was instantly filled with music, the woman's smile growing with each note till it hit Cheshire Cat levels.

"It's showtime!" She announced before bursting into song, her powers reacting to follow the lyrics. Thank goodness her floor was built to handle her cause she was creating a lot of ice and snow.

What stopped her, however, was clapping from the elevator. The female froze, pun intended, before slowly turning around. She was well aware that she was in her pjs, the oversized Supernatural shirt and the Mickey Mouse boxers doing little for her dignity.

"You've got one heck of a voice there, Frosty." Aldric teased, also in his pjs but carrying a pillow and a blanket. He was joined by the others, all in similar states of dress. "Care for a sleepover?" They were all trying to hide how thankful they were that Chavonne's floor was blessedly cool.

She blinked, her brain processing what was happening at Internet Explorer speeds. Eventually it clicked and she nodded excitedly. "Sure! Sounds like a blast! I have freshly made cookies in the kitchen! Just give me a sec." She headed off for her small kitchen, excited to have her first actual sleepover.

A few floors above, Tony couldn't understand why he suddenly had an encroaching sense of doom, like something very bad was about to happen and he had no control over it. Then again, this sense of doom was following him everywhere lately so it wasn't that much of a change of pace.

Back below, everyone was chatting to one another, passing about snacks and cautiously getting to know one another through a mixture of Truth or Dare and Never Have I Ever. Only rules? No alcohol involvement.

"No fair! Why am I the only one from Africa?" Chavonne whined, fully aware she didn't look even remotely African. Or sound it. Really, she sounded more like she came from California.

"Luck of the draw, I suppose." Aldric shrugged, happy that the cookies Chavonne baked had edible ball bearings in them. Sure, alongside tons of chocolate chips but still.

"Is kinda funny though. The person from Africa gets ice powers." Alex had a faint smile on her face, opening up a lot more now that she had a vague idea of what everyone was like.

"Suppose. Though if I'm honest, I'm just kinda glad I didn't get telepathy. I have enough trouble with my own thoughts. Don't need anyone else's to add to the mix." Chavonne popped a piece of cinnamon-sugar popcorn in her mouth, smiling at small memories of home.

"Amen." Alex and Harmony agreed, fully aware of what it's like to drown in your own thoughts. Seems the men of the group didn't have the same problem. Or if they did, it didn't pop up as frequently.

"Okay. Next question for the group. Who has tattoos?" Chavonne hoped to find someone else with even a small one, her hope quickly extinguished when she saw no one else had any. "Geez. Starting to feel like the oddball out here."

"Why did you get your tattoos anyway? You don't seem like the kind of person to have them." Roland was curious about if they had any meaning. They probably did. He had figured out pretty quick there was always a method to the woman's madness, even if not always obvious.

"As much as I'd love to go into my tragic backstory, the pizza is done and I have to take it out the oven. Be back in a tick." The woman practically scrambled over herself to get out of the room before she had to answer the question, leaving five confused people behind. Seems the goofball had more substance than she was showing.

((A/N: Boom baby! Another one done. Yes I know, light on plot but hey, a bit of fluff and fun never hurt anyone, right? Hope you enjoyed! Till next time!))

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