Chapter Four

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Everyone was waiting patiently outside the newly restored and renamed Avengers Tower, everyone scanning the skies for any sign of the Bifrost. Apparently, Chavonne was finally coming back, though how many books and how much gold plated items were in her trunks would wait to be seen. The atmosphere was... well, a little nervous.

"I wonder what they're like..." Aldric clasped his arms behind his back, rocking on his heels and looking like he would much rather be exploring the gigantic tower they were going to be living in than waiting around for someone to appear from a rainbow.

"An idiot with way too much energy." Fury drummed his fingers against his bicep, beyond annoyed at this point. His first impression of Chavonne hadn't been the greatest and now with her being late, it hadn't improving much.

Before anyone could ask any more questions, the Bifrost opened right in front of the group, wind blowing everywhere and sending a nearby food cart flying. When the gusts cleared, the space in front of the group was filled with trunks and a trio of people.

"If I never have to wear a dress again, it'll be too soon." Was the first thing out of Chavonne's mouth as she brushed invisible dust off her clothes. With her hair up in an ornate fashion and her bright blue dress with intricate frost patterns, it was pretty hard to tell that she was Midgardian.

"Yet you wear them so well." Loki teased, having been witness to every disaster regarding mixing long hemlines and Chavonne's innate clumsy nature. His favourite had to be when a single trip from her led to the Warriors Three being drenched in wine before being covered in mash potatoes.

"Loki." Thor warned before the three finally noticed the group of people watching them. "My friends! It is good to see you again!" He boomed before heading over to give each of the Avengers a hug, picking a few up off their feet in the process.

"It's Loki..." Harmony gripped Roland's arm tightly, her eyes shining with excitement but her anxiety preventing her from actually talking to one of her favourite characters.

"Told you they'd be a girl. Pay up." Aldric whispered not at all subtly to Oscar, the Brit holding back a slight grumble as he handed the Welshman a massive bar of Cadbury chocolate.

"I know, right?" Chavonne grinned back at Loki, able to make fun of herself when it wasn't about something serious. "But alas, I'm destined for a life of jeans and t-shirts. Though I will miss the pockets." She reached into one and pulled out an apple, biting into it with an impish smirk.

Alex couldn't help admiring the dress, hoping that Chavonne would let her examine it later. The way the patterns shifted and seemed to move with each change of light was utterly mesmerising and she wanted to see if she could recreate the effect with regular fabrics.

"Can I ask why Loki's back on earth?" Steve was the one to address the elephant in the room, looking at Loki and Chavonne with the eyebrows of disapproval. His arms were firmly crossed over his chest and those who appreciated the male form took a quick moment to ogle. Whoever gave Steve such tight fitting clothes truly was an American hero.

Chavonne drew herself up to her full height, trying to earn herself as much respect as she could. Unfortunately, compared to all the males around her, she was extremely smol. "I'm making sure he doesn't get into more trouble. He's giving me lessons on how to control my powers."

"... Are you serious?" Steve couldn't help wondering what series of events led to Chavonne, who from what he'd seen so far was a goofball of a conspiracy theorist, to watching over someone who almost destroyed New York. He'd question if he was high or drunk but the serum took those options off the table long ago.

"As serious as the fifth act of a tragedy." Everyone watched the battle of wills, small bets being made on who would win. "Look, you may not trust Loki, but I do." She already knew she was going to catch heck for saying this but she didn't rightly care.

"You trust Loki? The God of Mischief and Lies?" Steve was now considering the idea that Chavonne was on something, not quite willing to believe anyone was insane enough to trust Loki of all people.

"Yup. Listen here Cap'n. You can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. It's the honest ones you have to watch out for cause you never know when they're about to do something incredibly stupid." Her smarmy grin was something straight out of Loki's play book, the male practically beaming with pride.

"Did you seriously just quote Pirates of the Caribbean to win an argument?" Aldric blinked in surprise, shocked that someone who was described as an idiot could recall such a specific line from a movie nearly 16 years old. Well, in their timeline.

"Well, more paraphrased. Shall we head inside? I'd like to get out of this dress as soon as possible." Chavonne walked past Steve with a look of victory despite the fact she didn't really win the argument. Just confused the poor super solider to the point she could pass with no repercussions. "I also have stuff to discuss with Fury."

Loki gave the blond a shrug and a slightly smug smirk as he followed the white-haired young woman. "Excellent work. You're getting much better at this." He complimented, patting her on the back. He still couldn't help feeling proud whenever she didn't flinch from him, especially considering she shrank at everyone else's touch.

"I have a good teacher." Chavonne grinned up at him, mischief dancing in her eyes. Maybe it would be a good idea to separate the two sometime soon. Before lower Manhattan becomes a winter wonderland thanks to an ill timed dare.

"Someone please tell me this isn't going to end as horribly as I fear..." Bruce felt his gut twist with anxiety, the group slowly filing inside as a series of Iron Man suits grabbed Chavonne's luggage to take to her floor.

"Of course it won't. It'll end much worse." Chavonne couldn't help snickering at the face Bruce pulled, her feet lifting off the ground for a few moments before Loki pulled her back down to earth. "Kidding! Kidding. Chillax."

"Should it calm your nerves, the Allfather saw it fit to remove Loki's powers." Thor instantly put everyone more at ease, well, everyone who didn't know Loki was still pretty dangerous without his powers.

"Alright, feel free to explore. Just don't break anything." Tony was slightly nervous about his stuff getting wrecked, though he would never admit it. "If you have any questions, just ask J.A.R.V.I.S."

"Will do! Now come on! I wanna see what happens if you toss water balloons from one of the top floors! Who's with me?" Chavonne's eyes were bright, her inherently goofy nature amplified thanks to the company she had been keeping for pretty much the last month.

"Count me in! Can we put syrup in a few of them?" Aldric had found his people, teleporting to stand between the Snow Queen and the God of Mischief with a matching grin.

"Why stop at syrup? Let's add some feathers and glitter and make it a party!" Chavonne rubbed her hands together evily, a small snow tornado forming. "Whoops. Still gotta control that." She dispelled the mini-twister, her smile turning sheepish.

"Don't even think about it." Steve had to step in to be the responsible one, seeing as no one else was going to. He gave the eyebrows of disapproval again, hoping that decades of propaganda could be used to his advantage and failing to realise that the three trouble makers weren't raised in this world.

"Oh but we already have." Loki gave Chavonne a nod and she took a breath, doing one of the few moves with her powers she could with some degree of reliability. She held out her hand and a bolt of ice flew at Cap's legs, freezing him to the spot.

"Later Capsicle. To the top floors!" The troublemakers bolted, being joined by Clint because dangit if pulling pranks didn't sound fun. So what if it was with Loki. Just gave him a chance to slip itching powder into the Norse God's clothes while he wasn't looking.

"... Should we be worried? I think we should be worried." Harmony gulped, fear swirling in her stomach as she wondered if she should help Cap or go after the troublemakers. Her indecision rooted her to the spot.

"Yeah, we probably should be." Roland nodded, trying to use his powers to keep the quartet from getting too far only to find them butting heads with J.A.R.V.I.S and giving the mischief makers a clear path to their destination.

"This is gonna be a long day..." Fury grumbled to himself, knowing he would have to track down Chavonne at some point. If she had info, he wanted to know it. Sure, he might not know what it was about but with her, it was probably important.

Later that day...

Loki and Chavonne were sprawled out on the couches in the living room of her floor, a party going on around them that Chavonne insisted have no alcohol. Why no alcohol? Well, alcohol and her medication didn't get along well. At all. Plus, even without that, the woman never quite got the appeal of the stuff. Tastes gross and smells even worse.

"Five bars of chocolate says I can hit Cap in the back of the head." Chavonne whispered to her co-conspirator in chaos, a snowball forming in her hand as she sat up a bit. She was glad to finally be back in jeans and a t-shirt, picking one in blue and bronze that had Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain on it.

"I'll take the bet." Loki grinned, knowing he had the bet won before it even started. The woman had a lousy throwing arm and even worse aim. A point that was proven almost immediately when she hit Natasha by accident.

With a small squeak and a flurry of snowflakes, Chavonne fled to hide behind her kitchen island, smart enough to both respect and fear the red haired female. As she hid, she took the opportunity to grab more soda from the fridge, having missed sugar more than anything during her time away.

"Look. Loki's free. Let's talk to him." Roland tried to get Harmony away from her safe corner, giving her a comforting and hopefully encouraging smile.

Harmony shook her head, not quite ready to talk to the slowly reforming villain quite yet. She was barely okay with being at the party, having only agreed to come at both Roland's insistence and at hearing no alcohol was allowed.

"You okay down there?" Aldric asked a hiding Chavonne, making himself some tea. He was surprised at the selection of them on display, the woman having grabbed more than a few varieties from the kitchens during her stay on Asgard.

"I'm good." The pale female gave a thumbs up, glancing over the island to see if it was safe yet. When she deemed the coast clear, she stood up properly.

Oscar was in a deep conversation with Thor about various weapons that are used on Asgard, both men glad to be able to talk to someone about which was better: an axe or a warhammer.

Alex was sketching everything, treating the scene like something out of a renaissance painting. She wished that everyone would stop moving about but she didn't say anything.

"You know... this party could use some music. J.A.R.V.I.S?" Chavonne glanced around, trying to find out where the A.I was despite knowing she wouldn't be able to see him. She sat down on her kitchen island, frost forming along the surface.

"Yes, Miss Lehmkuhl?" J.A.R.V.I.S limited his voice to just the kitchen, the snowy haired woman still clearly uncomfortable with respect despite being treated like royalty for the last month.

"Could you play Shake Senora?" Chavonne grinned, having had the tune stuck in her head for the last two days. Her grin grew as the song started blaring through the floor, the woman grabbing Aldric's hand to drag him off to the makeshift dancefloor.

As she danced, snowflakes followed her movements, more people joining as the night went on. Nothing like a bit of calypso to get people in a party mood.

((A/N: Everyone's back on earth! Praise be! Now, what chaos shall our dimension hoppers cause? You'll have to tune in next time to see! Laters peeps))

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