Chapter Two

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'What did I do to deserve this...?' Chavonne wondered to herself as she was measured for a new wardrobe, Queen Friga insisting the woman recieved one in thanks for providing so much information both about past events and future. Unfortunately, Chavonne's sense of style and Asgard's sense of style couldn't be further apart. At least she was getting some armour out of this.

"Ow!" The woman yelped when she recieved a pin to the side, her whole body instinctively doing its best to get away from the jabbing object. Thankfully for her seamstresses, someone had the foresight to chain her down to the dais she was standing on, her flight ability activating at random during her stay. No one wanted a repeat of finding her on the ceiling.

"Apologies, m'lady Lehmkuhl." Chavonne couldn't help but wince at the title, not used to being treated with any form of respect. The most she got back home was a simple Miss and even that was rare. "Just a few more adjustments and we'll be finished." They assured only to get a hiss when another pin decided to make its home in Chavonne's hip.

"Right. Right." She let out a heavy sigh through her nose, ignoring the whispers that seemed to be her constant companions for the last week or so. Apparently, no one on Asgard had tattoos with colour in them. And her tattoos were pretty much nothing but colour.

The whispers suddenly halted, drawing Chavonne's attention as well as that of the seamstresses. A nervous murmur broke out before the small army of women left the room, leaving their stuff as a promise that they would be back soon. This departure did nothing to ease the anxiety bubbling in Chavonne's stomach.

"You're a difficult woman to get alone, Lady Chavonne." Chavonne froze at the sound of Loki's voice, the woman barely able to keep her ice ability in check. She was suddenly glad her skirts hid her now frost covered chains, unwilling to let the male see how unnerved he made her.

"I'm aware." She was shocked at the calmness in her voice, fully expecting herself to swoon. As a teenager, she had one of the biggest crushes on the God of Mischief, a crush that didn't fully go away as she aged. "It's a pleasure to meet you properly, your highness." The title was out her mouth before she could stop it.

Loki stepped into view, an appraising look on his face. "Indeed. You certainly look... different compared to our first meeting." It was a testing comment, the male raising an eyebrow and waiting to see how Chavonne would react.

"A good different or a bad different?" Her throat tightened but the sarcastic comment flowed smoothly off her tongue, her own eyebrow matching his. She was glad that her eyelashes and eyebrows retained their original colour. She really didn't want to look more washed out than she already did.

Loki smirked, the expression getting Chavonne's cheeks to tint a faint shade of pink, a reaction he was sure to save to memory. "Simply... different. I take it you've been enjoying Thor's company?" He sat down in the chair Chavonne used whenever she needed a break from standing, leaving her feeling very vulnerable under his stare.

Chavonne rolled her answer around on her tongue, wondering who might be listening. "He is... enjoyable to be around in small doses." Was her eventual answer, a comprise between her real thoughts and a white lie. 'Same way a puppy is. All energy and cuddles, even if all you want is some quiet as you explore the library to see what you can smuggle through the Bifrost.'

Loki's smirk grew at the lie, surprised that someone so cheerful and generally air headed could fib so well and so easily. "Indeed? I'm certain Odin will be ecstatic to hear this." The words drained any colour from the female's face, the young woman fully aware of what Odin was like and what he would do to make sure a strategic gem such as herself stayed under his influence.

Her mouth drew into a tense line, her fingertips brushing against the hibiscus flowers on her left wrist, the gesture calming to her. "I'm certain he would. Might I ask your reason for being here?" Her eagerness to change the subject wasn't lost on Loki.

"I simply wished to thank the woman who came so readily to my aid when everyone else was eager to throw me to the wolves." He got to his feet, slowly approaching the dead still woman. He stopped when he was a solid foot away from her, his arms clasped behind his back.

Chavonne swallowed a lump in her throat, her brain scrambling at how close he was. 'Mint and honey?' Was the only somewhat coherent thought that managed to make it through the chaos, Loki's cologne hitting her at full force.

Seeing that Loki was waiting for a response, her nails dug into her palm and the cacophony in her head cleared enough for her to form a response. "Everyone deserves a fair trial." It sounded lame, even to Chavonne, but it was what she was going with.

"Even monsters?" Loki's question was emotionless but even Chavonne, as socially deaf as she was, could see all the feelings swimming in his eyes. He was interrogating her, albeit not directly, to see if he may have a true ally.

"Especially monsters." Chavonne's voice was soft as was her expression, the woman careful with her words. Feeling the need to change the subject before things went dark and angsty, she searched for something that would cool the tension in the room. "Pardon my change of subject but, would you have any reading recommendations from the library? I've tried exploring it yet I always seem to be dragged away before I can get more than two feet in."

Loki nodded, taking Chavonne's answer as good enough for the moment, before walking back to the chair. "What genres do you enjoy? Or perhaps you would like some books on magic, seeing as yours seems to be flowing out of you like a raging river?" His smirk told the poor woman that the ice from her chains was spreading across the dais.

"I think some books on magic would be ideal." Chavonne's sheepish smile only got Loki's smirk to grow, the woman's sensitive sense of hearing picking up the whispers that were starting up behind the door. 'This is gonna be a long visit...'

Meanwhile, back on earth...

Aldric's legs were firmly jelly at this point, having been run ragged by S.H.I.E.L.D's tests. How running what felt like a marathon would improve his teleportation was beyond him but then again, his area of expertise wasn't biology.

"Can I stop now? Please?" He was close to begging, his breath coming out in short pants. Before he could get an answer, his legs gave out from under him, sending him sprawling against the floor.

The scientists who were studying him conversed for a few moments. "Alright. You're done for the day." They announced over the two way intercom, the news a massive relief for their poor test subject.

'I should have stayed in the lab. Sure, I kept popping up in random places but at least my lungs were still in my chest.' He internally complained as he wondered what the other dimension hoppers were doing. He vaguely recalled that one of the others managed to weasel her way off world to discuss getting them all back home but that was about it for his knowledge on the others.

He flopped on his back, looking up at the ceiling above him and wondering when he was going to meet everyone else. So far, everyone had been kept apart. Something about safety or whatever. They didn't explain things very well.

'A nap sounds very nice right about now...' Was his last rational thought before his brain shut down, his body completely done for the day. It didn't matter that he was in the middle of a S.H.I.E.L.D training facility. He was getting his nap, circumstances be danged.

((A/N: And view! Our first character who isn't Chavonne appears! Sure, not for very long but still! Hopefully, next chapter will have more characters show up. Till next time!))

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