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Waking up in a S.H.I.E.L.D medical facility was not the most... ideal way to start a day. Because that usually meant that a) you were hurt and b) you were now stuck in close proximity to people who looked at an Infinity Stone known for f-ing things (and people) up and went 'let's zap it and see what happens!' So yeah...

And yet, here Chavonne was, a hammering headache simmering just behind her eyelids that spoke of a massive lack of sleep and extremely poor life choices. At least the bed she was on was comfy. Small, sure, but comfy.

"What the heck happened...?" Her words were coated with exhaustion and her body felt like it weighed more than Mjölnir. Her memories were covered in a hazy shroud but the last thing she remembered was trying to swerve out the way of... something in the road.

The young woman briefly considered the idea she was dead and all the white surrounding her wasn't helping matters, her headache urging her to keep her eyes closed while her natural curiosity demanded she take a look around. Her curiosity won and her headache punished her for her insolence.

"Easy there, kiddo. You've had a nasty crash." A calming voice and a firm hand tried to keep Chavonne in her bed, its owner looking down at her in sympathy. Or was it pity? Chavonne couldn't tell and she wasn't a fan of not knowing.

"What did I hit?" The female rubbed at her eyes, tempering the headache down to a manageable level so she could survey the damage done to her. No broken bones, so that's good. Tons of stitches and gauze though. Kinda figures. At least nothing hurt. Though that was probably thanks to whatever they had her on. She'd have to thank her anesthesiologist when all this was done.

The nurse next to her hesitated, wondering how she would react to knowing the truth. However, they had the sinking feeling that she would find out anyway so may as well rip that band-aid off now. "... The Hulk." A wince accompanied their words, probably at the mental image of someone actually hitting the Hulk with their car.

Chavonne froze, her whole body tensing. "I beg your pardon?" Which was her way of saying 'The fuck did you just say?' The young woman instantly started wondering if she had any chance of escaping wherever she was, the single statement enough to convince her she was surrounded by crazy people. She wasn't attached to an IV so that greatly improved her chances. At least, in her mind.

"You crashed into the Hulk after driving out a portal opened up by the Tesseract." The nurse's explanation only confused the woman more, words getting caught in her throat and a ringing starting to form in her ears. The female briefly worried that she was about to pass out.

"Riiiiiggght." The sarcasm was palpable as Chavonne swung her legs over the side of the bed, clearly intending to leave. "Well, I'm feeling much better so I think I'm gonna go now." Her smile was tight and forced as she managed to stand up, her legs protesting at having to support her weight so soon and her stomach warning her to take things slow.

"I'm afraid you can't leave. Not until Director Fury has spoken to you at least." The nurse was ready to catch the stubborn female at a moment's notice, hovering nervously around her.

"Uh-huh. Okay." Chavonne nodded like she agreed only to go dead still when her hair fell in her face. "... The hell did you do to my hair?!" She gripped the icy white strands in panic, adrenaline running through her veins at rapid speed. When she looked back at the nurse, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in some nearby medical equipment.

"Miss! Please calm down!" The nurse tried to stop Chavonne from scrambling to get a better look at herself, failing at their attempt to subdue her. They couldn't help but shiver, their breath starting to come out in little puffs of steam. Seems Chavonne was unaware of the temperature dip.

"Calm down?! My hair's freaking white and my eyes are blue!" Chavonne snapped at the poor nurse, examining her appearance at every angle she could. She comforted herself slightly with the fact her tattoos were still in place and not altered.

The panic was mostly coming from the fact that Chavonne knew what bleached hair and contacts looked and felt like, having dyed her hair and worn contacts many times in the past. And she could instantly tell the cosmetic changes to her appearance were 100% natural.

"Well yes but-" Before the nurse could finish their sentence, Chavonne had taken off for the door, adrenaline giving her a speed she could never hope to achieve while calm. "Miss! Please wait!"

The young woman burst out the door like the Kool-aid Man, closing it behind her and pressing her body against it to stop the nurse from following her. Her mind was scrambling for a logical answer to all that was happening to her, mostly hitting dead ends and roadblocks in its pursuit.

"Looks like you're finally awake." A familiar voice instantly drew the female's attention and any colour left in her face drained away completely, leaving her looking like a ghost in badly fitting hospital clothes.

"Nick... Fury... oh fudgesicles." The young woman groaned as she sank down to the floor, hugging her knees to her chest. "Why, universe?! Why?! Things were just getting back to normal and you throw this at me?!" She wailed to the heavens, sobs threatening to hit her at any moment.

Fury merely rose an eyebrow and waited for the meltdown to get over and done with, watching Chavonne jump to her feet and pace back and forth while muttering about... well, he wasn't quite sure but she seemed to have a vague idea of what had happened to her, something he was slightly glad for. You can only explain something to people so many times before annoyance sets in.

"Are you done?" Fury interrupted the woman's third go around of her thoughts, getting her to freeze like an antelope in headlights before nodding. "Good. Now follow me and keep your yap shut." Another nod and she followed the much older male in silence, picking at her sleeves and staring at her feet as she walked.

When they arrived at a large door, Fury turned to face the shorter woman, causing her to shrink at his critical gaze. "Try not to act like an idiot." Sure, the words seemed pretty obvious but from what he had seen of Chavonne so far... sometimes the obvious needed to be said.

When the door opened, an inhuman squeak came barreling out of Chavonne's chest before being swiftly followed by a loud thud as she hit the floor. 'Holy heck... the Avengers...' Was the woman's last coherent thought before she blacked out, surrounded by a sea of concerned faces.

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