My story

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I, (y/n), longed to be a villain at first during the age of 5 yrs old. Everyone at my school was always bullying me because I didn't have my quirk yet. I was annoyed by my friends having fun with their quirks while I was watching in the background. Everyone called me 'Useless quirk' or 'That one quirkless trash'.

I always pointed out to the teacher and my parents, but that didn't stop the bullying, it only got worse. I despised everyone, so I wanted to destroy everyone. A villain was what I wanted to be; a person who can convince the world wrong by showing how strong they are. Plus, a criminal can get what they want at any time.

My mom's quirk was the ability to become a tough animal at any time; such as a tiger, alligator, or any animal that was needed and that was strong. My dad's quirk was to switch color skin depending on his mood, but he couldn't restrain it. My mom was one of the top heroes while my dad was a businessman for hero items. I wanted to get a quirk like my parents, so I wasted everything I got to make it happen. I didn't want to be quirkless, but I soon received my power!

It happened when a kid disrespected me very terribly and I was scared. Without any warning, I turned into a mouse and sprinted away. My teacher informed my mom about what happened, then my mom took me to the doctors to see what my quirk was.

I thought my quirk was to be a mouse every time I was scared, which I wasn't joyful about, but I was incorrect. My quirk was to become an animal depending on my mood and I was able to choose out of any animal depending on that mood! An example: If I am angry, I can either become a fierce lion or a shark on water. I thought it was awesome, but there was a couple of downsides...

The disadvantages of having my quirk are that I am still part human, so it will physically damage me if I get a cut while I am a hamster or something. I can only be half animal/human for only four hours; so if there is a HUGE crime fight that will take twelve hours or so, I will have to evacuate.

I also can't become a full animal, so I won't be able to trick my foe that I am a stray dog wanting to enter their secret hideout. Oh! I forgot that I also won't be able to use my quick a lot cause I will start to hallucinate some weird stuff.

By the time I was in high school, I was known as 'Animal freak' because of me wanting to show everyone how amazing my quirk was. Hey, you might think "Wow, you are so cocky" or "What a showoff", but I didn't it cause I wanted to confirm to everyone that I was going to be the best hero of all time.

I know it took me a while to get my quirk, but I still got it and I am going to use it to be a hero just like my mom! No matter what it takes... I will be the first one in my middle school to try out at U.A. High!!


Name: (Y/n) (L/n)

Age: Fourteen

Birthday: December 16, 2004

Height: 5'5 ft*165 cm, I think*

Hair color: Pink

Eye color: Blue

Quirk: Animal mood *Turns into an animal depending on her mood*

Favorite color: Bright Aqua

Favorite food: Dangos

Favorite things: Drawing and singing

Family: Mom, dad, older sister, older brother, and younger brother

Category: A student and a 'soon to be a hero'


A/N: (( Sorry it was short, I tried my hardest T~T . ))

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