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Hey readers, how are you?
This note is just to notify you, this story is falling apart in every sense, and I can't abruptly end this. Emotional attachment being the reason. So, I am skipping a lot of things that was part of it earlier.

Considering , how much we hate, awkwardness between shivika. The story needs a fresh start, also I have to write about shivika moments and OmRu too. So, there will be a sudden twist today. Feel free to share your views but please no hate comments.
This is as my last attempt ,of keeping alive, this dying story of mine.
I know,this story is loved by many but there's this specific girl, who doesn't let me loose it in half a way, she wants me to complete this, however hard I feel, it's because of her I keep myself up and try again. And all of this is  completely true, not for publicity or drama sake.
So keerthi, this story is dedicated to you. 

As you wished, Dadi is here! And something big is happening. I hope you'll like this one....

Dedicated to sneha_aashika.


Night passed differently for Shivaay and Annika. Shivaay is in cloud nine, finally, (though partially), he expressed his intension to his world; Annika. Hiding truth wasn't so easy for him, specially when she is twenty four seven,around him. Battling with fear of dual loss, friend and love, he kept his heart enclosed. Off course, he didn't told Annika about eveything inside his heart, but a weight was definitely lifted.

When the brothers met for their daily drink session, i;e the customary black coffee for SSO, adarak wali chai for Om and protein shake for Rudy! he got mixed reactions. He had to tell them, he has to share it with his brothers. Om was, particularly not satisfied, how he hid his love; He was warning him for a messed up situation in future. Shivaay can relate to it but now bygones be bygone. Otherhand, Rudy was okay with eveything, infact so happy, he danced like a crazy. Like he is having a moment of Shivaay's baaraat procession...

When his excitement died, making Shivaay all flushed with embarrassment, thinking what will he do in actual situation, Rudy was mature enough to explained, how Shivaay have to buckle up. He needs to make Annika feel special. And tell Annika, with small gestures, that she is being loved, Dates, gifts, special treatment wherever necessary. She may not have fallen in love, but these gestures are important.

Shivaay was quite satisfied. Well, what can he wish more than this? Annika, by his side for lifetime. Without the worry of having compromising the old relationship.  His best friend, now will become his better half. Can he be any happy, than this? So, tonight he struggled to close eyes, he was dreaming with opened ones. About his upcoming beautiful life, beautiful wife Annika, his love by his side and a best friend.

For Annika, situation was quite different. She wasn't sad or regretting. She is apprehensive. Not because of the proposal or the relationship they will lead now on. It's about how will it work?
Her repulsive nature didn't let her think twice, about what happened earlier, nor she would have given a different answer later on. But eveything isn't falling in place, eveything is confusing her.
Shivaay holds a place, she'll never give to anyone, may be, not even to, 'the Shivaay the husband version' also. She depends on him, her emotional turmoils only opens in front of him. Shivaay claims, he needs her, but the truth is, he is her wall, a shield to protect herself, from emotional epidermis.
She needs him for her own sanity.
The problem is not what she feels for him, nor about what he said about them, being together, it's how they'll gonna do it? In few fraction of seconds, how can she imagine her best friend as her husband, a completely different person, as her life partner? She scolded herself for being too repulsive and immature but fear was not leaving her concise. She turned left to right, on her back, but sleep didn't came that night, pillow felt hard and the night too cold. What is wrong with her? They haven't started anything, they just agreed for it, only a concession.

The night is getting longer, she concluded.


Mornings like to surprise Oberoi's with different variables, yesterday the gloomy and wet environment turned a sunny and illuminating one. A powerful, yet sober voiced echoed in the living room of mansion. It's the most familiar, loved and respected voice. It belongs to one, she, the first stone of this powerful empire; She, who made it to her vowes to keep her family in one single thread. An ancient love affair, carried forwarded to her grandsons. Kalyani singh obeori, appearance may be disillusioned, one may not guess her strength by a weak and old age look. Looking like dadi of every Indian family's dadi looks like, she is small built, timid in her walk, yet voice of thundering lightning. She practiced love when she was young and now, she teaches love, to her family. A perfect house maker and tactful business women too. She lead her husband to achieve greater achievement by standing by his side and supporting him with all the love she had.
Only one regret, she couldn't balance her son's life. When Tej was alive she was devasted to see unsettling environment inside the house, but now dark clouds disappeared, her grandsons took over. Now, she can relax and sit to see a happy budding family in front of her eyes, for which, she sow the seed.
Taking up time for herself, she likes to travel to different places, unlike other old age ladies, she doesn't stick to only pilgrimage. Her desires to see world is impressive. She stays there for a while, looks around, how is it to see world from different perspective, experiences eveything, she missed while struggling in her life. She deserves it too, her hardwork is what she is enjoying. Being rich is sometimes such a boon, without worrying about money and expenses she rarely stays home.

Finally, after 7 months of staying in an isolated island in South Africa, she returned, a little tanned and a lot more younger than earlier, she wasn't willing to return but Om was back home, also Shivaay gave hints on something very important going on in his life, she couldn't stay after that. She can't miss meeting Om, and finally, ages of thinking about others, Shivaay is up for something of his own. His life.

"Are, khoteyo, abhi tak need nahi khuli tumlogo ki?" She said in her loud punjabi ascent. The house staff has already started the day; Shivaay the house wife, was busy preparing food, others were still inside their cozy beds, only Pinky going by her routine, watching some guruji's speech on television. Hearing a familiar voice, Shivaay rushed to see dadi standing there with smile, that innocence of teenage and experience of lifetime worked well with her smirk.

"Billu....kaisa hai putter? I couldn't stop myself from coming, you sounded so happy in the call, I missed you, did you take care of yourself? Sabki dekhne me apni bhul to nahi gaya? Haan? Dekhu to kaisa hai mera putter." She told him, concern about his strange habits of forgoing eveything for others sake. That's what make her feel proud about him, he is infact whom she also depends on, reminding her of her husband.

She sometimes feel, astonished too, to see him changing drastically, he was an arrogant baby, proud and far away from chivalry, though his love for his family was inbounding. But, after Annika's parents death, he became a changed man. Not all in all changed, his anger remained same, which he got it, in inheritance,mind- sharp as sharks teeth,but he became humble, generous and selfless, somehow Annika is the reason. Kalyani Singh Oberoi, can't thank God enough, for sending that girl to this house. She has some kind of aura with her, all positive energy walks with her, making everyone happy. A selfless women with strong will power.
How much she wished to unite these two in the bond of love, but couldn't succeed, their friendship always overpowered their love feelings, but she didn't accepted defeat yet, in every prayer she wished their togetherness. Because her old eyes can see epic love story in them, they are want for eachother, they are made for eachother, like Soulmate.

Shivaay stood amused looking at her happy face ,he never saw her this much delighted, to come back home, because he knew how much she loves travelling.
The hustle was loud enough to alert other sleeping members, so, a few minutes later entire clan joins her in the living room.
Rudy excitedly hugged her, choking her in the process, while she was proud to see Om in different avatar. He stood tall with heavy body muscles, mature and different. Pride in his eyes, unlike old Om, who use to cocoon in his shell of awkwardness, she felt proud of his decision. It helped him, but she is more happy to see him not loosing his peaceful eyes, innocent and kind ones. They are still telling her, however, tough he became, he'll always be a vulnerable Omkie..

Rudy again, felt neglected," I knew it, see I was right, again dadi is only focusing in Om, why? She is meeting me after such a long time, but her happiness is only because of him, I hate to be the second child, its soo demeaning, 1st child is important and the youngest always gets all the love, what about me haan?" He complained.
Dadi just spread her palm over his face and said, " You're my favourite don't you know? Even if I am looking at Om like this, I bought gift only for you... nobody else, not even for Priyanka, don't you want it?" Dadi chimmed, while Rudy's excitement turned into new level. A child inside him, which he doesn't let it go, as always loved by people. Rudy is like a little surprises which god dwell upon people, surprising them and make them happy. Who isn't very important alone, but when combined with others it increases happiness.

He gelled with everyone,knows what makes others happy. Hiding pain, he is always up for his useless banter, and love every person equally, for him there no second place, nobody is higher than other. His family knows it, and likewise he is loved by everyone. They can live without eachother for few days, but they need Rudy every second, he is that hidden reason, Which tends them to work for happiness, that's how Rudy is a lifeline for them.

"That's rude dadi, why only him? You can't be partial!" Om said, with humour in it, faking a little annoyance. Rudy pouted for being attacked, Priyanka too got involved, she liked to irritate Rudy, sometime unitensionally, sometimes cunningly.

"Dadi always does this, if you forgot, I am the youngest one here." Priyanka said.

"Also the useless one." Rudy muttered, got a slap on his firearm by dadi. "Shut up Rudy, and the youngest Oberoi.... have you ever thought of Calling dadi in these seven months? Your dumb brother called me daily, to ask about my health, so give love you'll get it back. That's why, a gift only for him. This time not even for Om or Shivaay."

And Shivaay raised  from seat smiling, " I am going to make, breakfast anyone any special request? Dadi, your usual vegan style pancakes or South Africa changed your taste buds?" Shivaay enquired.

"Firstly, I hate vegan now, and secondly, I'll eat happily whatever you're cooking, third, I wanted an answer not your breakfast!" She surprised Shivaay with last question.

"What answer?" Shivaay was looking at her in questioning way, focus shifted to Shivaay, everyone curious to know what is it.?

"Why did you called me urgently?"

All Eyes fixed on him, they waited for his answer but he looked around, Annika wasn't there, excitement of dadi's arrival was too much that nobody actually noticed  Annika didn't appeared to meet dadi. When Shivaay looked around, they assume something is missing and realized Annika is not in sight. Suddenly, the environment grew heavier. Omru were aware of their plan, last night Shivaay told them that he called Dadi for her approval of them. Also, planned to give this beautiful news to family. Not finding her present, was a bit weird, looked wrong in Lot of ways.

"Where is Annika? She didn't wake up yet?" Was dadi's concern, Pinky too looked confused.

"No it's so unlikely of hers, she isn't a late waker, if Rudy is up mean everybody is up." Pinky joined in humoureous way but the environment grew weired, nobody laughed. Om was already walking upstairs to watch for her, Shivaay asked few house helpers, nobody has seen her. As expected, tense lines started to appeared on Shivaay forehead. If he could, he will make Annika stay with him 24*7. Whole family knew, they didn't bothered to ask him any reason.

" Is it because of the proposal?" Came the first thought. He shooed it away, explaining, he is sure about her agreement, she said she will talk it out if it wasn't working! Then what happened? Where is She?.
Suddenly another idea struck his mind, may be revenge! And kidnapping can be the case. Panic stricken, he called khanna. Trying to get information, when Om's voice was heard, he was calling Shivaay vigorously. Shivaay ran towards the voice forgetting eveything. He can't see her hurt, never again in his life. But the way Om was shouting, it has something to do with Annika being hurt, his heart sank..... He approached the voice, it was coming from the Terrance garden of mansion, which is unusual because Annika never visits it. Because of the fear of height, also, there are some exotic flowers which are allergic to her, so she avoids it. But why she is There now?

His mind was working a thunder speed, When he reached huffing and puffing, he saw Annika, sitting on the bench nearby, facing opposite direction, still in her night dress, silently. Shivaay glared at Om in anger, he took his breath away by shouting like that. But Om wasn't backing out, his tensed jaws were same. Only then, Shivaay saw the whole picture. Annika wasn't sitting alone on the bench, she was surrounded with few pages, which were old letters, and a black diary which was kept aside, opened. Shivaay's face drowned, as if petrified by some magical spell, his face fell. His little secret was out, he cursed the situation and his secret to ruin his relationship.
He was so happy yesterday, feeling safe and at peace, that, he don't have to hide his love, Annika will be there for him always like a life partner.

If he knew Annika well, then he also know, Annika doesn't like people hiding things from her, specially things like this, she obviously will get angry, because it's about her and she was kept in dark for so many years. Shivaay feared, she may leave him for his little mistake.

Om pats his shoulder in support but Om was pretty sure, this will come up one day and Shivaay have to regret for not telling her about his heart.

Shivaay walks upto her, she was abruptly silently looking towards the widespread of sky, clear but dusty, over populated city which constantly moves unaware of the sky above them. Shivaay looks at the diary by her side, exactly the same page, he even remembers the date when he wrote that, it was his 18th birthday, the very next day, he wrote his heart out, love confession for his best Friend, only friend, who knew him, never judged. But, what an irony after Knowing, his feelings she is judging him. His intensions were never filthy. He is hurt because his feelings were pure they are not for judging but Knowing the fact, she is feeling betrayed he is ready to hear anything she has to say, in accusation.

He sits by her, Annika doesn't flinch and, silence prevails, after a few seconds of silence which felt like a lifetime, Shivaay calls her.

"Annika....I...can.." cut short by an ignorant Annika.

"Explain?..... Off course you can....how can you not? because you must have some reason to hide this truth from me? Everybody has, hiding, telling lies and giving excuses, that's what people do in relationships, you did it too, not a big deal!... Shivaay if you're thinking, I am waiting for you explanation then, sorry to disappoint you I am not." Annika said hard as stone words hitting Shivaay roughly. But he choses to be patient.

"I know you're are disappointed in me, but once you hear me  out, I promise eveything will be as it is, I. will.make. it. normal. Trust me.. please Annika. Don't decide before hearing me out." Shivaay pleaded.

"You can't. Shivaay don't act like a god. You are human, don't pretend you can do eveything. You can't. How will you give me back, all these years to me? Can you change time? No you can't, so come back to normal world Shivaay, you're not god! don't try to be one. Don't try to be my God." Annika's furious eyes held Shivaay back, he was shocked to see such disappointment in her eyes, if Shivaay ever felt proud of himself is the time, when his family believed that he can do eveything, when Annika belive he can do unthinkable. He can set eveything right. But never it crossed his mind that she loathed him for that, Shivaay felt hurt, for the first time he was loosing a battle with himself. Annika continues in same anger, a betrayal she never expected to get.

"I never thought, you'll hide such an important thing from me, first your heart, you lied to me . Everytime. Always. You said you never fell in love but you did, with me! For god sake, Shivaay don't act like you don't know what I am talking about. 7years god damn! seven freaking year... you lied about how you felt about me, you said I was your best friend, you lied to your best friend? You lied to me... Off course you never considered me a best Friend..." Annika didn't paused to hear him, conversation was only about how she felt. Shivaay let her talk, take out eveything inside, what she felt. He stood, with down casted head, hiding things with your loved ones is not acceptable, and her anger is justified, he may have reason for his conduct, but she isn't wrong afterall.

"And this....the biggest secret. I will never forgive you for this. Never ever, Shivaay you hid this letter from me, for 10 yrs... you stayed silent, whenever I cried for my family. You said my tears pained you, but you stood there silently looking at me! helpless me! Broken me! Failed and lonely me! But you didn't tell me that I have a family. Why? This is not your decisions to hide it from me, it's my life, I will choose whom I want in my life... Shivaay how can you do this.?" She roared in utter frustration, eyes already wet from the all allegations she is putting on him, which actually were true, if she is hurt blaming him, it's also true that she is really disappointed on him.
She believed him like a God, but he betrayed like a man. May be it's her fault to believe him like a God.

"Annika. You can blame me for hiding my love for you. But this...I won't regret and will not apologize for this. Yes, you can hate me for this but trust me they are not your family. They can never love you. I don't act in rush, you know that! I did all my research on them, they hate you and believe me you'll never want to go to them...." Shivaay's voice irked her, how can he decide who loves her, or whom should she love ? How can he just predict something like that? They are her family sooner or later they would have accepted her, may be loved her too. Her emotions were already making it hard, him standing unapologetic for his act, his words were stabbing her like sword.

"I didn't give that right to you, you can't  decide about me! Don't put your decisions on me....I will not hear anything about my family, specially from you. After what you did to me you're nothing to me...our friendship was based on trust and you broke it, so now you're nothing to me. I regret coming into your life, Shivaay. I feel, I was  living in disillusion. I hate you, having you as my best friend. You're actually that same arrogant boy who lead me to death, by covering himself up as a friend. That is your real face Shivaay, you are a foe covered in a mask of friend.  And about your love....thank God you didn't proposed me, I declined it, I will never accept love from you. I will be dommed, if I accepted your proposal because you know What Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi? I hate liers."

That was it, Shivaay's world turned upside down. His greatest fear of loosing Annika came into life, He lost eveything in one fraction of second, best friend who thinks it's a mistake to befriended him, love, which he was trying to protect and eveything he ever wished for. He felt only pain in hearing her allegations. Most importantly his darkest fear, looking at dying Annika; regret for being the reason for her condition. He never forgets how he felt seeing her half dead inside that OT. Ot still give shivering sensations, he had bad dreams about that day, whenever he slept on her room, he could sleep peacefully, That's his way to find way out from that days memory. Finally Annika said it too, she believes he is the reason behind that. She agrees he is not a good acquittance for her.Now scene changed, his eveything is broken into small pieces- dreams, aspirations, happiness and relationship. He has nothing to live along, he has nothing to say as his own. His Annika hates him, loathed him and he couldn't bear the pain anymore......
Voice choked, eyes blurred he ran away from her without apologising, or giving his reasons. Annika declared hee decision, he can't change it, he won't, because all things said and done, she is eveything for him.

Annika stood, at the foot of the bench holding a piece of paper which changed her life. She paid a big price, choosing eveything over Shivaay is a costly deal. May be a profitable, but equally painful.
She dropped herself on the ground like a corpse. Lifeless, she couldn't find her heartbeat. She couldn't cry, she can't, her tears are too loyal towards Shivaay, they won't come without him. What can she do with her heart which pained like thousands of nails digging inside?
Who will hold herself up when the one who was her support, she send him away. She sat there lifeless.


Okay don't kill me for this. I know I need to apologize for this. Sorry.

The thing is, nothing is going according to my plan. I am hell tired and exhausted with awkward situation brewing between them, there was only one condition which would have ended that, and it was this! About Annika's past, There is something to be revealed, I will tell you that in next chapter.
Next would be also a sad chapter followed by a leap of 3months, but I promise after that it will be a romantic journey, you'll see lots of drama love. This time it's a Pinky promise.

Till then bear it. And again sorry, for ruining your day with this crap.



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