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"It came around your 18th birthday, Shivaay was 21 by then, excited, happy he was planning a big surprise for you. This letter ruined eveything, remember how Shivaay had to travel untimely and your birthday was cancelled by you? I was the first one to read it, Shivaay caught hold of it first, he didn't even let Pinky know about it, I read the content, like him, I too was apprehensive about situation. Letter was written in good intent, but there was something which bothered me, your nani didn't called to you back, only assured her support, anything needed she'll help! That was all,  not even a question about you,how you're doing? or conveying love from family, nothing. Which is very weird. If god forbid, anything happpens to my grand children, I would be devasted, I would have run back to them to take care of them, even now I feel sad for Tej's demise. But she didn't show any of that concern. I guessed, may be, she is still angry with your father.
They married too early, few months of encounter, turned into love. Sargam was a very dreamy girl; romance, love and stories use to be her life, and Harsh was nothing less than a hero himself. Inspite of his financial condition, social status of an orphan, he treated Sargam like a princess, they fell in love. Back then, most of the families didn't allow love marriages, ours was an exception though! My father in law was beyond his time, but Sargam and Harsh weren't that lucky. Nothing went right for your parents, their different caste, community and love. She was locked, inside the room for weeks. When Harsh told Tej and Shakti about all of this situation, they came up with an escape plan, agreeing to help, three of them got Sargam out. And finally, got them married in court. After that Sargam never visited her home. After their death, we thought you should be send to your family. Even if we loved you, we wanted to give your own family back, a family is important for a child's growth. So, I personally told Shakti to inform them, but they didn't replied, waiting for many years  we thought they don't want you back. And after almost 8yrs later this came. I was expecting at least one member to show up but there wasn't anyone. This letter didn't satisfied me."

Dadi was consoling Annika, on her lap. She was devasted, completely drained after crying for hours. Betrayed, cheated, felt very low of her life, her most favourite people lied to her, Shivaay lied to her. Refusing to have any kind of conversation with anyone, she closed herself inside the room. Be it Pinky, Om , they tried to explain things but got only refusals,her beliefs broken. Holding letter in one hand and dairy other, Annika sat by her bed for hours, skipping food, water and eveything. Lost and silent, looking at something very random, as if trying to figure out her life, which has become a tangled puzzle, pieces of which, are spread all across the room, and darkness- engulfing it, making it a herculean task.Her senses were working, which are of no use right now. She was listening to dadi, only to hear about what happened in the past.

"Don't get him wrong Annika! he cares for you, even if he didn't tell you such an important thing,  which, I know is wrong, but he has only good intensions for this. Trust me beta....When he came back from your Nani's house, he was disappointed. I can guarantee he wasn't lying, I can assure you that. You will also agree with me, that nobody other than Shivaay knows how to protect his loved ones. He said you won't be safe there. I had to agree, he is never wrong in judging that. Shivaay explained what made him think that way, we'll agreed. By then, Pinky and Shakti also knew about it. It was our mutual decision to not tell you, you can't be angry on him alone. He is your best friend, he never think to deceive you! You have a very best relation with him, friendship is very precious thing you have with you Annika. You can live without love, but not without Friends."
Dadi was politely trying to explain things to Annika. Annika's eyes were dry, she don't want to shed tears now, and she couldn't, but her complaints were not finished, this so easy for them to decide? Why isn't she been taken in confidence? Why, kept in dark for so long? Why didn't they believed her ? It looks so conspiring, may be her understanding is deteriorating, but she refused to believe, trust can't be build in just few words of sympathy.

She spoke, rude but truth, they'll did so much for her, bit hiding things never justifies anything. Specially two important things related to her.

"I really respect you dadi, I love pinky ma too, and Shivaay is my eveything, untill today." She added with disappointment.

"But I can't forget how you'll betrayed me. I  understand, eveything you said. Even after I feel cheated and hurt, I can understand what you're trying to say. Everybody thought about my future, may be I was not smart enough to think right or wrong at that time, but I am obliged to know who my family is! Don't you think?... by not telling me, you all, wronged my belief in you. I was weak but I am allowed to know things about me.! Shivaay went there, saw something and decided I can't live with them, who is he? This has to be my decision. If they were so bad I should have seen through my own eyes! Don't you think, you abandoned my right over my life?" Annika's words were sharp like edges of a blade but she is correct too, its her decision, dadi can understand that, and she Regrets for not compelling Shivaay, much to tell her, but now, after so many years, the hatred she is showing towards Shivaay is not justified, specially, when he loves her. Annika may think he has wronged her beliefs by not telling his love for her, but dadi had seen Shivaay's constant battle with himself. He was struggling throughout these years to express his feelings.

Kalyani Singh Oberoi loves her grand children, she may favour them in certain things but at the end she is a courteous women, she won't let anyone feel left out or being wronged. She lets Annika decide, This time. Even if, it effects Shivaay and family, it will be Annika's decision, whatever she chooses. She is angry and chances are, decision going to be in heat of the moment. Currently she felt foiled, betrayed but this has to be her decision.
Dadi is pretty sure she won't choose Oberoi's as of now. With hope, her decision doesn't have any bad impact on her life, she lets her choose.

May be that's how it is meant to be, and even if she tries, Annika isn't going to listen to her.. or anyone from family. Only one, who could have influenced her, is abandoned from her life. She, herself prohibited his interference.

As expected Annika declared to meet her family, the letter has address written over it, though ten years old , she expected them to be there, she refused to take any help form anyone in the family. Dadi agreed, if she hadn't kept it a secret nothing of this sort would have happened, but as of now she is tied with situation.


The very next day Annika packed her bag to travel, all the way to Jalandhar, according to letter her grand parents house. Bidding bye to only few member except Shivaay, she drove away, leaving silence behind. Dadi hoped eveything turns well, Rudy, alienated himself, his AD is gone, with uncertainty of returning, how he wished these 24 hours didn't happened in his life.

He already lost his family once and this is second-  mother like AD gone, his brother who was his Superman and dad for rest of his life has locked himself up, not agreeing to open the door. He felt alone again. Separated from family. Nobody cried more than Rudra. Even Pinky became silent after Annika's departure, as if her smile was robbed by goons. Om was standing supporting his little kido, unable to do anything, again.


The moment, Shivaay saw hatred in Annika's eyes he left the spot, he can't see that.
Anything in this world is acceptable but not the hatred from her. He could have justified his actions but couldn't, those eyes always makes him weak, whatever emotion they show, Shivaay is helpless around those beautiful brown orbs. A twinkle in them, he melts, few drops of tears and he wants to burn whole world for them. Happiness, sadness, apathy, sympathy or agony eveything has its direct effect on him, it's like some theory of physics, directly proposional! He can't decide of his own, Yes, Agreed, he did a mistake by hiding his emotions for her. Understands, what he did and how it should be done, but he couldn't.

Even Shivaay Singh obeori, couldn't decide what is Right or wrong, when heart  involved . He tried telling her, not once or twice, many occasions. But he couldn't. Pure simple and naked truth, he couldn't do it.  Fear, that what he felt. And today he could have explained to her. He didn't. Not because it's impossible, but Annika's faith in him stumbled. For the first time in his life, he saw blame in her eyes, complaints and dishonesty.  It made him weak.
Ten years back whatever happened was not in his control, Sargam's family didn't wanted her back, they replied after 8 years of mishaps. That was already an answer, still for the sake of knowing the whole truth, he went to meet them, and the findings were not good enough to tell Annika. She has already moved on in life, she was happy, he can see that. Adding useless people, to her sorrow was the last thing he wanted to do and he didn't tell her anything, eveything kept on going like it was. He may feel guilty for not telling her his love for her, but for this- he won't be apologetic for this. Never in his life. If thinking about someone future needs hiding something from them is wrong, then he is ready to do this a thousand times more.

Eveything said and done, she went,leaving eveything behind her, unsettled and rejected, his life is hanging in between time, waiting for her now, with old memories. If she didn't come back, Shivaay will never be able forgive himself, and if she did, which he is hoping with sucked breaths... how will he make it right?

His heart broke, million times listening her parting words to family, not once, she asked for him. Which is disappointing but can he get angry on her? The answer will always be no. She is a reason Which drives him in his life and he can't get angry with that reason. That's how Shivaay looks at her, his Friend, who has turned love and now an inspiration to live!


After 45 days.

Oberoi mansion.

Partial clouds in atmosphere made the environment gloomy, an unusual scenario for people in Mumbai , they barely get any winter, but because of changing environment, and these wandering clouds, they got some effects of winter days. It is said, when true love mourns even nature accompanies them, well, not sure about nature's take on this, but Shivaay was mourning for his love. His entire day is spend on working, trying hard to figure out something out of his life, after Annika's departure, he had nothing to go on, infact the responsible Shivaay, forgot who he is! Neglecting family, Friends( if he had any, after Annika), he devoted or rather surrendered himself to work, burdening himself with more than required, spending hours in office and meetings, basically, he avoided going back home. Amidst all these blurriness, he still hoped to get some news from her, deliberately avoided going out of country, he could have easily left the country and lived with his emptiness, but a small ray of hope caught hold of him, to stay back. Annika didn't call anyone at home too, the day she reached Chandigarh, she phoned Dadi, saying her safe landing and that was it, last and first call from her, she isn't untraceable though! Phone is still on and it rings, whenever someone tries to contact but she doesn't pick . Everyone assumed, she had chosen her side. Annika is not coming back.

Om returned to his squad, Dadi was trying to neutralize the sadness by staying with them, unusually longer than expected but it didn't worked, finally tired, she returned back to Cape Town, this time Rudra accompanied her. His studies were lacking behind and it became a general concern, so dadi was quick to take him....

Oberoi mansion looked like a haunted place. Pinky stayed, because she had no other place to go, Shakti came back and was very disappointed with Annika's decision. Their life was moving as it should. Only one person secretly rejoiced over  the situation, Jhanvi was happy, her arch enemy was out of the house, but, she couldn't really incash the situation though!. The process of share transfer got stuck on middle, as Annika was not there to sign the paper.... So, eveything left as it was.

Shivaay's days were difficult to be passed. He missed her dearly, distance makes you understand, what value the other person has in your life, Shivaay, for the first time realised the depth of his love for her, all these years he loved her like his best friend but in reality,she isn't just a friend, she is his love. Yes!  Love, overpowered his friendship. He thought, just one phone call from her and he'll be with her, it's just need a phone call from her. He is dying everyday, to see her or talk to her, meet her.  Longing, which he kept holding in these days is getting unbearable. He rarely slept, but whenever he closes eyes, he saw her dream; crying for him. Which isn't doing any good for his condition. He would have flied back to her, but he can't. She blamed him for deciding on her behalf. This time, she'll have to tell him what he should do. Till then, he have to wait, dying every second but still wait.

Shivaay knows where is she, if she is still in that old address. He had been there. Ten years back, it was a small town in suburb of the Jalandhar district, away from the city's hustle, lay a two storeys bungalow, nothing compared to Oberoi mansion, in luxury and lavish,but a rich and hierarchy monarch. By the look itself it showed, the on going traditional views of people residing, inside. Moreover, an Orthodox approach of living, exactly same craft and structure, it must have build in past, no particular addition was done. Two storeys explained their status too, because no other building stood tall as that one in the neighborhood. The 4ft, White and faded yellow wall around the house explained boundaries. 'The simplicity of choice, also, covered from external environment, but fully disclosed to whatever happening outside. Shivaay still remembered, how he was unwelcome when he told he is requiring about the letter, which was send.

He was young but his ability to understand people was amazing even at that time. Boys of his age, which he roughly counted to be four, were throwing dragger at him, he politely ignored them, he isn't here for creating any conflicts, ladies of the house stood at certain corner, may be nearest to kitchen and were low head casted he only saw two specifically distinguish ladies who were family members, the letter was written by Annika's Nani, she apologized for writing it, to her husband, who was infact the most influential one, but he was the most unbearable person Shivaay has ever met. Amrendra Kundra, Annika's grand father is an influential man, head of panchayat back then, and a wealthy and powerful name in nearby place and beyond. His ancestors were once use rule the place, owners of entire place, but later  things changed and they lost their position but, being an influential family, they were still ruling the place, illegally but definitely. Shivaay could see the fear in eyes of people talking about them. He had nothing to do with any of that, he just wanted to see they loved Annika or not.

When asked about the letter, everyone had their own reasons to hate Annika and her mother, free spirited, having own thoughts, deciding on her own about her life and falling in love, they claimed, she was guilty of these offence. Shivaay amused, isn't it the characteristics of a strong women! He has seen Sargam aunty, always liked, respected her strong demanueor, strong, selfless and inspiring. Annika is exactly the same, she wants to be like her. Getting manipulated in the hands of these autocrat and Orthodox people started to form fear inside Shivaay's head. But he was reminded of Annika's longing of her family, with open mind Shivaay asked them whether they are willing to take her back?

The answer wasn't what he was expecting, it was menacing, rude almost criminal, and he Walked out of the house without saying a word, if he had replied, either he had beaten few or would himself been killed, he thought better forget them as a mistake. Annika lived all these years without them, they are not interested in taking her back, they don't love her, they hate her being the result of disloyalty, a bad name to their families, a wrong which their daughter did, a mistake...they said exactly those words for her, Shivaay felt a rush of blood flowing inside him, he would have surely killed, if he didn't knew how to respect elders. Nobody ever dared to talk about Annika like that, not in his presence, he won't allow it. She isn't a mistake, she is the most innocent, lovely, sincere and honest person. He gives a damn about her family now, she'll be with him, forever. He will make sure nothing stops her from succeeding in her life, and when time comes, he'll tell her how much he loves her.

With that determination he Walked those roads to never come back, and promising to not let Annika walk these roads ever. Less he knew, that someday his Annika, will abandoned him to live there.

He still can believe they took Annika back, and.. if not, then where is she? All these days where is she living? one thing for sure they don't love her, then where is she gone?

Does time can create love for someone whom you hate? Did they changed in these years? If not, is Annika is in some kind of danger?

The thought disturbed him high time. Even the peaceful office didn't proved good enough for him...what will he do now? Should he start searching for her? Or just wait for her return? Will she return? Ever?


It took me longer than usual to write this. Sorry guys I am proving to be a bad writer.

Actually I am searching for job, and getting no time to write, once I get one, my routine will change so you many expect delayed updates but once I get a flow I promise to give you regular updates. Sorry again but career is also important right?


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