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Thanks to these guys.... thanks dearies.

AishaMaqdas12345,@Rupashah9, Ishqbaaztales,Amuthalatha,MissDreamer_11, @megha267,
Musical_wingsx,gllloo,Crazy_Day_Dreamer,IndraPriyadarshini,Ojeswi,cutecrazed, RavneetKaur206,nehaappaji,gdbsss2,
poopyrabha,classynet,PATELYUKTI,visha9, snight0wl,darkpossession,
wings_for_fly,Simwas,abhi18699, RavneetKaur206,priyamaddala, kotlapraveen


Life is a journey; difficult bumps, lonely roads, speed breakers, sometimes tire burst and then a smooth ride in rain- everything comes along it's way, we never stop, moved forward till we reach our destination. And Next moment another journey begins, new place, fresh adventures, new discoveries that's what life is about. Have you ever thought what makes a life worth living? What makes it special or exclusive? It's the people! Those who come along, we love also how we love them! Someone rightly said, more you spread love, you'll be loved more. This is the only thing which increases with sharing.
Well, who can be better examples other than Oberoi's and Annika. Oberoi loves her like their own, she gives them love back in double, Annika loves people around her, and she gets back entire love she showers on other people.

Unlike yesterday, this morning affairs in Oberoi mansion was a quite one. Pinky is busy in her daily routine, Shakti is busy throughout his morning hours. It's also because this is a typical regular day in their life.
Younger Oberoi are busy in dreaming, Shivaay was in kitchen cooking and instructing the helpers, early rising is one of Shivaay's anatomy, he has a hidden 'house wife' inside him, as Omru calls it, rising early, cooking food of every family member's liking. Also waking them or meeting before leaving for the office, this is his usual routine.

His first destination is the closed door of guest room of the mansion, an alluring smile evoked in his face when he realised that he has slept so peacefully last night. Shivaay knocked at the door, as expected she is still snoring like a pig, wide smile refused to leave his face, spread over his beautiful face. Shivaay is a handsome man no doubt about it, royalty speaks from his features. Perfectly trimmed beard, sleek back gelled hair, crisp white shirt and formal pants. If not his manners lethal his blue dazzling eyes does the rest of work of captivating. There's no doubt his features are like, Greek god in living.

Well, lot of people drool over him but he barely pays attention to these superficial things. For some strange reason, this man has an eye for certain someone. Yes his very own, messy , stupidly smart "girl friend" Annika. She was spread over ethe bed like a log. It's difficult to understand how can someone so poise and sophisticated gurl sleep like this mess? Even it's messy he was happy that she is slept well.

It always difficult for him to take his eyes off from her. Her calm and compose posture such a beautiful sight.He reached to her ears, removing strands of her hairs from her face, he took a deep breath, fanning her neck and cheeks, with a deep voice he, said


Well, there's nothing to romanticise about, it was not a whisper it's a shout, deep hard hitting loud voice to startled her. And his plan worked. Annika woke up with a jerk, startled with the his loud voice.

Eyes closed, covering her ears, with a flex she started to run from this place to that. Shivaay's plan work, he really like to irritate her sleep. He laughed uncontrollably her exasperation were amusing. It amazes him, how everytime she falls for this mischief! nobody, actually knew why she gets so frightened, and chant 'chor chor!' whenever she is startled in sleep, even if she wakes up after seeing a bad dream she shouts chor chor!.
Realizing it's the same old prank, Annika sat on her bed with a frown look.

"Seriously! You've grown? Such kiddish prank shivaay?" Annika said a little tired from her early morning Marathon. Shivaay was still controlling his laughter fits, she was now irritated with his loud voice .

" Shut up you ....baghad billa!!" Annika is annoyed, she hates it when her sleep gets disturb, two things in her life matters other than this irritating cat- her food and sleep.

"Serves you better, Paanika!....we are even now, yesterday it was you, tit for tat! Lady!"

"Don't call me Paanika! Billu ji" Annika spat back with a smirk, eyebrows raised for the spat which was going to happen. Sometimes he is so annoying.

Shivaay was about to go but stopped Midway when he heard her calling him billu. How much he hates, dadi for giving that stupid name to him. It gets double humiliating when Annika calls him that.

"Annika....I have warned you already, Don't call me billu!" He replied with equal arrogance and annoyance.

"I will. First you stop calling me Paanika then, I have a name.... a beautiful name given by my parents say that, then I will call you shivaay!" Annika gave him back.

" Off course not. I am not doing such thing. I will call you because you're.. Paanika." Shivaay is unaltered.

An unaltered Shivaay needs only one thing- "splash..!!!!"

A bottle of water was honoring his face,
From where it came? How and when Annika reached for it? He has no idea now it doesn't matter, he was drenched, his office attire was completely damp by an angry Annika's bucket bath.

He fumed, looking at his best friend with a killer look. Annika stood there unaltered, he has started this so she won't back off. Her challenging demeanor. Who can believe this sight! Two friends who can die for eachother is running to kill eachother. Shivaay chased Annika, like a cat and mouse fight they were running all over ethe place, throwing everything that lay in front of them.
She knew, she can't get caught, if he catches her, he will kill her by tickling. She can handle all type of violence but not this! The ticklish sensation is beyond death for her. Poor fate didn't help, as she was caught between his strong arms. Shivaay didn't waste a second in talking, his hands started its work. He didn't left a single weka point of hers which is a by heart to him.

After a running marathon, now it was laughing marathon. Annika's stomach achhe with continuous laugh, " Now say billu again! Say....say na... that happened haan...?" Shivaay said, he was over and tickling a wiggling annual, she was trying hard not to laugh.

"I said....s..stop ca... calling me....p..pppaanika...." Annika was still fighting in between her laugh riot's. Annika was literally rolling on the floor laughing.

Much much...later, tired by the act both stopped. Shivaay forwarded his hands to her and she took it without any twoth thought. Tired with the little adventure of theirs, they sat on the bed panting and laughing at the situation. This nothing new to them, it's every now and then they share these kinda fights.
Shivaay's eyes fell on the clock, he is already running out of time. Today he has to be present in office. He would love to spend time with her but he can't neglect the emergency at office.

For Shivaay, his work is his passion, the day he realized what exactly a passion means he knew it's business for him. His dedication towards family combined with his passion makes a deadly combination. That's the reason he is called beast in his work place.

" Okay, I gotta go, important meetings are lined up for the day, have your breakfast, I have made aloo puri for you today, and...l yes, cancel all your Friday meetings, you have to meet Tia." Shivaay commands, his authorative tone which he uses in his office, he can change in Flicker of seconds from innocent child like Shivaay to the great SSO. Annika always gets amused by his control over emotions. Sometimes gets irritated too. How can anyone change in few seconds?

Annika is tired of meeting his girlfriends! though they are not too many but she is definitely exhausted, this time she didn't want to meet.

" Why yaar? I really hate to do this . You know how they look at me when I meet them, ' like I am their future mother in law, and they have to dabaoing my pair after marrige ! can't you skip this Shivaay, please ?" Annika asked with desperation.

Shivaay was on his way out to room buy instead turned and saw desperation on her face, he knew she is not lying but he can't help it, this is important for him. Annika's approval is important for him. He wants, who so ever comes in this house as his partner should know Annika is irremovable from his life and this house, its better to clear things beforehand rather than atoning whole life.

Whenever Shivaay has to convey something deep! Something non- negotiable, which he believes or worships, his eyes turns deep blue with intensity. Annika saw that depth today, off course she is not new to it, she very well know what he is going to say!

What amazes her is, he says exactly the same thing without even altering a word, or pausing at different place. Exactly same lines with exactly same intentions.

" I don't care what they think of you! you are very important part of my life, irreplaceable!... If anyone wants come into my life, they should know what you mean to me, if they are okay with that, well and good! if not then I am not leaving you for anyone! And that.. they should know beforehand...." Shivaay said in one breath, his determination and honesty in this matter is unchangeable. Everyone, related to him knows this, he won't give a damn what people think about it.

Annika had to agree, she can't fight with shivaay specially in this regard.


Trivedi law group of company, has changed over the years. Mr. Harshvardhan Trivedi has owned this place from the day he acquired his degree in law. He practiced from this place, when he lost his life in a car accident, the company was running with only two employees, now it has grown abundantly with a branch office in other city .
Annika happily handles the law firm, single handedly and efficiently. This is not her dream, she is not passionate about law and justice but for the sake of taking forward the legacy of her family, which has only remained in these substantial materialistic things, she is trying to save the name of Trivedis's . After few years of personal struggle, Later she realized,or inspired to be precise - is the people who are benefited from this firm. Located in very heart of slum, Trivedi law company gave employment to many dedicated, educated graduates from that place. Even locals who comes for grievances are given search in low budget. Annika realised, may be she is not a professional in this but definitely passionate yo help people. Her happiness resides in helping people, with her capabilities.

Annika Walked on the marble floor of her office premises. What she has learned in her career was, be honest to your work but don't be a saint while working! Shivaay taught her few business Tact's, he knows this field like a pro, he also told her, showing weakness in front of people makes you weak, but if you stand strong even while breaking inside, world is too blind to see and you can win over them.

Shivaay's words always helped her. She calls him her pole star, always there for her to guide.
Perfectly decked in formal suit, claded with perfectly fit cloth looking like her second skin , she walked like a boss, she is a boss here! She is fearless and badass when it comes to business. Annika is one of no- nonsensical boss... May be she is emotional in her personal matters but she don't mix personal and professional life, that what she has learned from her father and Shivaay... After six months of getting away from battle field she felt a little nostalgic. Returning back to amazing work people and the friendly environment she was Happy. It's her second home.

"Welcome back mam," Aditi , her secretary welcomed with a genuine smile, dark complexion on her perfectly drawn jaws, suits her well, she is the oldest employee Annika has hired. Both about same age are more friends than employees and employer. Aditi is a loyal and hardworking girl Annika has ever seen, newly wedded she was glowing with happiness.

"How are you aditi? Aha...your glowing like a bulb haan....!! How work here? I heard Mr. Mansukhani's case was in our favour! Well done, congratulations and also to the team. I want to meet them in the evening okay. And.... Did you gave them incentives?" Annika took a file and started working on it. Wasting time is not in her dictionary, the moment she enters the office it's only about work, for her. Aditi is familiar with her working style and she manages everything for her.
Annika's firm is also an official property lawyer for Oberoi industries, it was from very beginning connected to Oberoi's now new generation is taking forward the legacy.

Aditi withdraw from her recitals of Annika's meetings. Few minutes later, Aditi called Annika over intercom. She sounded nervous and Annika knew the reason.

Few minutes later, a huge man- in terms of his Tyre around his belly- kind of huge, enters the office. A crisp cotton kurta pyjama, which was shouting for mercy, a nehru waist coat over dark complexion, he was a mixture of politics gone into wrong hands man.
Annika in her poker face asked him to sit down, Annika never gets intimidated by people who looks scary, her fears and apprehension are of different kinds. They are mostly related to people she love, for shivaay and her family, so nothing bothers her, not even a devil, if they happen to exists.

The yellowness of teeth, sly smile is enough to tell his intentions, she let him speak first.

"Ms. Trivedi! How are you? I heard, you have been to America for holidays? How was your stay there?. .....apne apne shauk hai.... humare naseeb aise kaha?..You rich people gets time for themselves too, see us...three years not a single leave. What to do... serving people is a difficult job you know!" Man said, Annika smiled but inside cursed, these people are expert on white lies. How people like him serves common man, nothing is hidden from anyone. Its Such an irony that, those who wear purest of color are so impure from inside.
"Off course Tiwari ji, I can understand! How much you work for the betterment of slum people is known to me!" She faked a smile.

" Do you need something to eat? I know you must have eaten but then... If you'll not eat then who will? Can I get you something?" Annika sarcasm was on point and his teeth were now visible more, anger was covered under that paan stained teeth.

"No. Thak you. I wanted to discuss something important with you. Food?.. we'll have some another day." He said, without waiting for any reaction from her, continued " It's second time I have visited your office, your staff is mannerless, They don't know the importance of people like me!... utter rubbish, they don't even listen to my mans! So I was compelled to come. Ms. Annika, last time when I was here, I told you to stay away from Rampal's case, well later he backed off and saved both of us from blood shed but I don't think you took lesson then, now you are again taking his property case? don't forget the land which you are standing belongs to us...and my people. Helping Rampal will only destroy your career. Till now you should have guessed how much damage I can make.!" Tiwari said dangerously, his voice was calm but it was point on warning for her. Annika clutched her hand into a fist, she can handle these situations, has seen many like him, very easily she can throw this man out but she need to give him his doze this time. He should not know she is not weak. So she listened to him with patience.

"When you're in our place, you should respect the laws I made for the people, I can't tolerate people poking nose in my matter, better you stay away from this, otherwise I have other ways to tackle .!" He said and waited to see fear in Annika's eyes but he got a blank stare from her. After a pause of seconds Annika looked directly into his eyes, not a single doubt in her mind, she meant everything she said, her posture calm, compose but voice sharp and steady, she meant every word of it

"Tiwari ji, I work here, this is not your party office! Whenever you what you come and give a lecturer on what I should do or what not, so please next time, take appointment before coming. Second thing, we run business here, we don't do social work, this things about your people, your place cut that crap. These people living here are my people too. As you claimed, we don't put nose in others matters! as for Rampal... last time when he came to us, he wanted his land from your clutches, we tried to help him but then he backed off. We were completely okay with that it's his decision afterall, now when he has returned and wanted to reopen the case, we , as a law firm are obliged to take the case because we work on these matters, and we saw potential for us."

Annika paused and making her voice a little soft she whispered "...and if ,while doing our study over the case and find some deep dark secret then I would call it co- incidence!"
And again getting back to her posture of menace she said, " You know.... so I don't think we are doing anything wrong and if you are truthful then you don't need to worry right? Believe in God Tiwari ji.....they always do justice. Also I have complete believe in our countries law!"

When Annika finished her indirect reply cum ultimatum, he looked petrified, like an angry tiger he roared. If your power is Honesty nothing can break you, even if he was fuming it didn't affect Annika and her mood. Truth and honesty+ Annika stayed strong.

"You idiot girl! Don't underestimate me...okay, you don't know what can I do to your company, you are targeting my work I know that! Remember messing with Tiwari is a big mistake you are committing.I won't leave you, I'll destroy your damn whole business. You don't know me..." He raised his voice saw Annika's unchanged expression.

Annika stood from her seat," Off course I don't know you, same like you don't know me....you misunderstood me Mr. Tiwari. My name is Annika..., I am not afraid of you or your kinds, don't think you can win over me... I said, I am doing my business, deal with it in a legal manner- no harm. If......you target me, I am not those who sits back and cry over fate, I will give you in double measure because I have nothing to loose and that makes me stronger than others, do as you please because Mr. Tiwari, if I came to my actual self you'll loose everything you have. Understood? So ..... Now... you may leave my office. I have other things to see. You know, the actual and useful ones ". She shows him the door.

For the first time a Politician was tongue tied, speechless. Door banged when be left Annika inside the cabin. She sat with a deep breath and continued with her usual work. That's something very usual for her, legal matters sometimes takes a dirty turn, she keeps herself more to the business rules which helps her to deal with these kinds of nuisances.


"Okay...keep me updated! And....yes....she should..... thanks Aditi." Shivaay looked satisfied, after ending the call. Rudra was sitting there playing with paper weight, he was amused to see his expression diversifying in each minute, like- the initial anger to proud grin and finally a thoughtful smile, he disconnected the call. And dialed a number, Rudra was almost sure whom he's gonna call! And guess what he is right!

"Khanna, increase the security around Annika's office and this time hire profesional ones, last time it was such a close call, I want total control over the area. Understood?"

Shivaay with a sigh of relief and without taking any reply from khanna looked towards his baby brother; Rudra is just like a child to him, he literally raised him with Annika, 10 yrs elder and practically mature, Shivaay liked to call him- his first child.

"Why security to AD? Anything serious?" Rudra asked he knew how protective Shivaay gets towards his AD, but security guards! Means trouble. Shivaay just nodded in agreement and took out his cheque book to draft a cheque for Rudra, it's his pocket money. Rudra is a dedicated brother, he trusts Shivaay completely, even having a share in Oberoi industries he don't want that baggage, at least not now, he wants to focus in life, which actually is party and girls.
Its only him, even Om has requested to transfer all his shares in Shivaay name but being a loyal brother himself, Shivaay refused, finally taking a mid way he agreed to take power of attorney for them. Their bank balance and work, he handles.

"Don't you think she'll be angry if she knew that you're interfering in her matters?" Rudra was curious, 'Shivika' relationship is beyond his understanding.

Shivaay forwarded cheque, Rudra was shocked do see the amount, he didn't ask for that much but Shivaay is just like that,
" I am not interfering and you know Annika, she will surround herself in trouble but will never ask for favours, even if the person is willing to give. I can't let her handle everything alone. She is my responsibility Rudy and I have to look after her." Shivaay said taking a file from his desk.

"Exactly like Sargam aunty! I don't remember her but I can bet she must be exactly like AD! Right? Well bhaiya I still feel you both should get paired up!" Rudra's grin was reaching up to his eyes. Shivaay just nodded in disappointment. And looked at him with ' not again expression'.

" No seriously you two are so compatible, you know nowadays compatibility plays such a big role! Tell me bhaiya you love AD? Or not?' Rudra's curiosity was on peak.

"Off course! I love Annika. Not only her, I love both you; you and Om! Does that mean, I have to be in relationship with you? Shivaay smirked. Rudra pouted in disappointment.

"Uffo bhaiya, be serious na...I am not talking about that love... , the love between two people. Didn't you see in films- wind blowing slowly, dupatta flying in the air, violins playing at background and when you see that special one your heartbeat runs like bullet trains.....and...rains.... Oh god ! this is so romantic have you not felt all these emotions.?" Dramatic Rudy is explaining probably those things, which are not even real. How would person like Shivaay will feel them?.

"Shut up Rudy! these are all flimsy things, in real life nothing of this sort happens. If that's called love than I have never felt those emotions for Annika, leave Annika , not for any girl. She is my best friend, Rudy, I have never thought that way for her and....I know she also don't feel it so...."

" Talking about these rubbish things will only hamper our relationship. You, my boy, be in real world and forget all these stuffs. Okay." Shivaay chided. But Rudy has not finished yet.

" You claim that you love her, you both behave as if you two are going to get married tomorrow itself, how would people know that you two don't love eachother? If you see from my view it's clearly a friendship turned love case." Rudra was dreamingly in awe with them and teasing Shivaay, which irked him.
He can't explain what Annika he shares. It's a beautiful bond but it's not love. Yes, they love eachother, care and respect eachother like They do for nobody. It will be as it is for life long. The fact is they are not in Love as people quote it. And long back they stopped explaining things to others.

"Annika aur mere beech jo hai, wo hamara hai. Kisi aur ko ye samajhne aur batane ki zarorat nahi hai."

How strange! opposite sex relationship has to be a love relationship! can't they just accept it without giving it a name!

Shivaay and Annika are too busy to think about all these stuffs, busy and unaffected. Let them talk, let them say whatever they want. They won't changed because people like to comment on everything.!!!


Next chapter is up...how is it? Do you agree that all relationship should not be named?

* Do you a have doubt like Rudra, that both love eachother?

* Do you think one of them have known that, actually they are in love?

* Who do you think will realise first??? Do tell me.

Precaps: Two major entries...who are They?


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