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For the first time tagging my friends from whattpad. Sorry  I know I missed many, but I am not able to tag all because it's making my whattpad slow. Next update I will add those who are left out. Sorry but my love for you'll is same.
sri210,kauts123,ayatkhan97, gauherkhan, SUKaur14,ishyhm,AnnikaShivmaryam1972,gllloo,Ojeswi,Amidingaks,sneha_aashika,lazybutter,user76376545,naturedreamer04,zarabobo,kerala6,


There was silence in Dinning table for a minute, metaphorically mourning over the sabotaged happiness of Annika's arrival. Gloomy and thinking faces, how can Shivaay let that happen? No. He won't. He won't make his best friend regret her coming back, he did prepared so much for this happy breakfast, but nevertheless he tried is best to lighten the mood. He showed her room, Shivaay made few changes in it. It was planned to be a surprise but as destiny has it, he cheered her mood with this small gift. Annika use to find hee room a little childish, given the fact that whole room was pink. This room belong to her from very beginning if her arrival, it served other purpose too, whenever Shivaay wanted to visit his best friend in kate hours he could easily called her, adjacent room was meant for that purpose. Annika was happy, at least tried to be, she actually likes the colour combination of the room and she can bet ita Shivaay choice, he knows what will she like.

Shivaay and annika are like a family in altogether! Off course they live with family and other people around but they have a life of their own. Even if they are not in relationship or claim never to be in, they act like husband and wife, not literally. How it started and how everyone is okay with whatever they do is still a question to be discover but nobody actually bothered to tell them, it's not at all healthy to get attached with someone.  Our society and norms are so stagnant that these kind of emotions are always misunderstood. Known as 'Shivika' by their friends and circle give a damn about people, even family members are indifferent to these gossips.

Intensity of their love can be judged by the depth of their hatred for eachother in childhood, it's almost miracle that they became friends. It was like lotus blooming in desert.

It was early days of Annika's arrival and before the famous chilli incident which almost took Annika's life. Shivaay was confused about whole fiasco. Annika's parents are dead! she is living with them like their own, she always makes his nerves uneasy, to add into that,only person she relied and cried with was him! Shivaay hated her and knows she hates him too, the Why this kind of gesture? He could feel her pain but could not do anything to reduce it, what is confusing him more was the affect on her after that outburst, she looked normal. He could not guess how will he? Mere a 13 yrs old boy, how would he know that Annika's despair and loneliness faded just because of his hold on her. Annika is confused too, only thing she knew was she has complete faith on him. Hee mother use to always tell hee Shivaay is a good boy, she should do friendship with her. May be Sargam already knew her daughter and  Shivaay will be inseparable in future.
Misunderstanding, what he meant to Annika, his anger grew. He was in his early teenage, he was not understanding anything around him,her content  happy face looked fake to him, a despise grew inside him compelling to believe she is a gold digger. Even if her parents were rich, they were not famous as Oberoi's. Shivaay thought Annika is happy with oberoi house, which she was but other way. His intelligence told him she is here to enjoy exclusiveness of Oberoi's.
There was a pendulum of his thoughts which ticked in his mind. He felt conflicted either to help her or expose her in front of family. The devil mind won the battle, a psychopathic intension, added with vulnerability of age,clouded with so many conceptions. He locked Annika inside a storeroom.
However Annika is not a weak girl! she not frightened of insects or small creatures but she fears darkness now also loneliness. Dark room and loneliness, it was not her house, she was not around people she loved, knew. Cold and damp floor in store room and in hearts of people around she was scared for the first time. Chilling sensations, fear of darkness she struggled with all of it.  How she felt and how she cope, until Pinky found out about Shivaay's little mischief, is unknown to everyone. Not a single drop of tear fell from her eyes. whole night Pinky Stayed with her, closing her in her protective arms , kissing her forehead.  She was burning with fever but Annika didn't broke down. Her will power amazed people who witnessed that scene. 

How and what made her that strong? Why she didn't cry? Nobody knew.


"You don't have to think about her! I have already told you she is just being the teenager she is!"
"I know, but Annika she have to understand, everytime she can't get away with that tag of being innocent!... She don't even listen to anyone. And badi ma...why don't she understand that Priyanka looks at her! She need to be a little idealistic for her daughter. I know badi ma is struggling too but this will be the lamest excuse, to not look at her misbehaving child." Shivaay was frustrated after whatever happened in dining table. Shivaay sat on  beds edge with a grumpy face.

Annika came to him and caught hold of his hand.
"Shivaay, I am not upset, don't think too much about me, I know how they behave with me and I am use to it. What hurts me more is the way Rudra reacts to them! He is hurting himself more than anyone. Priyanka will come along with her age, Jhanvi aunty, will never understand but Rudra...he needs support of his family. I fear for him Shivaay, he is a just little boy right now, in such vulnerable stage he is getting all the pressure and om is also not here to take care of him." Annika kept her head over Shivaay's shoulder. Annika is a selfless creature to the point of irritation, instead of humiliation she faced she is think ing about Rudra.
However is selfless , she is not that forgiving too, which amazes Shivaay and makes him proud of her. She is a elder sister to Priyanka, very calm and understanding but whenever Jhanvi tries to thumb her down, she retaliates, she fights back. Priyanka is misjudged or misdirected while Jhanvi is just being stubborn, Jhanvi knows she is wrong in blaming Annika. Everytime Jhanvi says something related to her family Annika never keeps her head down, they are her pride honour and nothing can hampers the respect she has for them.

"I will look after him, don't worry I know Rudra he will be fine! I just need you to be fine. Please Annika, if... ever... something or someone hurt's you let me know." Shivaay said tense. She snaked her hands around his waist with a sigh in response. Shivaay let her do it.


Until dinner their conversation changed from family problems to business and now, finally they are cheerful enough to talk about forgotten topic- Annika's fantasy.

"Okay, now tell me how was it? Did you initiated or he did? I mean how did you get that courage! I mean I am still not digesting that fact...." Shivaay was back again to his amusement of this topic. Annika grinned, she can forecast his reaction when she will tell whole truth, "why are you smiling, tell me na.. enough of your drama yaar..!" Cribbing was least he could do.

"It was my farewell night, there was music dance and lots of alcohol, you know it's the best I had in New York, yous should definitely try. What was the name of the bar..... umm...!" Annika was recalling the night, Shivaay interrupted with an annoyed look," Oh! Shut up you drunkard! I don't need any name...I can guess, I still remember you were so high that night, you were  continuously calling me Om. I told you that Om is not here, he is back to his camp you said when did Shivaay joined army? I was so frustrated. " Shivaay was again complaining. Annika just mused and bit her cheeks inside to not laugh.

" I was so angry ....Like when I take you to the bar and offer you drink! you act such innocent rabbit and with those goras you become drinker...and talli.... such a hypocrite!" Shivaay winned, for a strange reason he is being too jealous of those white men. Annika giggled, looked at him because of language he used, its her forte to use unusual language.  She just pinched his cheeks in excitement, this is a crime for others, Shivaay's hair and cheek are his sensitive part  no one is allowed to touch it except Annika.

"Okay okay....I met him, he was amazing, you should listen to his voice such a manly voice he has. His eyes just like yours only it has only one colour not like your satrangi type. He was a Canadian I guess. The best part was ...those Adams apple when moved while talking. His manners got me the moment I saw him. Uff...he was so perfect.. Rich too! He is the CEO of the Dashboard corp. I haven't met him throughout whole project , after all he is a busy man, that day he was invited and he dropped by, he was so intimidating, he was so huge!." She closed her mouth and giggled, Shivaay misunderstood and closed his eyes in awkwardness, " Stop! .... don't go in that detail.....I want to know how you approached."
"I was High. And..I asked, can I get a kiss from you?" Shivaay gasp at that. How can she so bold? May be she can, Annika was never a shy child all these years he was a protective shield to her, when she was alone, she can be unpredictable as that. His eyes popped, Annika roaring a loud and was pressing her stomach in the fits of laughter. With every passing minutes Shivaay expression ans Annika's laugh was battling in modulation.

She took exactly fifteen minute to recover by then Shivaay completely exhausted by her laughs, he looked at her irritated, "Oh come on Annika, I told you to tell me the story, like a joker you are just laughing around. Will you just continue?" He was agitated.

" It's so easy to mess with you, oh my God! shivaay ...are you buying everything I m telling you?" Annika looked at him bewildered. shock would be the understatement for his reaction it was followed by irritation ane then stupidity. Nodding his head is disbelief he asked.

"What now? Is it all a joke? Really Annika? You are just weaving things, Why? This is not fare okay... I literally believed each and everything. How could you?" Shivaay stomped and stood to go, Annika's voice stopped him, "Why are you angry? Is it the first time I am joking or fooling around with you?" Annika was surprised to see this kind of irked nature from him.
"I was disappointed, I thought this! ...all of this is serious." Shivaay stood there not facing her.  He never gets angry on jokes played by her but today it's surprising for him as well, why is he behaving in such a manner? In low sad voice annika called him," I am sorry". And that was it, she just need a low voice to melt him. He turned, she was not crying but definitely her eyes were not sparkling. He walked up to her and asked " Okay, tell me the real thing. Who is that man. No more joking around."

Few moments later Shivaay's face is something to laugh about, he was shocked like a man who has just touched a live wire. Annika was uncontrollable now and she laughed like a mad girl. She rolled out of the bed in fits of laughter. Off course it would comical as well as embracing to know, that whom Annika was trying to seduce was not straight. He was not interested in her, leave her any other girl. Infact , Annika was so attracted towards him she tried to seduce the guy, but he was so nervous that he literally ran out of her grip.

For few seconds Shivaay was speechless, he was trying to recapitulate everything that happened and finally burst into laughter riot. His stomach pained and the jaws stretched like rubber , enable to control his laugh he fell on the bed.

"Seems like your all effort went into bin!" Shivaay smirked.

"I know you're enjoying this and that's the exact reason I didn't want you to know." Annika scrunch her nose in irritation.

"Hey! why are you angry at me? I didn't say anything bad... well I know for the fact you'll be aging alone.. babe!" Shivaay was smirking again which pissed Annika more but actually he is not completely wrong, the way her expectations are growing with men, she will end up single.

"Off course not, I have a backup. I think you're forgetting .." She said grinning.

Shivaay looked amused suddenly realisation hit him , he fanatically bobbled his head in disagreement. Annika's grin was getting wider and wider like a ocean stretch.

"Oh god! Why. I did that promise, why innocent like me have to handle this khidkitod girl? Save ne god. Save me." He mocked her and got a spat on his arm by her.

Well, this a strangely weired pact they had made. And to be honestly it was not made in their childhood. Both agreed that if, god forbid, but till Shivaay and Annika turns 35 and 30 respectively and didn't get anyone worth sharing their life, they will marry eachother. Off course it's a stupid pact but it was taken very seriously.
Most of the time it's a joke which they throw to irritate eachother but deep down they know this will not be a joke when it really happens.

"Okay.. that reminds me...I want you to meet someone!" Shivaay's tone was serious and he was intensely looking at his best friend.
"Not again Shivaay, it your um...30th...why don't you settle for one...yaar.!", Annika cribbed.

"Oh Shut up... going on date is different from being in a relationship. I have dated that many, I went for dinners and parties with them. And mind you I have only made you meet one girl till now with whom I thought I was serious. Don't sabotage my image like that!" Shivaay's complaining statement didn't go deep into her, she is least interested in meeting his dates....this habit of his is the most annoying one, he likes to arrange meeting with his dates with her, which she hates and feels herself like a matchmaking aunty, who judged every girl she meet. Oh this one is nice, nice figure! Sexy! Not shivaay's type...Oh bore.! But Shivaay thinks her approvals is must, and she has to do it, she can't say no to him.

Currently she is least interested in meeting or talking about anything. She just cut the topic and sat by his side, he was on bed rest and leaning on a pillow when he drifted to sleep he didn't knew. Annika smiled making him comfortable, went out of the room.

His happy face told his situation right now, it's not like without Annika he can't live off course not but he won't be happy without her. They are now so addicted to eachother, sometimes they feel restless if the dont see eachother around. She is back to make his life a beautiful place. He slumbered into deep sleep on her bed. .

This is their usual, falling asleep in others room, sometimes it's Annika in his room or like today Shivaay in hers. So, according to the 'rules' set by the elders or dadi for matter of fact, they are not allowed to sleep in one room unless it's very necessary, they are warned to behave as per norms of society. A boy should not be too close to a girl, if they are not in relationship!

As if society can bind a flowing river in your palm, Who will tell them there are relationship like Shivaay's and Annika's. Who will tell them few relationship also exists without a name or hidden motive, bonds based on pure love and respect for eachother.
Well, not everytime you can fight with them, so according to dadi if such situations comes, then other had to sleep in a guest room.
Annika rose from her place and covers Shivaay with quilt, setting  AC temperature for him, she went outside. Not that she will get sleep soon.
After returning back, this is her alone time, whole day Shivaay was following her like a shadow because he knows however unaffected she shows she still misses her family. Particularly her mom. Oberoi mansion always reminds her of the good time she spend here with her. She sat on stairs with a cup of coffee she looked around, nothing changed here! everything is exactly the same, it was same oberoi mansion she use to come, it same from when she lost her parents same like the day She came with Pinky and saw Shivaay descending from it, the same mansion she found her soulmate in Shivaay.

She feels a silhouette standing, Pinky stood looking lovingly at her daughter.

"Why are you sitting here anu? Not feeling sleepy haan?" Pinky sat caressing her hair lovingly. Annika put her head on Pinky's lap and taking sigh she said, " Shivaay is sleeping in my room, I was not feeling sleepy so I came here. Why are you awake maa? You must be tired na?" Pinky smiled and tapped her head, "Shivaay was more tired, leaving that stunt of his he did all those arrangement for you single handedly. I was going to sleep and I saw you. Missing your mom?" Pinky asked out of the blue. Annika looked at her in apprehension.

"No. Actually these stairs reminds me of her I thought I should just...." Annika knew lying to Pinky is useless, she will caught her red handedly . That bewildered smile on Pinky expressed her alieness to this topic.
" When I use to come with her, these stairs use to fascinate me, straight and steep, it was adventurous as well as risky, you know  she always scolded me for running here carefree."
Pinky knew how she tried hard to fill the void of Sargam in Annika's life but a blood never forgets where it came from, yes she loves her like her own daughter but for Annika Sargam will be no.1 in the list. There's a doubt though, Shivaay will give a tough competition to her.
Pinky smiled at the memories of the time spend with them. Kissing hee hairs Pinky said "I know how much you try to not feel sad regarding not being with them. I know it hurts but beta, we're also your family, and you know right you can share everything with us, I will always be there for you, Shivaay is there and also shakti ji." Annika looked at the lady who selflessly loved an orphan like her, still trying her best to give everything in her possession to make her happy. Which overwhelmed her.

"I know ma...and I am not sad or unhappy, I know even if they were alive I could not have got this much of love from them. I love you all, you'll are my strength why will I hide anything from you." Annika said and got a nod from Pinky.

While remembering something, Annika spoke again," You also know I am not lying, did you forget that day when I was locked in store room and I had high fever, you know na...how I survived that day?!" 

Annika's eyes twinkled in low light coming from all over the place, how can Pinky forget that day?  The day which made them realise Shivaay's hatred towards her and Annika's mountain like believe in him. The feeling is so inhuman. Can someone of that age has that strength to believe in someone like that?

When Annika was asked how she survived that day? she has only one thing to show, it was Shivaay's kurta buttons! The day she arrived in mansion and hugged, cried in his embrace she was holding him very firmly. Dropping all of her weight over him, balling his kurta in her tiny fist. Shivaay didn't took effort to untangle himself, infact strangely he was soothing her. The fist on his kurta buttons gave her a gift, an unknown possession to her.  She kept it like a remembrance of her friendship. She made a life long friend that day. She still possess that button with her. Co-incidentally, she was holding that button that day. When she was inside, she was holding it and telling herself that shivaay is with her, he will come and fetch her, he will protect hee from every evil that comes. His hands around her was still fresh in her concise, she continuously told it's okay, shivaay is there for her. And, that gave her strength.

A Small thing like button of shivaay makes her feel close to him, it made her feel his presence. She didn't care if he is the one, who throw her inside. She didn't care how he feels about her,  She only knew he is her saviour. She believed in him, she did not let her belief go. Not then not now.

Both Ladies remembered the incident with a radiant smile, which is so fresh in their mind.

"You're such a brave girl, same like your mother!" Pinky commented, Annika looked at her and with a warming hug she said
" Yes. I will agree to that , strong like you..maa." Pinky never felt such happiness in her life.
Her daughter made her feel that and she is proud to raise a girl like her.


Hello all... how was the chapter? Please comment like and vote.

Precaps: Annika's second home. Shivaay in SSO mode.


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