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Hours passed, Annika was busy whole day running around Nani like a little girl who wants her things done. Actually it was other way around, Nani is the one who got restless regarding her earrings. She asked everyone, if they could possibly know, daughter in laws, sons even hitler like husband, but nobody knew what she was talking about! Annika doubted if nani forgot, or others are avoiding the topic. There were chances Nani forgot, what she did with her earrings! But as an obedient child, she followed her. Men of the house as usual didn't have time for this puny thing, Annika rolled her eyes when bade mama looked, unbelievingly, as if he was asked about God! Such insensitively are rare! She thought. They should be put on display for people, in an exhibition. A mother is asking for something so valuable for her, meant so much and they reach like that? Really? Isn't she their mother? Annika couldn't stand them nowadays. Well, the day was full of walking and searching around, completely unaware of the time lapse, they didn't find anything. Annika was surprised to see badi mamis reaction, it was unrequired created a doubt within her, her excuse was too lame. Annika would have definitely confronted mami if she had the authority of it. But she knows, one word and entire clan will turn up against her, and she can't afford to do that right now.

Tired and exhausted she returned back to room, at last realising the time, night was full on its glory. Finally getting time to look at her phone she found no message or calls from Shivaay, it was unexpected. Shivaay never leaves conversation in between, if something is stopped in between he had tendency to dig up the grave out of it, even more surprising is the fact that it was about her. She was angry, and he didn't call, it's usually strange.
What happened today? She was frustrated and exhausted, not even had a strength of lifting a limb but this isn't an usual thing to ignore. Still tired and exhausted While, lying on her bed, she dialled his number. Phone ringed other side but nobody answered, she dialled second time but again there wasn't any response, after going for third, she sat up with start forgetting her fatigue. This isn't shaping well! She thought, panic started to dwell upon her, tensed lines started to build, heartbeat became faster than usual, after no response from third try Annika's heart started to sink. Eveything non- pleasant, came into her head . This is exactly why she wanted him to go back, this continuous vulnerability isn't good for her, perils and aftereffect of these are too much to handle. Now, what will she do? Where should she look for him? And how will she leave this house unnoticed by these many people? She dialed the number a fourth time, but no answer. That was it, her body refused to stay calm, dropped on the beds edge, she prayed for his safety, continuously trying to calm raging nerves, she told herself, he is fine. Nothing will happen to him. He must be angry with her about morning incident, but she knew he will never ignore so many calls! The thought was burning her heart, cupping her head in complete distress, she self talked, " Shut up Annika. What are you even thinking? Shut up. He is fine. It's just I am unable to reach him, that's all, stop thinking stupid things. Yes....come on.... think how can you contact him?...... Khanna's in-laws? But I don't have their number, may be i should ask someone? ......but I can't just go to them asking about it! Think what else.....yes..... khanna!...he must be in touch with Shivaay....yes ..call him..he would know." She fanatically dialled khanna's number but it didn't connect. She sat with a sunken heart, tears on the edge to pur themselves out. She can't cry... right now. No.
She hit phone two three times as if it will connect with said person. She moved and decided to go in search of him, whatever happens she won't sit here like this.

Suddenly, A commotion was heard outside the building, she wouldn't have paid much attention, if the whisper after rustling was avoidable, either she is hallucinating or it was Shivaay's voice, to her relief it was actually Shivaay's voice calling her. And it was definitely him, when she looked outside. A sigh of relief but followed by a bigger fear.
What is he even thinking?

Shivaay is standing gleefully, an expectation of being received with same fervent happiness, but desires and reality never correlates. Annika looked annoyed. Now what? He thought.

"What is this behavior Shivaay? Why are you here? And why isn't your phone with you?" Annika whispered looking down. She was angry, very angry, this is such a irresponsible behaviour she thought, forgetting what is he doing here, at this point of hour. Her anger was obvious but Shivaay was disappointed, he wanted to surprise her, and this kind of reaction was not expected. Difficulty on conveying message from below, he still tried to calmly listen to her. Annika was bina stop complaining about how stressed she was to not get connected with him and where he is been whole day?
Shivaay looked amuse! here, he is standing, typically recreating Romero Juliet scene and his love is trying to shoo him off, with such minance. With a furrowed brow and annoyance in his body language, he looked around, to spot anyone's arrival. And finally finding it's safe to speak he said looking at her, " I thought i will be received warmly, I was trying to be civil, but seems like you love my arrogance more. I'll remember this treatment." He said a little disappointed, he wasn't shouting but the heat was felt even standing at first floor.

She bit her tongue, such a bad idea to annoy this sulking Oberoi. It's not that she feared him, but he was Right, it was so nice of him to come. Strangely he is right, it's not his nature to do something so spontaneous, keeping in mind the hurdles and his image it was actually very sweet of him. She should appreciate it but was shouting at him.

"O... okay, sorry come. " She said and helped him climb over the pipes. When Shivaay entered, his furrowed eyebrows were the only distinguish feature she can see, a flushed face, disheveled state of hair, dirty and rugged clothes were ignored. She also, guessed what's coming.

After entering, silence prevailed, Annika was guilty and he was angry, he forwarded a white parcel towards her. Unexpected, it was food! She opened in surprise, but what followed was pleasant surprise and hatefulness. Aaloo puri, her favourite, also, there was this Shivaay's special dessert dish, gluten free roasted Almond halwa.

This is such an irony, in past she use to be the central attraction of dinning table, Pinky, Shivaay and even Rudra use to mock at her eating habits, she never ate alone. What she wants use to be the priority, even fight use to arise because of her food choices, now, her own family never calls her for dinner. She eats alone with the house helpers, it's not that she hates them, but the word family is extinct here. Moments like these makes her feel homesick, on top of that, the magic of Shivaay's hands, she never found in anyone. Not even her mother, when she use to cook. She realised culinary expertise is not the reason for the magic, it is completely a passion of feeding someone. When chef wants to fill apatite but soul. Yes her mother loved her, but she never thought of feeding Annika's soul with food. Which Shivaay does, it sounds too extravagant but he is what he is! His unadulterated care for her is unmatchable, and she'll refuse to believe it's because he loved her. No, his dishes have exact impact on other members.
First morsel of her aloo puri was magical, first gulp of water after travelling to a desert for continuous nights. She hummed in pleasure, she forgot eveything after that, ate like starving animal, making noises of pleasure to excitement, complete negligence of world. When she was half way to finish the food, she looked towards him. She caught him smiling, which faded after her eyes met his. Shivaay stood little annoyed( fake annoyed). He Loved Annika's face after eating food, though angry how she reacted, it wasn't very easy for him to gather all ingredients and cook in limited resources as he is habituated, he tried, risking eveything. He was determined to so something, in this situation, for her.

She forwarded food to him, gesturing to eat, he refused. And she couldn't eat no more, when she kept lunch box on table, and crossed hands over her chest, indicating annoyance, he sighed, stubborn, she is! Shivaay Walked upto her and fed next bite, which she happily took. Smiling at the victory.

"I should be the one, who is showing Tantrum's not other way around." He spoke in disapproval. A smile on her lips and he forgot why is he angry.

"Do you want me to feed you? say it, I can happily do that!" Annika asked fluttering her eyes, to annoy him.

"Stop doing that! It doesn't suit you, you're not an Angel, you know that! Devil... You're sister of devil himself. And I don't want your food, it's for you." He poked.

"Dont sulk now."

"W... what...are you even serious? You scolded me like a school teacher!" He whinned. She giggled, got a furrowed eyes in return.

"I said sorry, I was worried, do you even know, what kind of thoughts came into my mind! Where were you? If anything happened to you? And how do I suppose find your whereabouts!" Annika spoke in one go, Shivaay was waiting for her speech to end as he was holding the next morsel to feed.

"I know it all my fault! It's always my fault. I should be careful, I should pick phone even if I don't have one, then I should cook and feed you, standing in the cluster of mosquitoes, becoming dinner of them, hidding with hitler family of yours, it all my fault." Shivaay was getting cross, now even more.

"Oho, I said, I am sorry, but I didn't knew you're planning all this? And don't blame me completely okay, and why are you becoming a nagging housewife?" Annika counter back.

"Oh, now I am the nagging housewife? Wow, great, after this don't expect me to do things for you!" He said emptying the lunch box, he brought for her.

"I didn't tell you to bring food for me! So why are you getting to hyper....I mean, it's your choice, well thank you for bringing this delicious food but....to reality Mr.SSO, I didn't say a word." She mocked him. He was calmer now, and a lopsided smirk appeared in his twinkling eyes, he was planning something, uncoded by his lady.

"Finally, I felt like I ate something. You know, I haven't eaten a blissful aaloo puri. Whatever they make in name of it is a black dot of a dish. Ah... I am so happy right now. Thank you, mere kanji ankhon wale..." She said leaning on his shoulder.

"Don't change the topic! And don't call me that." Shivaay jerked her head lightly, curious Annika looked at him.

"Huh." Annika replied unable to comprehend.

"I guess the air of this place is making you dumb." Shivaay stood to show of his annoyance but laughing at heart. Annika looked perturbed, is he really still angry? She thought.

"Annika....don't act, it's you who said I didn't do anything for you. That I'd be a 'badboyfriend', Now you're acting as if you saw an alien! What's this? Do you even know I was standing here for about 3 hrs straight. Hiding from so many people. became dinner of several mosquitoes....."

"I heard that earlier!.....stop.... what are you saying?"

"Ah... ungrateful..... I never thought you'd be such a 'girlfriend'." Shivaay air quoted the word to mock her earlier comment.

Annika gave a light slap on her forehead, getting the point. What was this all about.

" I did not mean this, by that!" A shy smile went upto her lips. How could she possibly tell him, what she meant.

"What do you mean? I thought you wanted to feel special. Annika.....now what am I to think? Can you please be a little clear?" Shivaay's voice didn't really matched the question, Annika is too engrossed in the moment, didn't paid much heed to that. Hos excitement was increasing, but he kept a poker face. He is planning something now, so building up the scenario, SSO..... how can he show all his cards at once? Making food was his plan to feed her, it wasn't to impress her.

After Annika's call in the morning, which was waited like rain in summer, realized, he hasn't confessed his love. Surprisingly, Annika is correct, he should. She came to know about it from the letter, and as devoted he was towards love, all these years it's his duty to give a heartfelt confession! And Annika voiced out to him two times, which is commendable. While he like a fool stood stupefied at the confession. It occurred to him to give a surprise to her. Because of her health he was already planning dinner for her. It will be interesting to see her reaction when he'll confuse her.

"Shivaay...you know what I mean." Annika replied with a blush forming, expressing things to a friend is so much easier, she use to share all double meaning jokes and sexual stuff with him, as a Friend. He even knew her periods dates by heart but as a boyfriend or love of life, things gets little awkward, she thought. She couldn't even say, that he should confess his love. She is a little bit angry too, on his low IQ.

"No. Annika I don't know. What do you mean by making you feel special? See if situation granted, I would have taken you to a dinner,but this is all I can do." Shivaay said still maintaining that poker face.

"Oho. Shivaay this is not what I meant, eating, cooking together is a necessary but the most important part I, sharing of your emotions, through different words, You know....like telling deep secret or expressions through words......" Annika said dreamingly, unaware of his smirk.

"Annika...I am more experienced in 'love' than you, I never came across anything different from this. Can you please tell me clearly." He stood, acting his confusion which Annika believe and stood too, biting her lips in confusion and unable to voice out her feelings. Shivaay checked his laugh, he is definitely enjoying this.

A tongue tied Annika is rare to watch. He laughed at her innosence.

"Shivaay....I don't know.....h...how..." Annika stumbled but was distracted by a loud continuous knock at the door. Eveything forgotten, she hasten to hide Shivaay, family discovering Shivaay inside her room would be a disaster. The last thing she wants right now. Shivaay was puzzled too, there's no room for hiding in this small room. Finally, agreeing on same spot, she hid him under the bed. Checking he was hid well, numerous times she opened the door. As expected, no men of the house will come to her room, it was nani.
Nani stood with quizzical eyes, a little raised eyebrows, looked like she sensed something; elderly people have this strange sense of sniffing mischief. Annika stood stiff and unchanged, smiling- well, fake smiling. To Hide nervousness.

"Nani? Wh... why are you still up? D...do you need anything?" Annika fumbled, playing with fingers, also sighting with corner of eyes towards the bed. Nani stood unmoved, engrossed thinking. Her stern poise bought more self consciousness, Annika asked again, shaky voice giving away the secret.

"Nani, d...do you N...Need something?" Nani noticed nervousness, with puzzled look walked up to her, "Are You hiding something?" Nani's queries were a general one, but as the old saying goes in hindi, chor ki daadhi me tinka.... Annika was petrified! Throat dried, eyes popped like mushroom buttons and lips moved too and fro like a fish! She laughed nervously, with intension of hiding bed, Walked upto Nani, distracting her sight.
"Why would I hide anything? I mean I don't have anything to hide...why are you saying this?" She caught hold of her hand, when Nani looked almost as puzzled as her.

"I don't know.....I thought I should come here, but why I don't know. And there is something I was looking for...I don't know....what it was?" Nani tried to remember, suddenly out of no where she spoke a word which took Annika's breaths. Also the thief of the moment, who was having a difficult time laying like a foot mat at the bottom of the bed, coughed! Surprised and holding breath. He bit lips on the blunder he made... While Annika could only close her eyes in despair and cursed under her throat.

"Billu...." This is what nani said, which was like a nuclear bomb to shivika's shenanigans.

"W... what Nani? Who? H..h...how did you....I mean who?" Annika, in her futile attempt of covering lower parts of the bed, tried to act normal but her face gave away, red and tensed a few drop of sweat started to form. Nani was very ignorant of eveything, she didn't mean anything like Annika thought, poor lady was looking for her earrings. She met house helper on her way to the room, she was in a hurry, and suddenly, asked Nani to call Annika for the dinner. Nani came just to inform her. Unaware, her so called grand daughter already ate and was having little cozy moment with her soon- to -be- husband and a silly best friend, whose name happens to be billu.

"What happened to you? Sardi badhti jaa rahi h aur tujhe paseena aa raha hai?" Nani chimed and looked at the surrounding, actually trying to think what she was looking for... But Annika thought it differently.

She tried to misdirect her, but failed miserably.

"What are you looking for Nani?" Annika asked and Nani gave a puzzled look, trying to figure out missing the parts herself, Annika knew her memories are very irregular, she can remember anything to anyone, also forgets in an instant, she hoped for the luck.

"No. I am not looking for anything, I came here to call you for dinner." Nani said finally.

A little relaxed Annika tried to double check, if she saw anyone inside the room.

"What are you saying about billu? Who is billu?" Annika said, the real billu cringed, as he hates that name. Also, suffocated by the little space under the bed. He muttered few things for Annika's inefficiency and listened eveything at the same time.

"Who billu? Who said billu? What are you saying putter, I think you're not well, you're sweating, stammering and now this? I was saying, Neelu called you for dinner." Saying so nani sat on the bed, tired of continuous walking. Annika gripped her kurta while

Shivaay patted his head in despair, such a bad idea to come over to meet her, first she scolded him, then his plan of irritating Annika messed up, now she is completely failing to clear the situation. And was helpless to do anything, except listening to Nani's non stop talks. Now he realized from whom, Annika inherited this non stop chatter box quality.
Nani's reply did helped her get back to normal self, Nani was mentioning Neelu not billu...... Heaving a sigh and forgetting about the billu in the room, she chatted merrily with nani. When the said, cat eyed man pinched her under the bed, then she realised she had a mission in hand.

"Nani, I am not hungry you go and have your meal." She said abruptly standing from the bed, while Nani was all in leisure.
She didn't listened to Annika and talked about eveything random. She got perfect opportunity too, Annika wasn't hungry and she need to tell about the history of her earrings, which she already filled throughout the day to Annika. She heard it around 20th time.
Tired and exhausted by sleeping in that position Shivaay had enough. Damn! Man... he is 'The Shivaay singh Oberoi' who the hell in this world will tell him to hide like that? Yes, the chatter box can, but it's enough now. He need to show, he isn't afraid of anyone, not even her. Well, he was inviting a cold war for later but need of getting out was important. So many things are planned for tomorrow, he came out of the bed.

Annika gasped at the moment, followed by anger and now, with fear of getting caught. Nani was not giving any expression, she sat as still as lake water. Annika stared at him, and murmured, scared for him and reaction of Nani. Shivaay approach the older day in the room, bend down to take blessings and Nani happily spread her hands over his head. Annika looked shocked to see the scenario, but felt happy.

"I am Shivaay... Nani, I don't know if you remember me or not! but we have meet earlier, few years back. I am Annika's best Friend." He paused and Annika rolled her eyes, he is also afraid to tell whole truth she thought. While Shivaay added shocking her again.
"I love her, she loves me too, we're going to get married soon. I know this family won't accept her or me but I know you love her, so please bless us Nani." He said looking at Annika's grandmother and later to her granddaughter. Annika bend down to join him for the blessings, Nani was smiling now, happy to see them together, unable to recognize Shivaay but she knew they are meant to be together. She spread hands over them. Making both happy and thankful.
Nani was genuinely happy, unable to say much to Shivaay, instead, spread her hands over Annika's face and with a warmth of a mother, said, " Kanji aakhon wala baghad billa , Acha hai." Shivaay's eyes widened, Annika couldn't control her chuckle.

Why? Why all amusing languages come to his way, Sahil, Annika now Nani... And what is this baghad billa means anyway! He nods in surrender. After few minutes Nani walks away, she was very much engrossed in her search for the earrings, now she has a reason too. The door closed.

Finally it all ended, but how can Annika keep quite after that?

"What were you even thinking, coming out?" Annika was angry, very angry. His plan has to wait again for sometime.

"What? You were unable to send her back, I was tired lying over there and she didn't say anything, why are you hyper?" Shivaay questioned keeping the tone low.

"Don't you know I have lied to them, I don't have anyone, they took me because of it, now, this...what if Nani blurts eveything by mistake? Shivaay this is too dangerous, I think you should go back to mumbai, you're at risk here...go ..right away, book a ticket or call your chopper... Go Shivaay..." Annika breathed out, saying eveything in one breath and taking air, finally afterwards.

Shivaay crossed his hands over his chest and looked at her desperate yet futile measures. Annika ran from one end of room to another, thinking loud about the consequence of his sudden appearance.

Having heard so much of banter, and that frown on face, Shivaay leaped on her and capturing both hands behind her back, like a tight knot of rope, with one hand over face, cupping it, to hold on for few minutes. His eyes looked deep into hers, intensity of such measure was witnessed after very long. Hot fanning breaths on face, and eyes which digged insides of her heart, the words like a thunder, he spoke- crisp, clear but gentle.
"I love you Annika! And I am not going anywhere without you, that is my final decision." The pause was not long, he spoke again.

" I know you fear for me, but you also know, depth of Shivaay Singh Oberoi's love. I can burn the world for you, and even get burned for you. So, don't try shooing me off.... I am not going anywhere!" The words hit her hard, this isn't something which is completely alien to her.

Shivaay's love is infectious, it's not for just sake of it, he gives everything in relationship. One quality, she is proud of, also, scares her.
For now, listening these words swelled her heart with delight. He loves her.........that itself sounds so heartwarming. Finally he said it, face to face, heart to heart. Tears dwelled up, enough to express her reaction, she was dying to hear it.

"Say that again.." Annika whispers, Shivaay knew what she wants to hear.

"I said....I. Love . You." Shivaay stressed every word, Annika closed her eyes in reaction. Oh! that felt suger like......like she was craving for gajar ka halwa in one cold winter day, suddenly, someone placed it right in front of her. But she wasn't satisfied, she wants to savour it, each and every granules of it. She leaned into him, completely giving herself to him.

"Say that with my name...." She said eyes closed, body on him, and Shivaay obliged.
He can even shout that to the world now, his Annika knows it, now won't fear anything.

"I said....I love you Annika. And I will love you more with my every breath I take." He ended the sentences advancing and placing his lips over hers, ever so gently. It was involuntarily done, he had planned this for so long-term a perfect proposal, a Great night together and at the end of the date, passionate kiss. When Annika is involved his all plans doesn't turn up well.

The mere touch of those lustrous lips, oh! The ever so desired lips.... made him insane. They were Perfectly made for eachother, sensations were unexplainable. Annika's desire for a confession turned out to be a profitable one, got bonus too. It felt like a beautiful dream. A dream she would like to enjoy everyday.

Shivaay's passion increased, a mere touch of skin wasn't very fulfilling for him, he let go of her hand, cupped her face and taking bottom of her lips into his mouth he witnessed heaven. It was unimaginable for him. What was more unimaginable was, Annika, she took initiative and captured his upper lip into hers. She gave every bit of her, to him. Mundane things like breathing long forgotten, they were completely engrossed in the present, pleasure. Breathless pleasure.
She was surprised to see this part of her.

Her best friend, with whom she was so close, physically and emotionally; never crossed a line.  Three words, changed her life altogether, and she, like a stupid got anxious when they were at the beginning of this alliance.

She opened her eyes, when his teeth brushed her lips in sudden passion of love. Mouth to mouth, lips to lips, eye to eye, they were exactly at the same place together, burning in same heat of the moment. An intensified face looked even more desirable on him, a  smile crept on her entangled lips; she tried to loosen her grip, he refused, wasn't letting her go. He wanted eveything, more.
She whispered inside his mouth, " Say you love me..!" It was her greed which led her, because nothing is more precious than those beautiful words from his lips. With effort of moving a mountain he lets her go.

Shivaay kissed her for the last time, lingering for a longer time, he said it again, with raked breath and even more intensity, "I love...love you Annika." And she hugged him, with all the love she has for him, whispering exactly same words to him.

"I love you Shivaay.."

Uneasy breath, hot and heated face, plummed lips and a sudden unidentified physical attraction, they stood looking at eachother, still holding hands, after a long hug. Strangely feeling shy, Annika couldn't look at him, Shivaay's penetrating eyes didn't leave face, not wanting to part ways they were still very close, holding hands and silent. When he spoke first.

"I am not going anywhere, I have got you after an eternity, and now it's impossible for me to leave you even for a second." Annika just looks at him, unable to hold it for long, she wasn't shy girl but she felt different, and Shivaay sounded different. This side of him makes her shy.

Shivaay pulled his free hand, and just like that caresses her bottom plumped lips with his thumb, wanting more and remembering the taste of it, it was enchanting for him, like his own combination of drug.

"But Shivaay..." Annika said meekly, eveything said and done, this place isn't very suitable for him, infact, not even for her but she fears for him more than anything.

"Sush now, listen to me carefully, Annika this isn't about me, nor you, an individual only looses something when he or she doubt their own strength, my strength is you, but you what is yours? it's also You!. I know a girl who is so strong, inspite of a troubled childhood, without parents, living with strangers, and she did wonders for herself. It was you..... It was your strength which made you what you're today. I got inspired by your strength, infact I loved you because you're such a strong person."

Now his words became serious like her old friend. He cupped both his hands over her face.
" Annika, I know these few months were very hard on you, but don't loose yourself. And Now, I am with you, be what you truly are. Just look at yourself, tensed line on forehead, sleepy eyes and that continuous frown of worries! Why? You were not a weak person, who is this? Where is my Annika, whom I knew... ." Shivaay said without being disturbed by Annika's few denials, in gestures. He continued because now it's time for her to be what she is.. trying to win over something, loosing her own values is not aspiring.

"Do you know who is Annika? That 12 yrs old girl, who had guts to scold Rudy for hurting an innocent cubby girl, remember how you helped Soumya become Friends with Rudra? You are that. That Annika who gave a smack, on  head boys face, so strong that he bit his lips and it bled like crazy, just because he was bullying me.! Do you know that girl Annika?  No. Because she is lost somewhere. I want that Annika back. I want my chubby, talkative and spontaneous best friend back. Can I get her?" Shivaay's eyes searching for a ray of hope in hers, she was lost in the puddle of past, where she was so free, tough, even now she is free to choose but strangely that carefree nature of hers is lost. And Shivaay is right, it's her fears that led to destroy that Annika, in hers. Few minutes silence and Shivaay spoke again.

"I am always with you, if our love couldn't compete with the situations, I know our friendship will definitely do. So Annika I need my best to be by my side. When I see you next, I need that strength in you, spark of old unfathomable strength of you back." He said the words, pecked on her forehead and untangle her hands with his, and looked at her finally, ready to leave. Suddenly came for a peck on her lips and Walked out of the same window. Annika stood stupefied, unable to move she felt kaleidoscope of emotions. Thare were so many colours when couldn't fathom what overpowered her most. Strangely she felt strong again. And a small smile lingering on her lips, she touched for feel of him, and today she slept- deep, relaxing and happy sleep.


Hey dearies

Again late this time, I know it's not good to be irregular but forgive me, I was trying to get this part correct, I wanted Annika to get a little reality check. Don't you think she has become too emotional like daily soap heroine?... Well, I hope now she behaves normally.


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