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Sunrises bring hope for the day, a new beginning to create your life, mould it the way you want it. Suddenly, the positive energy engulfed inside a smiling Annika. Its been a month, today she wasn't just staring at image in the mirror, for the first time in two months she is looking at herself. A long forgotten image of a self achieved, well educated, confident and independent women. Where was she in these days? Hiding inside a hideous cloak of somebody else! She isn't completely unaware of this fact, being unfair towards self- her independent self.  Sometimes even scolded, bashed situations like a naughty brat for creating this' inferior version of hers'.
When Shivaay said those words it hit her hard! In a good way. She always looked at herself through his eyes. Yes, may be it's not a good thing to do; individuality is the call of millennium, she is a believer of feminism too. But, she can't help it, her situation in her growing up days were little uncontrollable. Shivaay was her family, literally. And, a child looks upto his or her family- moulds itself according to their thoughts, their image of themselves. For her Shivaay's view was important and still it is. He always taught her or told her, that, she is the strongest girl he had ever known. She can swear on her life, if Shivaay didn't said this with conviction, earlier in her life, her situation and her atitude towards life would have been different. His belief, confidence, protection and environment he provided were the walls of a building, where she nurtured saplings of her growing buds.
Too much praise for a man? he should get that credit, infact, Omru even Priyanka will agree, Shivaay's beliefs gave them confidence to live a life they want it. She sometimes wonder, how is he able to do it? He is just few years older to her,  from where does he brings such strength and maturity inside him? It's commendable. Annika never praised him, ever, but he knew she admired him for this very nature.

So, for now, when Annika comes back to present, specifically yesterday's shenanigans with him. She realised, he was in fact correct in pointing that out. Annika isn't a weak person crying just because she couldn't contact him! Or weak to listen all cursing words of someone who doesn't love her. Jhanvi, all these years was so critical about her, living within the same roof, she never bothered by her words then why now? Who are they to hurt her like that? And why even she is behaving pitied? Yes she lied, she don't have anyone But that doesn't mean she is weak.!

Thinking this and a lot of others things she opened, a long forgotten treasure box- suitcase. First mobile, now clothes, she was coming back to her old self slowly. Annika spread her hands over her neatly arranged clothes, remembering how fanatically and abruptly she left Oberoi mansion. A sad smile escapes her lips, adamant and headstrong she is! This reminds her of the days spend without him, sleepless nights, guilt filled days and constant fear of loosing eveything. Now things are so much better, yes she still isn't completely out of it, but his confession made her day. Shivaay said he loves her...a tinkling sensation runs through her, a ticklishness, starts from her core travelling through, spine and ends at her lips, she can still feel his touch. The sweet and minted taste of his tongue, hots fanning breaths, thumping of their heartbeats and his love filled eyes, piercing through her nerves, It was delicious. Involuntarily her fingers touched the exact spot of their mating of lips. She blushed...

The Kundra clan is hustled and murmured in incoherent sounds, today a ritual has to be done, the chunari rasam of the wedding couple. For the first time she will be taking part in any function, also, meeting the prospect groom; no, not interested him or his over exaggerated praise, physical admiration of those whom she shared few words, also the bride.
Bride- for name sake she is her cousin sister but there's nothing called sisterly behavior which they shared. Same age group didn't really worked in favour of their friendship, Annika don't have any personal grudge with her, infact she was very happy initially, looking forward to know her.  But for her, Annika is just an unwanted guest, prying at her place in the 'haveli', as they call it. Annika tried her best to irradiate the dust of misunderstandings but after some time she Also left the surface as it is. A relationship should always have a double effort, she can't be the only one working for it, so, they don't gel well.

Annika is unable to figure out what kind of admiration people have for the prospective groom, only thing she knew is, he is handsome. Just that. As if she is interested or even care to look at him. But for once she wanted to know how he looked!

Is he Better than Shivaay? A thought occurred to her, it wasn't a thought of comparison, neither to judge him or Shivaay in same scale, Shivaay will be way more great than him. No doubt about that.  No.... It was pure jealousy, a trait of sibling rivalry. She wants to show the spoilt, little creature that, when Shivaay is in the scene, there's no parallels.

Flaring, her lace anarkali turquoise suit, she hopped into the kitchen, only place she could talk freely. Glow from last night, beautiful spirit and a light mood made every eye turned to her, she isn't a make up person but she didn't need one today, just the smile did wonders for her. The usually hidden and low Annika is shining, everyone noticed, few got jealous of her subtle dress and envied her natural gorgeousness.
Annika is happy, infact on cloud nine! It's like, Shivaay just needs to be around her and eveything looks so easy and cheerful for her, she thought. Zoning out again, she can't help herself for falling in dreamy land today.

While getting so many emotions through eyes by so many people, she came to know about today's special day or more specifically, the whole wedding charade.
Today they'll be signing the deal of a famous factory land which belongs to the groom and his family, which happens to be an elected MLA. Kundra family is already infamous for its illegal activities wanted a vent out, a venture to safeguard their illegally build empire, they had money but redemption was necessary, so they went for a legal process, they were planning a manufacturing industry and for that they need political support, which MLA Pradhan is happy to provide in one condition; to turn the business deal into a relationship. What's better than a marriage right? So it was all purpose collaboration, only love deducted. So in Short, the business- deal- cum- marrige, is important for the Kundra family. Then she realized, why are they so eager to make it huge. Decorations and lighting of this level, for a chunari rasam is too much tp digest. What is more absurd is, they are doing it for a girl child!... Hypocrisy at its high, however, she feels guilty to say it, but they aren't her family anymore. Only one emotion she has for them is empathy, towards the neglected population of the family, women, the silently bearing living creatures of the so Called 'haveli'.


Somewhere in LOC

"Why aren't we firing?"

"We have orders captain, don't retort!"

"For how long can we handle this? This is f***king insane."

"Is this your first combat captain?" There was a mocking smile in his face. How can someone even smile at this situation? Leave the mocking part! Om thought. Nonetheless, he nodded in affirmative. A blast nearest to them cuaght hold of his breath for few seconds. How the hell people live like this? He thought, his artistic nature trying to align the surrounding and the need of doing all of the menaces and violence? Why this is necessary?

Om was stuck up in a combat like situation for a week now, the other side of line of control is continuously bombarding bullets and bombs on his troupe. Which is more heart shivering is, is the fact that they are ordered, not to take any action against them, they were told to hide themselves in the barricaded tunnels. Om don't want to challenge efficiency of his seniors but he is hating, being holded like this, its a week, now. Sans the food and air, inside the close space almost on the laps of other trope members, devoid of the basic necessities. He was trained to do all of this, and he was a good cadet too, but training and actually living those situation are two different aspects all together he thought. His chain of thoughts were broken by a silence that followed after the last blast.

"Are they over now?" He asked, being a new entrants he didn't knew eveything. His senior, who is a good punjabi fellow but is irritated with so many questions from Om's side answered.

"You wish? They are having fun. They'll do it again, when they'll come back from the loo." He laughed, astonishing Om, how can people joke in these life threatening situation? he thought, forcing a smile to give him company. They didn't move outside, just sat, waiting for next round of bombarding. Getting time for a relaxed conversation. The commander told them to be at ease.

"This is your first time? That's why you're feeling all tensed up! It's usual. You'll get habituation to it! Dont worry."captain Joginder Singh has a beautiful smile he thought.

"....I get it, that's why you're so relaxed about it." Om joined.

"Who said I am relaxed? Someone is pointing gun at you and continuously throwing life taking bomb, how can you think, I'll be relaxed?"

"Then?... You don't look frightened or disheveled like I am, I am having day dreams about getting scattered like piece of paper, and it's taking shit out of me." Om cursed.

"Hey, hey relax captain, we'll feel same, trust me, nobody is having fun out here, it's just we're use to it, we know we'll be getting murdered like piece of shit but.... that's how life here is, unpredictable. If you saved yourself from this, there's no guarantee you'll be saved from other. You just get use to it." The sikh partner was in fact correct.

"That I understand, even if I leave the border alive there's no guarantee I'll be reaching home safely, that's what life is. And I made myself very clear about this thing while joining the army." Om responded and got a nod from his fellow member.

" So my Friend, don't panic when you hear all the bullets, yes it's frightening, takes shit out of you, but that what we do, we give our shit to save the shit of our fellow Indians right?" His friend was now having a good time cursing in English. He was missing this so much; a small talk with someone.

"But why aren't we fighting, I don't think we're are weak than them....why are we hiding like this? If death has to come then why aren't fighting it like soldiers do?" Om asked because this was bothering him too much.

"Well, this is a technical thing, which I am also learning, but what I have known is, they fire like this when they have to give shield to border crossing terrorist, this isn't official but the firing people aren't interested in making you dead, they are just protecting the terrorist who are crossing the border, they are distracting us. Possibly, the firing is not from army of other side too...so as per the law we can't just fire in their direction. So...my friend we aren't firing." Joginder told om, and somehow Om got more confused and tracing the confusion Joginder spoke again.

"Firing at the other country without any reason is violation of law, as they will claim terrorist are doing it, we'll be called the law breakers, so our seniors are avoiding that. Also, our lives are important than fake combat between the few terrorist, who are anyway can't get away easily when they'll entre the internal borders, after every fire like these we make security more secure to catch them in internal borders, and that the reason sometimes civilian had to face trouble. We are also handcuffed by the situation, we can't risk entire nations security, just because of inconvenience of few. Right!" Om now got situation, he is now thinking hard, depth of the matter is beyond layman's understanding. How easily we judge people, like he did, he thought. He judged his seniors, the opposite army and even his fellow Friend in just few seconds. Eveything has a reason behind it, good bad or anything, nothing comes without reason, only one thing now he understood, nobody actually wants war. Because, War is or nevee will be a solution. It's just a tact to avoid present, for a healthy future peace is what required.
Om went to his old philosophical self. When again the bombarding took shit out of him, this time he didn't panicked, just took his position.

(Eveything I wrote is completely imaginary, i don't know anything about army or how they handle situation. I don't want to hurt any one. Even those who share LOC with India. So I avoided taking any name of any country. Also, they are cursing, didn't mean anything, just a human instinct when they are in panicked situation. I hope I don't get any bad comment regarding this.?)


Completely opposite to morning scenario, atmosphere in 'haveli' seemed different, the cheerfulness and proud grin was replaced by a gloominess. Nobody knew what happened, specifically the ladies were not aware of anything, Annika doubts there is something which shattered them, while not able to point out things, she sat with the ladies eyeing at gents from her place, holding Nani's hands, who was still reminiscing over her lost earring.

"Beta....mere kitne armaan they, tujhe wo jhumka pehente dekhu....is salwar ke saath kitne jachte tujhe.....dekho suna kaan leke baithi huyi hai......pata nahi... kaha....." ( She wasn't feeling good looking at her empty ears. she reminisces about her earrings which she wanted to gift it to her, she said in her usual self). Annika didn't listened to her after that...this is seventh time she is repeating it. Anyways, she isn't interested in jewellery for now, she has got a fresh ,new, delicious case in front of her. Her lawyer instinct wanted to help them out because she could feel they are having a difficult time figuring out.

From her vintage point she can see the males of the house thinking hard, the grumpy hitler sat in the middle holding his stick and his stern eyes together, there stood Bade mama on his left, while chote mama was walking too and fro, tensed, such a kitten he is, even a knock at door takes his breath away. While bade mama's elder son- Pratap stood with a calm face but she can bet is thinking about his alcohol party later at night. While younger one- Bhanu, like a bouncing ball trying to escape the room, getting angry unnecessarily, he has only one solution- beat the opponent, he doesn't have head over his body it's heat furnace, its blows and he is ready to beat someone.

Chote mama has a younger son... smallest of all, he is a teenager, suraj, nowhere to be seen, must be roaming around with his friends. There's hope in him, still not touched by his family's shadows, he is sharpest and smartest of them all. And Anamika, the probable bride is still busy in her make-up, which is going on for a three hours now is chote mama's daughter and only daughter in the family, off course after her, but......

That's how her mom's family looked like. If name and the history is taken from them, they are just as normal as any other middle class family, but the way they pretend themselves, is an amusement. They treat themselves as the king of the place. Sans education, humanity, gratitude and compassion they don't even equal to be compared with a honest middle class man.

Annika has seen so many people in her NGO who work for themselves, make a name and build a life full of sincerity. They feel others pain and work to build a life for the needy, that's what a family should teach it's children, that's what a teaching counts as one.
Her sudden diversion of thought returned when she saw, The tensed environment was not fading anytime soon, it was very indulging and when MLA Pradhan entered the scene it became a lot more denser than earkier. He also looked very hesitant and forced a smile in meeting them, the glares from Hitler was enough to shut him down.

The hushed anger lasted too long, a hyper active brother was moving like he'll just pounce on the minister. She was so indulged, she tried to hear something out from them, she could only hear, 'high command....', 'double Price'....., and 'I tried'.... from minister, this seemed such a messed up situation. She was so intrigued by the conversation, she piqued inside the room where all men conference was going on. She laughed looking at them(internally), she could help if they needed, but they won't ask. But in the whole fiasco she missed one call from Shivaay, he was calling at this untimely hour, she couldn't pick it up. She replied with a message that she'll call him later.

Today they didn't really talked, only the waking up call from him, and a five minute long heavy breath, blushed pauses  summarised their conversation today. Tonight she need to be a little open about their relationship. Well, she doesn't know what she'll talk but, she is craving already to spend time with him, but not now.

Chunari rasam was supposed to be held after lunch. It's already, passed 4 in the evening, and they haven't called for Anamika. Though the conversation was going, inside the room. When Neela went to give snacks to them, she heard no words, only silence she said. Annika could see they are freaking out.
Suddenly, MLA Pradhan got a call, calm and peace was something to be noticeable. Annika looked at his demanueor changing. Suddenly, the hustle moved to the main entrance of the house, they moved from sitting room to the entrance, kitchen area is just opposite of the entrance, divided by a huge multipurpose space, acts as hall but it's open from above, which is decked up as bride for today's ritual. Other rooms surrounds this space in a square shape. Sitting on her small low chair, which gave her the perfect view, she was looking at them.
Before anyone could speak, Neelu spoke into her ear, startling her, " Dekhna Pradhan saab ka beta hoga.....tu dekhti reh jayegi ,ekdum hero lagta hai."  Neelu chuckled, afraid of being heard, next moment she found Anamika walking down the stairs, definitely her hero has arrived Annika thought. So much fuss about him? Who the hell is he after all?

Eerie silence, that's what prevailed inside the house, girls were sucking their breaths, while men? Annika couldn't understand, why are they so serious? Behind the crowd of people, Annika could see, a blueish black Jaguar halted outside, there were murmers around the corners, few men stopped by the door, she could see the excitement in Anamika eyes, which assured it was him, the famous Vikram Pradhan, the eligible bachelor of the town.

But.... few seconds later the heavy breathes stuck inside her, no, not over excited Anamika. It was Annika whose gaze fall on the next person standing with him. She couldn't breathe, as if world spun around her, there stood-  decked up in all black tuxedo, over a stark white shirt, peeking through his perfectly tailored body, hidding blue eyes behind his Dior shades( He does it to hide his beautiful, expression filled eyes, he calls his mystery behind shades) Custom made Louis Philip shoes, clicking on dusted ground, making his presence fell, walking like a predator- ready to pounce on his prey, the easy yet, 'I- own- the- world- walk'. His ever present smirk, which gave an upper clutch over his rival, he wins by his attitude. Yes, The Great SSO has arrived, Shivaay Singh Oberoi in his glorified form has arrived at the door step. Annika couldn't blink her eyes, it was like a dream only she knew it isn't, he is actually here, why? That's a very interesting question, well, she needs an answer, Right now!

Her anger, turned into jealousy when she heard heavy sighs from behind, every girl was gushing over him, their faces were awed by his beauty, he is infact shining out in between all the people present. Anamika's jaws dropped, her vikram looked punny in front him. Annika won, the battle of cousin rivalry.

Even if she won it, For now, she isn't interested in this game. When the most distracting thing is present, Why he need to show up like this? Risking so many things altogether! His safety, her stay and most importantly 'They'.
The most important thing remains to be- Why is he here?


Sorry guys for the delay, but I hope You enjoyed the update. So....how many of guessed it was Shivaay altogether?
Do tell me honestly.


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