|Twenty- Four|

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The night spent itself into oblivion, Om woke up with a slight migraine because of all troubled thoughts about future; Shivaay woke up with an anxiety, he couldn't fathom what was going on. Annika has not yet called him back, a message came though, saying she is fine and is busy with all the arrangements at hand, call back when gets free. And this isn't a good sign, he need to be by her side right now. Om's condition looked bad and Shivaay is struggling to put his priority fix, heartbeat gave away ideas of dangerous alarms about Annika and responsibility towards brother caught hold of him. Fanatically called khanna thousands time by now. And to his dismay Khanna has Only one thing to say, she is with the ladies, and busy with them. He isn't not allowed inside because it's a private celebration. Khanna tried sending some aid's in the form of relatives, and they said she is okay. Nothing sounds compelling to him. His urge to see her grew more. Annika is very good at camouflage, master of hiding, nobody will know what's going on, except with him. Shivaay knew that's the only reason she is avoiding him. He knew that, But why? What changed in just two days? He ran his fingers through hairs, strangling them, it's frustrating, same old feeling;  Similar to days when she left him, few months back. Nope. He won't let that happen again. He have to go.... But Om? He needs his brother, even Rudy  needs him right now, what can he do now?

Rudy found Shivaay walking in contemplation- to and fro, something is bothering his brother, moving close, Rudy recognized tensed lines and first thought came was Om, is he alright? But He saw Om sleeping on medication.
"What happened bhaiya? Om?" Rudy asked  a tensed Shivaay. Shivaay heaved a long breath to let his worry come out, but it didn't worked,  rather it was increasing with every second.
"I.... Don't...know... I... I... called Annika. And she is not picking up her phone... everything looks good, Khanna says it's good, Annika messages it's alright but...." He paused unable to continue, now the thought is killing him, its strange how vulnerable he is acting, why can't troubles come in sequence he could handle that way....All of it together is creating problem for him.. He isn't a weak person, this pain in chest is not going and he knew for sure its something to do with Annika.

"Bhaiyya sit first. What is it? But what?...is AD  in danger? What...how do you... I mean what made you think that?" Rudy asked confused to either press the topic or not.

"I don't know. That's the thing, Khanna won't lie, he tried everything he could to give the information, but something is not right. I can feel it in here!" He said pointing towards the chest. Rudra knew what that meant. It's his bhaiyya's little secret, he can feel Annika's pain.
"And she isn't talking to me, it's not helping me either. I don't know, with every passing minute, my anxiety is rising. I didn't know what to do. Om's temperature gone up, blood pressure is rising too, he needs me here, and I know you need me too. But Annika....I can't...I am feeling so helpless right now..and... eveything that has happened in these days is making me nervous you know...I don't want to lose anyone. For the first time I am scared... I don't want to think about it but...It's just... roaming around my head..and...." He paused to take a breath. Rudy is unable to help, how can he possibly tell his super hero brother to calm down when himself is so worried about eveything.
"Calm down bhaiyya, I know its difficult for you to handle this, trust me nobody could rather than you. You have to be strong okay... Om is Okay now, its just fluctuations, he'll get better. We need to give him time to recover." Shivaay heaved a sigh of breath again, Om is fine.. it's just Annika he is worried about.

"This Annika na...never listens to me. I told her that place is not good, come with me, we'll take Nani too but no, she needs to do Only those things which she think is right. Stubborn. I told her to call back and she is avoiding me...I just can't imagine if something happens...." He paused clenching his jaws, Rudy noticed his strained thoughts.
"It's just three hours from here right? Why can't you Go and see her bhaiyya?" Rudy suggested Shivaay's eyes saw some hope. He figured that earlier he has this choice, the thought occurred to him thousands times but was apprehensive because of Om's condition.

Now when he sees conviction and strength in Rudy, feels this can be possible. But he checked again to analyse Rudy's strength, however strong Rudy acts, he is just a small child afterall.

"Are you sure Rudy? I thought about it but you'll have to be stronger than ever to handle anything! Do you think...." He was cut short between his statement.
"I know bhaiya you feel I am still immature to crumpled over hard situation but trust me, I can handle it. And I know om is fine there's nothing to be worried about. Go check on AD, she is alone."

Shivaay jumped on excitement and hugged Rudy. His happiness is child like, who won something too precious. Surprisingly Rudy, hugging unexpectedly is his forte afterall.

"Thank you, I am so glad you are here Rudy. Just 6 hours, I'll be back this time with her even if I had to threaten her... she'll have to come with me. Take care of om and yourself. I hoping you'll be good.!"  He asked Suddenly concern.

"Off course. Bhaiyya I would have also came but someone should be here right?" Rudy joined his excitement.
"Thank you Rudra.... you ended my anxiety. I'll check with the tickets okay. Wait.. thank you again."

Shivaay's dark demanueor changed a bit, he was excited and Rudy was even happier to give some sort of relaxation to ever increasing burden. Rudy wanted to see Annika too but as the situation won't allow he will meet his AD after they come back to Mumbai as couple, as shivika, the same way he shipped them.


Shivaay's anxiety wasn't reducing at all, he was excited as well as praying to almighty to keep Annika safe. Restlessness was eating him up, with reference to Annika his heart never lies. An hour long flight took his all energy, driving a four wheeler all by himself, not believing the driving skills of any driver, he sped up to meet his life...

Reaching the 'haveli' almost at the low evening light, which looked, silent and calm from outside giving a ghostly feel to the place.

Walking down the front door Shivaay could feel the Erie silence, not many things has changed, only the extension made for wedding was being winding up, which is obvious after the wedding was done, entering the house he saw khanna waiting outside the main door, he was already told to keep an eye on the happenings of the house, taking in view the security for Annika. He stood tired and pacing around, Shivaay stood by him to gather some information.

"Sir! You? Here. you didn't informed you're coming . " He said relaxed as well as anxious, which confused Shivaay..

"I don't have time Khanna. How is she? Have you talked to her?" Shivaay came directly to the business.

"Sir... actually" Khanna looked hesitant, eyeing, bad news in anticipation, Shivaay waited for him to complete.

"Will you speak up fast, I told you I don't have time." Shivaay shouted, he knew there's something going on.

"I don't know how to say this...I am sorry sir... but Annika mam looked not good.....I ...." The bile rose inside Shivaay's stomach, he was so sure about this which doesn't surprise him. 'The uneasiness he felt was not usual. It was about her, and he hated to admit it's his fault. Yes it was, how dare he left her alone with these demons? When situation was so volatile, they were pushed to the edge and they'll be retaliating back, he knew...but.... He left her. Controlling his boiling emotion he still waited for Khanna's words.
" Throughout the wedding she didn't showed up to me, only talked through people, I couldn't go inside. Today I saw her, somehow I managed to take a look inside the house, she was.....sir..She is injured....as if someone hurted her...her.face.... covered with dark..." The Swift of air told him, Shivaay had enough, the storm was coming. Khanna's blood boiled looking at Annika's condition. If Shivaay kills for her, he won't be surprised.

"Annika.... Annika..." He shouted inside the open area, his vice sharp as blade the pain and anguish heated the blood running inside him, red with hatred and with killing instincts he called louder for her, now he just wants to see her.... How much harmed or how he'd be taking back at them is secondary,his life is hurt and he needs to see her.
However Annika didn't showed up, all family members gathered hearing his roar, few feared ferral eyes, few were bewildered, anticipation and a war on head for other members, nobody was ashamed of what happened. Not one bowed head to show their disapproval to eveything. The anger build inside him, he is going to kill someone, he knew...for now he needs to see her first.

"Why are you shouting like a mad man? This is a house, that to our house, be respectful about it." Came the reply from the younger Kundra, Shivaay avoided his taunt, for now he is in a special need of seeing someone.

"Annika.... where are you?" He shouted again, like a plea and the anger boiling inside his nerves.

"Don't You understand? Are you an idiot or what? Don't shout inside our house, otherwise, consequence will not be good." He warned, awakening the ferral animal inside Shivaay's body. Avoiding him for second time, Shivaay spoke with a thunder.

"Annika....if you don't want to see a bloodshed here, just come out because today either I will be covered in red or this entire family will...!" This wasn't for threatening her, or intimidate her. It was an indirect challenge to the people present there. Ramble was to fence something unethical, he knew for sure now, something has passed inside the house and he is loosing it. His strength is giving up. He wants to believe Annika is fine, and the bloodshed is the last thing she wishes for anyone, it was necessary to warn her, if this doesn't brings her up, he would destroy the whole god damn! world. And he means it, not another part of his life going to be okay if another important aspect of his life is hurt. And not Annika for of all the people.

"I said shut up..." A ragging bull hits the corner of Shivaay eye, it was him, he isn't a very muscular man but a physically fit and healthy one, and the sudden blow on Shivaay's face impacted so much he fell on the ground. With a side drop on the surface he was hit by the hard concrete. Shriek, gasp and surprised everyone looked at the scenario which turned so violent Suddenly. Shivaay's eyes fuming with anger but he is hold himself till the time she  comes out.

Calling her again, he stood up, again to be trashed by the brother. This time a tinge of blood ooze out of his mouth, struggling with his erratic breaths, he stood again, paused to take up the breath, he knew it's not because of the hit, it's his heart pounding over his chest, he remember how he fell unconscious back in childhood when she was hospitalized by his chilly ice cream, the pain was same, he hoped he doesn't faint like that day because he had a business to finish. Wiping off the blood he gathered energy to shout again, this time Kundra was ready to hit him again...

"Annika...." Shivaay shouted and he was expecting a hard blow on his face, he heard the noise, it was as if someone has got hit, but he was surprised he didn't feel the pain, and.... he felt her, it was her, the room felt silent almost dead and they all witnessed a different face of silence. The unsettling image of otherwise calm Annika.

Eyes shining red with anger like fire blaring, hands shaken by the impact of slap she placed on her brother. The intensity she looked at others was deep, dangerous. She would kill in that exact moment. The talisman of her anger was present on her left hand, holding a sword which took all the attention. It was mysterious when did she cuaght hold of it.

The sword is a family antic- legacy of forefathers; wars faught with enemies, a weapon which was a pride for them. Worn out but still lethal, aiming it to stupefied brother who hurted Shivaay. She was a warrior right now as is possessed or in a trance of Justice. The attention she grabbed from others present was inevitable.

"Don't you dare hit him again.!" She said directly aiming him. Silence prevailed inside the house. The utter minance in her voice and that commitment to whatever she was saying was deafening.  She was possessed by something very de illusional.

"My Shivaay is my pride, I can take up eveything on me, don't you dare... point a finger on him, I won't tolerate it. Do you understand? And don't think it's a hollow threat... I. will .kill. you. Every part of your body will see that. understand? For him....I can even forget who you are! And I won't shy away from the consequences of it. Even if I get punished for it, I'll do it. Don't you dare touch my Shivaay..." She said eyeing everyone.
It must be for the first time they had seen her looking so ferocious. The storm has calmed down, Senior Kundra who was watching eveything like a coward now finally able to hold his grandson, feared and ashamed he caught hold of him.

Annika turned around to see Shivaay, there was a reason for her avoidance, hoped, wished to not face him. She couldn't hold herself when he was at risk... Those three times she felt dead. His love, desperation to see her, pain and helplessness it was so painful she broke into million pieces. But she knew, what he'll see will break him more and she was avoiding it. This reminded her of her dream. The boy who cried in the darkness few days back. His pain, the way he called for help, it was so similar. And then Unlike her dream she chose to help and she came to tell the world Shivaay is eveything for her, above all-god family and her fears.

Shivaay saw after don't know how many days the eyes,w which he loved so much.
The three months separation was nothing compared to this. He died every second thinking worst about it, and he was right, he almost jumped on the sight in front of him. Annika is covered in so many injuries. Her left cheek had a palm sketched, like someone has hit her with a force, her lips cut and had a dark black patch conveying she bled from the cut, while her forehead had a mark telling it was a wound, it wasn't fresh started to become dark, which means in his absence they did this to her.

Shivaay's heart stopped beating, his world spun looking at her like that. First time he was senseless, when he saw her in hospital back in childhood and this is second time he felt similar choking of breath, now it's clear ,she was avoiding him because of this. She knew he would be very mad and helpless looking at her.

Shivaay stumbled and reached for something to hold on to. He found wooden railing of the stairs for support and faught for breath. It was so painful even to look at, closing eyes, trying get out of this bad dream, jerked head to remove images but failed. While Annika Stood silently, eyes pooled up in his support.
The wound didn't caused pain, Shivaay's reaction broke her heart. She knew all of this and even trying to hide, she failed. Shivaay's pain has no limit but she felt very inch of that. Kneeling to him for support, she was shocked to see him crying. It wasn't a low voice sober cry, it was loud painful and heart shattering wail. He never cried like that, never she has seen that breaking point of him. Annika grabbed him by his shoulder to hold him tight but failed because he abruptly moved passed against her and charged to the man he hated the most.
Holding by collar dragged him with so much force, Senior Kundra couldn't handle himself. The way Shivaay roared, made him gulp the air, it was frightening, even Annika's breath stuck inside windpipe. The intensity and swiftness was so quick nobody understood what happened.

"How dare you?... How f...king dare you to touch Annika. My Annika..... Shivaay Singh Oberoi's Annika..! " The words just left his mouth when a hard swift blow felt on senior kundra's face. The sight was not only violent but surprising, he never raised hands on anyone, especially who were senior to him in age and experience, but today his self control has failed him. It was unbelievably shattering.

Annika ran to strangled him, others too joined, hold which held both men was so strong, it took hell a lot of time to remove them. The shock of Shivaay's slap waa so hard on senior Kundra, he almost fell numb, never in life he expected anyone to dare doing that.

Fighting with everyone Shivaay didn't flinched a bit from his hold but when Annika dragged him,he was hopelessly felt weak, and started crying again. With him Annika knelt on the ground holding him to clam down.

Shivaay never thought he would meet someone who would instigate the worst inside him, so selfish and lethal, farthest evil which he never thought exited. His anger has no bound today. He hated being in this situation, unable to protect his love, unable to take pain away from his brother, unable to make things perfect for his family and unable to punish those who hurt his own. What's the use of eveything? When is so incapable of handling situation like this.

Annika knew this isn't what he meant, Shivaay always respect people and their stand, and violating the code he set for himself is breaking him. And all this because of them, the insensitive and autocrat and hypocrite people. submerged in lethal pride of something so insensitive. No compassion, love and sensitivity. And they call themselves the proud kundra's....the owner of the place.? Annika stands with a heavy heart and pain looking at her Shivaay falling down with pain.

"Did you see? What you did to him? Do you know who is this? Shivaay singh Oberoi 'the Shivaay Singh Oberoi', whom the world salutes for his integrity, his intelligence, morality, he is called the beast in business world. Professionally if he is lethal, socially is respected for his virtue and ethos. His conduct and valor is praised and admired by people. Now, can you see how defeated and shattered he looks. Do you know why is he kneeling like that?"

"Do you have any idea? He felt pain hitting you Mr. Kundra. Because this is not him. This is what you do to people. This is who you are. Who brings the worst from anyone. You're a toxic man and I wish this family, city and this world gets rid of you soon."
This was something they never heard from anyone. This day marked as the first's for Mr Kundra. And he now felt a little ashamed of himself, still far from the process of accepting it.

Annika couldn't handle it more, shw rushed towards Shivaay and hugged him so hard, to detox eveything unpleasant from one man she loved, and Shivaay hold her in expectation of being forgiven for his inability to safe guard her... They stayed like thay for long, longer than they expected


Okay I apologize for being vanished like this and giving a short update. Sorry.

I have been struggling with lost of silly things right now. Nothing too serious but yes time consuming, so I was unable to give a proper attention to the story.
I am hoping to be getting into rhythm after this. Also, on my self demand(hahahaha) I will be ending this book in January. I know you'll ask what? How? Why?

I need  freshness in my writing that's why. Hope we'll talk about it in detail later.

Sorry for the short update again.


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