|Twenty- Three|

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The ache was reducing, head is still heavy like a big stone -hard rigid and immovable. Every limb felt stubborn, not complying. With lots of efforts he tried raising eyebrows finally to see apart from incoherent sounds, which accompanied him throughout this. He saw a smudge figure, coming towards him, a warm hand touched his face.

"Shivaay" Om said.

Again, He heard coherent voices a nurse and doctor were examining his vitals, when finally he found senses of things, he saw himself in a hospital bed, lying like a heavy rug, unable to move. Shivaay was hovering with tense lines over his face. There was an unknown person too, stern looking and with trimmed hair and perfectly set moustache, Om guessed him to be a fellow soldier, though he didn't recognize him.

"Fine gentleman? Happy to see you're fine. I'll take leave now. Have your prescription, soldier." He Walked himself out. Surprising Om, here he is struggling to even speak and he felt he is fine. Soldiers never consider few wounds as wounds, wishing to roll his eyes, unable to do with all the headiness at the moment.

Looking at tensed Shivaay, it was obvious to see the seriousness. He is devasted, broken and tired, all this while must have been very anxious, Om thought. Om was relieved to not see Rudy, how would have he reacted? And to his nightmare Rudy appeared like a magic on screen. Rudra looked more weary than Shivaay, even crying. With a burst of tear, he ran and hugged his immovable body. Not bothering about wounds. Om shrieked with pain.

"Easy, easy Rudy, he is still recovering." Shivaay came for Om's rescue. Rudy looked guilty and sat by Om's side,h holding one of his dripped attached hand. Rudra looked concerned but he was smiling looking at his brother alright.

Few hours earlier, Shivaay was having a hard time handling himself. A call from Rudy became the reason for his relief. Narrating eveything about Om's condition and how uncertain the situation was, Om had got a major injury on his knees; the bullet hit him directly at the joint, only to be miraculously saved from completely dislocation. But, the bad news is still not over, inspite of not needed to cut his leg, doctors assume he had to live with a limped leg now, which unable him to give services to nation. At that hour of crisis, Shivaay was broken, he felt alone. The thought of telling Om eveything killed him more. Om is very sensitive, after such hindrances he was loving something in his life. Not only he lost his job, it was his inspiration, an escape to live. Living in pressure does this to people, work becomes eveything for them. To top all of that, his physical binding will hamper his motivation, and knowing Om's inexpressive nature, Shivaay was sure, he'll hide his pain. That bothered him more, now. Annika's call gave him strength to fight but now the battle is difficult.

"I don't know why but I am not able to move my body! I doubt they had given me a lot of anesthesia.....help me guys." Om broke reverie of Shivaay's thoughts, stunning both the brothers. The room fell silent, how would they tell him his present condition?.

"Let it be O, we'll talk like this. Anyways you need to rest." Rudy opposed his decision to sit, Shivaay nodded in agreement, baffled and tongue tied.
"But, I am tired of sleeping, Shivaay help me." Om tried again by himself, he couldn't, his hands somehow took the weight but failed miserably to sit. Suddenly,he felt his body- it is heavy with the high dosages of medicines but he is able to move them, it was just his leg which is not working. One thought to another, Om understood it, he knew he has been shot on leg. He froze, a stunned look on his brothers face was not amiss. Pale like ghost, as if Blood sucked out of body, he felt numb again this time with reality. Now, he won't be able to walk? How will he lead a life? How about his career in army? The future he hoped to lead, what about them? Tired and frustrated, he dropped whatever part he was holding by himself, and a tear formed in his eyes.

"Nothing major happened Om, don't over think. It's just needs time to heal, doctors said you can walk but for few days you need care and medical attention and..."

"A crouch?" Om replied, he knew what that meant? He respected people who live with these limitations in life but loosing them after getting use to it is harder job, it's like loosing someone of your own. He won't break, he can't, for his family and brothers but the thought was killing him. And he doesn't want them to see it.

"Guys, I need to sleep, can you just go.." lastly he said, turning away from them. Hiding his broken state.

"O, we are not leaving you.." Rudy tried to make him understand that, he isn't alone in this.
"Rudy, for once can you do as you're told? Shivaay please. I need to sleep." Agitated and hurt he scolded the brothers. Shivaay tapped on Rudy back and they both came out of the room. Silence filled entire corridors and both sat to contemplate their present situation.

"How was dadi, after hearing the news?" Shivaay asked, giving a cup of coffee to Rudra who looked tired.

"Better than me, she helped me control my emotion, she said I have to take Om's place now. Told me to be mature and help you handle it. She indeed is the best dadi in the world. How's mom?" He leaned against the wall, remembering the whole situation, the moment he heard Shivaay's broken voice, it shook him to core. Shivaay was struggling, Rudra felt his pain.

"I don't know, hope mom is helping her out, now dadi is also with her, hope she'll cope up . When I dropped the news she was panting and fell silent for the entire conversation. Badi ma is scared, after her husband she can't handle another loss. Be a little gentle with her okay Rudy. Now everything is on you. She needs you, Om needs you and...."

"You too!" Rudy said looking teary eyed towards his brother, so vulnerable and pained, Shivaay was never like this and they hugged, giving support they need, the warmth of brotherly love. Right now, it's only what they want. Emotionally drained and physically tired they held eachother.

A few hours later, Rudy came back after freshening up, Shivaay stayed with Om, who is still sleeping. Unable to comprehend if he was just trying to avoid any conversation.

"I am okay, bhaiyya, you go, get some rest and return after taking rest, I'll sit with Om. We'll take turns. You stayed continuously looking after him, you're tired. Get some sleep." Rudy is forcing him to take rest. While Shivaay wasn't agreeing. After many manipulation Shivaay agreed to go.

Getting out of his car, he took his mobile out, it's been a while he hadn't talked with Annika. After doctors have a positive prognosis, he felt a bit light. Mentally smacking head, for forgetting to call. Though he was forwarding the progress before Rudy's arrival, but afterward he forgot to call her. Dialling number without looking at the time, recalled the time he first heard the news about Om. How devasted he was hearing the news, unable to think anything about a Annika. People she is with, present situation back there and danger she'll have behind him. At that point of time he couldn't think of anything. Om was shot, and first genuine thought comes hearing these news is always negative! How will he face everyone? If something happens to him? Rudy,dadi, their faces came like a film reel and he couldn't handle it.


Preparations were great, the wealth Kundra's earned was rightly used, it can be because of the MLA's image they really tried . Function was going on, dhol and food were infinitely available. Desi raw beats on dhol was amazing. The deal is signed too, before eveything began, Annika is nominated as the CEO of this venture, though kundra's were not happy, Shivaay didn't care, to hell with their happiness. Well, he agreed with the profit sharing, because of Annika that's the first and last thing he'll be doing for them, so the contract was done, also half the work is done. Now, looking at the scenario, he'll have to wait until the factory building is prepared, which will take a minimum of two months  to finish. After installation of machinery, other half of plan will start. They'll know, where they belong, eveything will be approved by Annika even the salary for her grandfather. And that will be the ultimate insult they'll face. Taking money from the one whom they disowned, a women, daughter of a lady who refused to abide by their rules, the so called patriarchy, demolishing dreams ane crushing life of weak. Just to prove something important.

Amidst rivalry and hatred, functions were going smoothly. Annika is smiling, happy like her days in Mumbai, Shivaay couldn't take his eyes off her, adorning a beautiful all sequenced mustard yellow lehenga over a mat greenish blouse, matching numerous bangles on her slender wrist and to complete look a bright bindi, he never saw her wearing that. It does look beautiful on her. He thought. Unable to take his eye off he stared like a creep, unashamed and with pride. She is his, completely to cherish and love and to get all of her love. He felt a tinge of selfishness. While Annika is surprised by the audacity, not even sparing a glare to other person around. He was staring at her like an idiot.

It's Surprising how things are changing between them! How far they have come, from best friend; making jokes together on people to not bothering about surrounding. The silent conversation between two pair of eyes, they have come a long way. Finally, into a relationship more than what they said, deeper and soulful.

Annika is busy, Nani and other ladies were glad to have other hand in few works. She is enjoying more with them. Like a family member, serving guests. Such a contrast, just now she signed as a CEO, now she is serving to guest.
A proud smile crept on Shivaay's face, he needs nothing more than her happiness.

Suddenly, eveything turned black, the words behind that electronic machine Shivaay holding turned his world upside down.  Ruthless and devious one, no, not the person, she was sounding unusually friendly, professionally yet such pain in her words, telling the most devious thing that has occurred.
Shivaay was informed that captain Omkara Singh Oberoi has been shot. And bought to Delhi and is admitted to a defense hospital. Claimed to be critically injured they had Shivaay's number as family. And is advised to come as soon as possible. The thought, itself was so heart clenching, he fell on the ground. Breathes became irregular, and couldn't find his voice, surprising people surrounding. Shivaay felt a sharp pain going through his entire body, he could only mustered a courage to call Annika's name, and in split of second she was helping him sit.
What he told and what she replied is completely out of focus for him, he didn't even know how she reacted, only thing he remembered are her words which she said such in compassion that he couldn't forget. " Om will be fine. Trust me Shivaay. Nothing will happen to him. You go and take care of him. Alright. He needs you and he needs his strong Great wall of Shivaay, not a broken one, not now at least....are you listening? Look at me.... Shivaay! He'll be fine... you'll be fine." He heard her say, moist red eyes, and a belief that everything going to be fine...and next thing he knew was flying to Delhi.

Later when he gained some consciousness, he called khanna and told him to leave for Jalandhar, for Annika's safety. At least some one should be present for her. Next task was bit difficult, he had to inform Jhanvi and dadi, also Rudy. Jhanvi was shaken, she didn't even uttered a single word in repsonse, but Pinky was there for her, and surprisingly Rudy took the news maturely, he sounded calm. May be he himself was too shaken to feel his reaction. Only thing which bothered him at thay particular time was Om's condition. He never prayed to god before, now, continuously calling out for him to save his brother, the most empathic and peace loving creature, who has no grudge against anyone, for whom world is a one family, god can't take away such a person from the world..and seeking gods help he reached Delhi. Three hours from Leaving Jalandhar to defence hospital, he was suffocated. Felt The choking pain on his throat while looking at his dearest brother, gush of relief  was soon vanished when he came to know about his condition.
His beautiful brother was pale and lying lifeless in hospital bed, doctors informed him about his inability to walk in future. Shivaay couldn't stand more, he fell on the floor, tired of the miseries Om has faced. Without a father, constant conflicts with mother, a young brother to look after and a miscreants of a sister. Such a hard life he had and now this! Why god is so ruthless? Why can't he just take away pain from good people? And why inspite of having so much in life, Shivaay is unable to do anything? He felt cheated, helpless and lowly of himself.

And Suddenly his phone ringed, it was Annika. He didn't even have to voice out anything, she knew, his condition, his vulnerability and loneliness and she talked to him. Calm, composed, she understood him and told him it's okay to fail sometime, not everything is in our hands, a life journey is filled with ups and downs. A better kind of life is the one where in spite of failing we try harder. Everytime...
And may be he just needed that assurance or it was her voice he felt light, her words encouraged to stand and fight this situation for Om and Rudy, he can't be weak......for them.


And that was the last time they talked. He didn't even got time to think about anything, dialing thousands of contacts he found a very best physiotherapist in Mumbai, his success rate is highest in these cases and he knew what to do. That helped him a Lot. After Rudy's arrival he found another strength and now he felt confident enough to make things correct.

It's the third ring which went unanswered, Annika isn't picking up her phone. Its very unlikely after whatever happened. Must be tired and have slept! He thought. A warm shower released his stress, without any apatite he ordered a soup for himself. Dialing Annika's number again which didn't connect, when he fell in slumber he had no clue. It was around early morning he got ready for hospital again. He need to give Rudy a rest too. Travelling all the way from cape town must have been tiresome. Now, when he is rested, he can give turns to him.  It's too early for his kumbhakarn fiancé to wake up, anyway he dialled her number, strangely she didn't respond. Which bothered him, 24hrs, they haven't talked, this isn't a usual routine for them, she takes out time to converse with him. Without bothering about time, he dialled khanna... Om got his consciousness back after 36 hours so, the haldi and mehandi rasam, back there must have been over. Tomorrow is the wedding day, he guessed they must be busy preparing for it or tired by the rituals.
Khanna seconds his thoughts. Assures Shivaay he'll be taking care of Annika, finally assured, stopped his calling spree. But felt guilty for not being there for her, she too cares for Om, and if it's so difficult for him than its not less for her. Also, he was missing her, voice that strengthen his will. Her words sooths his aching soul and above all her presence in his life. He missed her so much. It's unbearable sometimes. Why isn't she answering?
Paused at the happy conversation of Rudy and Om. He felt guilty to intrude because Om fell silent after seeing him.

"Ah... sorry..I didn't want to disturb you guys. I'll...." He moved back, surprising Rudy and Om.

"Why are you behaving as if you're a stranger?" Om asked surprised.

"Um... nothing it's just..you two were suddenly silent after me coming here." Shivaay said hesitatingly, not eyeing anyone, supported by the edge of the door.

"Bhaiyya...what are you saying?"
It was strange to see Shivaay being formal with his brothers, only people he loved and cared about, even though he is first brother to them, he holds an unreplaceable place, a place they give to no one, a father figure to be precise.

"I know why he is behaving distant, don't you know him....do you remember when you were learning to drive your cycle? you fell like hundred times and you almost gave up the idea of learning it."

"And... Bhaiyya called me, he was just looking at us trying to get it correct. And he gave me the best idea, he told me to close my eyes and paddle as much as I can...and in next ten minutes I was cycling....I learned... I was paddling.... going round and round.. feeling on top of the world, eyes closed. But at the end, fell from it with a big injury on my knee. That day I saw him crying. For me." Rudy was quick with his narrations because he adored his Shivaay bhaiya.

" You know why he cried? He thought it's because of him you got injured. If he hadn't given the idea of closing your eyes, you haven't fell. And it was his fault..am I right Shivaay?" Om paused for his answer, Shivaay was silent, because there isn't any answer to that, it was true. Om continued.

"When will you learn to be a little easy in yourself? Not eveything depends on you, not eveything is fault! Rudy's injury waa because he didn't knew how to put break.... And my injury is not because of you."
Om said, Shivaay's head held low. A tear drop fell from his blue orbs.

" Do you understand that? If I saw even a little of guilt in your face, I swear I'll kill you. Yah....I can't stand but I surely kill you......come here...I need a hug." Om Said and the Next moment he found Shivaay embracing him like a long forgotten lover. Rudy can only Adore this bond, he loved his family.....like this.

"But... Om if I didn't backed your decision to go to army...this....!"

"I said shut it, Shivaay! eveything happens for a reason and with a reason, even if you didn't backed I definitely went for it, I am stubborn you know that. And you should be thankful I am atleast alive...."

"Hey shut up." Rudy and Shivaay said in unison. Releasing him from embrace three of them sat for a long conversations, like forgotten old days.

"We'll never fail trying okay, I have already talked with few doctors back at Mumbai, they'll be helping you with walking, you'll be fine....yes there's little possibilities but we'll make it....okay don't think much....I am with you Rudy is for you, dadi, badi ma and Annika. Everybody is waiting for your recovery.. promise me Om, you'll not loose hope. Please. I want your hundred percent okay." Shivaay's seriousness made the atmosphere tensed. 

Om Had a difficult time understand that this is it, he can't move forward after this, this is where his life pauses. He can't join army now, he had to let go certain things in life and is  preparing for it, the constant sorrow, condolences from people will hurt him. Family's emotional outburst and concern will remind his inability. He is trying to not get affected but it will and he is trying to hide. Especially because these two will be hurt more than him. He can't see disappointment in their eyes, so he let it pass, he can't be weak.

"I will Shivaay. I'll try....but...lets not talk about it, it's been 5 months we haven't talked to eachother, lets talk about other things like Rudy's trip to cape town, he was telling me how dadi's constant parties made him hate parties now..can you believe that. .dadi and party?"

"Can't. Are You serious?" Shivaay changed the topic on Om's request.

"Oh... dont talk about it, first day when she told she'll have some get together with her 'girls', I thought some bhajan and jagrata will commence. I was all prepared with my earmuffs but the first guest shook me, it was a blonde girl in miniskirt, I thought she accidentally came to wrong house and then she gave an air kiss to dadi and then....one by one beautiful blonde,non blonde few African natives, Indian NRI's, all in mini skirt with stylish hair cuts and bright lipstick, not one single senior citizen and then they danced.. like crazy...I was scared.....I mean what if something happens to dadi? It was horrible experience. Later dadi told me they all are housewife's from neighborhood, they enjoy their days like that, forgetting they have responsibility at home..."

"That's fair enough, they should get time for themselves, they are housewife's doesn't mean they stop living life." Om said in agreement.
"And the best part  they never invited me. I was so excited next day, but dadi literally forbid me from coming, she said it's for only girls..can you believe that? I was restricted to my room, while whole house was bouncing in the music beats." Rudy whined, making his brothers laugh.

"Dadi is a complete stud, I tell you. such a free spirited person, it's a blessing to be related to her. I wish every person of her generation thought like that. It amazes me how people born in same environment have such vast difference of opinions." Shivaay's words were lost and meant deep thinking, taking attention from the other two.

"What happened Shivaay? Whom you're referring to?" Om asked intrigued.

"Where to start, Annika's grandfather.... Om they're such an Orthodox and hypocrite people, I hate to even think Annika came from that lineage. Rudeness and unethical means are running in their blood. Thank God Annika understood what's good for her, I don't know what would have happened if she stayed there." Shivaay's concern was visible through his statue, and the seriousness too.

"AD.... where is she? Still in jabalpur?" Rudy asked. A rolling blue eye, calmed after earlier displeasure, he smacked him lightly.

"Jalandhar not jabalpur idiot. Yes, she is still with them, she wanted to come here but, there's some situation, she couldn't. She wanted to spend time with nani, so I didn't forced her too." He informed.

"I am so happy now she is okay with us, and you, after that letter I was so frightened that she may leave us all." Om voiced his thoughts, remembering that frightful day. She had such an impact on Shivaay, they almost thought this was the end of their friendship. Luckily their friendship won the battle.
"You two are Okay now? I mean... about your engagement?" Om asked concerned.

"Well...." Shivaay blushed, he forgot to tell them about her confession.

"Haw.... Bhaiyya? Are you blushing? Om am I dreaming?" Rudy exaggerated.

"Shut up Rudy..." Shivaay chided.

"Shivaay? Seriously? You're shy? Oh god. This is interesting....I am getting the idea, will you tell me what happened?" Om asked guessing the situation.

"Annika....She.....She said she loves me." Shivaay said bright like light, a little blush on his white part of his cheeks and a mildness in eyes, he was love and Annika's confession made him happy like never before.

Dumbfounded, and happily surprised they asked about eveything... and Shivaay told them eveything about what happened- food, pain, sleep, tiredness and miseries all forgotten, they found the solace in eachother and talked to their hearts content. Afternoon, nurse warned them give a rest to the patient, they let om sleep.

Rudy went to hotel, while Shivaay again tried Annika's number. After telling so many things he needed her more. To his worry, she wasn't picking up again. Khanna said he is in hotel, and Annika once called him, she sounded different, may be tired, but she said she is fine.
That didn't set well with Shivaay, if eveything is fine then why isn't she picking up the phone. Khanna doesn't lie to him, but he knew something is a miss, Annika must be hiding something. He send a voice message to her, telling her or rather warning her to pick up the phone. He waited and waited in anticipation. No calls, no messages!
It was late evening when Om's eyes fell on an uncomfortably lying Shivaay. He must have fell asleep. Om felt lonely, for his brothers sake he can mask eveything but the thought is bothering him, what now? How will he lead his life? He is just 27, broken leg, jobless sans the inspiration, how can a broken man build a strong life for himself? And to add to that he had a family to answer. What about Jhanvi? How will she react? What will she say about all of this? Will she support him, when he needs her the most? He couldn't sleep after that. These thoughts were paining him, more than the wound itself.



Sorry for late update. I am caught up by Delhi's cold...god I never thought I'll be feeling this cold here. Well, New year is coming. What are your plans? Do tell me.

Also there's news, good or bad I dont know.
Well if I look back, I have started this story on July which makes it 5months already to this story. Continuously hanging with one story is making me lazy. I want to write more...also I feel I am good at short stories, so guys don't be surprised if this story ends as not to your expectations.
I hate abrupt ending, don't worry about flow of the story but you may not get eveything you wanted, so don't be disappointed okay.
To be precisely saying it will go til 30 chapters. After that I'll be ending this. I hoe you have lots of things to say do let me know how you feel about it...


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