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"Hey! Wake up baby. Wake up."

The soft soothing warm sunlight fell on her back, a comforting body warmth at front, embraced in tight cocoon. Slowly,a smile crepts hearing comforting voice of Shivaay. Forgetton are the memories of night thatpassed, on distress. Strengthening her clasped body, she woke up to see a comforting face of him, looking lovingly and with a hint of stress of last night. Speculating Shivaay's departure, Annika hold him tight. He is close, holding the same way; like yesterday. She can guess, he didn't even moved from his position. Can He get more caring than that? He cares too much for her own sanity.

"Hey... Good morning!" Annika pecked his nose in endearment.

"Good morning. Finally! God Annika, how much you sleep? I am getting late. Wake up now." Shivaay Complained, his lady kumbhakarn is back. Hiding his delight to see her sleeping peacefully, can't show all his cards Right! He gets a light slam on his forearm which was holding her from the waist.

"And our housewife, Shivaay is back. Can't you be a little polite in the morning? You know I have decided, when we get married, we'll be signing a contract of DO's and DON'T s... Then we'll talk mister." She said dreamingly. A part of Shivaay's heart blushed at the thought of getting married but his major part complained about how can she draw a contract about anything regarding them? He frowned.

"Well Ms. Annika. If you can, let me go than you'll make a contract right?" He said leaving her in the bed and rising from his place.

"Why didn't you left then, if you're getting so late? She questioned. Tiding up his hair and clothes he walked towards the window, looked around, it's already 9 in the morning, everybody is up and he will have a difficult time escaping. He didn't even have a thought to that yesterday, it was a difficult time for him, letting her alone was least incurred thought for him. Turning towards her, who is busy tying up in her won hair looking utterly gorgeous in morning light taking his breath away he said.

"You were shivering whole night, I had a difficult time controlling myself, not calling an ambulance." He breathes out, it's even painful while saying it. Only he knew how difficult it was for him.
"God... Annika, I don't know why are we still here? I don't understand! After last night am not at all feeling good about all of this." He paused to take a sigh of relief knowing he is being paranoid. Coming to her, he put his arm around her shoulder he felt relief.

" When you slept, it was already sunlight outside, I didn't want to wake you up, so I didn't leave. Now I am getting late. I have so many things to do today." He said in his deep thoughtful self. He hates to see her like that. Annika got the seriousness of situation, leaning onto him, she whispered

" I Love you. You know that. I am okay. If you're by my side I'll be okay." He sigh in relief as if burden of thousands years lifted from his shoulder.
"Just few more days Shivaay, I'll come with you. I promise. I also want my old life back. I want you back in my life like we use to be, be patient for few days." She said holding him tight, it melted him. Hugging her in his arms and pecking hair in response.

"I Love you Annika....now even more.. and I know we'll be together..... I am waiting. But it scares me, seeing the way you were last night. I have witnessed once, now I can't bear it, the thought of something happening to you..... And you! You are such a pain in my...."

"Shivaay language."

"Okay.... okay... sorry, you're such an adamant women, you never take care of yourself and I hate that about you. Please Annika for me please take care of yourself Please. Eveything,  I do is for you, your happiness, if you're not happy than what's the use.?" He says stroking her hair with his palm.

She nods in agreement, relishing the peaceful feeling when he is so close to her.
Shivaay leaves,with a long heartfelt hug, still longing for eachother. He gave a quick peck to bid goodbye.

Few hours later, Annika meets other ladies. Nani is strangely quite for her usual self, Annika gave the poor lady her share of silence. Others were usual chatty, excited, happy, specially after yesterday's surprise and coming rituals, they love the air of celebration. They asked so many questions regarding Shivaay, he really did had an impact, she thought.

Next ritual is fixed in one of the famous Temple in the area- Devi Talab Temple, renowned, celebrated and proudly presented, situated in outskirts of Jalandhar. It's a vast and beautifully craved, getting it's name from the big pond which is also said to be holy. The first invitation is presented to deity, also, a puja is to be held for the marriage. Excited to witness a ceremony Annika geared up for activities. These few memories will be her connection with her mother, who grew living these rituals. Happy, content and active, she felt light, a few glares aslo told that she is pissing them off. She expected this, carefree and unconcerned she walked away. Few minutes later she was called to meet the hitler....Oops.. nanaji. Mr. Senior Kundra!
Walking briskly, tension building was Not unavoidable. Pained and paranoid, It is difficult for them to digest, they are in complete mercy of Shivaay, if they wanted this business. Usually she felt scared around them, but today on contrary she is confident, relaxed and in control.

Annika sits on an empty seat opposite Mr. Kundra. Laughing internally, the journey from kitchen to opposite of the man, who destroyed her mother's life.. it's a big step.  Not her life because she realised, her life doesn't belong here. She is meant to be away from them, with good people in Oberoi mansion. Annika is glad infact thankful to them, for not accepting her. If They did, she wouldn't have Known her depths of love for Shivaay. Now if she looks at the matters, now nothing matters, it's him and always be him. Her thoughts reveries broke, when she felt jaws clenching over her dare to sit opposite Mr. Kundra.

"Yesterday.... uhm... whatever happened yesterday...I wanted to talk about...it. are You free?" She heard him saying, surprised he is actually hesitant and agonized? Such a contrasting situation. Good, that's what Shivaay wanted...

"Before you talk...I mean we talk, I want to ask you, you're talking with your grand daughter or Shivaay's lawyer? That will help me understand you better." Annika asked out of curiosity. Before he could speak bade mama curtly said, " We will never accept you as our own, eveb if we die... We'll never accept you. Don't... expect us to respect you because you're in a relationship with a wealthy man....."  Annika was expecting these words but it still hurt her.

She maintain her calm, Looking directly to his eyes. "Off course... good for me. Now I don't have to mask myself with fake generosity." A sly smile shut him up.

Mr Kundra is silent as usual. It's really difficult to make him speak. He has a very rough and harsh local dialect voice, demands attention, and when he speaks he does have an impact on other person, she is waiting.

"So....as your... fiancé said...." he was cut short by Annika.

"No. If we are discussing, like professionals, don't call him my fiancé, Mr. Kundra..." She stretched his surname knowingly. She is also good at intimidating people, she did in past.

" He is either Shivaay or Mr. Obeori or SSO."
Room temperature raises with that repsonse.

"Okay... Mr Oberoi...he said he'll be willing to sell the plot, if he gets his share of profit, how much profit  does he expects?" Mr. Kundra said hesitatingly. Annika felt sad for them, but she knew they deserve it, its for her mother's revenge.

"Well, you don't seem to forget about the property owning?... Okay, I like people who try, as per Obeori industries MOU's they take 45% of the current value of property. Usually they don't do the reselling thing, but for emergencies it's 45% minimum." Few gasp at the mention of the rate, Annika knew they don't have that much.

"But...It's too much." Chote mama added.

"Yes, isn't it obvious!.. Why would he sell a property at low margin? He can always have profit from it in future. Reselling is not not his option, you want to buy, so he will charge according to his benefit. When he said you won't be able to buy back, he was serious, you see he doesn't hide behind words."

"Ms... Annika, we're not here to talk about his characteristics! Just stop..  explaining his characteristics" The over active brother spoke out of the blue. Annika frowned, and with gritted teeth she spoke, looking At Mr. Kundra.

"I expect a formal conversation Mr Kundra.... This type of behaviour is not appreciated in a meeting. If you can't give me respect than I am sorry, I am not free, I came here to spend time with nani, you are wasting my precious time. I usually charge for meetings like these, here I am sitting without any profit, so respect that."

The words were enough to shut everyone up, such professional behaviour from her is so new to them. They have seen a polite and coy behaviour all this while, this is diffrent. This is not the Annika they saw, its Shivaay's fiancé, they never knew her.
Mr. Kundra glared at his grandson.

"And you, why do you even speak? Don't make your grandfather look silly because of you! Business is not like hooliganism, it needs patience. Alright!. Listen and think. Don't react. It will do good for you. Don't piss me." Room fell silent again.

"We understand your point, we'll be quick now, according to Mr. Oberoi, he wants's to take all the profit, which is not morally correct. As we're investing in the assets, it has its own depreciation and expenses.  According to him we'll be paid salary. How can you expect us to pay fr those expenses? How can we bear the loss from our assets and unidentified losses? He should be a little considerate. Business shouldn't be done like that. Our side of grievances has to be accepted too." Mr. Kundra's voice was professional. A taunting smile escapes her face, he is talk about being considerate and generous? Hypocrite. It's legal conversation, advice from his lawyers; she guessed. The defeat in his voice is strangely soothing her, she doesn't possess vengeance, but it felt nice.

"Yes, I know that's very dominating in nature and Mr. Obeori is known for that ruthlessness. Well, Mr. Kundra, to support Mr. Oberoi I can assure a good package to you. You won't regret working for him." She saw the cringed eyes. He hates that word.

"Infact, profits share will be kept for your administration expense, like every industrial take over. He always assure good payments to his employees." She saw a shrink, referring them as employee, that hurts them. big time. The famous dominating family of Jalandhar- The kundra's, now will be on mercy of someone else. That pains them.

"But....we want share on profit too. We called you here for telling you that, we're ready to do the deal but only in one condition- we want a share in profit, 25% because we're investing on the machinery." Mr. Kundra was rigidly, and she knew he is trying to control the situation.

"Very well, I'll tell him that. I don't know if he agrees but yes, as representative of law, I can see you have a point. May be he agrees on profit sharing but I can't promise you the exact percentage! Because you also know, he have to bear certain.uncertainties. Like you! I.... mean keeping in mind, the image you have on people,we'll  know your illegal activities."

Unlike you, he is a very respected man Mr Kundra, his business is the fruit of his honesty, this must be the first time he is dealing with something illegal because of me.... So keeping that in consideration, he needs to assured- About his name. On that note I want to clear this point here, anything related to business is your responsibility, he only takes the profit, any legal-illegal, moral and ethical disturbance is your liability. He won't be responsible for anything. I hope you read the papers." Annika said indicating the papers laid out in front of them. He nods in repsonse. Picking them up, she turns few pages and indicates one point, showing it to him.

"Here, it says, if in the middle of the contract, anything illegal or unethical happens, the contact will be dissolve, dissolving of assets will comply to the the annexure-2. Please read this thoroughly. We don't want a long legal proceedings. I hope your questions are answered? Do tell me when you're going to sign the contract?" Annika  asked.

"Yes, we were thinking for tomorrow, it's engagement day, he is invited by Mr Pradhan, so we can sign papers at that time. I hope the new changes will be done by then?" He asked. Sad but relaxed.

"Yes, I will tell him now, and early signing is in your hands, if you agree tomorrow you can sign the papers." She raises from her seat eyeing her brother, he is getting on her nerves now.  She was stopped by Mr. Kundra again.

"You said, it will help you talking if I told you whom we are talking too...what do you mean by that? If i have talked with my grand daughter then?..." He asked surprising everyone. Even Annika. She turned to look at his ruthless face, he isn't interested in making amends, Annika knew its his curiosity speaking.

"Well, in that case, I could have told you, this isn't just a deal for him, it's a revenge. He is not at profit dealing with you and for the first time he doesn't care.... Shivaay never forgets people who hurt his family Mr Kundra. And your bad luck - he is irritatingly sensitive about me. He may be a respected businessman with ethical values, but he will take revenge in his own ways. So be prepared!" She paused, looked at her cousin.
"And about other things, I would have also told you, stop confining to silly people just because they are not female. Especially your own blood, they'll ruin you." Hitting the last nail in his coffin, she moved out.
The surprise in their eyes were comical as well as victorious. She won this round.

The journey to Talab devi Temple was a smooth one, ladies in different colorful attire looked like Queens. The long forgotten jewellery in their casket found reasons to come alive today, smiling at  little freedom they got from their day to day cores. Located in less dense area the atmosphere in Temple is alluring, peaceful and happy. Annika never felt this calm after coming to this part of country. Finally, she made her mind, she'll be going back with Shivaay.  Only concern for Nani is stopping her, and honestly now, this decision is made in complete sanity. Not overpowered by guilt or expectations, this is what she wants. Shivaay and his family; her family.

Nani is quite, she found out that her earrings, she gave it to badi mami and badi mami encashed it for some household expenses. Annika can understand mami's reason. The way Nani felt hurt her big time. Poor lady was so engrossed in searching for it. She even wished to give it to Annika. These innocent people she'll going to Miss. Yes, they are not very helpful in this short period of time, but their situation in life locked them for behaving like themselves. They are indeed chained by situation. Walking over the premises of Temple she felt eveything clearing up for her, her love for that blue eyed man, panicking over her nightmare, Nani's unconditional love for her daughter. Love is spread in such different form. Weighing them with eachother is a useless thing. Even her love for her best friend Shivaay takes a different place in her heart. Unaltered by her love for Shivaay 'the Love'. May be it's atmosphere or the assurance she felt, she wants to go back to him right now. Forgetting eveything. Everyone.


Annika saw the exact twinkle in her eyes, the same, when Nani first called her Sargam. Yes, those earrings meant so much for her. And she did a great job buying it for Nani. Shivaay is quick with his help, what's the use of name and fame if he couldn't give one small jewellery of exact design to Annika's Nani? And he did it, how? That's his problem. So...now, Nani is on cloud nine. Mami and others are advised to not tell her about her old earrings. Annika is Happy today, seeing her mother's mother happy with delight of feeling close to hee family. Nani even wished to give it to Annika, but she refused saying she'll take it on her marriage day as present. And she complied. Taking blessings from goddess and her Nani, Annika only wished for one thing- togetherness with Shivaay, for happy and difficult times. So that even if things are not going well they are together to make it through the end. Together.


"I dont think we should held them for long officer!" Om said to his senior.

Om and three soldiers in leadership of a senior went for a hunt of the traitors, while following some clues, they ended up in a small village area. The habitat isn't a huge neighborhood, just a couple of small cottages. While questioning them, they found some loopholes and abandoned three young boys for interrogation. Which Om didn't felt good. He isn't really a tough guy, but somewhere he thought there's lots of confusion going on, officer is making it a fuss and the villagers are not happy about it.

Officers were asking questions, it's an hour. Other men from family are accusing them for uselessly bothering the locals, which is irritating the soldiers who are already pissed with all the happenings.
The boys seemed genuine but senior is held bend on convicting them, which Om is opposing.

"Captain don't interfere in my interrogation, I will charge complain against you."He said furiously. Which om didn't obeyed.

"Sir, I think we should look around the forest, this way we can save our life and theirs too." He opposed.

The senior captain is still strong on his judgement. Few slaps on one boys cheeks followed, they were crying really badly, Om was hurt, he couldn't do much than convincing his senior. Suddenly, a low rustle was heard.... and for next few minutes, they became the nightmares for life to Om.

A Swift rush of air, followed by sharp pain on his leg, he felt on his ankle. Unable to stand, he fell on the ground. His body is heating up like a volcano, the rush inside brains didn't let him feel other senses. It was just an unbearable pain on his leg. He shouted in pain, with pang inside chest, a throbbing beat of thousands of drunk rolls inside ears; he saw a diluted vision of firing. And suddenly, he came back to sense. No. He can't oblige to defeat, he is here to fight for the country for its people and his Friends in the battalion...he can't give away to his pains. He have to fight...
When Om found  enough courage to stand, a soldier was already bleeding alarmingly, three boys who were interrogated- one of them is missing. He realized, it was one with a lightest blue eye, who shot him... How ironic, one blue eye boy can die for him, and one will be the reason for his death. Other two boys were still kneeling down, covering their ears and shaking with fear. Collecting his thoughts, Om lumped towards them,securing them, he took a position to help the other soldiers.

He could only feel a senseless feeling in his leg, and a constant hot blood boiling inside his mind, nothing was clear, he knew only one thing,nobody should get hurt. Nobody should loose their life........


A commotion of several people talking.... few were strong and authoritative..... like his subordinates.  A few quite and slow but clear....
Who were they?....... He could Not lift his limb, eyebrow betrayed his minds instructions. And he fell in complete rest.

May be after ages, he was able to see a damp surrounding, more cold and chilly than the place he has been, he couldn't feel his body. Only eyes flickered with the light peeking through the windows. Adjusting his brow, he saw a snugged figure, he couldn't make out who it was. But it was friendly and comforting also confusing.

Where is he?
Suddenly why his memory has taken a back seat?


Hey guys how are you? Winter has come. What's your best way to cope it? Do share!

Also, year is ending. How was your experience? What are your wishes for a new year? Do let me know.



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