Chapter 15

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*A few hours later, a rainstorm had rolled in and had put out the fire that blake started*

*All of the sea monsters were free and the hunters were either sent back home with serious injuries or had completely fled the scene and it seemed that everything was fine right?...well you'd be dead wrong*

Ember (In the distance): Wave?!

*Ember and Ocean were searching for wave after he and blake fell into the fire*

Ember: Wave where are you?!

*Esmerald, Alberto, Beatstar and Rosetta soon found them*

Esmerald: H20! Ember! what's going on? what happened? *notices ocean's bleeding arm and gasps* Oh my god ocean what- what happened to your arm?

Ocean (panting): I- It's a long story flowerblossom...but...wave...he fell off the cliff with blake...

Rosetta: Wh- what? well we have to find him!

*Soon they ran off to the forest in search of him*

*After a few minutes of searching, something caught ember's eye, underneath all the fallen foliage, there was the only remnant of blake...his broken metal prosthetic leg...but there was something else...a periwinkle tail with dusty blue fins covered in burn marks could be seen peeking through*

Ember: *gasps* WAVE!!

*Ember rushed over and pushed the foliage aside...and there was wave, his eyes were closed, his mouth slightly open like a fish out of water and he had 3rd degree burns on his face and body*

Ember: Wave!...wave?

*Tears began to fill her eyes and she gently caressed his face so she could get a better look at him...he looked so peaceful...calm...and motionless...that was it for her, she hugged his burnt body and began to sob so loud the whole jungle could hear her*

Rosetta (whispering and tearfully): Wave?

*Still he didn't respond, he just remained still as the love of his life held him close and tight as she sobbed her heart out*

*Alberto and Beatstar were devastated, their only son...the kingdom's prince...was gone, while esmerald and ocean were horrified, but seeing their daughter mourn her loved one just broke their hearts into thousands if not millions of pieces...they looked at each other with tears in their eyes*

*Ember continued to sob, she didn't let him go...she refused to...all she wanted now was for him to come back...for him to just wrap his arms around her and carry her out of this nightmare...but nothing happened...then he slowly placed her head next to his ear-fin and began to sing a quiet song*

Ember (quietly and tearfully): All the shine of a thousand spotlights...

Ember (quietly and tearfully): All the stars we steal from the night sky will...

Ember (quietly and tearfully): Never be enough...never be enough...

*The other sea monsters including Viviana gathered around as their eyes began to fill with tears as well as they mourned their prince as well*

Ember (quietly and tearfully): Towers of gold are still too little...

Ember (quietly and tearfully): These hands could hold the world but it'll... 

Ember (quietly and tearfully): Never be enough...never be enough...

*Ember finished the song and still she held wave close...this was the end...wasn't it?*

*Then...that's when she felt it, a shaky hand being placed on the back of her head and gently stroking her soaked green and blue hair...*

*Her eyes snapped open and she looked at wave and that was when her entire world stopped...there he was...his deep purple eyes were half-opened and a weak smile grazed his lips*

Wave (weakly): H- hey emmy...

*Her eyes filled with tears again, not tears of pain or sorrow...but of joy and relief...*

Ember: WAVE!

*Ember embraced him tightly, refusing to let go of him as she sobbed out of joy*

Ember (sobbing out of joy): I- I thought I lost you!

Wave (weakly): *chuckles* Nah, it's gonna take a lot more than some fire and a huge fall to take me out

Ember (sobbing out of joy): D- don't you ever scare me like that again...okay?

Wave (weakly): *brushes ember's hair of out her face* I promise...I won't...

*Then ember slammed her lips against his and he kissed her back as their families came over to them and hugged them tightly, overjoyed wave was alive*

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