Chapter 2

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As Ezra and Sabine was still playing around together they both heard a noise as they both saw 5 bigger wolfs then them as they got scared, Hello young one said one of them as he walked up to them both, please...don't said Sabine, ha I'm not going too hurt you, who are you? Said Ezra, my name is Thrawn, and this is Wedge (I think that's who you spell he's name) and this is Vader, said thrawn, Ezra didn't like the other wolfs he knows they are not allowed too be on his father's territory, Ezra bit Thrawn's leg as he yelp out of pain as Wedge said "why you little runt" as Wedge hit Ezra with his paw as Ezra hit a tree and fell down on the ground and crying in pain as Sabine ran too Ezra and said Ezra please...we have too go home but Ezra didn't say anything so sabine howls out as her mother heard her daughter. SABINE!!! Said ursa as she ran too find her daughter as kanan said WHATS WRONG? ITS EZRA AND SABINE IN DANGER! Said Hera as she followed ursa as kanan followed his mate and some of his pack come with him.

Kanan's pov
I find my son on the ground with Sabine crying as I didn't see anyone around them so I jumped down on the ground as I walked close too them and said "Sabine what happened?" He...did this...too Ezra said Sabine, who? Said Kanan, Thrawn said Sabine as she was still crying. Thrawn? I know that name said kanan to himself as he remembered that Thrawn killed his father and mother, Sabine listen too me carefully said kanan, Sabine nodded as kanan said "hide now!" Sabine hides behind a rock as kanan put his son right beside Sabine. KANAN! DID YOU FIND THEM! Yelled Hera, be quiet dear said Kanan as Kanan's best friend jumped down and said, it's him is it? Said zeb, it is I need you to protect my son zeb said Kanan, I will said zeb as he ran to be with the young wolfs, SABINE! Said ursa as Sabine said MAMA! Ursa ran too her puppy as she hugged her and said are you hurt? No but Ezra is said Sabine as she started too cry again, ursa looked at Ezra and licked him as it made Ezra wake up, What...happened? Said Ezra, then Ezra saw his father and mother with ironhide, daddy? Mama? Said Ezra as Kanan walked up too his son and said "Ezra you have to be strong" why daddy? Said Ezra but Thrawn jumped on Kanan as he bit Kanan's neck and Wedge jumped on Hera killing her first and Vader helping Thrawn with Kanan, DADDY!!! Said Ezra as he tried too help but ironhide grabbed Ezra by his back of his neck, ZEB ITS TIME TOO RUN! Said ironhide as Ursa grabbed her daughter as Ezra saw his parents killed in front of his eyes as ironhide ran back too the pack and ursa with Sabine too as zeb was behind them.

Too be continued..........................
Next update will be "a new Jedi"
I hope you guys like this new chapter and tell me about how you like it so far.
And remember the force will always be with you.
Mammal out!

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