Chapter 3

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Ezra had nightmares what happened too his parents that where killed in front of him ironhide was Kanan's older brother as there was a new alpha named sentinel prime, Sentinel saw something in Ezra a warrior a new alpha and a new prime. (I know it sounds stupid but I like how it's going)

Ironhide how is Ezra doing said Sentinel, not doing well, he's not eating said ironhide, let me talk too him said Sentinel as he walked in the den and saw Ezra crying still, Ezra? Said Sentinel, Ezra just look at Sentinel and said "who... Seneff...are you?" I'm Sentinel and it's time for you too have something too eat said sentient as he picked up Ezra by he's back of Ezra's neck, HEY! LET ME DOWN! Said Ezra but sentient continue to walk to his den. Sentient took Ezra to have a bath in the lake, Ezra jumped out of the lake cold water as Sentient got all wet and he yelled "EZRA!" Ezra just giggled as he ran to his den but Sentinel got him. Where are you going young one said sentinel, LET ME DOWN!!! Said Ezra as he tried to get free but sentinel just walked to his den with Ezra in his mouth.

Later on...

Ezra's pov
Sentinel was sleeping as he still was holding me, agh! Why so protective? Said Ezra, because I made a promise to your parents that I would keep you safe said sentinel, you knew my parents? Said Ezra, yes your father was my younger cousin said sentinel, so your my uncle? Said Ezra, yes but not really ezra said sentinel. Then ironhide walkedinto the den, sentinel there's someone here to see Ezra, who is it? Said sentinel, EZZY yelled Sabine as she jumped onto Ezra as they both played together. Why is sabine here ironhide? Said sentinel, her parents and brother want to a hunt together said ironhide. Okay said sentinel as he turned around and saw the two of them playing together as he smiled.

Too be continued..........
I hope you guys like this one.

And remember the force will always be with you.

Mammal out!!!

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