Chapter 12

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My mind froze for a second, and so did my mouth. I didn't know what to say.

I wanted him to know I was there, so I took a few steps towards the other sink. As soon as his head turned to me, he straightened his posture and used his bare arm to wipe under his cheeks, though I could tell he tried to make it subtle when I wasn't looking directly at him.

"Sujin, hi. Did you need something?"

I shook my head and weighed my options. I could ask what happened, or I could ask if everything was okay. I could ask if it was about Jungkook, or I could ask if something else was wrong.

I surveyed myself in the mirror in front of me, and then shrugged, "Jungkook smiled." It was hard not to laugh at myself for my half-thought-out response.

"What did they do?"

"They... they gave him ice and air." I frowned. "Lots of air." But then a miniscule smile formed at the corner of my mouth. "They didn't take his pants off, but they wanted to take his socks..." I was almost chuckling now. "But he didn't let them. They teased him that his socks were his pride."

Yoongi let out a breath, one of those small laughs that only comes out of your nose as he turned from looking at the mirror to me slightly. "I'm sure he agreed with that."

I nodded. We both went silent, neither knowing what else to say.

I glanced at Yoongi's reflection in the mirror, then mine, and then back at his. "Yoongi, are you alright?"

His lips pressed together. I thought he'd try to smile like he usually did for me, no matter what he was going to say, even if it was hard. But he didn't. He didn't say anything.

"If it's about Jungkook, me too," I offered in a quiet voice. "You guys were so busy. You can barely handle yourself when you're doing concerts. That's what I'm here for, isn't it? To be the one that doesn't have to worry about being an idol, but still knowing you all as much as you know each other, and making those decisions. Helping where you need that help." I paused. "But I didn't."

Yoongi turned to face me, and for a second, his eyes met mine. I continued, speaking a little stronger, "I saw Jungkook struggling on stage even before he had to come get help himself." My voice rose with every sentence, but not in an angry way. "He had to get help four times today. That's four times too many." My hand fell to the ceramic sink. "I'm sorry, because when one of us is hurt, all of us are. I'm sorry I let Jungkookie get hurt."

He didn't even hesitate, "You didn't let him. You tried to tell them to stop, didn't you?"

I nodded.

"Do you control Jungkook's actions? How hard he dances, how much water he consumes, how much air he gets into his lungs?"

This time I shook my head.

"You were there for him when you could be. You tried, and guess what? Maybe we can all learn a lesson from this. But who was there at his side every second they could, every time he fell or slumped into a seat struggling to catch his breath? Who wouldn't leave his side when the medical staff were attending to him?"

I nodded, but he shook his head, "No, say it. Who did everything they could to help Jungkook?"

I blinked. "I did?"

"You did."

"But Yoongi, you weren't even there half the time. How did you know I did so much?"

"Kook told me. Every spare second I got, when we had a short break in choreography, when we ran to another set backstage, I asked what he needed. He always said 'Sujin's been there'.'Sujin's done that'. And that's great and all, but where was I?"

Part of me wanted to chuckle. This is what Suho had told me that time I found my way to his house. We were in a cycle of blaming ourselves. What was this?

"You are an idol, Yoongi, you have enough to worry about. You were professional, you helped everyone pull everything off. So it's okay." I put a hand on his shoulder, "it's okay. He'll be okay."

Yoongi swallowed. "That boy better be." He stood straight. "Don't go around blaming yourself for things like that."

I nodded. "You too."

He smiled. "We can agree on that."


Yoongi pulled me into a quick hug. It was nice, coming from him. When he pulled away, he gave me a small smile, and then guided me out the doors.

It almost made me jump when Namjoon rounded the hall corner, his face lighting up when he saw me. "Yoongi, we need help with something."

"Oh crud," I mumbled under my breath, worrying about Jungkook again.

Joon waved Yoongi over to follow him, but I shook my head when he turned to me. "I'll be a second longer."

Yoongi hesitated, but nodded. "Come right to the artist's room as soon as you're done. We'll be there shortly after whatever Namjoon needs."

Yoongi left down the hall following the younger after I agreed on the plan.

I took a breath. Suho was the only one that I felt could bring back the comfortable normality of things, especially since I was worried about Kook again.

Putting my back to the wall, I slid down to the floor, tucking my legs close to my chest and pulling out my phone. His number was on speed dial now, so I pressed it and put my phone to my ear.

"Hello?" It was relieving to hear him pick up. Suho was always there. "Hey. I- I'm sorry if I woke you up." I said when I remembered the time difference, wiping a few stray tears off my face. "I just, needed someone to talk to."

"No, no, don't be." He said groggily, "I needed to be up soon anyways, it's no trouble to answer. Besides, I said I would, right?"

"Yeah," I agreed quietly.

"Did something happen?"


He hummed, "It'll all be okay in the end, Sujin. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really, no." I sniffled. "It's a long story. One of the boys just aren't doing well but I don't know how to explain without-"

"That's alright." He paused for a moment, "I heard from Dae about Daejin earlier, want to tell me where that came from?" I chuckled a bit as he continued, "Don't tell Dae I said this, but I think it'll be me to devastate fans with Jin, not him."

"I don't know, Dae might just beat you out, Suho."

"And I'm very confident that I am the better looking brother."

"You sure it was Dae with the inflated ego?" I snorted.

He groaned, "You're saying my ego's inflated, Sujin? The betrayal."

"Just saying it like I hear it."

"Like you hear it," he laughed. "Do I really sound that conceited?"

"Nah, I'm just teasing you about it. I'm sure your ego can't be bigger than Daehyun's." I said, "How's things over there?"

"Well we're not in some mass extinction event so I think we're fine. How are things on your side of the world?"

I went quiet for a moment. "Pft, I'm fine. My world isn't."

"Is there any way you can make it better? Or are there sharks raining from the sky, because if so, I would advise you to not try to fix that."

I opened and closed my mouth a few times before finding the right words. "I think there is something I can do, but how would I?"

"Well now you're overthinking it. Go do it, from the sound of it you really can't make the situation worse."

"Okay," I said my goodbyes and let him go back to sleep.


I took a seat in the same black chair I had earlier in the artist's room backstage. The boys were slowly collecting in the room, their voices and words a little lighter than I expected. Were they not still worried about their maknae?

Subconsciously, I was biting my lower lip, waiting for Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin and Jungkook to come back. I still hadn't seen any of them since I left Jungkook's room, and Yoongi had helped Namjoon with whatever task it was. I was unsure if it had to do with Jungkook or not.

Hoseok took a seat on the stool next to my chair. He sighed as he did so. It was hard to imagine how tired he was. I turned my head to look at Taehyung, who was laying his back on a table in another part of the room while a staff member pressed a ziploc bag of ice on his feet. Ouch.

"What's with the long face?" Hoseok asked. I looked down. "Is it about Jungkook?"

I let out a breath and looked up straight ahead, my eyes widening as Jimin approached. "Jimin where's..." The person I was about to ask for was right behind, running his hands through the front of his hair that was in stringy clumps from the perspiration of the night, "... Jungkook."

All the seats were taken, and the maknae surveyed them for a second, looking for a place to rest.

"Sit, Jungkook," I said, hopping up from my chair in a split second.

He shook his head, his eyes half closed. "I couldn't, you were-"

"Sit. Now," I instructed, moving over.

He didn't hesitate a second longer, turning and thumping backwards into the chair. I watched him with concern filling my thoughts even more every second. He still couldn't keep himself standing for very long.

"Jungkook, are you okay?" Jin asked, watching the younger.

"You should take it easy when you're exhausted..." Jimin added from where he took a seat on the couch. "He felt dizzy, but kept pushing himself."

"When did you get dizzy?" Hoseok asked, placing his hand on the armrest of the chair Jungkook had taken as if he were uneasy himself. His lips stayed parted from his question as his eyes looked Kook's face up and down.

"He worked up a sweat for 'Fire'," Namjoon said as he and Yoongi joined the group again, the two sharing a seat on the chair at the other side of the room.

"Was it during 'Fire'?" Hoseok asked in a soft voice, as if he were trying to let Jungkook's closed eyes tell everyone to leave him alone. The younger put his arms on his legs and looked down, nodding sorrowfully.

I took a seat on the couch to the right of Jimin, who put an arm around my shoulders. We all watched Hoseok and Jungkook's interaction.

"Why did you do that? You shouldn't push yourself," Jimin asked, but not like he was scolding him. Love was the main ingredient in his words. He then stood, leaving my side on the couch to sit on the armrest of Jungkook's chair. He put a hand on the younger's back, rubbing in soothing circles. Kook laid his elbow on the other armrest and leaned his head against his palm as if he were going to fall asleep in the position.

Jin took the chance to scoot over on the couch so Taehyung could sit to his right, and I was at his left. He, like Jimin, put an arm behind me.

"Because it was our last concert in Chile," Namjoon said for Kook, seeing his fatigue. Jungkook smiled a little, looking up at his older brothers. "You sounded awesome, though. He's like 'Boy Meets Evil', I mean, he really sees the devil."

Jimin and a few others cracked up at Namjoon's statement.

"I just met the devil," Hoseok mimicked.

"How do you keep up like that?" Yoongi asked Hoseok, taking the conversation on a slightly new track to stop the slight putting down of the younger's actions that night. "That's so impressive."

"I told you, I just met the devil," Hoseok laughed, talking about his second solo of the night. When I looked at Jungkook, he was smiling, laughing at the words of his brothers. Maybe it would be okay.


Sister of boy band BTS and former girlfriend of HXSTS' Ji-Ho admits to calling Ji-Ho's bandmate Daehyun 'cute' and 'adorable'. Fans follow the rumor of the two dating. Daehyun's brother's, Suho, response will shock you!

That was the headline of the next morning's news. I stared at it, reading it over a few times as I sat in bed. I hadn't left the comfort of the white fluffy sheets yet, and had grabbed my phone from the bedside table. I hadn't planned to leave it until noon, at least. But now I wasn't sure.

I was about to scroll down to check out the actual article, when I got a text from Suho and the notification showed at the top of my phone screen.

Suho: Hey, so, there's articles saying you and Dae are dating

Suho: It's a little uncreative on their part but that's not the point

Suho: Anyways, just as a warning, we're now dating in the public's eyes

Suho: We had to get Dae, and you, out of the scandal this was turning into and this was the easiest way

Suho: sorry, call me when you get the chance

I laid back in my bed, sighed, and then went back to the article, leaving Suho without a reply.

Fans took their chance to throng towards the stories that developed last November when former HXSTS member Ji-Ho passed away to a car accident. It was since released that Kim Sujin, widely known for her position being the 'sister' of boy band BTS had been dating the idol.

But BTS fans who attended the Santiago, Chile concerts at the Movistar Arena on March 12th caught a surprise performed by Sujin.

The Tweet linked below features footage caught by fans who reportedly spotted Sujin wandering outside the concert venue hours before the concert scheduled forthat night. Fans who discovered her location found her around a HXSTS merch selling booth, where she conversed with the fans. Hearts leap when she signaled to her former boyfriend's bandmate, Daehyun, who is currently active in the band. Her words to describe the band member included 'cute' and 'adorable', and fans are enthusiastic about a possible new courtship- and questions are erupting.

But, to counter the spreading news, word has come from Daehyun's brother, Suho, responding to the statement with a shocking turn of events. A future article will be released with information on his response that has made fans question Sujin's actions and love life.

Is it too soon for Sujin to move on? Or perhaps is it about time? And how would Ji-Ho feel about this if he were here? Who's the real contender for Bangtan's sister's heart?

Twitter is a spout of conversation over the topic. Fans can add to the talk by using hashtag #SujinSantiagoConfession

A lot of uh-oh moments in this chapter, huh? 

Please stay safe, healthy, and happy!!

See you next Monday!!


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