Chapter 9

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"Hold up." I asked for confirmation, "Boyfriend? Since when?"

"Oh I thought you knew," he said. "Yeah I've had a boyfriend for like, months Sujin. You know him, Seojin? He's in the band with me."

The definition of choking on saliva seemed to hit me. "The Seojin of HXTSTS??"

"Yeah do you know any other Seojin that's in a band with me? Because I don't think there is one."

I sat quiet for a moment, blinking to myself in thought. The Seojin whose merch I'd just seen displayed right next to Daehyun's by fans of the group? His bandmate? The person who attended SOPA with us?

"Seojin?" I asked one more time.

"Yes, Seojin." Daehyun said, "Is it like that hard to see, or? Should I be concerned? Like of course we haven't told the public because there's a lot of nasty people out there but I thought I told you."

I was baffled. Seojin. And Daehyun. Together.

"Sorry, just give me a minute here." I paused, "You've turned my brain inside out."

"Good way or bad way?"

"Good,. Need a second to put this all together." I took a few more seconds to think. "Sorry, just didn't see that one coming. Especially since he's in the band, I don't know, just thought..." I stopped. What did I think? What was making it so hard to believe?

"Suho kinda said the same thing about inter-band relationships. If it doesn't work out in the end it could quite literally be the end of our career but all four, well five if you want to count Suho, of us are aware. Plus we were just starting to go out before we were actually in a band together so I think it'll work out just fine,"

"Oooh," I ran my thumb finger over the rest of the nails on that hand. "I had a similar conversation about the fans who ship Taekook- not that I'm saying they're going to automatically- well, gosh. Okay, what I'm trying to say, is we all know fans like to ship in the first place. And then a reason we always told them not to was because of that reason, having two members in a band at risk like that. It's just cool, because I trust you two and I know it'll be fine, I'm sure. I don't know Seojin all that well, but if he's something to you, that means a lot, because I know my Daehyun," I laughed to myself.

Yeah, I knew my Daehyun. The one who'd always been a brother to me. The Daehyun I thought I would have caught when getting into a relationship. I realized now was the time to seal the deal that he wouldn't be anything more than a brother to me, either, and maybe that wasn't completely the Daehyun I knew either.

I continued, "Anyways, I'm glad to know so I can support you two. That's exciting, I'm glad you have someone like that. You deserve it."

"Thanks, Sujin. I would have told you sooner if I knew you didn't know, but I'm glad you know now." He laughed, "Look at it this way, if the band does fall apart you and I can become a duo, though I certainly hope the band succeeds."

I didn't want to admit to myself that I was blushing slightly. "I would obviously be the prettier one in the duo."

"Sure you would."

"Are we going to put this up for debate? Because you don't sound so sure there."

"Not if you don't want to, but I'm gonna say we're going to have to agree to disagree here."

For a second, I leaned my cheek against my hand and thought. "Then how much do you want to keep that title of being 'cute'?"

"Depends," he drew the word out. "What word would be the replacement?"

"What would you enjoy as the replacement?"

"I don't trust where this is going," he said but answered anyway. "I'd prefer gorgeous because it has that air of ambiguity to it. Like what is it that's gorgeous? Then you have to go find out, and therefore people get acquitted with my beautiful face."

"Not handsome? Wait, no, that's why that phrase went through my head. I'm looking at worldwide handsome right now." I glanced up at the stage, watching as the boys started laughing over a move they discussed for improvement.

"Sujin, did you just-"

"Just what, Daehyun? Did I just what?" I challenged.

"Compare me to Jin? How- why would you do this to me? Can I even compete?"

"Dude, you should take that as a compliment-"

"I can't. You've compared me to worldwide! I was going for maybe Korea and Japan, what have you done?"

It was hard to talk through my smile. "Well if Jin's worldwide handsome, can't you be worldwide gorgeous? My two 'pretty' oppas?" I paused, "Okay, that sounded really wrong-"

"That is literally the nicest thing you've ever said to me, you can't take it back now. But I think I'll stick to Korea for a bit, the world isn't ready for me quite yet. We don't want to break it,"

"Ahh, right, we might as well preserve the hearts of your growing fanbase for a little while longer. Just a lil though."

"Yeah and then one day, my hair's gonna get dyed, and then we're gonna release some bomb music, and then I will effectively kill worldwide fans with my devastating good looks. No one can hide from Jin and I, no one."

I couldn't stop my laughter, "I can not wait for the Daejin duo. It's on my bucket list. I'll be waiting."

"Now I'm hyped. You better be telling Jin about this later, I need it to happen-"

"Well, speaking of whom, now that we've decided not to condemn me for calling you cute and to instead anticipate Daejin," I sighed, looking up at the stage, "the boys are rehearsing and I promised I'd do some 'things' for them, follow along and stuff, learn the ropes. I'll be sure to mention Daejin to Seokjin."

"Oh, no, you're still getting condemned later, but Daejin has overtaken it for now. If you need to go, you can. Suho's been yelling at me to do my homework for a while anyways."

"I'm just glad that means he won't be yelling at me again for being caught out with the fans. I learned my lesson, I'll stick to working with my bros for now. So yeah, I should probably go do that. I hope Suho doesn't stick on you like a bug about your homework though," I laughed. He'd done the same for me a few times.

"We live in the same house, he's everywhere. There is no escape." Dae sighed, "Anyways, I'll let you get to learning how to be an idol and whatever. It's hard, by the way. Have fun, don't forget to eat later, alright?"

"Oh, I'll have tons of fun. You're just weak, it won't be that bad. I'll eat with the boys after the concert, so if eating at 1 AM counts, I can promise that."

"Good enough," he conceded. "And I am not weak, dancing for hours on end hurts Sujin, my lungs can't take it sometimes. I'd like to see you do better."

"Oh, I will. Toughen up and be prepared to be upstepped."

"I will fight you."

"Perfect, I'll go start my prep by eating whatever the heck it is that Jimin's dancing over to give Taehyung. Talk later."

"Yep, bye Sujin."

"Adios," I laughed, finding it fitting for my present situation. After ending the call, I took a moment to chuckle to myself. Suho and Daehyun had both found their way into my busy day in this new country, and I didn't realize how much I needed it.

"What is that?" I asked, hopping onto the stage as Jimin dropped another piece of something edible into Taehyung's mouth. He inched his hand closer to my mouth, so I opened it, letting him put in a small strawberry piece. "Oh."

Taehyung kept prancing backwards slowly, raising his hand like he was dabbing as he did so.

"Dude, what are you doing?" I asked, "and where do you get all this energy? Aren't you performing tonight?"

"Yes," Taehyung said, still moving. Jimin joined him, busting his own little back-and-forth dance moves, "that's why we need... to keep... moving. Never stop."

I nodded skeptically. "Alrighty then."

Yoongi told the staff to lower the sound a few decibels, and the lights moved around to the stage again. "Alright, 'I Need U' and then dress for solos. Actually, why don't we go back to play the VCR while you practice changing?"

"We're already done that, hyung," Hoseok said, "before the ones in Seoul. We're already out of order, let's just do the solos one after another, and give each other insight. The stylists told us they weren't done with some of the outfits. Only my jacket is done for MAMA" he laughed.

"Alright, 'I Need U', solos, and then go from there with the oldies. Let's get a final runthrough done before soundcheck."

They barely finished in time to have a five minute break before the fans were let in for soundcheck.

The eyes were on my brothers then, and the only break they'd get for the rest of the night would be between the end of soundcheck and the beginning of the concert.

I hadn't wanted to expect it, because it wasn't something I liked to judge before I saw it. But the cheers of the fans in Chile- they were the loudest I'd ever heard.

The fact that there were about 11,000 people in the audience could have contributed, but it made no sense that they were able to scream louder than the 20,000 per night in Seoul. Along with that, this was the first time I'd been able to see the casual concert norms in another country other than Seoul. Korea was much more restrictive when it came to filming, and what was allowed inside a venue.

The fans there hopped onto each other's shoulders, waved flags and handmade signs everywhere, and shook their ARMY bombs with their whole arm. It was hot, steamy, and suffocating.

The arena, Chile, the fans, the music blaring and the noise, it all added up to heat. It was so clear how the energy transferred into the boy's body, keeping them on beat and projecting their voices beautifully.

They'd gotten through the first four songs with no problem, before the list of solos started.

It was just after Jungkook's solo, though, that I noticed a problem. He was smiling to the fans, but not in his normal way. To any fan, it was probably just Jungkook. But as his sister, I saw a face moving his lips, as if it were only muscle memory that he was using. There was no spark behind it.

He'd talked about being exhausted earlier that day, especially since here in Santiago, we were higher above sea level than usual, and the heat was probably not a helpful addition.

As soon as it was time for 'Lie', all my attention went to mentally supporting the brother performing it.

Jimin had put so much pressure on himself about it lately. It'd been really hard for him all the time we'd been preparing for it. Nonetheless, he got up there, and he did it, and I couldn't have ever been more proud of him. The song was beautiful, the choreography showed off Jimin's breathtaking talent. It was amazing.

After an intermission, the setlist included 'Lost', 'Save Me', and 'I Need U'. Another intermission with a VCR was followed by 'Reflection', 'Stigma', VCR, and 'MAMA' had just finished. Next was 'Awake', and then it was time for the Cypher 4.

The Cypher was one of my favorites. The song was cool as heck, their outfits were dope, and I felt the power pulsing through the three members of the rap line as they presented it. That song had gotten a lot of work before it was on the album. It was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon were cool.

I wanted to be a rapper so bad.

Jin's solo, 'Awake', was just beginning as I headed to find Hoseok. I knew he'd be exhausted after owning the spotlight, so I went behind the stage where he would have just gotten off.

The crowd continued to roar as I moved through the small tunnels and passages of what were the entrances and exits of the stage that lived below it. I passed Jin, who was getting a drink of water, and Yoongi, who was getting the sweat patted off his face and makeup being applied with a light shining on his face from one of the stylists trying to keep up with all the backstage's horrible concert lighting.

I made my way right behind the stage, where Hoseok had just gotten off the stage. He was almost limping, but I knew he was just tired. He was alright, though his face begged to differ.

"You looked great," I said at the top of my voice without shouting. My head was pounding as well, and for some reason a small headache had been developing. Wasn't a good time for that, especially considering I only got headaches when I was getting sick. Either way, I had no time for that now. "Really great."

He cocked his head to the side, sticking his tongue out his open mouth for a second. I quickly handed him his water bottle as he took a seat. Instantly, he had a few stylists crouching around him, applying color to his lips, putting ice behind his neck, and moving his hair. His contorted face told me something was really wrong.

"Hobi-oppa, are you okay?" I asked above the crowd's noise.

"Jungkook-" he said through a breath.

"Jungkook?" I asked.

"Jungkook looked really tired."

"What?" the male staff member who'd been holding ice to Hoseok's neck asked. "Jungkook?"

"Jungkook looked really beat," Hoseok continued, turning to the staff member as if he were pleading for help himself. It was then that I understood Hoseok's concerned expression.

"Oh crud," I gasped, remembering the small signs I'd noticed of his exhaustion earlier.

I gave Hoseok one last glance before turning in a blink and rushing to the artist's room. The whole way there, I could only hope that was where he'd gone. I needed to make sure he was okay, but something told me that wasn't going to be the case.

The second I entered the doorway of the artists' room, the crowd outside was drowned out by my heartbeat.

"Jungkook what happened," asked, racing to his side. He was laid across the black leather couch, barely even holding himself upright. His eyes were closed and his mouth open, drawing in heavy breaths. His slightly limp arm brushed his cheeks and nose, wiping the sweat. 


Hope you're enjoying how this is progressing and you're all staying safe, healthy, and happy!!

See you next week!


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