Happy Birthday #2

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Josh was patting his food baby as he relaxed in his seat. "Sean? You and Haru are so lucky to have Ishmael living with you. You get to eat her delicious cooking all the time!"

"She doesn't cook all the time. Even though she loves cooking, she needs a break now and then."

"Hey what are you guys going to do when Seo steals her from you and moves her into his place?"

Sean and Haru looked at each other. They hadn't thought about that yet. Seo cut into the conversation. "It's going to be awhile before that happens."

"Why? You obviously like her."

"Because I don't want to screw this up and we both agreed to take things slow."

"Well, have you at least met her parents."

"How did this conversation get to be about my relationship?" Seo looked up at the guys in the rearview mirror.

"Ishmael's delicious food! And you haven't answered Kim's question."

"I met her parents yesterday after we got here."

"Wait! I didn't see her parents!"

"They faced timed!" Even Sean had enough of the Seo/Ishmael interrogation.


"So what did her dad think of you Seo?" Seong wouldn't be left out.

"He told me to take care of her."

"He probably also told him that if he does her wrong she'd make him pay." Sean winked at Seo who only smiled in acknowledgement.

"Oh please, she too cute to hurt anyone." Josh was looking at a group of girls walking past.

"She has a black belt in Tae Kwan do."

"ohhhh...Yeah, you better treat her right Seo."

"Why can't she go to onsens Sean?"

"What?" Sean turned and gave Seong a weird look

"Ishmael said she couldn't go to onsens, why?"

"Oh, she has a tattoo."

"A tattoo?"

"Ha ha! You didn't know she had a tattoo, Seo?"

"No, but it's no big deal. Cause I have one too." Seo smirked at Josh.

Seong laughed because he already knew Seo had a tattoo.

"What's hers ,a cute little butterfly?"

"No, wings for her parents that died."

"Wait wait wait....I'm so fucking lost!"

"You're always lost Josh."

"Oh shut up Seong! How can you meet her parents Seo if they're dead?"

"She has adoptive parents idiot!"

"You guys are so confusing."

"Yes, so stop trying to figure it out." Seo was over Josh and his 50 thousand questions.

Having finally reached the onsen, Seo was ready to relax in the hot water. As the guys stretched their legs, he grabbed his sweatshirt. Hanging around the parking lot he saw the cutest little dog and couldn't resist taking a picture.

Joon: :)

MelMel: :)

Seo went to gather them so they could head inside. "Let's go guys."

Walking in, there was no one at the counter. Haru went to ring the bell but Seo stopped him.

"Uncle Ume!"

Soon an older man came from the back. "Ah! Kang-joon. How are you?"

"I'm good uncle and you."

"Good! I see you've brought me some business!"

"Yes, we'll only be an hour or so."

"Wonderful! You know the drill my boy. I have unagi cooking. Use the private onsen. You boys enjoy!"

"Thank you uncle."

"Uncle huh?" Sean was giving Seo a look.


The guys all headed to the bath after Seo left money up front and showed them where to change.   Seo let everyone go in before him. They all relaxed and enjoyed the onsen with no one really talking. Even Josh quieted down.

Back at the house, Ishmael had finished with the cheesecakes and had some leftover filling so she made everyone little cheesecake parfaits and brought them out to the patio.

"I brought us a treat!"

"Oooo those are pretty!" Dae immediately instagramed the simple dessert. They were in small glass cups with the cheesecake mix on the bottom, with a thin later of of the chocolate cookie crust, fresh strawberries and whipped topping done in a cute swirl. It was enough for 3-4 spoonfuls. Seo didn't have his phone so he wouldn't see Dae's post until he got back home.

"Oh Ishmael dear...this is divine!"

"Thank you Mrs Seo!"

"Oh my gosh MelMel! How come you can cook so good?"

"My mom taught me, and youtube!"

Mr. Seo was too busy enjoying the treat to say anything. They all shared a laugh but now it was game time.

"They're on their way back!!" Min went into panic mode as Sean messaged her. Mr. Seo went to hide his car in the garage, while his wife watched the grill. The gals went inside to bring the food out to the table. Dae and Min died when they saw the cakes. They were both so simple but beautifully created.

"Oh wow MelMel! You need your own bakery!"

"No, no no. That's too much work, I'll stick to cooking for you guys."

Seo's Mom came back into the kitchen.

"Mom! Look at the cakes MelMel made!"

"Oh wow! Those are beautiful dear! Joon is going to be so shocked with everything!"

The drink pitchers were the last things to go outside. Everything was covered plus Mr. Seo had rolled the bug netting down to keep the flying insects away. Things were set. Now they just needed to get the guest of honor outside. Mr. Seo was hurrying to the patio.

"That was close! They almost saw me!"

"Let's get back in the house! We're supposed to be watching our drama!" They hurried inside just in time and plopped on the couch. As they guys walked in, the three of them all screamed and shut the tv off.   All that could be heard was chaotic chatter coming from the living room.

"Sis, we're back!" Sean made the announcement as Ishmael came into view. She didn't say anything as she took Seo's hand and lead him out back. Min and Dae quickly ran out before them.

"What are you doing babe?"

Ishmael looked back at him and smiled as the others followed. Stepping outside they could already smell the BBQ. She stopped as his parents hopped out from the side of the house.



Everyone cheered at once. Seo's face turned beet red as he was not expecting any of this. Ishmael walked up to him and looked at him.

"Happy Birthday Joon."

He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead as she took him out to the patio area.

"Is this why you guys wanted to go to the onsen? So you could get me outta the house?"

"Of course!" Seong walked up and hug Seo. "Happy Birthday man, Ishmael and the others busted their butts after we left to get everything ready!"

Seo hugged his mom and dad followed by Dae and Min. He saved the best hug for last. Ishmael's hug almost made her disappear.

"Thanks babe. This is awesome."

"I'm glad you like it, have a seat."

They all took their seats as the ladies helped serve the food. Everything was delicious and Seo couldn't stop staring at Ishmael. None of the previous women he had dated had ever did anything like this for him. Ever. The conversation was lively, although Ishmael didn't say much. Seo leaned over to her.

"You okay Ishmael?"

"Yeah, I just want you to enjoy your day."

"I am, thanks to you." Seo gave her a kiss to the side of her head and gently nuzzled her. Ishmael gave him soft smile but turned when she heard a camera shutter. Dae was once again taking photos for her instagram.

"You two are so stinking cute!"

They both shook their heads. As others finished up with the main meal it was time for dessert. Ishmael nodded to Mrs. Seo to help her as the two went back into the house.

"Wait till you see your cakes Joonie!" Dae was all giddy, she was just happy that there was a party going on that involved cake. As his mom and Ishmael neared the table, his dad starting singing Happy Birthday and the others joined in. Both of the cakes were already cut. After the song, Min and Dae got up to help serve. Seo getting the first piece.

"Oh wow! Where did you buy the cakes from?" Min, Dae and his mom all laughed at how excited he was.

"Ishmael made them dear after you guys left!"

Seo looked over at her. "You made these?"

"Yes. Now eat your cake!"

Once everyone had a piece of cake, Min and Dae were sitting there pouting. "What's the matter dears?" Mrs. Seo was a little concerned that they didn't like the cake. Min looked down at her piece then back up.

"It's too pretty to eat!"

Everyone burst at laughing as Min reluctantly took a bite.

"Melmel you have to make me this for my birthday!"

"Of course MinMin!"

Everyone enjoyed the celebration and sat around for more conversation. It was their last night at the house and everyone had enjoyed themselves. Seo let them know that Ishmael would not be cooking dinner tonight, there was enough food left over that they could eat off of that. They would leave around 9am in the morning and head back to the office. But before all that, Seo had something for them and left to go into the house. They all turned to Ishmael.

"What's going on little sis?" Haru thought Seo had told her what he was planning.

"I have no idea."

Seo returned with envelopes and stood to make an announcement. "Okay guys, and ladies. I just want to say that I have one of the best teams I could have ever wished for. You all kick ass and I don't have to worry about whether or not your doing your job. Since Ishmael has, well before she even got here. She's not only saved my ass but has been landing some high dollar contracts, especially the Aikaba deal. As I've told you all earlier, we're moving by the end of the month into our own building, thanks to Ishmael, Sean and Haru. There's a cafe on one end and a salon on the other end. The salon is leaving due to the current rent they were paying. I talked to both businesses and the rent for the cafe will be reduced and they will remain. So, we now have room to expand into other areas once the salon moves out. What those areas are, I haven't decided yet.

I wanted to show my appreciation for all the hard work everyone has been doing. Now that I no longer have such a high overhead, I can give everyone this."

Seo handed out the envelopes to everyone, starting with Ishmael and Min first followed by the guys. Min was the first to open hers, which she screamed, jumped up and hugged Seo. Seo patted her on the back and gently pushed her away.

"What!! Are you kidding me?"
"No way!"

That was just some of the feedback from the guys. His parents were looking to see what they had gotten.

"Seong? What did you guys get?" His dad's curiosity was getting the best of him.

"He gave us all $1000!"

"What! Oh son! What a wonderful gift to give everyone!"

Ishmael didn't open hers as she shook her head. Seo returned to his seat next to her and saw she hadn't opened hers. He thought of saying something but let it go. The time was wearing on and it was almost 7pm. Everyone helped clean up and the guys did the dishes. With everything cleaned, the Seo's were heading out. Dae wanted to stay one more night and would take the train in the morning to their other house where her parents were staying. Seo let his folks know it was fine and that she would be dropped off at the station in the morning.

With his parents gone everyone moved to the living room for more gaming. Seo took Ishmael back outside to a small side patio that had a fire pit. He lit a small fire to help keep the bugs away. He wanted some more one on one time with her.

She sat on a small padded bench until he had the fire up and going. He sat next to her, pulling her in close. Ishmael relaxed into him.

"Did you enjoy your birthday?"

"I loved it, thank you so much for doing all of this."

"Thank Mr. Hideki, he's the one that told me today is your birthday!"

"I see."

"How was the onsen?"

"Nice. I hear you have a tattoo."

"Oh really? I wonder what loudmouth birdy told you that."

Seo laughed at her. "I would find out eventually babe."

"You love calling me babe, don't you?"

"Yes, so get used to it."

"Fine... Joonie."





"Thank you again for today."

"Your welcome."

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