Happy Birthday!

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Ishmael was up around 6:30am. Stretching she could already smell the breakfast casserole as it had been slowly filling the house with it's delicious aroma. Min and Dae was both catatonic but Mel was still careful to not make any news.  Walking downstairs, game controllers were everywhere. She wasn't cleaning up after them and left everything to get started on the meat while no one was downstairs. She found a ton of wooden skewers that would be perfect. Looking in the fridge she pulled out the meats one kind at a time, there were beef strips, chicken strips and squid. Quietly looking through the cabinet, there were square containers perfect to let the meat marinate in until it was time to cook. The amount would give all the guys full bellies. Dae and Min suddenly came down.


"Shhh!" Ishmael hushed Min "Don't want to wake anyone, why are you two up so early?"

"We smelled food, the guys are knocked out, they were up pretty late."

Now the women were whispering.

"Good! Will you help me with the meat?"


Ishmael pulled out the chicken and squid. She showed them how to skewer the chicken and squid and set out containers for them to put it in when done. It took them an hour but they got it done. Ishmael was grateful for the help. Quickly mixing the marinade for the beef and chicken she poured them in the respective containers. Meat in the fridge, she covered the containers. Now she could start on breakfast. Since Min and Dae still wanted to help, Ishmael had Dae peel and chop potatoes for potato salad and Min chop up some fruit for breakfast.

Brewing coffee would have to wait cause once it started, Ishmael knew they guys would wake up. Bowl filled with chopped fruit, Ishmael drizzled it with fresh lemon juice and placed some plastic wrap on it and put it in the fridge.

Potatoes on a slow boil, casserole done and on warm, Dae and Min went to get dressed. Ishmael felt it was safe to put the coffee on. While the first pot was brewing, she cleaned out the large carafe and put a pitcher of orange juice on the counter. Whatever she could do to keep them out of the fridge she would.

Getting the bread, eggs and milk out the fridge, she started on the french toast, the sausages she put in the oven. Seo was the first guy down stairs which didn't surprise Ishmael at all. He went right to the living room and picked up from last night. Next moment he was hugging her from behind.

"Morning babe."

"Morning hon."

Seo chuckled. "We sound like my parents! Scary."

'Ha ha ha ha. Now who's all cuddly?"

"Any cookies left?"

"Shhhh! I keep them hidden." Ishmael took them out of the cabinet and let him get some out to munch on. As he snacked, she filled up the carafe and started on another pot. The rest of the guys were trickling down the stairs.

"Cofffeeeeee!" Josh was doing his coffee zombie thing again. Ishmael pointed to the carafe on the counter as she flipped the toast. The guys took up seats at the dining table.

"Smells good little sis!"

"Thanks Haru."

Sean shuffled down the stairs and into the kitchen towards Ishmael. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and began to whisper

"Everything is set sissy!"

"Mn. Will you take this to the table?" Ishmael was back to talking at her normal level. Seo came to see if she needed more help.

"You need help babe?"

"Yes, will you set that on the hotpads?" She gave him oven mitts and had him take the sausages out of the oven. They were already sliced with small chunks of onion.

"MinMin? Will you get the fruit salad out the fridge?"

"Sure!" Min rushed over as she didn't want one of the guys to do it for her. Dae came to find a seat as Seo went back to help. She handed him two things of the casserole as she brought over two things of french toast.

"Dig in everyone!"

"Looks good Ishmael! I love this casserole thing."

"Thanks Kim."

They wasted no time in eating.

"So Seo, me and the guys were thinking of a doing a guys day out and going to the nearby onsen."

"Yeah! You guys go do that cause me, Dae and Min want to watch our Thai dramas now that you aren't hogging the tv!"

"You three don't want to go?" Seo was wanting to spend as much time with Ishmael as he could but she wanted him gone so they could get started on the festivities.

"No, I can't go into onsens and we want to watch our dramas."

"Yeah! All you guys have been doing is hogging the living room. It's our turn today!"

"I agree with Dae! Go do your guy things and we'll do our fangirl things!"

All the girls had teamed up to help get Seo out of the house.

"It's settled! Everyone meet out at the van at 10:30 and we'll do the onsen!" Seong thought he'd have more weight since he'd known Seo the longest and was a little older than him.

"Wooooo!" The gals all cheered.

Breakfast over the guys cleared the table, the gals offered to clean up and put all the dishes in the dishwasher. As they men went upstairs to change, the ladies pretended to start up their drama. With the guys returning, the female trio was singing the opening song to the first episode, badly.

The guys gathered at the door, waiting for Josh. Seo had offered to drive as he knew where they were going.


She looked over to Seo as he motioned for her. She walked over to him and stomped her foot, mad that she had to leave her drama.

"Alright you...You text me if you need anything, okay?"

"I will, you guys enjoy yourselves and relax!"

Seo kissed her on the forehead. Ishmael walked over to Sean and handed him one of their emergency bags. "Take at least one of them ge."

"Mn." Sean kissed her on the head also.

They finally walked out the front door, Ishmael waiting until the van pulled off, waving to Seo.

"PARTY TIME!!!" Dae and Min both screamed as Ishmael ran back into the living room.

"Dae call your folks! Min help me clean the patio and decorate!" They all ran up the stairs and grabbed the decorations and rushed to the outside patio. While Dae called her folks Mel and Min found brooms and swept the tables, chairs and patio area. Now that that was cleaned, they started hanging the birthday sign. It took all of them and a ladder. As they started on the streamers Mr & Mrs. Seo came out back.

"Mom, dad!"

"Ohhh! It's looking good ladies!"

Dae went to hug her parents as Min and Mel finished the streamers. "We have a lot to do, so let's all get started. Ishmael is the meat ready?" Mr. Seo was ready to get the grill going and throw on the meat.

"Yes sir, it's all in the fridge."


They returned to the house where Ishmael took the meat out.

"Excellent! I will get this started!" Mr. Seo took the meat and disappeared back outside.

"Balloons!" Dae grabbed the helium tank, her and Min got busy with that while Ishmael finished the potato salad as his mom did the cucumber salad. 

"Ishmael dear! Joon is going to love this!"

"Good! I'm just glad you guys could make it!"

"Of course dear! Thank you for having Dae stay. She has absolutely enjoyed everyone's company."

"I'm glad she stayed too! She's helped a lot."

"So who taught you to play the guqin?"

"Sean's mom taught me the basics, the rest I taught myself."

"I see. Well you play beautifully."

"Thank You."

"So Kai has the meat going, cucumber salad done, potato salad done, patio decorated, the girls are doing the balloons, what's left?"

"Oh! I wanted to get some things from the garden to roast on the grill."

"I'll do that dear and you can start on the cakes."


While Ishmael got the ingredients together, her phone went off. It was Sean.

Sean: My sexy man looking all sexy!

Sean: Oh....here's yours. I guess he's cute 😒

Ishmael: dork

The cheesecakes would take the longest to do as there were a few layers to them. With the first layer done, it needed to set for an hour. Ishmael had everything timed perfectly. With the first layers setting, the second layer could set for another hour and would be done around 2. It would set longer than that while they ate. First layer done. She went to see what else needed to be done.

Mrs. Seo was walking up with a basket of veggies. Min and Dae were doing an excellent job on the balloons, and Mr. Seo was becoming one with the grill. Ishmael helped Mrs. Seo wash and chop and the veggies for the grill. Ishmael placed them in the foils pouches and seasoned them before closing them up. Mrs. Seo placed the packets on a tray in the fridge for later as they veggies would go on last.

Ishmael and Seo's mom went outside to rest and help with the balloons. Before going out, they fixed the others a glass of lemonade. Ishmael carried the tray of drinks while Mrs. Seo got the screen door for her.

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