Hard Work = Moved in

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Haru had boxes in his car for them. Ishmael gave him a hug, thanking him for more boxes. She took four of them and left the rest for Sean. Now she could pack up all of the stuff from the pantry shelves. Taking down a box of food, Sean had his car opened also. Ishmael was so grateful that they had been given the rest of the day off. They were getting a lot done. Both cars loaded, they all took a break and went downstairs to the 7-eleven for something to drink. Ishmael paid for them as neither of the guys had cash.

"So what all do you have left, little sis?"

"Food, camping gear, mattress and bedding. Oh stuff out of the genkan. I can put that in the suitcase."

"Sean what do you have left?"

"Food that's in the fridge, shoes and some more clothes."

"Well let's go and unload then come back and finish up." Haru was ace at moving, he went until it was done. Ishmael drove with Sean as Haru had taken all the extra seats out of his car so that there would be more room.

"You think we'll actually get everything moved over today ge?"

"That would be nice sis! We could get everything put up and use the weekend to get the furniture that we need."

"Yeah. I still can't believe how fast things are moving. I haven't even had time for jetlag!"

"I noticed that! You still feeling okay though, right?"

"Yeah. So what do you think of Seo. Like honestly think of him?"

"And why are you asking this?"

"I'm just curious, no reason."

"There is always a reason for a question!"

"Well, you gonna answer it!"

"I actually like him. I saw how protective he was over you with Ito."

"Yeah, I saw that too. I'm glad Ito is gone."

"So how did the meeting really go."

"It went really good! Seo didn't really say much, I didn't expect him to."

"You know sis, since you've been there, he's starting to relax and open up more. He's a lot more personable than before."

"Really? Hmm, I think that it had a lot to do with Ito. When I talked to him before we left, he said that he was glad he was gone and that he truly had his company back."



"If he asks you out, will you go?"


Ishmael was slammed against the passenger door as Sean let go of the steering wheel screaming and had to quickly grab it to keep from crashing into a guard rail."

"Jesus! Pay attention dork!"

They safely reached the house; emphasis on safely.   Only one car could be parked at the house so Haru backed in to make unloading easier. With the three of them unloading one car, it didn't take long at all, everything went in the dining room to be sorted later. Haru had to back Sean's car into the small drive as he wasn't good at it. Car's empty then went back for the last of their stuff and had everything loaded in an hour. Everything they had left, fit in Sean's car so they went to Haru's apartment to help him pack. He too didn't have a lot, much of the stuff he had came with the apartment. He had clothes, bedding and food to move along with games and some knick-knacks.

All three apartments were emptied of their belongings by 5pm. The guys wanted to stay the night in the new place so after unloading the vehicles. Haru and Sean wanted to get mattresses since Ishmael already had hers. Instead of Ikea, they went to another store for the bedding. They also got a dense, breathable foam base for comfort. Ishmael got her one also. Haru found the perfect seating option for the living room that could also double as a guest bed. They got four floor cushions and two backrest cushions. The trio agreed that they had all spent enough for the year. Thankfully they split most of it three ways so it wasn't so much of a burden on any one person. Saving grace was that they now lived rent free, a true blessing.

Back at the new house, they unloaded the last of it. All that work had made them hungry, they agreed on Moss burger for dinner. Since neither of the guys wanted to drive they decided on the metro. The house was a 15 minute walk to the nearest station and Moss burger a twenty minute train ride. This was Ishmael's first time using the metro so the guys filled her in on all she needed to know. Seeing how everything was labeled, it wasn't that hard for her to do, she just had to remember her home station and she would be fine.

Even though she was tired, Ishmael loved being out and about with her brothers. Plus she loved walking around Japan, she hadn't done much of it since she got there. They found Moss Burgers and placed their orders and went to find a seat.

"Man I can't believe how much we got done today! Moved three apartments, bought more stuff and furniture...geeze!"

"I know! Hey sis don't forget we have to get a hold of Pops tonight."

"I haven't. Haru do you know how to use those garmin devices?"

"Yeah, but you have to sign up for a subscription for them to work."

"Okay, we can do that when we get home....home. We have a home guys!!"

"Yes we do little sis. Hey what about your parents Ishmael?"

"Oh, they died in a car accident when I was 16."

"Oh my! I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay Haru, you didn't know."

Looking outside, Ishmael could see that it was getting dark. "You guys ready to head back to the house?"

"Yeah, we still have a lot to put up." Sean went back for another refill on his pop.

"Hey! I still need the Line app for the work group."

"Here give me your phone." Haru got the app installed for her. "We leave the app open, sometimes Seo messages us directly for information."

"Okay, thanks ge."

Walking to the metro station, Ishmael snuck a photo of Sean and Haru walking together. She went to put her phone away when she got an alert. It was from the line group and it was Min. She was reminding everyone of the meeting on Monday morning.

Ishmael: Okay!

Sean's and Haru's phone went off.

Min: Ishmael is here!!

"Oh god, please don't start messaging her! All of our phones will blow up."

"Oh hush Sean. I'm not." They all received one more message.

Seo: Welcome to the group Ishmael

"Ha! More proof!" Sean was waving his phone above his head.


"I didn't get a personal welcome."

"Oh don't you start too Haru!"

They both laughed at her. Ishmael wanted to see if she could navigate the metro and the streets back to home so the guys let her. She found her way with no problem. Back at the house, they got busy getting the living room and their bedrooms set for the night. The rest would wait until tomorrow, now they all relaxed in the living room each on their laptops. Ishmael and Sean got busy setting up their subscriptions for the garmins. After that was done it was going on 9pm and they needed to get a hold of Mr. T. Since they had their laptops Sean suggested they skype him. Everyone gathered around Sean's computer, each with their garmin devices at the ready.

It took two tries but Mr. T finally answered.

"Hey Poppo!"
"Hi Pops!"

"Hey kiddos, hold on. Marge! We're on." Mrs. T came to join the conversation. Sean introduced both of them to Haru.

"Moms, Pops, this is Haru."

Mrs. T already had an idea of who he was from him sitting so close to Sean and not Ishmael.

"Oh dear! Is this your boyfriend!?"

Sean was caught off guard, but Haru spoke up for the both of them "Yes, Nice to meet you Mrs Thompson."

"Nice to meet you too dear! He's very handsome Sean."

He was turning beet red. "Thanks Moms."

"Boyfriend? You didn't mention that last night! Ha ha ha, good for you Sean! What about you kiddo?"

As Ishmael shook her head no, Sean had other ideas.

"We're trying to get her to go out with the boss! He has the hots for her!"

"Oh just tell everyone why don't cha!"

"Yay!!!" Mrs T was thrilled that Ishmael might finally be letting someone close to her.

"Oh not you too Moms!"

"It's about time dear!"

Ishmael just rolled her eyes.

"So let's see your new home!" The Thompson's wanted to see via Skype. Sean took his laptop around and showed them everything.

"Oh you guys it wonderful! Perfect for the four of you!"

"Wait mom, there's only three of us..."  Ishmael was frowning.

"Oh for now, but once you start dating your boss, there will be one more added to the mix."

The guys cracked up so bad that Sean dropped his laptop, luckily they were sitting close to the floor.

"Give me this! Dorks!" Ishmael snatched the laptop from Sean. "So Poppo we picked up our garmins today. Haru said he'd show us how to use them."

"Great! Thanks son."

"Yes sir." Haru smiled, but it was even bigger on the inside at how quickly the Thompson's had accepted him.

Ishmael sat the laptop on the floor so that she could follow along on hers and not jostle the camera. It was super quick and easy. All they had to do was send a message to their garmin.com email addresses. Everyone exchanged emails so that they could all keep in contact with each other. They were to take them with them wherever they went and to charge them at night. Sean also relayed that the power had been flickering now almost daily. It was the same for the Thompson's.

"Were you kids able to get completely moved?"

"Yeah Pops, thanks to Ishmael scoring her first major contract for the company, the boss let us have the rest of the day off!"

[Mrs T]: "Oh that's wonderful hon! Congratulations!"

[Mr. T]: "Way to go kiddo! I'm proud of you!"


[Mr. T]: "What else were you guys able to get today?"

"Ishmael got a Jackery mini generator that came with solar panels, we all chipped in as it was kinda of expensive."

[Mr. T]: "Good! So how much are your rent payments now?"

"The house is paid off sir, I inherited it from my grandmother."

"Wow! Guys that's really, really good. If you can, chip in together and place an order for some emergency food and a way to treat water."

The trio mumbled among themselves that they would order stuff once the skype session was over.

[Mr. T]: "You have your go bags ready?"

[Ishmael]: "i'll work on that tonight."


"How about you guys Pops!? We're all worried about you too!"

[Mrs. T]: "Oh we'll be fine dears."

[Mr. T]: "Yeah, we moved out to the house in Montana on Saturday. Sold everything we had in the city. We made our last trip to the Costco in town for some supplies. Got plenty of ammo if things get too hairy, but we're far enough from cities that we'll be fine."

[Sean]: "Okay good! You should get good satellite reception up there!"

[Ishmael]: "You guys good on firewood?"

[Mr. T]: "Yup, got 6 cords* along the fence line and 2 up by the house."

They talked for another hour. The older ones made sure the younger ones had everything that they would need if the power went out for an extended amount of time. The younger ones doing the some with the older ones. Calling it a night, the Thompson's let them know that they would both send them test text messages.

Seeing how it was getting late they called it a night. First night in the new house, they were all happy.

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