Wednesday #2

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Pulling into the parking lot it was almost time for lunch and she was starving!

"Are you hungry Ishmael?"


"Will you gather everyone in the conference room? I'll be in there shortly."

"Yes s-. So how do you want me to address you now that you don't want me to call you sir?"

"You can call me Joon or Seo."


They entered the building an rode up to their floor in the elevator. Ishmael returned to her desk to put her stuff away. The others were gathered around waiting to find out how the meeting went. She tried to put on her poker face.

"Mr. Seo wants us to meet in the conference room."

She locked her laptop up and returned the satchel to Sean. Walking back to the conference room, she was cracking up on the inside. Ishmael ended up next to Haru and Sean as usual and sent them a text as she didn't want others to know what she was saying.

Ishmael: Oh my god we need to talk!!"
Sean: ??
Haru: ??!??

"So what's going on MelMel?" Seong gave her a smirk and a smile.

"I don't know Seongii, Mr. Seo just told me to have everyone meet here, and who decided to call me MelMel?!"

Everyone pointed to Min. Ishmael looked over at her, the poor thing looked like a deer in headlights.

"Okay, Min-Minie!"

Both ladies looked at each other and burst out laughing. Just then Seo entered and the ladies quickly quieted down.

"Still causing trouble Ishmael?" Seo looked at her and winked. She was too embarrassed to respond, Sean and Haru both hit her under the table.

"I called you all in here for two reasons. First, to inform you that Mr. Ito will no longer be with us. His last day is today. Now before any rumors start, Mr. Ito was an investor in YoyoDyne. As of today, he has been bought out and after the unfortunate incident with Ms. Turner yesterday, he is no longer employed here and no longer has any stake in YoyoDyne.

Second I want to congratulate all of you for the work you guys did on the Aikaba deal. From what I saw from your impromptu brainstorming session, I finally have a damn good team! So thank you, seriously, Thank you. And I want to congratulate you Ms. Turner. Mr. Aikaba was impressed with your professionalism. He even complimented your attire.

So to celebrate the new contract that you all help negotiate, I would like to take you out to lunch! After lunch, I want all of you to take the day off! You've earned it."

"Wait? You got them to agree to the deal sis!!" Sean totally forgot that Seo was still in the office.

"Yes, WE did."

Everyone cheered. Min ran over to Ishmael and hugged her. "I'm so glad Mr. Seo hired you!!" Then she went jumping around, the others looked at her.

"And what did you do to help, Min-Minie?!" Josh was just looking at her with his arms folded.

"I provide much needed moral support so there!" She stuck her tongue out at him. For some reason everyone forgot that the boss was still there until he cleared his throat.


"Oh! Sorry sir! Sorry!"

"Ha ha haaa. Your fine Min. So let's go eat. We can all walk across the street to Umami's for lunch. Our table should be ready!"

As everyone filed out of the conference room, Ishmael grabbed Min and dragged her to the breakroom. "Let's take the rest of the treats!"

"Oh! Good idea!"

There was enough for everyone to have a mochi ball, daifuku and piece of eclair (each piece would have to be cut in half). The guys were waiting for them, as they showed up with the sweets the men shook their heads at them.

"What? We're celebrating!" Min shot them all a dirty look. Ishmael winked at her as they giggled and chatted to the elevator. Those two gabbed all the way to the restaurant. Laughing and gossiping away. Umami's was a pizza place and Ishmael was dying for pizza. Seo was led to his table that was ready with water for everyone. Somehow, Ishmael ended up between Seo and Sean.

Wait staff was there to take their orders. Min was sitting across from Mel, when it came time for them to order the both ordered pineapple pizzas at the same time. Both erupting once again in laughter. Sean leaned back and tapped Seo on the shoulder.

"Sir, could you NOT hire anymore weirdos, these two are enough!"

Ishmael poked him in the side. "Oh hush!"

"Point well taken Meng."

Ishmael and Min both gave Seo a look, as he just quietly chuckled. Ishmael leaned over to him and whispered.

"You know, you're starting to come out of your shell Mr. Seo."

"So are you Ms. Turner."

Seo smirked at her.

Everyone relaxed and enjoyed a delicious lunch, happy to have the rest of the day off. Sean softly spoke to her in Chinese that he had talked to the leasing agent while she was gone and their leases would end on Friday. He'd tell her more after work.

Meal finished, Ishmael went to ask for small plates, which she was given. Her and Min plated up the deserts and gave one to each of the guys. Seo of course got a plate from Ishmael. Desert gone and bellies full, Seo paid and everyone returned to the office to leave for the day. Before she left, the thing with Ito was bothering her for some reason so she went to talk to Seo.

Knocking, he looked up at her and smiled.

"Sorry to bother you, I can talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure." He motioned for her to sit but she stood after pulling his door closed.

"You didn't fire Ito because of me did you? I didn't mean for him to lose his job."

"Don't worry Ishmael. Ito isn't hurting for money. Besides, he needed to go, you were not the only one he treated with such disrespect. And I'm happy that my company belongs to me again, fully. I have you to thank for that; you did a really good job handling the Aikaba deal."

"Thank you, Joon." With that Ishmael bowed to him and left. Sean and Haru gave her suspecting looks when she returned.

"We need to talk sissy poo!"


Ishmael grabbed her stuff and the three of them were off. She noticed that Seo was the last one in the office. "Wait." She went back to his office.

"Don't work too late, We're locking the front door, you're the only one left in the office."

"I won't, thank you."


She hurried down the hall, Haru locked the door behind them. Ishmael was pushing them both to the elevator. "Hurry! We need to talk!" Others were giving them weird looks.

"Chill out geeze!"

Finally at the car, Ishmael dove into the back seat.


"Spill it! Spill it!"
"Out with it little sis!"

"Oh, we need to go to REI again."

"Yeah yeah yeah! Don't change the subject, what happened damnit!"

"Oh my god. We get in the elevator and this old couple thought we were MARRIED! I almost died on the spot! Jesus take the wheel and drive me to heaven!!!!"

Both of the guys burst out laughing. They were laughing so hard that Sean swerved into the other lane.

"Aggghhh I was right!! I told you he likes you sis!"

"Oh shut up Sean!"

"What did you say?" Haru had tears running down his face from laughing so much.

"I didn't say anything! I was in shock and they were like: "you treat her well young man! Even though she isn't Japanese, I can tell she is a good wife with a good heart and treats you like a king! Who says that to strangers?!?"


"I'm telling you guys! It was bonkers!"

"What did Seo say?"

"Oh Haru...that man takes the cake!! Flour, eggs and all! Listen to this!" Ishmael tried to imitate his voice "Why thank you so much. I'm glad our paths crossed. I'll do my best to make sure she's well taken care of and happy."

"HE SAID THAT!!" The stereo twins were back.

"Ohhh baby girl, baby girl! That man has both of those beautiful eyes on you!" Sean was trying to do his terrible Madea impersonation. 

"They are beautiful!  They're this strange hazel kinda color." 

 Ishmael gave an evil laugh. "Oh! So fill me in on the lease thing!"

"Oh so our leases end this Friday at noon. We're only getting half of our deposits back, guess it's better than nothing."

"I think we should start moving stuff over today you guys. The power flickered before you and Seo returned little sis."

"Wow, yeah I think you're right Haru. Something's not right."

They reached REI. Since it was Wednesday and after lunch, it was empty. Ishmael grabbed a cart. Completely forgetting that she was still in business attire, others quickly took notice of her. First order of business was the Garmin's. They couldn't believe that they had gotten the last and only two. People must not hike in Japan. After that, Ishmael spied a Jackery solar unit. It was pricey and combined with the garmin, it was a lot but if the power was going to do what she thought it would, it would be worth it. She got it anyway along with the solar panel. Sean and Haru said they would help pay for the Jackery as they would all use it. Now they wanted to get started on moving. Reaching the apartment, Haru was going to head home, change and return to help them with packing. As each went to their respective apartments, they quickly changed.

They were both grateful that neither of them had much stuff. Ishmael started on her plants. She didn't even have a chance to get rid of her boxes. Setting one up, she carefully placed all of her plants inside. There was room for her candles also. Kitchen stuff went into the heavy duty tote bags she had; a toaster oven and crock pot. The most she had to pack was the food and her clothes. She set out two outfits to finish out the week. The food took the rest of the totes. Pantry items, she would need more boxes. The containers for the rice and flour she sat out also. Everything that was ready to go she set in the kitchen. Sean was knocking on her door.

"Hey sis, Haru is in the parking lot, he says bring what you can."


Ishmael carried her plants down. All Sean had was clothes, games, console and the food that She had gotten him. He wanted all new linens. Ishmael told him to bring his old ones, they could use them for any guests that they had.

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