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Sean and Ishmael headed out for the food shopping and Haru would do the rest of it. Getting to costco, she bypassed the regular shopping cart and went for one of the small flatbed carts. They started at one end of the store and made their way around. Rice, flour, fuel for the butane stove, canned goods, coffee, heavy duty trash bags, laundry and dish soap. They got plenty of canned meat; chicken, beef and tuna. Peanut butter, condiments, juices, spices, tea, sugar, baking goods. This time they did stop by the health and beauty section for toothpaste and vitamins. Seeing large things of advil, Imodium and pepto, she texted Haru not to get those. Luckily, he was at the hardware store first. Ishmael saw that they had pads, so she got a pack just in case and 4 things of toilet paper.

To help get through things, she got skittles and Sean picked up 3 bags of snack chips and crackers. Going past housewares, they had large food containers on sale. Sean suggested they get some but it's not what she wanted. They were only good for the pantry and she had plenty of those. What they needed had to be for long term storage. But she did pick up 3 large totes, sponges, bleach and disinfecting wipes

"I don't even want to know how much all of this costs!"

"I know sis, but Pops and moms said once we get all of this we should be good. Plus with how the power has been acting..."

"Yeah, your right. Let's get out of here. People are gawking at us."

"You know sis, I didn't see any noodles?"

"Crap...you're right! Uhh, you want to go check again?"

"Not really, we can stop at the grocery store. I'm ready to get out of here."


$437 later, they both were ready to throw up.

"You know sis if nothing happens, I'm gonna be piiiiissed!!"

"You'll have company, trust me. No wonder people do this crap a little at a time!"

"How much do you think Pops and Moms have stored up?"

"Knowing Poppo, an entire flippin' years worth!"

Sean had to fold down the rear seat. Toilet paper went there with the lighter stuff. Next stop the grocery store. There they wouldn't need as much, mostly noodles, miso and curry packets, chicken and beef broth powder, and whatever else Sean wanted. They would stop by Daiso to get more instant noodle packs. Arriving at the grocery store, Ishmael was fine with just a cart. She picked up small things of mirin, a bunch of dried adzuki beans as costco was out. Sean wanted dried fish and squid and she picked up some nori. While she was at costco she picked up bags of apples, lemons and potatoes.

Grocery store $127. "Ge, will you see how Haru is doing?"


Sean: How's it going?
Haru: Got some extra things, but going good. Sis cooking dinner?
Sean: Yup! Nikujaga!!

"Haru's good sis."

"Okay, let's hit daiso then home."


Daiso [$40] didn't take long at all. Instant noodles and they were done. Sean's car was packed. They were the first ones back. Ishmael had to back the car in, which she didn't like doing because she wasn't legal to drive but it had to be done. Everything went in the kitchen as the dining room was still full of stuff from them moving.

"Crap! You know ge, I'm glad we're not going camping this weekend. We have got A LOT to do!!"

"I knoowww! I can't wait for when we go to the retreat!"

"Makes two of us!"

They hurried and unloaded his car to make room for Haru. Car unloaded, Sean drove it to the parking lot and hurried back to the house to help Ishmael put stuff away.

"So! I'm going to order some mylar bags and oxygen absorbers and bag this stuff up, put it in the totes and it can go in one of the storage closets in the living room."

"Ahhh that's why you didn't want those containers!"

"Yeah. Lets take inventory of what we got. I'll name it and you write it down."

"Sounds good!"

"Okay." But before they could start, Haru arrived. They all converged on his car to unload.

"I stopped by a store I just found and they had some cool stuff, check it out!"
He took them to the passenger side. "A solar oven and a berkey water filter."

"Holy crap you found one of those!?" Ishmael didn't think they were available in Japan.

"Yeah, the guy said it could filter anything out of water. It was only $100 cause it didn't have a lid but I got 2 extra sets of filters."

"That's so awesome!!"

"I stopped by REi, that's what took me so long. I got a family sized camp toilet plus 6 boxes of extra bags so we are set!!"

"How much did you spend hon?" Sean was already acting like a wifey.

"$380, he gave me a deal on the filters as no one was buying them."

"Let's get everything unloaded, we're almost out of room to put stuff." Ishmael also wanted to get started on dinner. Walking into the house with the first load, Haru about died.

"Holy shit!! You guys got a lot!!"

"We know! I told sis if nothing happens, we're going to be pissed as hell!"  They all laughed.

"You have to stop and think. No power, no stores are open so I'm gonna have to cook 3 meals a day and you two eat a lot!"

"Oh, ha ha ha!"

They worked till 6 putting things away and up. Haru also got 2 french presses. Ishmael left one on the kitchen counter. Some of the cleaning stuff went under the sink, the rest in a box to be stored.

"You guys know what?"


"We still don't have a washer."

They all cracked up laughing. "Let's get a used one!"

"Deal!" All three agreed to that.

Haru also picked up an entertainment center and a chabudai or japanese style dining table. It sat low to the ground like a coffee table but came with legless chairs and a mat to go underneath it.

{Chabudai/Japanese dinning set}

They thought it was awesome! They loved it even when they found out it was only $60 as it was used and the seller had to get rid of it because he was moving out of Japan.

While Ishmael fixed dinner, the guys got busy setting up the living room. The dining table went over in the corner by the window. The entertainment center was long and had plenty of storage for their games and consoles. Sean and Haru also put the hangers up in the garage and took the camping stuff out there. Haru had also picked up a small camping fire pit that they could also grill on. Then he brought in the piece de resistance. A water barrel. This was used also and all set to go with a debris screen, spigot and stand. He got it for $30 from the guy selling the dinning set.

"Hey that guy wasn't selling a washer by chance, was he?" Ishmael was hopeful as they had already spent a sizable amount on trying to get prepped all at once.

"I'll call him and see little sis!"

"And shelving for the kitchen and those closets!"

"You're pressing your luck sis!" Sean was always the doubter when it came to manifesting things. Soon both of the guys were coming into the kitchen.

"You're something else little sis. Look this is what he has left for sale. Luckily Japanese don't like to buy second hand on certain things."

Looking at his phone, the guy had posted exactly what they needed.

"Confucius says the universe works in mysterious ways grasshopper!!"

"Jesus Christ, you and your bonker sayings!" Sean just shook his head.

"Well, the washer is only a year old. The pantry is the perfect size, plus it's on legs and we need the shelving. He just took it apart so we have to put it back together but there's 3 of them so it's a start." Now Haru was more of the 'glass half full type'. All Ishmael could think is that they were truly Ying & Yang and perfect for each other.

"How much does he want for the washer?"

"$90 which we better hurry if we want that because those things ain't cheap. And $40 for the cabinet and shelving."

"Money's in my bag."

"Ah! Sis! You get the shelving and we'll split the washer."

"Thanks Sean."

Haru called the guy back and told him that he was on his way for the washer and shelving and that he would pay full price for all of it. They would be there in 15 minutes and out the door they went. They had to take both of their cars. Haru's would carry the pantry unit, which he was glad it was disassembled otherwise it wouldn't fit. Sean would carry the washer and the wire shelving units. With the guys gone, there was finally quietness in the house. Ishmael took a break and grabbed one of the ice teas from the fridge. Sitting at the table, she called the Thompson's.

"Hey kiddo!"

"Hey Poppo."

"How did the shopping go."

"It sucked! We spent over $400 at costco alone! This last minute prepping is for the birds! Strictly for the birds!"

"Ha ha ha haaaa! At least if things do go south, you guys will be okay and you won't have to get out in the chaos and panic to get food or supplies."

"I know, I know. It's just overwhelming."

"I understand. So what are Sean and Haru doing?"

"Oh! They went to get a pantry shelf unit thing, some wire shelving for the storage closet and a washer!"

"Are they getting all of that new?"

"No, used. The washer was 90 and all the shelving 40. Plus Haru picked up a solar oven AND get this...a berkey water filter with 2 extra sets of filters. For only 100 something!"

"Wow!! Impressive!"

"I know.  He also got a water barrel from the guy that has the washer. If there's anything else we need...we aint getting it!"

Mr. Thompson had to laugh at her.

"Well sounds like you guys should be prepped and ready now. How are you going to store the dry goods?"

"Well I have a pantry for that and for longer term, I just ordered some mylar bags and oxygen absorbers. That I'll store in totes. We picked up three of them, and I was going to make long term food kits out of them."

"Excellent, and you got plenty of canned meat at costco?"

"Yes, and some toiletries, bleach and hygiene items. Haru picked up a small tool kit and a good supply of otc meds. I have a couple of shoe boxed sized totes that they can go in."

"Ishmael, I think you have what you need young lady. How long do you think you guys can make it?"

"About 6 months if we ration things. I ordered 2 DIY hydroponic kits for some simple veggies."

"Yup, you guys will be fine. Don't forget about your OPSEC**."

"We won't. You know how paranoid Sean can get."

"True, true. Here, Marge wants to talk to you."

"Hello dear!"

"Hi Moms!"

"Are you alone dearheart?"

"Yes, the guys went to pick up some things."

"Good, good, Mel were you able to get a hold of a doctor for your birth control pills?"

"Yes, I called to see if I could just have something called in if I need to. I have my medical records. I had gotten an exam before I left and the doctor gave me a 6 month supply to allow me to get settled and find a doctor."

"Okay dear, I was just worried about that."

"Me too! The last thing I need is to be pregnant in the middle of SHTF!"

"Ha ha ha haaaaa, It happens dear! I'm more concerned about how heavy your periods can be, we also don't want you passing out either."

"I know.  That was one of the first things I made sure to take care of before leaving the states."

"So how are things with the boss/boyfriend?"

"Good grief mom! He is pretty cute though!"

Both of them had a good laugh.

"I got promoted to his assistant!"

"What?! So soon? Hon? Ishmael got promoted already!"

She could hear him in background hootin' and hollerin'. The Thompson's were the best second parents she could have asked for and Sean would agree. They were all one happy mixed family.

**OPSECoperations security  -  protect personal information, what you have and what your doing to ensure success and personal safety .

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