Thank You Universe

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The guys came back just as dinner finished cooking. They ate first, then the guys 

got busy unloading the vehicles. Haru and Sean warned her that the shelving units were dirty and that they had a surprise for her, but it had to wait. The wire units went straight to the shower to be cleaned. The pantry sat in front of the kitchen window and she would wash it down later. Her surprise? House plants that the guy gave them for free.

Two large fiddle leaf plants, three large snake plants, and three smaller plants. While the men worked on hooking up the washer, she washed the shelving units and dried them off as she wanted them assembled tonight if possible. The pantry unit had had syrup or something sticky wasted inside of it. Hot, soapy water took care of that. Finished cleaning the shelving, the guys had the washer installed. She had them clean out all the lint traps which were filthy and run an empty load with bleach water to disinfect it. The washer worked beautifully.

Haru and Sean tackled assembling the wire shelves. Without directions, it was almost impossible. Ishmael moved all the food they had gotten earlier out of the space the pantry unit would go into. She saw it fitting perfectly in the spot against the wall, on the other side of it she could put the drying racks for their clothes. It was going on 9 in the evening and they were all exhausted. Ishmael scrubbed down the bathroom so they could shower before bed. The guys let her go first as they wanted to play a quick came of mario cart, taking a break from the wire shelf nightmare. Shower done, their small house was coming together. Ishmael took her notepad with her to bed, she would work on a meal plan and shopping list for their time at the retreat next week.

Walking downstairs, the morning light was flooding the living area. Ishmael saw that the guys had assembled the wire shelves and put them in the large storage closet.  The kitchen pantry had been assembled also. Giving a silent cheer, she opened up the patio door for some fresh early morning air. Ishmael was thankful that there was a tall cement wall that blocked the house from the side street. In fact the house was kinda like a mini fortress. Surrounded by cement walls on three sides. She didn't know what to fix for breakfast. The guys would be on their own for lunch as she wouldn't be there. Before going to bed last night, they had plugged their garmins in. Checking the charge, they were almost full. She made a quick breakfast with eggs, sausages, rice and grilled fish. Ishmael gave the guys double portions in case they didn't get around to lunch. The smell of food brought down the sleepy heads.

"You look cute today little sis!"

"Thanks Haru."

"Why are you dressed up? It's Friday." He sat at the table, a fresh pot of coffee was waiting for him.

"Seo is taking me to check out the retreat, remember?"

"Oh yeah. When are you getting back?"

"Ohhhhh, I don't know. I made you guys extra for breakfast, you will be on your own for lunch."

"No lunch!!" Sean came into the kitchen. He was pouting and dragging his feet.  Ishmael ignored him.  They were both grown so they could figure it out on their own. 

"Thank you guys for setting up the cabinet and shelves! I'll come home and start getting things organized."

"Yeah we're going to get the hooks set up in the garage space and I want to put a new door on it. I don't like that it's mostly glass."

"Mn, yeah I thought about that."

The men finished their coffee and went to get ready for work. Today it didn't take them long as they just wore jeans and tshirts. Ishmael kept her hair simple today, ponytail with pieces down in front. Since they would be doing a lot of walking today, she just wore her sneakers. Bags ready and breakfast together they headed out. Haru had put his seats back in his vehicle so they all drove together in that.

"Hey sis? Don't forget to take your bag with you today."

"I won't ge. You guys do the same if you go out to lunch."

"So we have to carry these everywhere?"


"Did you guys have a chance to look through them? They have money in them so..."

"Money? How much?" Sean looked back at her from the passenger seat.

"$30 in small bills and coins."

"Hmm, I didn't even think about keeping cash on me." Haru winked at her in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, we get paid today don't we?" Ishmael had totally forgot that one important fact.


"I think we should keep some cash at the house, just in case."

"Good idea!"

"How do you guys keep saying the same thing at the same time!?!"

"Cause we're awesome little sis."

They all had a good laugh.

"I love you guys, I'm glad we did the house thing."

Haru pulled into the parking lot a little before 8. She needed to hurry if she was going to eat as Seo always did things 15 minutes early it seemed. The front door to the office was unlocked. Ishmael quickly looked down the hall and sure enough, Seo was there already. The trio went right to the break room. Setting things down, Ishmael went to make coffee and put on a pot of hot water, a now daily ritual. Sean was handing out the bentos when he came across an extra container.

"Who's this for?"


"Oooo really! See hon, she's making him breakfast!"

"So I see, how special!"

Ishmael just did a little dance and continued on. Someone had put dishes in the dishwasher, so she emptied it. First pot done, Sean poured him and Haru a cup as she went to get Seo.   His door was opened, but he was hard at work. Mel knocked, causing him to look up.

"You look nice."

"Thanks. Are you hungry?"


She nodded towards the kitchen and he joined her as they both went to the break area. Walking into the doorway, Sean yelled at them.



"Stay right there!"

Ishmael didn't know what Sean was doing, but he pulled his phone out and took a picture of them.

[Mel] "Are you serious right now?"

[Sean] "Sis, you two look really good next to each other. I'm not gonna lie."

[Haru] "His right little sis."

"I'm not even dealing with you two dweebs right now."

Seo took a seat next to her, his food and coffee was ready for him.

"Thank you again for breakfast!" Seo smiled at her, then dug in.

[Sean] "Yeah, she makes the perfect little wifey."

[Mel] "*Bi zui!"     {*shut-up}

[Seo] "That she does!"

[Haru] "Completely agree."

Ishmael dropped her chopsticks and crossed her arm as she glared at all three of them.

"I'm stuck with three of you dorks! Unbelievable..."

"You know he's the boss right little sis?"

"Yes, but right now I don't care and I'm lumping him in with the two of you!"

"Don't I have a say in this?!" Seo was so loving this as he smirked at her.

"No!" Ishmael's phone was ringing. "It's Moms...Mom? Is every-"

Ishmael quickly dropped the phone from all the screaming that was coming from it. It was so loud that all of them heard it and winced. She put the call on speaker, Mrs. Thompson's photo was on the screen. It was her making a silly face. "Mom?"

"Oh my gosh hon!! He's hot!"

"Mommo? What are you talking about?"

"Your boyfriend! That's what!"


"The picture of you and that handsome man next to you, that's who!!"

Ishmael looked at Seo then Sean and practically growled. "Did you send Mom that picture!?"

"Sure in the hell did!! He's still next to her Mom. They're spending the day together!"

"Oh you are such a little shit!!"

"Ahhaggghghhh! That's wonderful! About time you found someone to put up with your strong willed nature!!"

"Okay...first of all, he's my BOSS, not my boyfriend. Second, he's sitting right here and you're on speakerphone mom!"

"Yay! Good! Congratulations young man, she'll make a good wife once she warms up to you! Invite us to the wedding!!"

"Mom, I'm hanging up now love you bye."

Ishmael hung up and stared Sean down. "You little shit!"

Sean made a kissy face at her as he shook his shoulders. The guys cracked up laughing at her expense. She looked over at Seo. "Don't encourage him cause you're in the same boat he is!!"

"Yeah...but I'm the boss, remember?"

"Ah...but I don't care, remember?"

"You're turning red little sis." Haru was now able to stop laughing long enough to talk.

"I don't care. Keep on... I'll have Min-Min cook for you guys!"

They cleared their throats but kept chuckling.

"What did I do in my past life to deserve such embarrassment?!" Ishmael whispered to herself as they continued to chuckle. They finished breakfast and coffee. Haru and Sean, well mostly Sean, questioning Seo about mundane things. Ishmael cleaned up their dishes and put another pot of coffee on, looking at her watch, it was 8:45.

"It's 8:45, are you ready to go?"

"Oh, Yeah!" Again Seo was standing next to her.

"What time are you guys getting back?"  Sean was now the concerned brother.

"I'm not sure. If it's okay with you Ishmael, I want to take you to the grocery store after we check the place out. Hopefully, it will take some of the stress off of you if the food that you need is there beforehand."

"That's fine. If we're gone too long, I can always take the metro home."

"No, I'll drop you off."

"I can take the metro."

Now Seo was glaring at her.

"Thanks Seo! See you when he brings you home sis!" Sean gave Seo a wink. She was over and done arguing. Three against one were terrible odds. She handed Haru the bento tote bag.

"Ge? Will you take this home for me?"

"Yup. Enjoy your day little sis."

"Mn, Love you guys, see you later!"

Sean waved as he just took a sip of coffee. The two headed to the elevators. Ishmael had decided to take everything with her in case she was gone long. Getting on the elevator, she waved to Min as the door shut.

"Bye MelMel!"

Seo looked over at her. "Everyone in the office seems to really like you."

She smirked at him. "So it seems!"

A group of ladies from the offices a floor below them got on at the next stop.  Immediately they were whispering and giggling. Ishmael was ignoring them when one turned around to address her.

"Ms., I love your dress!"

"Oh thank you!"

"Are they really together?"
"I think so, it's my second time seeing them!"
"Ohhh they're so cute!"

Seo looked at them and smiled as Ishmael did her usual and remained quiet. Letting the ladies think she didn't speak Japanese. Walking out to his car, he opened the door for her.

"Oh thank you!"


Once he got in, she had questions for him.

"So how far is the retreat from the office?"

"A fewhours, it's outside the city in a nearby prefecture."

"I see, are you renting a van or are we going to carpool?"

"Hideki has rented a large enough van, it has room for 12 so that should be adequate."

"What do you have planned for us?"

"Not much. I just want to use this time for us to bond as a team and relax. The area is quiet and there is a park nearby and a garden that is tended by the people that own it."

"A garden! Are we able to use anything out of it?"

"Of course."

"Awesome! I can't wait to see the place! Thank you for doing this for us. Everyone is really looking forward to it!"

"They are?"

"Well yeah, the guys love working for you, it's just that you seem unapproachable sometimes."

"I see. What about you? Do you enjoy working for me?"

"Oh god I love it! You're not constantly up our asses or hovering over us. You trust us to do our jobs and we do just that."

"Well, you don't mince words."

"No, I try not too. Can I ask how the meeting with the leasing agent went?"

"Not good. I have till the end of the month to decide to renew the lease or not."

"I still say you should move. I know it will be a lot of work but you're not alone, we'll all pitch in to help move the office if need be. I know there's a building out there just waiting for you to put an offer on it!"

"Oh really?!"

"Oh yes! I'm sure of it! A single, double story at the most. Lovely surroundings with delicious local food close by. Lots of windows, so you'll need lots of plants and a fish tank! The space must be balanced as far as the elements go, very important!"

'Ha ha ha haaa you sound like my dad!"

"Good! You should listen to him!"

"So who is that lady that was on your phone while you were talking to your mom?"

"Oh, that's my mom, my second mom."

"Second mom?"

"Yeah, my folks were killed in a car accident when I was 16. The Thompson's had been our neighbors and really good friends with my parents. When they died, the Thompson's took custody of me. So they're my second parents."

"Can I ask why you and Sean consider yourself brother and sister?"

'Sure, I don't mind telling you. We met in the 3rd grade and have been friends ever since. Something happened with his parents when we were teenagers, so he stayed with me and the Thompson's. We went to college together where we got our first apartment together. So we just consider ourselves brother and sister. We don't expect everyone to get it."

"Hmm, I get it."

"So what are your parents like?"

" to explain it. They are like you and Sean."


"They bicker, but it's all in fun. They really get along well, they spend time outdoors or just sitting around reading. My dad loves woodworking, my mom loves to sew and garden. She used to be an actress and nurse and my dad a doctor after he got out of the military."

"Oh wow. Cool!"

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