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The two of them continued to chat while Ishmael took in all the sites Tokyo had to offer. She learned that Seo had a younger sister who had just started college and wanted to be either a fashion designer or illustrator. Ishmael also found out that Seo, just like his mom, loved to be outside and often helped her with her garden. Seo learned that Ishmael loved the outdoors, camping, plants and of course cooking.

Soon they reached Chiba prefecture. Driving through the small town, Ishmael noticed a train station along with a grocery store, a Daiso and even an ice cream/coffee shop. Seo continued to drive through towards what looked like the end of it as there were fewer houses. Passing a small little market, they finally came to the last houses before a beautiful area with a trail.  The road was so narrow that only one car could go down it.

Arriving at the 'retreat', it was a mix of modern and traditional with a simple drive and 2 stories. There were beautiful sections of stone and grass landscaping on the front. Beautiful hydrangeas flanked the front door.  Ishmael was already in love with it, she practically jumped out the car.

"Wow! This is beautiful! Love the hydrangeas!"


She waited for Seo as he took out his phone to call someone.

"We're here...okay.  This way, we'll meet the owners then go on a tour."


Ishmael quietly followed Seo into the front of the house to the large genkan area where they removed their shoes. 

"Bring your shoes with you."


Going through the house, there where large patio doors located at the back of it. Ishmael saw a black and white vintage photo of what she assumed were the owners sitting on a side table. She had to stop and have a closer look at it.  "Are these the owners?!"

Seo turned and saw her admiring the old photo.  He had to laugh at her.  "Yes, when they were in college."

"Awww, such a beautiful couple.  I can tell they're so in love and just have a wonderful time whenever their together!"

"Oh really?"

"Yes!  Look how happy they are!"

"The owners are out back, let's go."  Seo laughed to himself on the inside.


The outside was amazing, at least to Ishmael. She had a clear view of the garden he had mentioned earlier. Inside, the house was nicely decorated with open space and plenty of room. Off to the side, she glimpsed the kitchen which was open to the dining room and rest of the main house.

"Oh! I love that the kitchen is open to the rest of the house! Living room has lots of comfortable seating." She saw two large cushions on the floor, they looked like dog beds. "They have dogs!?"

Seo looked back at her again, a huge grin on her face as her brown eyes sparkled away.

"They do, but they will not be here. The owners will be gone while we are here."

"Oh." She sounded a little disappointed but understood. Not everyone liked dogs as much as she did. Nearing the patio that led to the back, Seo opened the door for her again. Shoes on, she stepped out, making a beeline for the garden before he could say anything. Out the corner of her eye, she saw two very large black shadows running towards her.

"KAI!!  THE DOGS!!" A woman screamed out.

Ishmael turned to see the large animals running towards her as if they were about to attack. Ishmael froze, not expecting the scene hurtling towards her. Seo tried to reach her, but she was further away than he thought.

"BOYS!" The man's voice had no effect on them.

"Sit!!" Ishmael stood her ground as she yelled out the single word command.   Her finger pointing to the ground, the large beasts responded and immediately complied.

"Joon! Help her!" The woman's voice sounded frantic, but Ishmael was so enamored with the large creatures that she didn't hear her. She leaned forward and patted her legs.

"Come here! Come here!" The large dogs trotted up to her, their stubby tails wagging away. They were so large that their heads were up to Ishmael's waist. She turned to Seo. "They're so cute!!" Her hands were instantly tangled in soft fur. "Pretty boys, who's pretty boys!!"

Both the dogs pranced around her, begging for pets but didn't dare jump on her.

The older couple finally reached her. The woman lightly slapping the man on the arm. "They could have eaten her!"

"Oh dear hush! Look at them, they are putty in her hands. Unbelievable...truly unbelievable."

Ishmael stood up and smiled at the couple as they smiled back. Seo was still standing there observing everything. Just as amazed as the couple was.

"Hello, is this your home? It's lovely and your garden is amazing!!" The dogs were still jockeying for attention. "Sit!" Butts hit the ground instantly and the beasts were sitting at attention.

"Well this must be her?" The man approached Ishmael and extended his hand. She approached him without hesitation to introduce herself.

"Ishmael Turner, Nice to meet you sir." Ishmael walked up to shake the woman's hand also when she was clamped in an unexpected hug.

"Ohhhhh!!! You are adorable!"

Ishmael didn't know what to do or if it was even safe to move as she stood there shocked. This was weird behavior for property owners.

"Mom, that's enough you're scaring her."

Ishmael's head whipped around at lighting speed. "MOM!...wait...what?!" Ishmael looked at the guy and back at the woman; who still had a death grip on her, then back at Seo. 


The woman had a huge smile as she finally let Ishmael go who promptly walked over to Seo and slapped him on the arm, just like his now mom, had done to his now dad.

"You dirty scoundrel! Why didn't you just say 'Hey we're going to visit my parents, we're staying at their house to chill..' Ishmael mimicked Seo's deep voice as she made a face and silly hand gestures.

Seo and his dad burst out laughing at her. His mom was still beaming.

"I like her!!"

"Uuh....thanks, but WE, are not together. He's my scoundrel of a boss!"

"Ohhh, 'boss' is just a label dear!"

"I don't believe this! Is the entire country of Japan working to hook us up?!?" Ishmael was beyond herself. She couldn't make stuff up like this drunk and yet it was happening in her current reality.

"Your Japanese is very good dear!" Now his dad was chiming in.

Ishmael walked up to Seo, who was even more taller than her since she didn't have on heels. She looked up at him with her hands on her hips. "You are such a brat!" She didn't care if his parents were there or not, she was going to let him have it.

"I know! Ready to see the rest of the house?"

His parents laughed at both of them as they reminded them of themselves when they were younger. Shock and chaos over, Ishmael shook it off as the dogs stuck to her like glue, further amazing his parents. She had dogs with her so she no longer cared what craziness Seo pulled anymore. His mom showed her everything about the kitchen. Ishmael was in love with the house and asked if she would finish showing her the garden. She was happy to while Seo and his dad stayed in the house to talk.

Walking back outside, the dogs took off to another part of the large yard, a luxury in Japan. "Everything is so lush and full! It reminds me of my mom's garden!"

"Oh thank you dear. You are welcomed to use whatever you'd like. Joonie told me that you are quite the cook!"

"Thank you! Oh!..." Ishmael had warmed up to his parents as they reminded her of the Thompson's. "Will you be here Tuesday? A little birdy told me that it's Joon's birthday, I see you have a grill in the patio area. I'm thinking bbq for lunch and katsu curry for dinner with a strawberry cheesecake!"

"Ooooo!! He's going to marry you on the spot!!" His mom erupted into laughter. "Yes! We're going to be gone Monday but we'll be back in time for lunch on Tuesday, will you serve dessert then? We are working on getting our cabin cleaned and stocked to spend the winter out there!"

"Awesome! Okay, I'll plan on doing a birthday lunch then. What are some things that he likes to eat!" Ishmael was jumping up and down and clapping. She had completely forgotten the fact that Seo had sprung the surprise of his parents on her. Ishmael had to admit that she was impressed with him. He didn't hesitate for a minute in introducing her to his parents. He was turning into serious boyfriend material. The possibility of giving him a chance was increasing. But why he was interested in her was the million dollar question. Whether or not she wanted an answer to it was still up in the air. But now, it was Friday and she wanted to get their house in order. His mom, who's name was Eun-jae, gave a list of things he liked to eat. Ishmael informed her that he was taking her to the grocery store afterwards, but she didn't know how to get stuff for his birthday without him getting suspicious. Eun-jae had an idea and the two ladies went back inside and to her office. There, Ishmael gave her a list of things she would cook and for how many. His mom would purchase it over the weekend and leave it in the fridge for her. Beef, chicken, sausage and squid. Cucumber salad, potatoes and various fruits for a fruit salad. Strawberries and ingredients for two strawberry cheese cakes.

Mission accomplished.

Seo and his dad walked through the house. His dad let him know that everything was ready for their guest and that the rooms would need to be shared. The bottom guest room wasn't set up for sleeping, so there was just the two upstairs. Due to the number of people, he requested that shower's be limited to less than 5 minutes per person. There were only a few areas that were off limits and that was their suite, office and his sisters room. His dad also warned him that his sister, Dae might come back home. If she did, he was to instruct her to spend the night but come up to their country home the next day so she wouldn't bother them.

"So, how has Ishmael done with the other guys at work?"

"They think she's great, she gets along with all of them and they get along great with her. Haru has even adopted her as his little sister."

"Wow. Is she any good at her job?"

"Dad, she scored the Akaiba and the Dontonbori deals."

"Wait. She did? That Akaiba has always been a tough sale!"

"I know, she's amazing dad. Confident and headstrong. Every meeting I've seen her conduct, she takes charge and gets results."

"Truly amazing. are things with Ito now that he's gone."

"I haven't heard from him and I don't want to. I certainly don't want him anywhere near her. Not after the crap he pulled."

"Understandable. So, are you planning on pursuing this relationship?"

"Yes. We're still in the employee/boss phase for now. I wanted you and mom to meet her first, then I would take things from there. It means a lot to me that you two would be accepting of her. Since she's black, I already know that not everyone will be."

"Mn. Why her?"

"You've met her...there's not much more for me to say. You always told me that if I met someone that was as headstrong and confident as mom, to hold onto her. So that's what I'm trying to do. Things will either work out between us or they won't."

"If they don't, how will that affect your working relationship."

Seo looked out into the garden as Ishmael and his mom talked. "I don't know dad. All I know is so far, she's the only one to fit that bill. Not only that but she's been encouraging me to move into my own building. She's been highly supportive, even went and purchased me clothes for the Dontobori meeting because I fell asleep at work and didn't have time to go home and change. That's part of the reason I want to take things slowly. She's just...I don't even know how to explain it. "

"Good! I've been telling you for months to move into your own facility. You just have to have faith son."

"Yup, she sounds just like you."

"Well, she definitely doesn't put up with your crap and she has a wonderful nature."

"Ha ha ha, no she doesn't take crap from anyone!"

"Me and your mother, obviously, don't have an issue with her or her race."

"Thanks dad."

"Mn, thanks for bringing her by."

Ishmael and his mom came from the back of the house, the large dogs right next to her. His dad let her know that things were ready for everyone and to enjoy themselves. Ishmael thanked them for their generous hospitality and let them know that their house would be cleaned before the group left.

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