Another Day Pt. 2

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I had no clue where this man was taking me but I didn't question him, I stared at his large form curiously while he dragged me along after him. His gaze drifted now looking at my small frame, warning me even about the area. “The 23rd Ward isn't very safe, especially when wondering around on your own. Shouldn't you be with your parents?” He said staring at me, I just kinda tilted my head wondering what was so dangerous about this place, I hadn't really seen anything happen. We kept walking for a bit until I stopped and began to look around before pulling away, I could smell something that seemed to bother me quite a bit. The man looked at me wondering if something was wrong before I ended up pulling away and quickly darting off at top speed. I looked around sniffing the air, my nose guiding me into an alleyway, leading me further into what was seemingly a pretty dark area. The walls of buildings seemed to be covered in strange images and such, I didn't know why or what these things were though didn't ask questions. I began to hear a noise before seeing someone get hit into a wall, I stared at the person and began to walk towards them, suddenly another figure appeared as they lunged at the person leaning against the wall while having had something seemingly sprouting from their back, they began to stab at the person allowing blood to splatter on the floor and walls. I kept staring smiling a little at the sweet scent of fresh blood, the figure then looked at me when the person stopped breathing. I didn't move, the figure's gaze seemed a bit agressive at first, they had black sclera and red irises which seemed vaguely familiar to me, though I didn't seem able to figure out why at the time. I slowly took a step forward wondering what they would do, the figure clearly tensed up at this most likely thinking they would have to fight. My eyes widened with shock at what I saw, something started to manifest around the figure's left shoulder going down their arm at the time which dripped with the blood of the man they had just killed. A strange red and blue color could be seen, I didn't know what it was, I kept staring at the thing that had manifested, it was very sharp and even had spikes coming out around the base near the shoulder, it stayed over the top of the figure's arm. They crouched ready to fight, I took a step back wondering if this was a bad idea. “ that?, How did you do that?....” I asked while the figure stared at me. “Your joking right?....., What sort of ghoul doesn't know how to use their own Kagune?” They said in an almost annoyed manner, I just blinked even more confused. “Ghoul?” The figure seemed to just get even more annoyed, they pointed the sharp object at me now. It seemed pretty long, it was like a blade of some sort, I decided to stop asking questions for now and tried to back away once more. My right eye started to feel a bit warm now, I gritted my teeth at the time and glared back at the figure. “I.... don't really know much......about ghouls....or anything.....about this world really....but.....your not a very nice guy.....” I began to feel immense pain coursing through my body before I felt unable to move for a few moments, I fell forward onto my knees thanks to this though afterwards, I could feel something warm coming from my lower back, it was almost like blood, my right arm had stiffened up while strange bloody redish pink spikes started to appear coming out of my sleeve now. The male ghoul stared at my figure a bit watching what was happening, they charged at me and swung the blade downwards toward my head, my right arm lifted up to block the blade, as it was soon met with something similar to the blade but also different at the same time. My head slowly lifted, a creepy smile appearing on my face, the male ghoul glared at me before looking at my hand, my eyes following his gaze caught sight of what had happened, my right arm had turned bigger and looked like a set of large pinkish purple claws, my fingers each looked like small blades of sorts, while spikes came up my arm to my shoulder and over it to my shoulder blade. I looked back at the male ghoul once more and took this chance to knock him away, swinging my arm, I felt such weight and force when moving it even just a little. It had been pretty heavy to move around but some how my arm wasn't being weighed down too much by it. I was very curious about that though I focused on the fight for now. The male ghoul glared at me now stumbling backwards a bit, he had been knocked back but not by much at all it seemed. He spoke to me in a different tone, it sounded much more cocky. “Heh, someone who doesn't even know what a ghoul is, or how to use their own Kagune properly isn't really a ghoul at all.” Hearing this made me a bit angry, my lack of knowledge wasn't my fault, I hadn't even recalled ever even hearing of the term ghoul before now. I ran at the male ghoul now to try and attack him, it wasn't easy at all. The male ghoul just stood there watching me before I had went flying past them when they stepped to the side, they swung again this time the blade went up while they slammed their elbow down onto the back of my neck. I felt even more pain when that happened, I hit the ground hard and slowly turned my head to the side to glare up at the ghoul. “Just because...I do not know what I am..... doesn't mean anything!” I said choking out each word due to the pain, my body was hardly able to move after that blow to the back of my neck almost as if I had been temporarily paralyzed which now left me vulnerable.

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