Another Day Pt. 3

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The male ghoul just laughed at me, his voice ringing loudly in my ears. “I wouldn't even consider you a ghoul, your far too weak to even be a threat to anyone, I would someone of your rank even survive here?” I felt my right arm starting to go numb at the time, a heavier weight than before lay on top of it. I panted gulping down each breath of air I could get ahold of, just to get enough air into my lungs. My whole body felt strange, most of it was numb and in a serious amount of pain, though I felt like I had blood coming from my lower back. “Your pretty strong..., Yet you don't even know how to fight..., Heh” The male ghoul said, suddenly before I could even try to speak I felt a piercing pain in my chest, I felt something warm on my new shirt as the front of it would be covered in blood, I could see blood coming from my mouth at this point. This pain he had just caused seemingly distracted me from how numb my body had become. I looked at the male ghoul and glared at him, the warm feeling in my lower back became even warmer now. I saw something come up behind the male ghoul before it wrapped around their neck squeezing tightly. Something shot a shard projectile into their shoulders, they scratched at the blade on the left shoulder and even bounced off but dug into the male ghoul's flesh on the right shoulder. I stared at the scarlet liquid coming from their shoulder as the scent of blood started to make me feel rather hungry, the male ghoul gritted their teeth and bit at the scaly thing around their neck. I winced in pain before two more of the strange scaly things appeared, they were covered in scales ranging from different shades of red, they waved around and stabbed at the male ghoul now as the first one had begun to disappear. I slowly tried to get up now feeling the numbness go away, the male ghoul had backed away to gain a bit of distance from me. I looked at myself struggling to stand up, my long black hair a bit of a mess from the fight. I stared at my hands before looking at the male ghoul, I had gotten up on one knee now. “Tch, your not welcomed here....” He said before running off. I just glared after him before looking at something that caught my eye, my eyes now widened at the sight of a small strange crystal looking thing on my back, it didn't move much but it was a nice color, the base was a bit of a yellowish orange color while it gradually turned to a brighter orange going up before the rest turned red. I almost gave a smile at the sight before looking at three strange red scaly tentacles, they were ranging from red of different shades though the base color was a bloody red. I thought they looked pretty cool, though once I began to calm down after what had just happened it all began to disappear fading away as if just a simple memory. I remembered something and looked over at the corpse that my attacker had left behind, they had on a familiar attire almost like the guy from earlier, I began to go over towards the body, not knowing why though I felt the need to eat. “They....had left the it's only right.... if I eat it....., Right?..” I said out loud, I could feel the pain fading now, though I think most of it went away when I had looked at those strange things coming from my body. Hungry after my first fight, and even more so after having unconsciously drawn out my kagune for the first time. Once reaching the body I stared at it before smiling, I bit into the leg first tearing off a rather large chunk of flesh and clothing at the time, I didn't care about it all that much I just wanted to satisfy my needs. Blood soaked cloth, chunks of human flesh, and wet sticky saliva slid down my throat, making me feel warm inside despite what had just transpired I swallowed large mouthfuls with each bite of flesh I took. My own saliva dripping onto the ground at the time as I ate filling my stomach to my heart's content, sometimes saliva even dripped onto the body itself, though I didn't mind it and just kept eating, until soon....there was nothing left to eat. I sighed and wiped my mouth now before laying down on the ground, I turned away from where the body had been not wanting to get my clothes any dirtier then they already were, and just closed my eyes. My stomach was now at least slightly filled thanks to the one who had been fighting the male ghoul before, I lay there covered in bloodied wounds from my attacker as someone came running from off in the distance. It seems that same investigator from before had found me again though he didn't like what he saw as I was surrounded in blood, the hole in my chest and back was very visible and it would almost appear to be what could have killed me. The man nearly thought that I myself had been killed until he saw that I was still breathing, unlike his friend who I had eaten the only traces left of them were the blood and a strange glowing weapon that had a few cracks in it, the man sighed before taking out their phone and calling headquarters as they had me rushed to the hospital knowing that I was in bad shape and thought that I would die if I didn't receive immediate medical attention.

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