New Faces

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I heard voices around me at the time, they all seemed to be asking and answering strange questions. “You say this girl was attacked by a ghoul?” The word ghoul rang and echoed in my mind, I remembered what that guy had said to me and thought about it. “Yes, I believe it was the same one that had killed Ojishi.” The second voice sounded familiar...., Though I couldn't recall who it was that was speaking, slowly my eyes opened and I began to look around, despite my blurry vision and bright lights. I saw two figures speaking at the time, I was in a room on some sort of bed, at the time. The two people were outside a window talking though they soon walked back into the room and saw me wide awake and staring at them. One of them sighed and went over towards me. “Running off like that was very dangerous...., If I hadn't found you, I don't think that you would even still be alive.” They said, the other person walked out of the room leaving us alone, the person speaking to me had a softer voice and was a bit calmer when they spoke but also very clear. They also seemed much slimmer and shorter in comparison to the person who had walked out of the room. I just turned my head away at the time and sighed. “I'm....not there is no reason to really worry.....” The person just stared at me quietly now. “You....saw it right?, How dangerous this place is?, Ghouls aren't someone you can trust at all.” She said, I glanced back over at her watching her carefully. “I....have heard this term....being said a lot.....ghoul.....what exactly is a ghoul?” I asked and slowly sat up, I winced slightly but shook it off for now, the memory of the battle still fresh in my mind. The woman looked at me and sighed shaking her head. “Even a child like you should know what a ghoul is. Ghouls are humanoid creatures that will stop at nothing to devour human flesh to satisfy their needs. They posses great physical capabilities, that far exceed that of a normal human. They have red and black eyes which we call a kakugan, they also have a predatory organ called a Koukahou, which houses many of their Rc cells that help them to prey on humans.” The woman stared at me, I was watching her carefully when she spoke drinking in everything she said, I wondered about all this, as she seemed to not like ghouls at all, she almost made them seem like they were evil. “Ghouls.......are......they really bad?” I asked being a bit naive towards the subject we were speaking about at the time, despite what I had been through and what I was being told now. “Of course they are!, They care nothing for human lives, to them, we are just food.” The woman shouted at me making me flinch a bit, I remained silent and looked away for now not wanting to make the woman shout at me again, I hadn't expected such a reaction from someone who looked so calm. Her face had looked to be twisted with such anger, her eyes held an angry fire within them, it had almost scared me to be honest, so I kept quiet not wanting to anger her again. The woman sighed and looked away now, before speaking once again though in a much softer tone this time. “Ghouls...... they're.......nothing but enemy to mankind......” She then walked out of the room leaving me to my thoughts. I sighed and closed my eyes while my thoughts buzzed around in my head for the time being. ‘None of this made sense...., Ghouls.......monsters?, humans seem to think so...., Humans....., To ghouls a human is food...., That male ghoul from before....I....think I heard them call him Knight....., But what does that mean?...., Earlier he said that I was also a ghoul...., Those eyes.....they looked I have the same?....what I saw before....were they real?’ I continued to question myself wondering just what sort of world I really lived in now. Everything seemed very confusing but at the same time very simple now, I opened my eyes and looked around before getting out of the bed I had been put in. I looked around at a few machines and such before seeing a screen with a bit of writing on it now. I tried to read what I saw outloud now “Rc cells?, 800?” I tilted my head at the strange words but tried not to question it much, as I had enough to think about already. I went to find my clothes wanting to put them on again, afterwards I walked out of the room and looked around seeing this place was full of very light blue and green walls they almost looked white to be fairly honest. I just kept walking and shook my head, my eyes started to hurt a bit so I looked at the ground, the bright colors were a bit too much for me. I looked down at my chest seeing the fabric of my new shirt had been stabbed through, I could clearly see my own flesh which had strange markings upon it as if the wounds had been forcefully closed by something and tied. It looked to be perfectly fine almost like nothing had even happened to me well despite the “weird markings”. Though I remembered feeling a strong pain there, I sighed before thinking back to the fight I had earlier. ‘Do I really need to fight to survive?, I still don't know what sort of world this is, but I'm starting to get some sort of clue about it. I order for me to be able to handle myself I should try and learn to fight....’ I thought while walking out of the strangely large building full of injured and sick humans, some even dead looking. I wasn't really bothered by them at all, I had just kept walking. I accidentally bumped into someone without looking, I shook my head before looking up at who the person was. “Sassan!” I heard someone say before looking at a man with grey hair and a white coat on the ground, a person with a blondish hair color went to help him up. “S-sorry” I said looking away, I didn't know these people but they were pretty weird. The grey haired man smiled at the blond haired one as he stood up. “It's alright Shirazu, I'm fine, sorry about that”
He said looking back at me. I tilted my head a bit as a strange scent drifted to my nose, these two were very strange. They smelled almost really good but their scent despite being very delicious smelling also seemed to make me feel rather weary around them, this confused me greatly as this didn't usually happen.

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