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(Y/n)'s POV:
I was awoken by angry shouting from outside I groan and looked at the time it was 6 in the morning. I then heard another yell but it was muffled so I don't know who was yelling. Since Tom and Tord hated each other I assumed it was them cause they would argue every time and sometimes ended up on a fist fights.
I'm kinda cranky when I'm sleepy and it was Saturday morning I liked taking long naps on Saturdays like this. I sigh and stretched hearing my bones pop I got off bed and walked downstairs to stop the racket and let me sleep in peace.
I saw Matt looking at the mirror busy admiring himself.

"Morning Matt where's Tom and Tord? " I asked politely.
He looked at me "In the kitchen" he said then back to looking at the mirror.

I thanked him and walked to the kitchen where the two boys are I held my hips and glared at the two. Tom was eating toast while Tord was eating cereal for breakfast they both look at me.


The two looked at me scared and confused at the same time but just then I heard Edd shouting from out side the house.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! " he yelled.

I face palm from what I just did and apologized at the two who was still scared at my sudden out burst and it was because it was the first time they saw me angry and yelled at them. I left the kitchen and headed outside even if I was on my (f/c) shirt and black shorts on and my hair on a messy bun (if your hair's short just change it). I saw Edd arguing at a guy wearing a green botton up shirt and a little older then Edd the guy seemed familiar but I shrugged it off.

"WHAT'S WITH ALL THE RACKET I'M TRYING TO SLEEP SO KNOCK IT OFF! " I yelled angrily glaring at the two.
"He started it! " Edd pointed at the guy who slap his finger away from him.
"Shut it stupid! You we're the one here who is talking like an idiot! " The guy argued.
"Of course I talk like an idiot how else can I talk to you!" Edd spat back.
"SHUT UP WILL YOU TWO! " I yelled trying to make them stop.

The guy glared at me like he wanted to see me dead.

"Why don't you make your 'boyfriend' shut up! Ugly! " he shouted.
"Excuse me Mister but I'm not a mirror! " I told him.

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it cause he can't think of a come back. Psh weak can't think of a quick comeback.
I rolled my eyes from his annoyance and grabbed Edd's arm and walked inside with him to stop this nonsense.

"Yeah Leave idiots! You two are just both scared! " he yelled.
I turn around to face him "I would make fun of you but I don't think you'll understand" I said.

I opened the door and walked in I collapse on the couch my head landing on Matt's lap he looked at me and smiled energetically.

"(Y/n)!" He joyfully greeted.

I smiled weakly and drifted to sleep cause of the energy I wasted on shouting and walking around to stop that idiotic fight.

Time lil Skip

I woke up Matt gone and a pillow on my head and a blanket on me to keep me warm.
I sat up and stretched Edd walked downstairs with a coke on hand he smiled and hugged me noticing I'm awake.

"Thanks for helping me out of that argument (Y/n) " he said.
"No problem Edd" I said as I hugged back.

We let go and he sat on the couch I sat down as well he turned on the TV and started watching (favorite show).

"Oh hey Edd who are we arguing with earlier? " I asked.
"Oh his name is Eduardo " he said.

I stayed silent.... Eduardo my brother's friend and the one who keeps bullying him why is he here and where's my brother?.... Just then I snapped out of my thoughts when Edd was waving his hand in front of my face trying to get me back on track.

"Heelllooo? Earth to (y/n)  ya there? " he teased.
"Huh?  Oh what is it Edd? " I asked.
"Are you okay?  Do you wanna talk about it? " he asked.
I sigh "it's about my brother...."
"You have a brother who? " he asked.
"Jon" I said. "The one who lives in Eduardo's house... He's my elder brother "
"Oh...but why do you care about him he's a jerk right? " Edd asked.

I shook my head no and stood up to take a bath cause I smell now.

"Well I'm just gonna take a shower I smell like garbage now" I said.

Edd chuckled and I climb upstairs I took out my (f/c) hoodie and my jeans. I took a towel and walked to the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and walked in my warm shower. I started thinking of my brother Jon....

"I helped him I supported him but still he left me was my caring not good enough for him? " I asked to myself.

I sigh and kept the water run down from my face to my feet I have so much questions but no answer from anyone.
I miss big brother

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