Story Time

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(Y/n)'s POV:
After taking a nice warm shower I walked downstairs seeing the guys watching tv slouched lazily on the couch.
I walked to the couch and slide on the middle beside Tom and Edd. Edd looked at me and smiled while Tom was startled from my sudden appearance without them noticing me. Everyone is watching tv and had bored expressions on their faces.
Edd took a sip from his cola and looked at me.

"So (Y/n), how come your brother is Jon? His rude and you're not" Edd asked.
"What?!  (Y/n) has a brother?? " Matt exclaimed shock.
"No Edd definitely didn't just said (Y/n)  had a brother" Tom sarcastically said.

Tord just stayed quiet and looked at me confused. I sigh and stood up and gestured them to follow me. They did and I sat down on the floor they sat down and in a circle and looked at me waiting for what I'll do.

"I guess it's story time... " I confirmed.
"Is it about ponies dancing on rainbow?! " Matt asked excitingly.
I giggled "no matt it isn't about ponies it's about my brother and me"


11 year old (Y/n)'s POV:
I was walking home peacefully. My brother said he's just gonna hang out with his friends so I have to walk home alone.
Just then I saw my brother being kicked on the hard cement floor all bruised up. I ran up to him picking up some rocks on the side walks.

"LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE! " I yelled at them as I throw rocks at them.
"Ugh you bitch! " the guy wearing a green shirt shouted as he covered his face to not get hit by the face.

I then used some of the larger rocks and threw it at them the one wearing a violet sweater and had a butt looking chin (no offence to people had chins like that) got hit on the eyes that gave him a black eye. He cried and ran away the one wearing a green shirt then looked at me angrily and grabbed me by the collar and pulled me up my feet leaving the ground.

"WHY YOU! " He shouted and was about to hit me with his fist when a police lady walked up and stopped him he drop me making me hit the ground.
"Now what do you think you're doing?!  She's 10 year old and your a 13 year old(cause you we're short sorry)  and you decided to bully her well not on my watch mister! " the police lady scowled.

She dragged the boy away to her police car as I ran up to my brother I kneeled down next to him and his nose bleeding a little and had bruises on his arms. I felt tears run down my face as I look at him pity and fear took over me.

"Brother are you okay?? " I hugged him gently not wanting to hurt him.

He smiled and hugged back I put his arm on my shoulder and help him walk home.
When we got home I put him on the sofa to relax and quickly ran to the bathroom to get the first aid kit.
I ran back to him and started cleaning up his bruises carefully trying not to hurt him cause he was already got hurt badly.

"Who are they big brother?  Why are they hurting you are they bad people? " I asked trying not to cry.
"They're my friends (Y/n)  they're doing that because I did something bad" he said.
I then cried "but you wouldn't do bad things and if you do mom would always forgive you" I told him.

He shook his head and smiled he placed his hand on my head as my tears roll down on my cheek. I look at him trying to understand everything.

"They're different (Y/n) their my friends you're too young to understand it " he explained and kissed my forehead to calm me down.

I nodded and continued cleaning his bruises.  I then smiled and put the cotton that had alchol down and put my pinky finger in front of him he looked at me questionly.

"Promise me you'll never leave me for them even if we have a fight!  Promise? " I asked my eyes twinkling.

Jon chuckled and wrap his pinky on mine and said promise but he didn't kept the promise.....

Time travel skip!  15 year old (Y/n)!

I was back from school when I saw my brother with another black eye and some bruises on him. I frowned and gave him a pillow and a blanket to warm him and make him comfortable.
I decided that I should make something for him to eat when he wakes up I made him some cookies fresh from the oven.

After I was finished I sat down on a chair and made myself coffee as I look at my brother sleeping.
Why would he hang out with those guys they're probably just using him...
I then saw him slowly woke up so I took the cookies and walk up to him. When he saw me he smiled softly I place the cookies on a table and hugged him he hugged back and I let go.
I gave him the cookies and he munched it. As I was eating some cookies with him I just couldn't help and ask him something I wanted to ask a long time ago.

"Brother why do you still hang out with your 'friends'?" I asked.
He looked at me chewing then swallowed "cause they're my friends and I wouldn't want to leave them"

I don't want to push it so I only nodded and smile weakly at him. I then look down on the floor a little upset.

"What's wrong (Y/n)? " he asked.
I look at him with teary eyes "you're not gonna leave me for them right? You promised me remember?" I asked.

His face drop to a frown. He stopped chewing and looked at me.

"(Y/n)  well you see... " he started then look down "I'm leaving"

I gasp I covered my mouth with my hands I then started crying.

"But... The pinky promise it's our brother and sister promise you can't break it! " I told him more tears coming out my eyes.

He only look down and said nothing. I hugged him not wanting him to leave but it's his choice not mine.

"Fine... But promise me I'll see you safe and in one piece" I told him.

He hugged back and said his words that I want to trust.

"I promise " he whispered.


"Then he left and I never saw him again after that but now I know Eduardo is our neighbor I wanted to give my brother a surprise visit would that be good Edd, Edd? " I said.

They we're crying Matt had a tissue on his hand blowing his nose Edd was crying hysterically and Tom and Tord was sobbing on each others hoodies.
I stood up and dust myself.

"Well I'm gonna watch Tv who wanna watch Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell 5?" I asked.

Tord then stood up happily and grab my hand dragging me to the couch and popping in the cd. And the movie started.

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