grammar police

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okay guys, so I try not to be too crazy about grammar (especially since, in this fandom, most of the characters do not care about grammar at all) but there's one thing that I have seen a lot in newsies stories and I just have to rant about it here, mainly because I'm annoying and none of my friends actually care XD

just a disclaimer that I'm not talking about any story in particular, and I'm not really even talking about this website, but I've seen it a lot on other fanfiction websites

so I understand that the newsies accents are very hard to get right (just look at Jack in Ransom, in one chapter he has a thick accent and in the next one it's basically nonexistant) but there is one thing that I cannot STAND when people misuse

and that would be the word 'you'se'

don't get me wrong, I have no problem with this word. it's accurate and it's a fine word

however, it is not a substitute for the word 'you'

'you'se' is the abbreviated term for 'you is'

that means that in a lot of the ways I've seen it used, it is incorrect

"You'se don't understand" means "You is don't understand" and that doesn't make sense

"Is you'se okay?" means "Is you is okay?" and that makes even less sense

"I love you'se" means "I love you is" and that's just... what??

I've seen all of these phrases and more used several times, and it just drives me insane

that's all I have to say about that, thank you for reading (or not reading) my crazy ranting over something that's not even about anyone on this website

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